Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 891.400 - Responsibilities of owner.

(a) Marketing. (1) The Owner must commence and continue diligent marketing activities not later than 90 days before the anticipated date of availability of the first unit or occupancy of the group home. Market activities shall include the provision of notices of the availability of housing under the program to operators of temporary housing for the homeless in the same housing market.

(2) Marketing must be done in accordance with a HUD-approved affirmative fair housing marketing plan and all Federal, State or local fair housing and equal opportunity requirements. The purpose of the plan and requirements is to achieve a condition in which eligible households of similar income levels in the same housing market area have a like range of housing choices available to them regardless of discriminatory considerations such as their race, color, creed, religion, familial status, disability, sex or national origin.

(3) At the time of PRAC execution, the Owner must submit to HUD a list of leased and unleased assisted units (or in the case of a group home, leased and unleased residential spaces) with a justification for the unleased units or residential spaces, in order to qualify for vacancy payments for the unleased units or residential spaces.

(b) Management and maintenance. The Owner is responsible for all management functions. These functions include selection and admission of tenants, required reexaminations of incomes for households occupying assisted units or residential spaces, collection of tenant payments, termination of tenancy and eviction, and all repair and maintenance functions (including ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and replacement of capital items). All functions must be performed in compliance with equal opportunity requirements.

(c) Contracting for services. (1) With HUD approval, the Owner may contract with a private or public entity for performance of the services or duties required in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. However, such an arrangement does not relieve the Owner of responsibility for these services and duties. All such contracts are subject to the restrictions governing prohibited contractual relationships described in § 891.130. (These prohibitions do not extend to management contracts entered into by the Owner with the Sponsor or its nonprofit affiliate.)

(2) Consistent with the objectives of Executive Order No. 11625 (36 FR 19967, 3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 616; as amended by Executive Order No. 12007 (42 FR 42839, 3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 139)); Executive Order No. 12432 (48 FR 32551, 3 CFR, 1983 Comp., p. 198); and Executive Order No. 12138 (44 FR 29637, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 393; as amended by Executive Order No. 12608 (52 FR 34617, 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 245)), the Owner will promote awareness and participation of minority and women's business enterprises in contracting and procurement activities.

(d) Submission of financial and operating statements. The Owner must submit to HUD:

(1) Within 60 days after the end of each fiscal year of project operations, financial statements for the project audited by an independent public accountant and in the form required by HUD; and

(2) Other statements regarding project operation, financial conditions and occupancy as HUD may require to administer the PRAC and to monitor project operations.

(e) Use of project funds. The Owner shall maintain a separate interest bearing project fund account in a depository or depositories which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund and shall deposit all tenant payments, charges, income and revenues arising from project operation or ownership to this account. All project funds are to be deposited in Federally insured accounts. All balances shall be fully insured at all times, to the maximum extent possible. Project funds must be used for the operation of the project (including required insurance coverage), and to make required deposits to the replacement reserve under § 891.405, in accordance with HUD-approved budget. Any remaining project funds in the project funds account (including earned interest) following the expiration of the fiscal year shall be deposited in a Federally-insured residual receipts account within 60 days following the end of the fiscal year. Withdrawals from this account may be made only for project purposes and with the approval of HUD. If there are funds remaining in the residual receipts account when the mortgage is satisfied, such funds shall be returned to HUD.

(f) Reports. The Owner shall submit such reports as HUD may prescribe to demonstrate compliance with applicable civil rights and equal opportunity requirements. See § 891.410(a).

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2502-0470)
§ 891.405 - Replacement reserve.

(a) Establishment of reserve. The Owner shall establish and maintain a replacement reserve to aid in funding extraordinary maintenance and repair and replacement of capital items.

(b) Deposits to reserve. The Owner shall make monthly deposits to the replacement reserve in an amount determined by HUD.

(c) Level of reserve. The reserve must be built up to and maintained at a level determined by HUD to be sufficient to meet projected requirements. Should the reserve reach that level, the amount of the deposit to the reserve may be reduced with the approval of HUD.

(d) Administration of reserve. Replacement reserve funds must be deposited with HUD or in a Federally-insured depository in an interest-bearing account(s) whose balances(s) are fully insured at all times. All earnings including interest on the reserve must be added to the reserve. Funds may be drawn from the reserve and used only in accordance with HUD guidelines and with the approval of, or as directed by, HUD. With HUD approval, reserves may be used to reduce the number of dwelling units, provided that the purpose for the reduction is the retrofitting of obsolete or unmarketable units.

