Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 891.800 - Purpose.

The purpose of this subpart is to establish rules allowing for, and regulating the participation of, for-profit limited partnerships, of which the sole general partner is a Nonprofit Organization meeting the requirements of 12 U.S.C. 1701q(k)(4) or 42 U.S.C. 8032(k)(6), in the development of housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities using mixed-finance development methods. These rules are intended to develop more supportive housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities by allowing the use of federal assistance, private capital and expertise, and low-income housing tax credits.

§ 891.802 - Applicability of other provisions.

The provisions of 24 CFR part 891, subparts A through D, apply to this subpart F unless otherwise stated.

§ 891.805 - Definitions.

In addition to the definitions at §§ 891.105, 891.205, and 891.305, the following definitions apply to this subpart:

Mixed-finance owner, for the purpose of the mixed-finance development of housing under this part, means a single-asset, for-profit limited partnership of which a private nonprofit organization is the sole general partner. The purpose of the mixed-finance owner must include the promotion of the welfare of the elderly or persons with disabilities, as appropriate.

Private nonprofit organization, for the purpose of this subpart, means:

(1) In the case of supportive housing for the elderly:

(i) An organization that meets the requirements of the definition of “private nonprofit organization” in § 891.205; and

(ii) A for-profit limited partnership, the sole general partner of which owns at least one-hundredth of one percent of the partnership assets, whereby the sole general partner is either: an organization meeting the requirements of § 891.205 or a for-profit corporation wholly owned and controlled by one or more organizations meeting the requirements of § 891.205 or a limited liability company wholly owned and controlled by one or more organizations meeting the requirements of § 891.205. If the project will include units financed with the use of federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and the organization is a limited partnership, the requirements of section 42 of the IRS code, including the requirements of section 42(h)(5), apply. The general partner may also be the sponsor, so long as it meets the requirements of this part for sponsors and general partners.

(2) In the case of supportive housing for persons with disabilities:

(i) An organization that meets the requirements of the definition of “private nonprofit organization” in § 891.305; and

(ii) A for-profit limited partnership, the sole general partner of which owns at least one-hundredth of one percent of the partnership assets, whereby the sole general partner is either: an organization meeting the requirements of § 891.305 or a corporation owned and controlled by an organization meeting the requirements of § 891.305. If the project will include units financed with the use of federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and the organization is a limited partnership, the requirements of section 42 of the IRS code, including the requirements of section 42(h)(5), apply. The general partner may also be the sponsor, so long as it meets the requirements of this part for sponsors and general partners.

[78 FR 37113, June 20, 2013]
§ 891.808 - Capital advance funds.

(a) HUD is authorized to provide capital advance funds to expand the supply of supportive housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Section 202 and Section 811 supportive housing programs. For mixed-finance projects, HUD provides a capital advance funds reservation to the sponsor, which transfers the fund reservation to the mixed-finance owner meeting the requirements of this subpart. The sponsor may transfer the fund reservation directly to the owner or to the general partner of the owner, or the sponsor may be the general partner of the mixed-finance owner if the sponsor meets the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

(b) Developments built with mixed-finance funds may combine Section 202 or Section 811 units with other units, which may or may not benefit from federal assistance. The number of Section 202 or Section 811 supportive housing units must not be less than the number specified in the agreement letter for a capital advance. In the case of a Section 811 mixed-finance project, the additional units cannot cause the project to exceed the applicable Section 811 project size limit if they will also house persons with disabilities.

§ 891.809 - Limitations on capital advance funds.

Capital advances are not available in connection with:

(a) Acquisition of facilities currently owned and operated by the sponsor as housing for the elderly, except with rehabilitation as defined in 24 CFR 891.105;

(b) The financing or refinancing of federally assisted or insured projects;

(c) Facilities currently owned and operated by the sponsor as housing for persons with disabilities, except with rehabilitation as defined in 24 CFR 891.105; or

(d) Units in Section 202 direct loan projects previously refinanced under the provisions of section 811 of the American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000, 12 U.S.C. 1701q note.

§ 891.810 - Project rental assistance.

Project Rental Assistance is defined in § 891.105. Project Rental Assistance is provided for operating costs, not covered by tenant contributions, attributable to the number of units funded by capital advances under the Section 202 and Section 811 supportive housing programs, subject to the provisions of 24 CFR 891.445. The sponsor of a mixed-finance development must obtain the necessary funds from a source other than project rental assistance funds for operating costs related to non-202 or -811 units.

§ 891.813 - Eligible uses for assistance provided under this subpart.

(a) Assistance under this subpart may be used to finance the construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of a structure or a portion of a structure; or the acquisition of a structure to be used as supportive housing for the elderly; or the acquisition of housing to be used as supportive housing for persons with disabilities. Such assistance may also cover the cost of real property acquisition, site improvement, conversion, demolition, relocation, and other expenses that the Secretary determines are necessary to expand the supply of supportive housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities.

