Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 964.1 - Purpose.

The purpose of this part is to recognize the importance of resident involvement in creating a positive living environment and in actively participating in the overall mission of public housing.

§ 964.3 - Applicability and scope.

(a) The policies and procedures contained in this part apply to any PHA that has a Public Housing Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) with HUD. This part, except for subpart E, does not apply to PHAs with housing assistance payments contracts with HUD under section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937.

(b) Subpart B of this part contains HUD policies, procedures, and requirements for the participation of residents in public housing operations. These policies, procedures, and requirements apply to all residents participating under this part.

(c)(1) Subpart C of this part contains HUD policies, procedures, and requirements for residents participating in the Tenant Opportunities Program (TOP) (replaces the Resident Management Program under Section 20 of the United States Housing Act of 1937). Resident management in public housing is viable and remains an option under TOP.

(2) Subpart C of this part is not intended to negate any pre-existing arrangements for resident management in public housing between a PHA and a resident management corporation. On or after September 23, 1994, any new, renewed or renegotiated contracts must meet the requirements of this part, the ACC and all applicable laws and regulations.

(d) Subpart D of this part includes requirements for the Family Investment Centers (FIC) Program which was established by Section 22 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437t) to provide families living in public housing and Indian housing with better access to educational and employment opportunities.

(e) Subpart E of this part implements section 2(b) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437), which provides for resident membership on the board of directors or similar governing body of a PHA. Subpart E applies to any public housing agency that has a public housing annual contributions contract with HUD or administers tenant-based rental under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f).

(f) The term “resident,” as used throughout this part, is interchangeable with the term “tenant,” to reflect the fact that local resident organizations have differing preferences for the terms. Terms such as “resident council” and “tenant council” and “resident management” and “tenant management” are interchangeable. Hereafter, for ease of discussion, the rule will use the terms resident, resident council and resident management corporation, as appropriate.

[57 FR 43636, Aug. 24, 1994, as amended at 64 FR 56879, Oct. 21, 1999]
§ 964.7 - Definitions.

Annual Contributions Contract (ACC). A contract (in the form prescribed by HUD) under which HUD agrees to provide financial assistance, and the HA agrees to comply with HUD requirements for the development and operation of the public housing project.

Eligible residents for FIC. A participating resident of a participating HA. If the HA is combining FIC with the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program, the term also means Public Housing FSS and Section 8 families participating in the FSS program. Although Section 8 FSS families are eligible residents for FIC, they do not qualify for income exclusions that are provided for public housing residents participating in employment and supportive service programs.

Family Investment Centers (FIC). A facility on or near public housing which provides families living in public housing with better access to educational and employment opportunities to achieve self-sufficiency and independence.

FIC service coordinator. Any person who is responsible for:

(1) Determining the eligibility and assessing needs of families to be served by the FIC;

(2) Assessing training and service needs of eligible residents;

(3) Working with service providers to coordinate the provision of services on a HA-wide or less than HA-wide basis, and to tailor the services to the needs and characteristics of eligible residents;

(4) Mobilizing public and private resources to ensure that the supportive services identified can be funded over the five-year period, at least, following the initial receipt of funding.

(5) Monitoring and evaluating the delivery, impact, and effectiveness of any supportive service funded with capital or operating assistance under the FIC program;

(6) Coordinating the development and implementation of the FIC program with other self-sufficiency programs, and other education and employment programs; and

(7) Performing other duties and functions that are appropriate for providing eligible residents with better access to educational and employment opportunities.

HA means the same as Public Housing Agency (PHA).

Management. All activities for which the HA is responsible to HUD under the ACC, within the definition of “operation” under the Act and the ACC, including the development of resident programs and services.

Management contract. A written agreement between a resident management corporation and a HA, as provided by subpart C.

Public Housing Agency (PHA) is defined in 24 CFR part 5.

Public housing development (Development). The term “development” has the same meaning as that provided for “low-income housing project” as that term is defined Section 3(b)(1) of the Act.

Resident management. The performance of one or more management activities for one or more projects by a resident management corporation under a management contract with the HA.

Resident management corporation. An entity that proposes to enter into, or enters into, a contract to manage one or more management activities of a HA.

Resident-owned business. Any business concern which is owned and controlled by public housing residents. (The term “resident-owned business” includes sole proprietorships.) For purposes of this part, “owned and controlled” means a business:

(1) Which is at least 51 percent owned by one or more public housing residents; and

(2) Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more such individuals.

Supportive services for FIC. New or significantly expanded services that are essential to providing families living with children in public housing with better access to educational and employment opportunities to achieve self-sufficiency and independence.

Tenant Opportunities Program (TOP). The TOP program is designed to prepare residents to experience the dignity of meaningful work, to own and operate resident businesses, to move toward financial independence, and to enable them to choose where they want to live and engage in meaningful participation in the management of housing developments in which they live. Financial assistance in the form of technical assistance grants is available to RCs/RMCs to prepare to manage activities in their public housing developments.

Vacant unit under FIC. A dwelling unit that is not under an effective lease to an eligible family. An effective lease is a lease under which an eligible family has a right to possession of the unit and is being charged rent, even if the amount of any utility allowance equals or exceeds the amount of a total resident payment that is based on income and, as a result, the amount paid by the family to the HA is zero.

[59 FR 43636, Aug. 24, 1994, as amended at 61 FR 5215, Feb. 9, 1996]
§ 964.11 - HUD policy on tenant participation.

HUD promotes resident participation and the active involvement of residents in all aspects of a HA's overall mission and operation. Residents have a right to organize and elect a resident council to represent their interests. As long as proper procedures are followed, the HA shall recognize the duly elected resident council to participate fully through a working relationship with the HA. HUD encourages HAs and residents to work together to determine the most appropriate ways to foster constructive relationships, particularly through duly-elected resident councils.

