Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 881.501 - The contract.

(a) Contract. The Housing Assistance Payments Contract sets forth rights and duties of the owner and the contract administrator with respect to the project and the housing assistance payments. The owner and contract administrator execute the Contract in the form prescribed by HUD upon satisfactory completion of the project.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Housing assistance payments to owners under the contract. The housing assistance payments made under the Contract are:

(1) Payments to the owner to assist eligible families leasing assisted units, and

(2) Payments to the owner for vacant assisted units (“vacancy payments”) if the conditions specified in § 881.611 are satisfied.

The housing assistance payments are made monthly by the contract administrator upon proper requisition by the owner, except payments for vacancies of more than 60 days, which are made semi-annually by the contract administrator upon requisition by the owner.

(d) Amount of housing assistance payments to owner. (1) The amount of the housing assistance payment made to the owner of a unit being leased by an eligible family is the difference between the contract rent for the unit and the tenant rent payable by the family.

(2) A housing assistance payment will be made to the owner for a vacant assisted unit in an amount equal to 80 percent of the contract rent for the first 60 days of vacancy, subject to the conditions in § 881.611. If the owner collects any tenant rent or other amount for this period which, when added to this vacancy payment, exceeds the contract rent, the excess must be repaid as HUD directs.

(3) For a vacancy that exceeds 60 days, a housing assistance payment for the vacant unit will be made, subject to the conditions in § 881.611, in an amount equal to the principal and interest payments required to amortize that portion of the debt attributable to the vacant unit for up to 12 additional months.

(e) Payment of utility reimbursement. Where applicable, the Utility Reimbursement will be paid to the Family as an additional Housing Assistance Payment. The Contract will provide that the Owner will make this payment on behalf of the contract administrator. Funds for this purpose will be paid to the Owner in trust solely for the purpose of making the additional payment. If the Family and the utility company consent, the Owner may pay the Utility Reimbursement jointly to the Family and the utility company or directly to the utility company.

[45 FR 7085, Jan. 31, 1980, as amended at 49 FR 19944, May 10, 1984; 61 FR 13591, Mar. 27, 1996]
§ 881.502 - Term of contract.

(a) Term (except for Manufactured Home Parks). The term of the Contract will be as follows:

(1) Where the estimated cost of the rehabilitation is less than 25 percent of the estimated value of the project after completion of the rehabilitation, the contract will be for a term of 20 years for any dwelling unit.

(2) Where the estimated cost of rehabilitation is 25 percent or more of the estimated value of the project after completion of rehabilitation, the contract may be for a term which:

(i) Will cover the longest term, but not less than 20 years, of a single credit instrument covering:

(A) The cost of rehabilitation, or

(B) The existing indebtedness, or

(C) The cost of rehabilitation and the refinancing of the existing indebtedness, or

(D) The cost of rehabilitation and the acquisition of the property; and

(ii) For assisted units in a project financed with the aid of a loan insured or co-insured by the Federal government or a loan made, guaranteed or intended for purchase by the Federal government, will be 20 years for any dwelling unit; or

(iii) For units in a project financed other than as described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section will not exceed 30 years for any dwelling unit except that this limit will be 40 years if (A) the project is owned or financed by a loan or loan guarantee from a state or local agency, (B) the project is intended for occupancy by non-elderly families and (C) the project is located in an area designated by HUD as one requiring special financing assistance.

(b) Term for manufactured home parks. For manufactured home units or spaces in substantially rehabilitated manufactured home parks, the term of the Contract will be 20 years.

(c) Staged projects. If the project is completed in stages, the term of the Contract must relate separately to the units in each stage. The total Contract term for the units in all stages, beginning with the effective date of the Contract for the first stage, may not exceed the overall maximum term allowable for any one unit under this section, plus two years.

[48 FR 12707, Mar. 28, 1983, and 49 FR 17449, Apr. 24, 1984]
§ 881.503 - Cross-reference.

All of the provisions of §§ 880.503, 880.504, 880.505, 880.506, 880.507, and 880.508 of this chapter apply to projects assisted under this part, subject to the requirements of § 881.104.

[61 FR 13592, Mar. 27, 1996]
source: 45 FR 7085, Jan. 31, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 881.501