[61 FR 11956, Mar. 22, 1996, as amended at 68 FR 67321, Dec. 1, 2003]
§ 891.410 - Selection and admission of tenants.

(a) Written procedures. The Owner shall adopt written tenant selection procedures that ensure nondiscrimination in the selection of tenants and that are consistent with the purpose of improving housing opportunities for very low-income elderly persons and persons with disabilities (as applicable); and reasonably related to program eligibility and an applicant's ability to perform the obligations of the lease. Owners shall promptly inform in writing any rejected applicant of the grounds for any rejection. Additionally, Owners shall maintain a written, chronological waiting list showing the name, race, gender, ethnicity, and date of each person applying for the program.

(b) Application for admission. The Owner must accept applications for admission to the project in the form prescribed by HUD, and (under the Section 202 Program only) is obligated to confirm all information provided by applicant families on the application. Applicant households applying for assisted units (or residential spaces in a group home) must complete a certification of eligibility as part of the application for admission. Applicant households must meet the disclosure and verification requirements for Social Security Numbers, as provided by 24 CFR part 5, subpart B. Applicant families must sign and submit consent forms for the obtaining of wage and claim information from State Wage Information Collection Agencies, as provided by 24 CFR part 5, subpart B. Both the Owner and the applicant household must complete and sign the application for admission. On request, the Owner must furnish copies of all applications for admission to HUD.

(c) Determination of eligibility and selection of tenants. (1) The Owner is responsible for determining whether applicants are eligible for admission and for the selection of households. To be eligible for admission, an applicant must be an elderly person or a person with disabilities, as applicable (as defined in §§ 891.205 and 891.305, respectively); must meet the disclosure and verification requirements for Social Security Numbers, as provided by 24 CFR part 5, subpart B; must sign and submit consent forms for the obtaining of wage and claim information from State Wage Information Collection Agencies, as provided by 24 CFR part 5, subpart B; and must be a very low-income family, as defined in § 891.105.

(2) Under the Section 811 Program:

(i) In order to be eligible for admission, the applicant must also meet any project occupancy requirements approved by HUD.

(ii) Owners shall make selections in a nondiscriminatory manner without regard to considerations such as race, religion, color, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability. An Owner may, with the approval of the Secretary, limit occupancy within housing developed under this part 891 to persons with disabilities who have similar disabilities and require a similar set of supportive services in a supportive housing environment. However, the Owner must permit occupancy by any qualified person with a disability who could benefit from the housing and/or services provided regardless of the person's disability.

(d) Unit assignment. If the Owner determines that the household is eligible and is otherwise acceptable and units (or residential spaces in a group home) are available, the Owner will assign the household a unit or residential space in a group home. If the household will occupy an assisted unit, the Owner will assign the household a unit of the appropriate size in accordance with HUD's general occupancy guidelines. If no suitable unit (or residential space in a group home) is available, the Owner will place the household on a waiting list for the project and notify the household when a suitable unit or residential space may become available. If the waiting list is so long that the applicant would not be likely to be admitted for the next 12 months, the Owner may advise the applicant that no additional applications for admission are being considered for that reason.

(e) Ineligibility determination. If the Owner determines that an applicant is ineligible for admission or the Owner is not selecting the applicant for other reasons, the Owner will promptly notify the applicant in writing of the determination, the reasons for the determination, and the applicant's right to request a meeting to review the rejection, in accordance with HUD requirements. The review, if requested, may not be conducted by a member of the Owner's staff who made the initial decision to reject the applicant. The applicant may also exercise other rights (e.g., rights granted under Federal, State or local civil rights laws) if the applicant believes he or she is being discriminated against on a prohibited basis.

(f) Records. Records on applicants and approved eligible households, which provide racial, ethnic, gender and place of previous residency data required by HUD, must be retained for three years. See § 891.410(a).

