Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 570.500 - Definitions.

For the purposes of this subpart, the following terms shall apply:

(a) Program income means gross income received by the recipient or a subrecipient directly generated from the use of CDBG funds, except as provided in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

(1) Program income includes, but is not limited to, the following:

(i) Proceeds from the disposition by sale or long-term lease of real property purchased or improved with CDBG funds;

(ii) Proceeds from the disposition of equipment purchased with CDBG funds;

(iii) Gross income from the use or rental of real or personal property acquired by the recipient or by a subrecipient with CDBG funds, less costs incidental to generation of the income;

(iv) Gross income from the use or rental of real property, owned by the recipient or by a subrecipient, that was constructed or improved with CDBG funds, less costs incidental to generation of the income;

(v) Payments of principal and interest on loans made using CDBG funds, except as provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this section;

(vi) Proceeds from the sale of loans made with CDBG funds;

(vii) Proceeds from sale of obligations secured by loans made with CDBG funds;

(viii) [Reserved]

(ix) Interest earned on program income pending its disposition; and

(x) Funds collected through special assessments made against properties owned and occupied by households not of low and moderate income, where the assessments are used to recover all or part of the CDBG portion of a public improvement.

(2) Program income does not include income earned (except for interest described in § 570.513) on grant advances from the U.S. Treasury. The following items of income earned on grant advances must be remitted to HUD for transmittal to the U.S. Treasury, and will not be reallocated under section 106(c) or (d) of the Act:

(i) Interest earned from the investment of the initial proceeds of a grant advance by the U.S. Treasury;

(ii) Interest earned on loans or other forms of assistance provided with CDBG funds that are used for activities determined by HUD either to be ineligible or to fail to meet a national objective in accordance with the requirements of subpart C of this part, or that fail substantially to meet any other requirement of this part; and

(iii) Interest earned on the investment of amounts reimbursed to the CDBG program account prior to the use of the reimbursed funds for eligible purposes.

(3) The calculation of the amount of program income for the recipient's CDBG program as a whole (i.e., comprising activities carried out by a grantee and its subrecipients) shall exclude payments made by subrecipients of principal and/or interest on CDBG-funded loans received from grantees if such payments are made using program income received by the subrecipient. (By making such payments, the subrecipient shall be deemed to have transferred program income to the grantee.) The amount of program income derived from this calculation shall be used for reporting purposes, for purposes of applying the requirement under § 570.504(b)(2)(iii), and in determining limitations on planning and administration and public services activities to be paid for with CDBG funds.

(4) Program income does not include:

(i) Any income received in a single program year by the recipient and all its subrecipients if the total amount of such income does not exceed $25,000; and

(ii) Amounts generated by activities that are financed by a loan guaranteed under section 108 of the Act and meet one or more of the public benefit criteria specified at § 570.209(b)(2)(v) or are carried out in conjunction with a grant under section 108(q) in an area determined by HUD to meet the eligibility requirements for designation as an Urban Empowerment Zone pursuant to 24 CFR part 597, subpart B. Such exclusion shall not apply if CDBG funds are used to repay the guaranteed loan. When such a guaranteed loan is partially repaid with CDBG funds, the amount generated shall be prorated to reflect the percentage of CDBG funds used. Amounts generated by activities financed with loans guaranteed under section 108 which are not defined as program income shall be treated as miscellaneous revenue and shall not be subject to any of the requirements of this part, except that the use of such funds shall be limited to activities that are located in a revitalization strategy area and implement a HUD approved area revitalization strategy pursuant to § 91.215(e) of this title. However, such treatment shall not affect the right of the Secretary to require the section 108 borrower to pledge such amounts as security for the guaranteed loan. The determination whether such amounts shall constitute program income shall be governed by the provisions of the contract required at § 570.705(b)(1).

(5) Examples of other receipts that are not considered program income are proceeds from fund raising activities carried out by subrecipients receiving CDBG assistance (the costs of fundraising are generally unallowable under the applicable OMB circulars referenced in 24 CFR 84.27), funds collected through special assessments used to recover the non-CDBG portion of a public improvement, and proceeds from the disposition of real property acquired or improved with CDBG funds when the disposition occurs after the applicable time period specified in § 570.503(b)(8) for subrecipient-controlled property, or in § 570.505 for recipient-controlled property.

(b) Revolving fund means a separate fund (with a set of accounts that are independent of other program accounts) established for the purpose of carrying out specific activities which, in turn, generate payments to the fund for use in carrying out the same activities. Each revolving loan fund's cash balance must be held in an interest-bearing account, and any interest paid on CDBG funds held in this account shall be considered interest earned on grant advances and must be remitted to HUD for transmittal to the U.S. Treasury no less frequently than annually. (Interest paid by borrowers on eligible loans made from the revolving loan fund shall be program income and treated accordingly.)

