Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 570.300 - General.

This subpart describes the policies and procedures governing the making of community development block grants to entitlement communities and to non-entitlement counties in the State of Hawaii. The policies and procedures set forth in subparts A, C, J, K, and O of this part also apply to entitlement grantees and to non-entitlement grantees in the State of Hawaii. Sections 570.307 and 570.308 of this subpart do not apply to the Hawaii non-entitlement grantees.

[72 FR 46370, Aug. 17, 2007]
§ 570.301 - Activity locations and float-funding.

The consolidated plan, action plan, and amendment submission requirements referred to in this section are those in 24 CFR part 91.

(a) For activities for which the grantee has not yet decided on a specific location, such as when the grantee is allocating an amount of funds to be used for making loans or grants to businesses or for residential rehabilitation, the description in the action plan or any amendment shall identify who may apply for the assistance, the process by which the grantee expects to select who will receive the assistance (including selection criteria), and how much and under what terms the assistance will be provided, or in the case of a planned public facility or improvement, how it expects to determine its location.

(b) Float-funded activities and guarantees. A recipient may use undisbursed funds in the line of credit and its CDBG program account that are budgeted in statements or action plans for one or more other activities that do not need the funds immediately, subject to the limitations described below. Such funds shall be referred to as the “float” for purposes of this section and the action plan. Each activity carried out using the float must meet all of the same requirements that apply to CDBG-assisted activities generally, and must be expected to produce program income in an amount at least equal to the amount of the float so used. Whenever the recipient proposes to fund an activity with the float, it must include the activity in its action plan or amend the action plan for the current program year. For purposes of this section, an activity that uses such funds will be called a “float-funded activity.”

(1) Each float-funded activity must be individually listed and described as such in the action plan.

(2)(i) The expected time period between obligation of assistance for a float-funded activity and receipt of program income in an amount at least equal to the full amount drawn from the float to fund the activity may not exceed 2.5 years. An activity from which program income sufficient to recover the full amount of the float assistance is expected to be generated more than 2.5 years after obligation may not be funded from the float, but may be included in an action plan if it is funded from CDBG funds other than the float (e.g., grant funds or proceeds from an approved Section 108 loan guarantee).

(ii) Any extension of the repayment period for a float-funded activity shall be considered to be a new float-funded activity for these purposes and may be implemented by the grantee only if the extension is made subject to the same limitations and requirements as apply to a new float-funded activity.

(3) Unlike other projected program income, the full amount of income expected to be generated by a float-funded activity must be shown as a source of program income in the action plan containing the activity, whether or not some or all of the income is expected to be received in a future program year (in accordance with 24 CFR 91.220(g)(1)(ii)(D)).

(4) The recipient must also clearly declare in the action plan that identifies the float-funded activity the recipient's commitment to undertake one of the following options:

(i) Amend or delete activities in an amount equal to any default or failure to produce sufficient income in a timely manner. If the recipient makes this choice, it must include a description of the process it will use to select the activities to be amended or deleted and how it will involve citizens in that process; and it must amend the applicable statement(s) or action plan(s) showing those amendments or deletions promptly upon determining that the float-funded activity will not generate sufficient or timely program income;

(ii) Obtain an irrevocable line of credit from a commercial lender for the full amount of the float-funded activity and describe the lender and terms of such line of credit in the action plan that identifies the float-funded activity. To qualify for this purpose, such line of credit must be unconditionally available to the recipient in the amount of any shortfall within 30 days of the date that the float-funded activity fails to generate the projected amount of program income on schedule;

(iii) Transfer general local government funds in the full amount of any default or shortfall to the CDBG line of credit within 30 days of the float-funded activity's failure to generate the projected amount of the program income on schedule; or

(iv) A method approved in writing by HUD for securing timely return of the amount of the float funding. Such method must ensure that funds are available to meet any default or shortfall within 30 days of the float-funded activity's failure to generate the projected amount of the program income on schedule.

(5) When preparing an action plan for a year in which program income is expected to be received from a float-funded activity, and such program income has been shown in a prior statement or action plan, the current action plan shall identify the expected income and explain that the planned use of the income has already been described in prior statements or action plans, and shall identify the statements or action plans in which such descriptions may be found.

[60 FR 56913, Nov. 9, 1995]
§ 570.302 - Submission requirements.