(g) Reexamination of household family income and composition—(1) Regular reexaminations. The Owner must reexamine the income and composition of the household at least every 12 months. Upon verification of the information, the Owner must make appropriate adjustments in the total tenant payment in accordance with § 5.657 of this title and must adjust the tenant rent. The Owner must also request an appropriate adjustment to the project rental assistance payment. Further, the Owner must determine whether the household's unit size is still appropriate and must carry out any unit transfer in accordance with HUD standards. At the time of reexamination, the Owner must require the household to meet the disclosure and verification requirements for Social Security Numbers, as provided by 24 CFR part 5, subpart B. For requirements regarding the signing and submitting of consent forms by families for obtaining wage and claim information from State Wage Information Collection Agencies, see 24 CFR part 5, subpart B.

(2) Interim reexaminations. The household must comply with the provisions in § 5.657 of this title regarding interim reporting of changes in income. If the Owner receives information concerning a change in the household's income or other circumstances between regularly scheduled reexaminations, the Owner must consult with the household and make any adjustments determined to be appropriate. See 24 CFR part 5, subpart B, for the requirements for the disclosure and verification of Social Security Number at interim reexaminations involving new household members. For requirements regarding the signing and submitting of consent forms by families for obtaining wage and claim information from State Wage Information Collection Agencies, see 24 CFR part 5, subpart B. Any change in the household's income or other circumstances that result in an adjustment in the total tenant payment, tenant rent, or project rental assistance payment must be verified.

(3) Continuation of project rental assistance payment. (i) A household shall remain eligible for subsidy until the total tenant payment equals or exceeds the gross rent (or a pro rata share of the gross rent in a group home). The termination of subsidy eligibility will not affect the household's other rights under its lease, nor will the unit or residential space be removed from the PRAC. Project rental assistance payments may be resumed if, as a result of changes in income, rent, or other relevant circumstances during the term of the PRAC, the household meets the income eligibility requirements of § 5.657 of this title (as modified in § 891.105) and project rental assistance is available for the unit or residential space under the terms of the PRAC. The household will not be required to establish its eligibility for admission to the project under the remaining requirements of paragraph (c) of this section.

(ii) A household's eligibility for project rental assistance payment may be terminated in accordance with HUD requirements for such reasons as failure to submit requested verification information, including information related to disclosure and verification of Social Security Numbers, as provided by 24 CFR part 5, subpart B or failure to sign and submit consent forms for the obtaining of wage and claim information from State Wage Information Collection Agencies (as provided by 24 CFR part 5, subpart B).

(4) Streamlined income determination. An owner may elect to follow the provisions of 24 CFR 5.657(d).

[61 FR 11956, Mar. 22, 1996, as amended at 65 FR 16724, Mar. 29, 2000; 81 FR 12371, Mar. 8, 2016; 88 FR 9668, Feb. 14, 2023]
§ 891.415 - Obligations of the household or family.

This section shall apply to capital advances under the Section 202 Program and the Section 811 Program, as well as loans financed under subpart E of this part.

(a) Requirements. The household (or family, as applicable) shall:

(1) Pay amounts due under the lease directly to the Owner (or Borrower, as applicable);

(2) Supply such certification, release of information, consent, completed forms or documentation as the Owner (or Borrower, as applicable) or HUD determines necessary, including information and documentation relating to the disclosure and verification of Social Security Numbers, as provided by 24 CFR part 5, subpart B; the signing and submission of consent forms for the obtaining of wage and claim information from State Wage Information Collection Agencies, as provided by 24 CFR part 5, subpart B; and any certification of family net assets, as provided by 24 CFR 5.659(e);

(3) Allow the Owner (or Borrower, as applicable) to inspect the dwelling unit or residential space at reasonable times and after reasonable notice;

(4) Notify the Owner (or Borrower, as applicable) before vacating the dwelling unit or residential space; and

(5) Use the dwelling unit or residential space solely for residence by the household (or family, as applicable) and as the household's (or family's) principal place of residence.

(b) Prohibitions. The household (or family, as applicable) shall not:

(1) Assign the lease or transfer the unit or residential space; or

(2) Occupy, or receive assistance for the occupancy of, a unit or residential space governed under this part 891 while occupying, or receiving assistance for the occupancy of, another unit assisted under any Federal housing assistance program, including any section 8 program.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2502-0470) [61 FR 11956, Mar. 22, 1996, as amended at 82 FR 58340, Dec. 12, 2017]
§ 891.420 - Overcrowded and underoccupied units.