(c) Subrecipient means a public or private nonprofit agency, authority, or organization, or a for-profit entity authorized under § 570.201(o), receiving CDBG funds from the recipient or another subrecipient to undertake activities eligible for such assistance under subpart C of this part. The term excludes an entity receiving CDBG funds from the recipient under the authority of § 570.204, unless the grantee explicitly designates it as a subrecipient. The term includes a public agency designated by a unit of general local government to receive a loan guarantee under subpart M of this part, but does not include contractors providing supplies, equipment, construction, or services subject to the procurement requirements in 2 CFR part 200, subpart D.

[53 FR 8058, Mar. 11, 1988, as amended at 57 FR 27120, June 17, 1992; 60 FR 1952, Jan. 5, 1995; 60 FR 17445, Apr. 6, 1995; 60 FR 56914, Nov. 9, 1995; 80 FR 75937, Dec. 7, 2015]
§ 570.501 - Responsibility for grant administration.

(a) One or more public agencies, including existing local public agencies, may be designated by the chief executive officer of the recipient to undertake activities assisted by this part. A public agency so designated shall be subject to the same requirements as are applicable to subrecipients.

(b) The recipient is responsible for ensuring that CDBG funds are used in accordance with all program requirements. The use of designated public agencies, subrecipients, or contractors does not relieve the recipient of this responsibility. The recipient is also responsible for determining the adequacy of performance under subrecipient agreements and procurement contracts, and for taking appropriate action when performance problems arise, such as the actions described in § 570.910. Where a unit of general local government is participating with, or as part of, an urban county, or as part of a metropolitan city, the recipient is responsible for applying to the unit of general local government the same requirements as are applicable to subrecipients, except that the five-year period identified under § 570.503(b)(8)(i) shall begin with the date that the unit of general local government is no longer considered by HUD to be a part of the metropolitan city or urban county, as applicable, instead of the date that the subrecipient agreement expires.

[53 FR 8058, Mar. 11, 1988, as amended at 57 FR 27120, June 17, 1992]
§ 570.502 - Applicability of uniform administrative requirements.

(a) Grantees and subrecipients shall comply with 2 CFR part 200, “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards”, except that:

(1) Section 200.305 “Payment” is modified for lump sum drawdown for financing of property rehabilitation activities, in accordance with § 570.513.

(2) Section 200.306 “Cost sharing or matching” does not apply.

(3) Section 200.307 “Program income” does not apply. Program income is governed by § 570.504.

(4) Section 200.308 “Revisions of budget and program plans” does not apply.

(5) Section 200.311 “Real property” does not apply, except as provided in § 570.200(j). Real property is governed by § 570.505.

(6) Section 200.313 “Equipment” applies, except that when the equipment is sold, the proceeds shall be program income. Equipment not needed by the subrecipient for CDBG activities shall be transferred to the recipient for the CDBG program or shall be retained after compensating the recipient.

(7) Section 200.333 “Retention requirements for records” applies except that:

(i) For recipients:

(A) The period shall be 4 years from the date of execution of the closeout agreement for a grant, as further described in this part;

(B) Records for individual activities subject to the reversion of assets provisions at § 570.503(b)(7) or the change of use provisions at § 570.505 must be maintained for 3 years after those provisions no longer apply to the activity;

(C) Records for individual activities for which there are outstanding loan balances, other receivables, or contingent liabilities must be retained for 3 years after the receivables or liabilities have been satisfied.

(ii) For subrecipients:

(A) The retention period for individual CDBG activities shall be the longer of 3 years after the expiration or termination of the subrecipient agreement under § 570.503, or 3 years after the submission of the annual performance and evaluation report, as prescribed in § 91.520 of this title, in which the specific activity is reported on for the final time;

(B) Records for individual activities subject to the reversion of assets provisions at § 570.503(b)(7) or change of use provisions at § 570.505 must be maintained for as long as those provisions continue to apply to the activity; and

(C) Records for individual activities for which there are outstanding loan balances, other receivables, or contingent liabilities must be retained until such receivables or liabilities have been satisfied.

(8) Section 200.343 “Closeout” applies to closeout of subrecipients.

(b) [Reserved]

[80 FR 75937, Dec. 7, 2015]
§ 570.503 - Agreements with subrecipients.

(a) Before disbursing any CDBG funds to a subrecipient, the recipient shall sign a written agreement with the subrecipient. The agreement shall remain in effect during any period that the subrecipient has control over CDBG funds, including program income.

(b) At a minimum, the written agreement with the subrecipient shall include provisions concerning the following items:

(1) Statement of work. The agreement shall include a description of the work to be performed, a schedule for completing the work, and a budget. These items shall be in sufficient detail to provide a sound basis for the recipient effectively to monitor performance under the agreement.