§ 964.12 - HUD policy on the Tenant Opportunities Program (TOP).

HUD promotes TOP programs to support activities that enable residents to improve the quality of life and resident satisfaction, and obtain other social and economic benefits for residents and their families. Tenant opportunity programs are proven to be effective in facilitating economic uplift, as well as in improving the overall conditions of the public housing communities.

§ 964.14 - HUD policy on partnerships.

HUD promotes partnerships between residents and HAs which are an essential component to building, strengthening and improving public housing. Strong partnerships are critical for creating positive changes in lifestyles thus improving the quality of life for public housing residents, and the surrounding community.

§ 964.15 - HUD policy on resident management.

It is HUD's policy to encourage resident management. HUD encourages HAs, resident councils and resident management corporations to explore the various functions involved in management to identify appropriate opportunities for contracting with a resident management corporation. Potential benefits of resident-managed entities include improved quality of life, experiencing the dignity of meaningful work, enabling residents to choose where they want to live, and meaningful participation in the management of the housing development.

§ 964.16 - HUD role in activities under this part.

(a) General. Subject to the requirements of this part and other requirements imposed on HAs by the ACC, statute or regulation, the form and extent of resident participation including resident management are local decisions to be made jointly by resident councils/resident management corporations and their HAs. HUD will promote tenant participation and tenant opportunities programs, and will provide additional guidance, as necessary and appropriate. In addition, HUD will endeavor to provide technical assistance in connection with these initiatives.

(b) Monitoring. HUD shall ensure that the requirements under this part are operating efficiently and effectively.

§ 964.18 - HA role in activities under subparts B & C.

(a) HAs with 250 units or more. (1) A HA shall officially recognize a duly elected resident council as the sole representative of the residents it purports to represent, and support its tenant participation activities.

(2) When requested by residents, a HA shall provide appropriate guidance to residents to assist them in establishing and maintaining a resident council.

(3) A HA may consult with residents, or resident councils (if they exist), to determine the extent to which residents desire to participate in activities involving their community, including the management of specific functions of a public housing development that may be mutually agreeable to the HA and the resident council/resident management corporation.

(4) A HA shall provide the residents or any resident council with current information concerning the HA's policies on tenant participation in management.

(5) If requested, a HA should provide a duly recognized resident council office space and meeting facilities, free of charge, preferably within the development it represents. If there is no community or rental space available, a request to approve a vacant unit for this non-dwelling use will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

(6) If requested, a HA shall negotiate with the duly elected resident council on all uses of community space for meetings, recreation and social services and other resident participation activities pursuant to HUD guidelines. Such agreements shall be put into a written document to be signed by the HA and the resident council. If a HA fails to negotiate with a resident council in good faith or, after negotiations, refuses to permit such usage of community space, the resident council may file an informal appeal with HUD, setting out the circumstances and providing copies of relevant materials evidencing the resident council's efforts to negotiate a written agreement. HUD shall require the HA to respond with a report stating the HA's reasons for rejecting the request or for refusing to negotiate. HUD shall require the parties (with or without direct HUD participation) to undertake or to resume negotiations on an agreement. If no resolution is achieved within 90 days from the date HUD required the parties to undertake or resume such negotiations, HUD shall serve notice on both parties that administrative remedies have been exhausted (except that, pursuant to mutual agreement of the parties, the time for negotiations may be extended by no more than an additional 30 days).

(7) In no event shall HUD or a HA recognize a competing resident council once a duly elected resident council has been established. Any funding of resident activities and resident input into decisions concerning public housing operations shall be made only through the officially recognized resident council.

(8) The HA shall ensure open communication and frequent meetings between HA management and resident councils and shall encourage the formation of joint HA management-resident committees to work on issues and planning.

(9) The resident council shall hold frequent meetings with the residents to ensure that residents have input, and are aware and actively involved in HA management-resident council decisions and activities.

(10) The HA and resident council shall put in writing in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding the elements of their partnership agreement and it shall be updated at least once every three (3) years.

(11) The HA, in collaboration with the resident councils, shall assume the lead role for assuring maximum opportunities for skills training for public housing residents. To the extent possible, the training resources should be local to ensure maximum benefit and on-going access.

(b) HAs with fewer than 250 units. (1) HAs with fewer than 250 units of public housing have the option of participating in programs under this part.

(2) HAs shall not deny residents the opportunity to organize. If the residents decide to organize and form a resident council, the HA shall comply with the following:

(i) A HA shall officially recognize a duly elected resident council as the sole representative of the residents it purports to represent, and support its tenant participation activities.

(ii) When requested by residents, a HA shall provide appropriate guidance to residents to assist them in establishing and maintaining a resident council.

(iii) A HA shall provide the residents or any resident council with current information concerning the HA's policies on tenant participation in management.

(iv) In no event shall HUD or a HA officially recognize a competing resident council once a duly elected resident council has been established. If a duly elected resident council has been formed, any input into changes concerning public housing operations shall be made only through the officially recognized resident council.

§ 964.24 -

HUD promotes Family Investment Centers which provide better access to educational and employment opportunities for residents living in public housing. HUD encourages resident involvement in the FIC Program and promotes resident-HA partnerships to achieve mutual goals.

§ 964.30 - Other Program requirements.

In addition to the requirements set forth in 24 CFR part 5, the following Federal requirements apply to this program:

(a) Affirmative Outreach. (1) The Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Program requirements of 24 CFR part 200, subpart M and the implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 108; and

(2) The fair housing advertising and poster guidelines at 24 CFR parts 109 and 110.

(b) Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12131) and implementing regulations at 28 CFR part 35.

[61 FR 5216, Feb. 9, 1996]
source: 59 FR 43636, Aug. 24, 1994, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 964.7