If the Owner determines that because of change in household size, an assisted unit is smaller than appropriate for the eligible household to which it is leased, or that the assisted unit is larger than appropriate, project rental assistance payment with respect to the unit will not be reduced or terminated until the eligible household has been relocated to an appropriate alternate unit. If possible, the Owner will, as promptly as possible, offer the household an appropriate alternate unit. The Owner may receive vacancy payments for the vacated unit if the Owner complies with the requirements of § 891.445.

§ 891.425 - Lease requirements.

This section shall apply to capital advances under the Section 202 Program and the Section 811 Program, as well as loans financed under subpart E of this part.

(a) Term of lease. The term of the lease may not be less than one year. Unless the lease has been terminated by appropriate action, upon expiration of the lease term, the household and Owner (or family and Borrower, as applicable) may execute a new lease for a term not less than one year, or may take no action. If no action is taken, the lease will automatically be renewed for successive terms of one month.

(b) Termination by the household (or family, as applicable). All leases may contain a provision that permits the household (or family) to terminate the lease upon 30 days advance notice. A lease for a term that exceeds one year must contain such provision.

(c) Form. The Owner (or Borrower, as applicable) shall use the lease form prescribed by HUD. In addition to required provisions of the lease form, the Owner (or Borrower) may include a provision in the lease permitting the Owner (or Borrower) to enter the leased premises at any time without advance notice when there is reasonable cause to believe that an emergency exists or that health or safety of a family member is endangered.

§ 891.430 - Denial of admission, termination of tenancy, and modification of lease.

(a) The provisions of part 5, subpart I, of this title apply to Section 202 and Section 811 capital advance projects.

(b) The provisions of part 247 of this title apply to all decisions by an owner to terminate the tenancy or modify the lease of a household residing in a unit (or residential space in a group home).

[66 FR 28798, May 24, 2001]
§ 891.435 - Security deposits.

This section shall apply to capital advances under the Section 202 Program and the Section 811 Program, as well as loans financed under subpart E of this part. For loans financed under subpart E of this part, the requirements in § 891.635 also apply.

(a) Collection of security deposits. At the time of the initial execution of the lease, the Owner (or Borrower, as applicable) will require each household (or family, as applicable) occupying an assisted unit or residential space in a group home to pay a security deposit in an amount equal to one month's tenant rent or $50, whichever is greater. The household (or family) is expected to pay the security deposit from its own resources or other available public or private resources. The Owner (or Borrower) may collect the security deposit on an installment basis.

(b) Security deposit provisions applicable to units—(1) Administration of security deposit. The Owner (or Borrower, as applicable) must place the security deposits in a segregated interest-bearing account. The amount of the segregated, interest-bearing account maintained by the Owner (or Borrower) must at all times equal the total amount collected from the households (or families, as applicable) then in occupancy plus any accrued interest and less allowable administrative cost adjustments. The Owner (or Borrower) must comply with any applicable State and local laws concerning interest payments on security deposits.

(2) Household (or family, as applicable) notification requirement. In order to be considered for the refund of the security deposit, a household (or family) must provide the Owner (or Borrower, as applicable) with a forwarding address or arrange to pick up the refund.

(3) Use of security deposit. The Owner (or Borrower, as applicable), subject to State and local law and the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(3) of this section, may use the household's (or family's, as applicable) security deposit balance as reimbursement for any unpaid amounts that the household (or family) owes under the lease. Within 30 days (or shorter time if required by State or local law) after receiving notification under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the Owner (or Borrower) must:

(i) Refund to a household (or family) that does not owe any amount under the lease the full amount of the household's (or family's) security deposit balance;

(ii) Provide to a household (or family) owing amounts under the lease a list itemizing each amount, along with a statement of the household's (or family's) rights under State and local law. If the amount that the Owner (or Borrower) claims is owed by the household (or family) is less than the amount of the household's (or family's) security deposit balance, the Owner (or Borrower) must refund the excess balance to the household (or family). If the Owner (or Borrower) fails to provide the list, the household (or family) will be entitled to the refund of the full amount of the household's (or family's) security deposit balance.

(4) Disagreements. If a disagreement arises concerning reimbursement of the security deposit, the household (or family, if applicable) will have the right to present objections to the Owner (or Borrower, if applicable) in an informal meeting. The Owner (or Borrower) must keep a record of any disagreements and meetings in a tenant file for inspection by HUD. The procedures of this paragraph do not preclude the household (or family) from exercising its rights under State or local law.