(b) Assistance under this subpart may not be used for excess amenities, as stated in § 891.120(c), or for Section 202 “prohibited facilities,” as stated in § 891.220. Such amenities or Section 202 prohibited facilities may be included in a mixed-finance development only if:

(1) The amenities or prohibited facilities are not financed, maintained, or operated with funds provided under the Section 202 or Section 811 program;

(2) The amenities or prohibited facilities are designed with appropriate safeguards for the residents' health and safety; and

(3) The assisted residents are not required to use, participate in, or pay a fee for the use or maintenance of the amenities or prohibited facilities, although they are permitted to do so voluntarily. Any fee charged for the use, maintenance, or access to amenities or prohibited facilities by residents must be reasonable and affordable for all residents of the development.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, § 891.315 on “prohibited facilities” shall apply to mixed-finance developments containing units assisted under Section 811.

[70 FR 54210, Sept. 13, 2005, as amended at 78 FR 37114, June 20, 2013]
§ 891.815 - Mixed-finance developer's fee.

(a) Mixed-finance developer's fee. A mixed-finance developer may include, on an up-front or deferral basis, or a combination of both, a fee to cover reasonable profit and overhead costs.

(b) Mixed-finance developer's fee cap. No mixed-finance developer's fee may be a greater percentage of the total project replacement costs than the percentage allowed by the state housing finance agency or other tax credit allocating agency in the state in which the mixed-finance development is sited. In no event may the mixed-finance developer's fee exceed 15 percent of the total project replacement cost.

(c) Sources of mixed-finance developer's fee. The mixed-finance developer's fee may be paid from project income or project sources of funding other than Section 202 or 811 capital advances, project rental assistance, or tenant rents.

§ 891.818 - Firm commitment application.

The sponsor will submit the firm commitment application including the mixed-finance proposal in a form described by HUD.

§ 891.820 - Civil rights requirements.

The mixed-finance development must comply with the following: all fair housing and accessibility requirements, including the design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act; the requirements of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; accessibility requirements, project standards, and site and neighborhood standards under 24 CFR 891.120, 891.125, 891.210, 891.310, and 891.320, as applicable; and 24 CFR 8.4(b)(5), which prohibits the selection of a site or location which has the purpose or effect of excluding persons with disabilities from federally assisted programs or activities.

§ 891.823 - HUD review and approval.

HUD will review and may approve or disapprove the firm commitment application and mixed finance proposal.

§ 891.825 - Mixed-finance closing documents.

The mixed-finance owner must submit the mixed-finance closing documents in the form prescribed by HUD. The materials shall be submitted after the firm commitment has been issued and prior to capital advance closing.

§ 891.830 - Drawdown.

(a) Upon its approval of the executed mixed-finance closing documents and other documents submitted and upon determining that such documents are satisfactory, and after the capital advance closing, HUD may approve the drawdown of capital advance funds in accordance with the HUD-approved drawdown schedule.

(b) Non-capital advance funds may be disbursed before capital advance proceeds or the capital advance funds may be drawn down in an approved ratio to other funds, in accordance with a drawdown schedule approved by HUD.

(c) Each drawdown of funds constitutes a certification by the mixed-finance owner that:

(1) All the representations and warranties submitted in accordance with this subpart continue to be valid, true, and in full force and effect;

(2) All parties are in compliance with their obligations pursuant to this subpart, which, by their terms, are applicable at the time of the drawdown of funds;

(3) All conditions precedent to the drawdown of the funds by the mixed-finance owner have been satisfied;

(4) The capital advance funds drawn down will be used only for eligible costs actually incurred in accordance with the provisions of this subpart and the approved mixed-finance project, which include costs stated in 12 U.S.C. 1701q(h) and 42 U.S.C. 8013(h). Capital advance funds may be used for paying off bridge or construction financing, or repaying or collateralizing bonds, but only for the portion of such financing or bonds that was used for capital advance units; and

(5) The amount of the drawdown is consistent with the ratio of 202 or 811 supportive housing units to other units.

[70 FR 54210, Sept. 13, 2005, as amended at 78 FR 37114, June 20, 2013]
§ 891.832 - Prohibited relationships.

(a) Paragraph (a) of § 891.130, describing conflicts of interest, applies to mixed finance developments.

(b) Paragraph (b) of § 891.130, describing identity of interest, does not apply to mixed-finance developments.

[78 FR 37114, June 20, 2013]
§ 891.833 - Monitoring and review.

HUD shall monitor and review the development during the construction and operational phases in accordance with the requirements that HUD prescribes. In order for units assisted under the 202 and 811 programs to continue to receive project rental assistance, they must be operated in accordance with all contractual agreements among the parties and other HUD regulations and requirements. It is the responsibility of the mixed-finance owner and Nonprofit Organization to ensure compliance with the preceding sentence.