(2) Records and reports. The recipient shall specify in the agreement the particular records the subrecipient must maintain and the particular reports the subrecipient must submit in order to assist the recipient in meeting its recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

(3) Program income. The agreement shall include the program income requirements set forth in § 570.504(c). The agreement shall also specify that, at the end of the program year, the grantee may require remittance of all or part of any program income balances (including investments thereof) held by the subrecipient (except those needed for immediate cash needs, cash balances of a revolving loan fund, cash balances from a lump sum drawdown, or cash or investments held for section 108 security needs).

(4) Uniform requirements. The agreement shall require the subrecipient to comply with applicable uniform requirements, as described in § 570.502.

(5) Other program requirements. The agreement shall require the subrecipient to carry out each activity in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations described in subpart K of these regulations, except that:

(i) The subrecipient does not assume the recipient's environmental responsibilities described at § 570.604; and

(ii) The subrecipient does not assume the recipient's responsibility for initiating the review process under the provisions of 24 CFR part 52.

(6) Suspension and termination. The agreement shall set forth remedies for noncompliance and provisions on termination in accordance with 2 CFR part 200, subpart D.

(7) Reversion of assets. The agreement shall specify that upon its expiration the subrecipient shall transfer to the recipient any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. It shall also include provisions designed to ensure that any real property under the subrecipient's control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds (including CDBG funds provided to the subrecipient in the form of a loan) in excess of $25,000 is either:

(i) Used to meet one of the national objectives in § 570.208 (formerly § 570.901) until five years after expiration of the agreement, or for such longer period of time as determined to be appropriate by the recipient; or

(ii) Not used in accordance with paragraph (b)(7)(i) of this section, in which event the subrecipient shall pay to the recipient an amount equal to the current market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for the acquisition of, or improvement to, the property. The payment is program income to the recipient. (No payment is required after the period of time specified in paragraph (b)(7)(i) of this section.)

[53 FR 8058, Mar. 11, 1988, as amended at 53 FR 41331, Oct. 21, 1988; 57 FR 27120, June 17, 1992; 60 FR 56915, Nov. 9, 1995; 68 FR 56405, Sept. 30, 2003; 80 FR 69873, Nov. 12, 2015; 80 FR 75938, Dec. 7, 2015]
§ 570.504 - Program income.

(a) Recording program income. The receipt and expenditure of program income as defined in § 570.500(a) shall be recorded as part of the financial transactions of the grant program.

(b) Disposition of program income received by recipients. (1) Program income received before grant closeout may be retained by the recipient if the income is treated as additional CDBG funds subject to all applicable requirements governing the use of CDBG funds.

(2) If the recipient chooses to retain program income, that program income shall be disposed of as follows:

(i) Program income in the form of repayments to, or interest earned on, a revolving fund as defined in § 570.500(b) shall be substantially disbursed from the fund before additional cash withdrawals are made from the U.S. Treasury for the same activity. (This rule does not prevent a lump sum disbursement to finance the rehabilitation of privately owned properties as provided for in § 570.513.)

(ii) Substantially all other program income shall be disbursed for eligible activities before additional cash withdrawals are made from the U.S. Treasury.

(iii) At the end of each program year, the aggregate amount of program income cash balances and any investment thereof (except those needed for immediate cash needs, cash balances of a revolving loan fund, cash balances from a lump-sum drawdown, or cash or investments held for section 108 loan guarantee security needs) that, as of the last day of the program year, exceeds one-twelfth of the most recent grant made pursuant to § 570.304 shall be remitted to HUD as soon as practicable thereafter, to be placed in the recipient's line of credit. This provision applies to program income cash balances and investments thereof held by the grantee and its subrecipients. (This provision shall be applied for the first time at the end of the program year for which Federal Fiscal Year 1996 funds are provided.)

(3) Program income on hand at the time of closeout shall continue to be subject to the eligibility requirements in subpart C and all other applicable provisions of this part until it is expended.

(4) Unless otherwise provided in any grant closeout agreement, and subject to the requirements of paragraph (b)(5) of this section, income received after closeout shall not be governed by the provisions of this part, except that, if at the time of closeout the recipient has another ongoing CDBG grant received directly from HUD, funds received after closeout shall be treated as program income of the ongoing grant program.

(5) If the recipient does not have another ongoing grant received directly from HUD at the time of closeout, income received after closeout from the disposition of real property or from loans outstanding at the time of closeout shall not be governed by the provisions of this part, except that such income shall be used for activities that meet one of the national objectives in § 570.901 and the eligibility requirements described in section 105 of the Act.