(5) Decedent's interest in security deposit. Upon the death of a member of a household (or family, as applicable), the decedent's interest, if any, in the security deposit will be governed by State or local law.

(c) Reimbursement by HUD for assisted units. If the household's (or family's, if applicable) security deposit balance is insufficient to reimburse the Owner (or Borrower, if applicable) for any amount that the household (or family) owes under the lease for an assisted unit or residential space, and the Owner (or Borrower) has provided the household (or family) with the list required by paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, the Owner (or Borrower) may claim reimbursement from HUD for an amount not to exceed the lesser of:

(1) The amount owed the Owner (or Borrower); or

(2) One month's per unit operating cost (or contract rent, if applicable), minus the amount of the household's (or family's) security deposit balance. Any reimbursement under this section will be applied first toward any unpaid tenant rent due under the lease. No reimbursement may be claimed for any unpaid tenant rent for the period after termination of the tenancy. The Owner (or Borrower) may be eligible for vacancy payments following a vacancy in accordance with the requirements of § 891.445 (or §§ 891.650 or 891.790, as applicable).

[61 FR 11956, Mar. 22, 1996, as amended at 88 FR 9669, Feb. 14, 2023]
§ 891.440 - Adjustment of utility allowances.

This section shall apply to projects funded under the Section 202 Program, to independent living complexes funded under Section 811 Program, and to projects financed with loans under subpart E of this part. The Owner (or Borrower, as applicable) must submit an analysis of any utility allowances applicable. Such data as changes in utility rates and other facts affecting utility consumption must be provided as part of this analysis to permit appropriate adjustments in the utility allowances for assisted units. In addition, when utility rate changes would result in a cumulative increase of 10 percent or more in the most recently approved utility allowances, the Owner (or Borrower) must advise HUD and request approval of new utility allowances. Whenever a utility allowance for an assisted unit is adjusted, the Owner (or Borrower) will promptly notify affected households (or families, as applicable) and make a corresponding adjustment of the tenant rent and the amount of the project rental assistance payment (or housing or project assistance payment, as applicable).

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2502-0470) [61 FR 11956, Mar. 22, 1996, as amended at 88 FR 9669, Feb. 14, 2023]
§ 891.445 - Conditions for receipt of vacancy payments for assisted units.

(a) General. Vacancy payments under the PRAC will not be made unless the conditions for receipt of these project rental assistance payments set forth in this section are fulfilled.

(b) Vacancies during rent-up. For each unit (or residential space in a group home) that is not leased as of the effective date of the PRAC, the Owner is entitled to vacancy payments in the amount of 50 percent of the per unit operating cost (or pro rata share of the group home operating cost) for the first 60 days of vacancy, if the Owner:

(1) Conducted marketing in accordance with § 891.400(a) and otherwise complied with § 891.400;

(2) Has taken and continues to take all feasible actions to fill the vacancy; and

(3) Has not rejected any eligible applicant except for good cause acceptable to HUD.

(c) Vacancies after rent-up. If an eligible household vacates an assisted unit (or residential space in a group home) the Owner is entitled to vacancy payments in the amount of 50 percent of the approved per unit operating cost (or pro rata share of the group home operating cost) for the first 60 days of vacancy if the Owner:

(1) Certifies that it did not cause the vacancy by violating the lease, the PRAC, or any applicable law;

(2) Notified HUD of the vacancy or prospective vacancy and the reasons for the vacancy upon learning of the vacancy or prospective vacancy;

(3) Has fulfilled and continues to fulfill the requirements specified in § 891.400(a) (2) and (3) and § 891.445(b) (2) and (3); and

(4) For any vacancy resulting from the Owner's eviction of an eligible household, certifies that it has complied with § 891.430.

(d) Prohibition of double compensation for vacancies. If the Owner collects payments for vacancies from other sources (tenant rent, security deposits, payments under § 891.435(c), or governmental payments under other programs), the Owner shall not be entitled to collect vacancy payments to the extent these collections from other sources plus the vacancy payment exceed the approved per unit operating cost.

[61 FR 11956, Mar. 22, 1996, as amended at 88 FR 9669, Feb. 14, 2023]
§ 891.450 - HUD review.

HUD shall conduct periodic on-site management reviews of the Owner's compliance with the requirements of this part.

source: 61 FR 11956, Mar. 22, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 891.430