§ 891.835 - Eligible uses of project rental assistance.

(a) Section 202 or 811 project rental assistance may be used to pay the necessary and reasonable operating costs, as defined in 24 CFR 891.105 and approved by HUD, not met from project income and attributed to Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units. Operating cost standards under 24 CFR 891.150 apply to developments under this part.

(b) Section 202 or 811 project rental assistance may not be used to pay for:

(1) Debt service on construction or permanent financing, or any refinancing thereof, for any units in the development, including the 202 or 811 supportive housing units;

(2) Cash flow distributions to owners; or

(3) Creation of reserves for non-202 or -811 units.

(c) HUD-approved operating costs attributable to common areas or to the development as a whole, such as groundskeeping costs and general administrative costs, may be paid from project rental assistance on a pro-rata basis according to the percentage of 202 or 811 supportive housing units as compared to the total number of units.

§ 891.840 - Site and neighborhood standards.

For section 202 or 811 mixed-finance developments, the site and neighborhood standards described at § 891.125 and § 891.320 apply to the entire mixed-finance development.

§ 891.848 - Project design and cost standards.

(a) The project design and cost standards at § 891.120 apply to mixed-finance developments under this subpart, with the exception of § 891.120(c), subject to the provisions of § 891.813(b).

(b) For Section 202 mixed-finance developments, the prohibited facilities requirements described at § 891.220 shall apply to only the capital advance-funded portion of the Section 202 mixed-finance developments under this subpart, subject to the provisions of § 891.813(b).

(c) For Section 811 mixed-finance developments, the prohibited facilities requirements described at § 891.315 shall apply to the entire mixed-finance development.

[78 FR 37114, June 20, 2013]
§ 891.853 - Development cost limits.

The Development Cost Limits for development activities, as established at § 891.140, apply to Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units in mixed-finance developments under this subpart.

§ 891.855 - Replacement reserves.

(a) The mixed-finance owner shall establish and maintain a replacement reserve account for Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units. This account must meet all the requirements of 24 CFR 891.405.

(b) The mixed-finance owner may obtain a disbursement from the reserve only if the funds will be used to pay for capital replacement costs for the Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units in the mixed-finance development and in accordance with the terms of the regulatory and operating agreement. In the case of repairs to common elements, the Section 202/811 replacement reserve can be used on a pro rata basis based on the percentage of Section 202 or 811 units in the building whose common elements are being repaired. In the event of a disposition of the mixed-finance development, or the dissolution of the owner, any Section 202 or 811 funds remaining in the replacement reserve account must remain dedicated to the Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units to ensure their long-term viability, or as otherwise agreed by HUD.

(c) Subject to HUD's approval, reserves may be used to reduce the number of Section 202 or 811 dwelling units in the development for the purpose of retrofitting units that are obsolete or unmarketable.

§ 891.860 - Operating reserves.

(a) The mixed-finance owner shall maintain an operating reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the operating expenses of the development for at least a three-month period.

(b) Project income, project rental assistance, tenant rents, and tax credit equity may be used to fund the operating reserve account.

(c) Amounts derived from Section 202 or 811 (e.g., project income, project rental assistance, and tenant rents) in operating reserve accounts may only be used for the operating expenses of the 202 or 811 units.

§ 891.863 - Maintenance as supportive housing units for elderly persons and persons with disabilities.

(a) The mixed-finance owner must develop and continue to operate the same number of supportive housing units for elderly persons or persons with disabilities, as stated in the use agreement or other document establishing the number of assisted units, for a 40-year period.

(b) If a mixed-finance development proposal provides that the Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units will be floating units, the mixed-finance owner must operate the HUD-approved percentage of Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units, and maintain the percentage distribution of bedroom sizes of Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units for the entire term of the very low-income use restrictions on the development. Any foreclosure, sale, or other transfer of the development must be subject to a covenant running with the land requiring the continued adherence to the very low-income use restrictions for the Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units.

(c) The owner must ensure that Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units in the development are and continue to be comparable to unassisted units in terms of location, size, appearance, and amenities. If due to a change in the partnership structure it becomes necessary to establish a new owner partnership or to transfer the supportive housing project, the new or revised owner must be a single-purpose entity and the use restrictions must remain in effect as provided above.

§ 891.865 - Sanctions.

In the event that Section 202 or 811 supportive housing units are not developed and operated in accordance with all applicable federal requirements, HUD may impose sanctions on the participating parties and seek legal or equitable relief in enforcing all requirements under Section 202, the Housing Act of 1959, or Section 811 of the National Affordable Housing Act, all implementing regulations and requirements and contractual obligations under the mixed-finance documents.

source: 61 FR 11956, Mar. 22, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 891.805