In order to receive its annual CDBG entitlement grant, a grantee must submit a consolidated plan in accordance with 24 CFR part 91. That part includes requirements for the content of the consolidated plan, for the process of developing the consolidated plan, including citizen participation provisions, for the submission date, for HUD approval, and for the amendment process.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2506-0117) [60 FR 1915, Jan. 5, 1995]
§ 570.303 - Certifications.

The jurisdiction must make the certifications that are set forth in 24 CFR part 91 as part of the consolidated plan.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2506-0117) [60 FR 1915, Jan. 5, 1995]
§ 570.304 - Making of grants.

(a) Approval of grant. HUD will approve a grant if the jurisdiction's submissions have been made and approved in accordance with 24 CFR part 91, and the certifications required therein are satisfactory to the Secretary. The certifications will be satisfactory to the Secretary for this purpose unless the Secretary has determined pursuant to subpart O of this part that the grantee has not complied with the requirements of this part, has failed to carry out its consolidated plan as provided under § 570.903, or has determined that there is evidence, not directly involving the grantee's past performance under this program, that tends to challenge in a substantial manner the grantee's certification of future performance. If the Secretary makes any such determination, however, further assurances may be required to be submitted by the grantee as the Secretary may deem warranted or necessary to find the grantee's certification satisfactory.

(b) Grant agreement. The grant will be made by means of a grant agreement executed by both HUD and the grantee.

(c) Grant amount. The Secretary will make a grant in the full entitlement amount, generally within the last 30 days of the grantee's current program year, unless:

(1) Either the consolidated plan is not received by August 16 of the federal fiscal year for which funds are appropriated or the consolidated plan is not approved under 24 CFR part 91, subpart F—in which case, the grantee will forfeit the entire entitlement amount; or

(2) The grantee's performance does not meet the performance requirements or criteria prescribed in subpart O and the grant amount is reduced.

[53 FR 34449, Sept. 6, 1988, as amended at 60 FR 1915, Jan. 5, 1995; 60 FR 16379, Mar. 30, 1995; 60 FR 56913, Nov. 9, 1995]
§ 570.307 - Urban counties.

(a) Determination of qualification. The Secretary will determine the qualifications of counties to receive entitlements as urban counties upon receipt of qualification documentation from counties at such time, and in such manner and form as prescribed by HUD. The Secretary shall determine eligibility and applicable portions of each eligible county for purposes of fund allocation under section 106 of the Act on the basis of information available from the U.S. Bureau of the Census with respect to population and other pertinent demographic characteristics, and based on information provided by the county and its included units of general local government.

(b) Qualification as an urban county. (1) A county will qualify as an urban county if such county meets the definition at § 570.3(3). As necessitated by this definition, the Secretary shall determine which counties have authority to carry out essential community development and housing assistance activities in their included units of general local government without the consent of the local governing body and which counties must execute cooperation agreements with such units to include them in the urban county for qualification and grant calculation purposes.

(2) At the time of urban county qualification, HUD may refuse to recognize the cooperation agreement of a unit of general local government in an urban county where, based on past performance and other available information, there is substantial evidence that such unit does not cooperate in the implementation of the essential community development or housing assistance activities or where legal impediments to such implementation exist, or where participation by a unit of general local government in noncompliance with the applicable law in subpart K would constitute noncompliance by the urban county. In such a case, the unit of general local government will not be permitted to participate in the urban county, and its population or other needs characteristics will not be considered in the determination of whether the county qualifies as an urban county or in determining the amount of funds to which the urban county may be entitled. HUD will not take this action unless the unit of general local government and the county have been given an opportunity to challenge HUD's determination and to informally consult with HUD concerning the proposed action.

(c) Essential activities. For purposes of this section, the term “essential community development and housing assistance activities” means community renewal and lower income housing activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing. In determining whether a county has the required powers, the Secretary will consider both its authority and, where applicable, the authority of its designated agency or agencies.

(d) Period of qualification. (1) The qualification by HUD of an urban county shall remain effective for three successive Federal fiscal years regardless of changes in its population during that period, except as provided under paragraph (f) of this section and except as provided under § 570.3(3) where the period of qualification shall be two successive Federal fiscal years.

(2) During the period of qualification, no included unit of general local government may withdraw from nor be removed from the urban county for HUD's grant computation purposes.

(3) If some portion of an urban county's unincorporated area becomes incorporated during the urban county qualification period, the newly incorporated unit of general local government shall not be excluded from the urban county nor shall it be eligible for a separate grant under subpart D, F, or I until the end of the urban county's current qualification period, unless the urban county fails to receive a grant for any year during that qualification period.

