Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 883.601 - Applicability.

The provisions of this subpart apply to new construction and substantial rehabilitation projects using contract authority allocated under subpart B, Allocation and Assignment of Contract Authority, or processed and constructed under subpart D, Fast Track Procedures.

§ 883.602 - The contract.

(a) Contract. The Housing Assistance Payments Contract sets forth rights and duties of the owner and State Agency with respect to the project and the Housing Assistance payments.

(b) Housing Assistance Payments to Owners under the Contract. The Housing Assistance Payments made under the Contract are:

(1) Payments to the owner to assist eligible families leasing assisted units, and

(2) Payments to the owner for vacant assisted units (“vacancy payments”) if the conditions specified in § 880.611 of this chapter are satisfied.

The housing assistance payments are made monthly by the State Agency upon proper requisition by the owner, except payments for vacancies of more than 60 days, which are made semi-annually by the Agency upon proper requisition by the owner.

(c) Amount of Housing Assistance Payments to the Owner. (1) The amount of the housing assistance payments made to the owner of a unit being leased by an eligible family is the difference between the contract rent for the unit and the tenant rent payable by the family.

(2) A housing assistance payment will be made to the owner for a vacant assisted unit in an amount equal to 80 percent of the contract rent for the first 60 days of vacancy, subject to the conditions in § 880.611 of this chapter. If the owner collects any tenant rent or other amount for this period which, when added to this vacancy payment, exceeds the contract rent, the excess must be repaid as the Agency directs in accordance with HUD guidelines.

(3) For a vacancy that exceeds 60 days, a housing assistance payment for the vacant unit will be made, subject to the conditions in § 880.611 of this chapter, in an amount equal to the principal and interest payments required to amortize that portion of the debt attributable to the vacant unit for up to 12 additional months.

(d) Payment of utility reimbursement. Where applicable, the Utility Reimbursement will be paid to the Family as an additional Housing Assistance Payment. The Contract will provide that the Owner will make this payment on behalf of the Agency. Funds will be paid to the Owner in trust solely for the purpose of making this additional payment. If the Family and the utility company consent, the Owner may pay the Utility Reimbursement jointly to the Family and the utility company or directly to the utility company.

[45 FR 6889, Jan. 30, 1980, as amended at 49 FR 19946, May 10, 1984; 61 FR 13593, Mar. 27, 1996]
§ 883.603 - Term of contract.

(a) New Construction. The term of the Contract will be governed by the following provisions:

(1) For assisted units in a project financed with the aid of a loan insured by the Federal government (including coinsurance under Section 244 of the National Housing Act) or a loan made, guaranteed or intended for purchase by the Federal government and for assisted units in newly constructed manufactured home parks, the term of the Contract will be 20 years.

(2) For assisted units in a project owned by or financed by a loan or loan guarantee from a State or local agency, where the assisted units are intended for occupancy by non-elderly families and where it is located in an area designated by the Assistant Secretary as one requiring special financial assistance, the Contract will be for an initial term of 20 years for any dwelling unit, with provision for renewal for additional terms of not more than 5 years each. The total term of initial and renewal terms will not exceed the lesser of (i) 40 years for any dwelling unit, or (ii) the term of the permanent financing (but not less than 20 years).

(3) For assisted units in all other projects, the Contract will be for an initial term of 20 years for any dwelling unit, with provision for renewal for additional terms of not more than 5 years each. The total term of initial and renewal terms will not exceed the lesser of (i) 30 years for any dwelling unit, or (ii) the term of the permanent financing (but not less than 20 years).

(b) Substantial Rehabilitation. The Contract will be for a term which is consistent with paragraph (b)(1) and with paragraph (b) (2), (3), or (4) of this section.

(1) The Contract term will cover the longest term, but not less than 20 years, of a single credit instrument covering:

(i) The cost of rehabilitation or

(ii) The existing indebtedness, or

(iii) The cost of rehabilitation and the refinancing of the existing indebtedness, or

(iv) The cost of rehabilitation and the acquisition of the property; and

(2) For assisted units in a project financed with the aid of a loan (including coinsurance under Section 244 of the National Housing Act), or a loan made, guaranteed or intended for purchase by the Federal Government, and for assisted units in a substantially rehabilitated manufactured home park, the term of the Contract will not exceed 20 years; or

(3) For assisted units in a project owned or financed by a loan or loan guarantee from a State or local agency where the assisted units are intended for occupancy by non-elderly families and where it is located in an area designated by the Assistant Secretary as one requiring special financial assistance, the Contract will be for an initial term of 20 years for any dwelling unit. There will be a provision for renewal for additional terms of not more than 5 years each. The total of initial and renewal terms will not exceed the lesser of (i) 40 years for any dwelling unit, or (ii) the term of the permanent financing (but not less than 20 years); or

(4) For assisted units in projects financed other than as described in paragraph (b) (2) or (3) of this section, the Contract will be for an initial term of 20 years for any dwelling unit. There will be a provision for renewal for additional terms of not more than 5 years each. The total of initial and renewal terms will not exceed the lesser of (i) 30 years for any dwelling unit, or (ii) the term of the permanent financing (but not less than 20 years).