(e) Grant ineligibility of included units of general local government. (1) An included unit of general local government cannot become eligible for an entitlement grant as a metropolitan city during the period of qualification of the urban county (even if it becomes a principal city of a metropolitan area or its population surpasses 50,000 during that period). Rather, such a unit of general local government shall continue to be included as part of the urban county for the remainder of the urban county's qualification period, and no separate grant amount shall be calculated for the included unit.

(2) An included unit of general local government which is part of an urban county shall be ineligible to apply for grants under subpart F, or to be a recipient of assistance under subpart I, during the entire period of urban county qualification.

(f) Failure of an urban county to receive a grant. Failure of an urban county to receive a grant during any year shall terminate the existing qualification of that urban county, and that county shall requalify as an urban county before receiving an entitlement grant in any successive Federal fiscal year. Such termination shall release units of general local government included in the urban county, in subsequent years, from the prohibition to receive grants under paragraphs (d)(3), (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section. For this purpose an urban county shall be deemed to have received a grant upon having satisfied the requirements of sections 104 (a), (b), (c), and (d) of the Act, without regard to adjustments which may be made to this grant amount under section 104(e) or 111 of the Act.

(g) Notifications of the opportunity to be excluded. Any county seeking to qualify for an entitlement grant as an urban county for any Federal fiscal year shall notify each unit of general local government which is located, in whole or in part, within the county and which would otherwise be included in the urban county, but which is eligible to elect to have its population excluded from that of the urban county, that it has the opportunity to make such an election, and that such an election, or the failure to make such an election, shall be effective for the period for which the county qualifies as an urban county. These notifications shall be made by a date specified by HUD. A unit of general local government which elects to be excluded from participation as a part of the urban county shall notify the county and HUD in writing by a date specified by HUD. Such a unit of government may subsequently elect to participate in the urban county for the remaining one or two year period by notifying HUD and the county, in writing, of such election by a date specified by HUD.

[53 FR 34449, Sept. 6, 1988, as amended at 56 FR 56127, Oct. 31, 1991; 68 FR 69582, Dec. 12, 2003]
§ 570.308 - Joint requests.

(a) Joint requests and cooperation agreements. (1) Any urban county and any metropolitan city located, in whole or in part, within that county may submit a joint request to HUD to approve the inclusion of the metropolitan city as a part of the urban county for purposes of planning and implementing a joint community development and housing program. Such a joint request shall only be considered if submitted at the time the county is seeking a three year qualification or requalification as an urban county. Such a joint request shall, upon approval by HUD, remain effective for the period for which the county is qualified as an urban county. An urban county may be joined by more than one metropolitan city, but a metropolitan city located in more than one urban county may only be included in one urban county for any program year. A joint request shall be deemed approved by HUD unless HUD notifies the city and the county of its disapproval and the reasons therefore within 30 days of receipt of the request by HUD.

(2) Each metropolitan city and urban county submitting a joint request shall submit an executed cooperation agreement to undertake or to assist in the undertaking of essential community development and housing assistance activities, as defined in § 570.307(c).

(b) Joint grant amount. The grant amount for a joint recipient shall be the sum of the amounts authorized for the individual entitlement grantees, as described in section 106 of the Act. The urban county shall be the grant recipient.

(c) Effect of inclusion. Upon urban county qualification and HUD approval of the joint request and cooperation agreement, the metropolitan city shall be considered a part of the urban county for purposes of program planning and implementation for the period of the urban county qualification, and shall be treated the same as any other unit of general local government which is part of the urban county.

(d) Submission requirements. In requesting a grant under this part, the urban county shall make a single submission which meets the submission requirements of 24 CFR part 91 and covers all members of the joint recipient.

[53 FR 34449, Sept. 6, 1988, as amended at 60 FR 1915, Jan. 5, 1995]
§ 570.309 - Restriction on location of activities.

CDBG funds may assist an activity outside the jurisdiction of the grantee only if the grantee determines that such an activity is necessary to further the purposes of the Act and the recipient's community development objectives, and that reasonable benefits from the activity will accrue to residents within the jurisdiction of the grantee. The grantee shall document the basis for such determination prior to providing CDBG funds for the activity.

[60 FR 56914, Nov. 9, 1995]
authority: 12 U.S.C. 1701x,1701; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 5301-5320
source: 40 FR 24693, June 9, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 570.301