(c) Staged Projects. If a project is completed in stages, the term of the Contract must relate separately to the units in each stage unless the Agency and the owner agree that only the units in the first stage will be assisted for the maximum term of the Contract. The total Contract term, for the units in all stages, beginning with the effective date of the Contract for the first stage, may not exceed the overall maximum term allowable for any one unit under this section, plus two years.

[45 FR 56327, Aug. 22, 1980, as amended at 48 FR 12710, Mar. 28, 1983; 49 FR 17449, Apr. 24, 1984]
§ 883.604 - Maximum annual commitment and project account.

(a) Maximum annual commitment. The maximum annual contribution that may be contracted for in the ACC is the total of the contract rents and utility allowances for all assisted units in the project, plus the HUD-approved fees, if any, for State Agency administration of the Contract. (See § 883.606)

(b) Project Account. (1) A project account will be established and maintained by HUD as a specifically identified and segregated account for each project. The account will be established out of the amounts by which the maximum annual commitment exceeds the amount actually paid out under the ACC each year. Payments will be made from this account for housing assistance payments (and fees for Agency admininstration, if appropriate) when needed to cover increases in contract rents or decreases in tenant rents and for other costs specifically approved by the Secretary.

(2) Whenever a HUD-approved estimate of required payments under the ACC for a fiscal year exceeds the maximum annual commitment and would cause the amount in the project account to be less than 40 percent of the maximum, HUD will, within a reasonable period of time, take such additional steps authorized by Section 8(c)(6) of the 1937 Act, as may be necessary, to assure that payments under the ACC will be adequate to cover increases in contract rents and decreases in tenant rents.

[45 FR 6889, Jan. 30, 1980, as amended at 61 FR 13593, Mar. 27, 1996]
§ 883.605 - Leasing to eligible families.

The provisions of 24 CFR 880.504 apply to this section, including reference at 24 CFR 880.504(f) to the requirements of 24 CFR part 5, subpart L (Protection for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking), subject to the requirements of § 883.105.

[81 FR 80813, Nov. 16, 2016]
§ 883.606 - Administration fee.

(a) The State Agency is responsible for administration of the Contract subject to periodic review and audit by HUD.

(b) The Agency is entitled to a reasonable fee, determined by HUD, for administering a Contract on newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated units provided there is no override on the permanent loan granted by the Agency to the owner for a project containing assisted units.

§ 883.607 - Default by owner and/or agency.

(a) Rights of Owner if Agency defaults under Agreement or Contract. The ACC, the Agreement and the Contract will provide that, in the event of failure of the Agency to comply with the Agreement or Contract with the owner, the owner will have the right, if he/she is not in default, to demand that HUD investigate. HUD will first give the Agency a reasonable opportunity to take corrective action. If HUD determines that a substantial default exists, HUD will assume the Agency's rights and obligations under the Agreement or Contract and meet the obligations of the Agency under the Agreement or Contract including the obligation to enter into the Contract.

(b) Rights of HUD if Agency defaults under ACC. The ACC will provide that, if the Agency fails to comply with any of its obligations, HUD may determine that there is a substantial default and require the Agency to assign to HUD all of its rights and interests under the Contract; however, HUD will continue to pay annual contributions in accordance with the terms of the ACC and the Contract. Before determining that an Agency is in substantial default, HUD will give the Agency a reasonable opportunity to take corrective action.

(c) Rights of Agency and HUD if Owner defaults under Contract. (1) The Contract will provide that if the Agency determines that the owner is in default under the Contract, the Agency will notify the owner, and lender, if applicable, with a copy to HUD,

(i) Of the actions required to be taken to cure the default,

(ii) Of the remedies to be applied by the Agency including specific performance under the Contract, abatement of housing assistance payments and recovery of overpayments, where appropriate; and

(iii) That, if he/she fails to cure the default, the Agency has the right to terminate the Contract or to take other corrective action, in its discretion.

(2) If the Agency provided the permanent financing, the Contract will also provide that HUD has an independent right to determine whether the owner is in default and to take corrective action and apply appropriate remedies, except that HUD will not have the right to terminate the Contract without proceeding in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

§ 883.608 - Notice upon contract expiration.

The provisions of § 880.508 of this chapter apply, subject to the requirements of § 883.105.

[61 FR 13593, Mar. 27, 1996]
source: 45 FR 6889, Jan. 30, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 883.608