(c) Disposition of program income received by subrecipients. The written agreement between the recipient and the subrecipient, as required by § 570.503, shall specify whether program income received is to be returned to the recipient or retained by the subrecipient. Where program income is to be retained by the subrecipient, the agreement shall specify the activities that will be undertaken with the program income and that all provisions of the written agreement shall apply to the specified activities. When the subrecipient retains program income, transfers of grant funds by the recipient to the subrecipient shall be adjusted according to the principles described in paragraphs (b)(2) (i) and (ii) of this section. Any program income on hand when the agreement expires, or received after the agreement's expiration, shall be paid to the recipient as required by § 570.503(b)(8).

(d) Disposition of certain program income received by urban counties. Program income derived from urban county program activities undertaken by or within the jurisdiction of a unit of general local government which thereafter terminates its participation in the urban county shall continue to be program income of the urban county. The urban county may transfer the program income to the unit of general local government, upon its termination of urban county participation, provided that the unit of general local government has become an entitlement grantee and agrees to use the program income in its own CDBG entitlement program.

(e)(1) Transfer of program income to Entitlement program. A unit of general local government that becomes eligible to be an Entitlement grantee may request the state's approval to transfer State CDBG grant-generated program income to the unit of general local government's Entitlement program. A state may approve the transfer, provided that the unit of general local government:

(i) Has officially elected to participate in the Entitlement grant program;

(ii) Agrees to use such program income in accordance with Entitlement program requirements; and

(iii) Has set up Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) access and agrees to enter receipt of program income into IDIS.

(2) Transfer of program income of grantees losing Entitlement status. Upon entry into the State CDBG program, a unit of general local government that has lost or relinquished its Entitlement status must, with respect to program income that a unit of general local government would otherwise be permitted to retain, either:

(i) Retain the program income generated under Entitlement grants and continue to comply with Entitlement program requirements for program income; or

(ii) Retain the program income and transfer it to the State CDBG program, in which case the unit of general local government must comply with the state's rules for program income and the requirements of § 570.489(e).

[53 FR 8058, Mar. 11, 1988, as amended at 60 FR 56915, Nov. 9, 1995; 77 FR 24146, Apr. 23, 2012]
§ 570.505 - Use of real property.

The standards described in this section apply to real property within the recipient's control which was acquired or improved in whole or in part using CDBG funds in excess of $25,000. These standards shall apply from the date CDBG funds are first spent for the property until five years after closeout of an entitlement recipient's participation in the entitlement CDBG program or, with respect to other recipients, until five years after the closeout of the grant from which the assistance to the property was provided.

(a) A recipient may not change the use or planned use of any such property (including the beneficiaries of such use) from that for which the acquisition or improvement was made unless the recipient provides affected citizens with reasonable notice of, and opportunity to comment on, any proposed change, and either:

(1) The new use of such property qualifies as meeting one of the national objectives in § 570.208 (formerly § 570.901) and is not a building for the general conduct of government; or

(2) The requirements in paragraph (b) of this section are met.

(b) If the recipient determines, after consultation with affected citizens, that it is appropriate to change the use of the property to a use which does not qualify under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, it may retain or dispose of the property for the changed use if the recipient's CDBG program is reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property, less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition of, and improvements to, the property.

(c) If the change of use occurs after closeout, the provisions governing income from the disposition of the real property in § 570.504(b)(4) or (5), as applicable, shall apply to the use of funds reimbursed.

(d) Following the reimbursement of the CDBG program in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, the property no longer will be subject to any CDBG requirements.

[53 FR 8058, Mar. 11, 1988, as amended at 53 FR 41331, Oct. 21, 1988]
§ 570.506 - Records to be maintained.

Each recipient shall establish and maintain sufficient records to enable the Secretary to determine whether the recipient has met the requirements of this part. At a minimum, the following records are needed:

(a) Records providing a full description of each activity assisted (or being assisted) with CDBG funds, including its location (if the activity has a geographical locus), the amount of CDBG funds budgeted, obligated and expended for the activity, and the provision in subpart C under which it is eligible.

(b) Records demonstrating that each activity undertaken meets one of the criteria set forth in § 570.208. (Where information on income by family size is required, the recipient may substitute evidence establishing that the person assisted qualifies under another program having income qualification criteria at least as restrictive as that used in the definitions of “low and moderate income person” and “low and moderate income household” (as applicable) at § 570.3, such as Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and welfare programs; or the recipient may substitute evidence that the assisted person is homeless; or the recipient may substitute a copy of a verifiable certification from the assisted person that his or her family income does not exceed the applicable income limit established in accordance with § 570.3; or the recipient may substitute a notice that the assisted person is a referral from a state, county or local employment agency or other entity that agrees to refer individuals it determines to be low and moderate income persons based on HUD's criteria and agrees to maintain documentation supporting these determinations.) Such records shall include the following information:

(1) For each activity determined to benefit low and moderate income persons, the income limits applied and the point in time when the benefit was determined.

(2) For each activity determined to benefit low and moderate income persons based on the area served by the activity:

(i) The boundaries of the service area;

(ii) The income characteristics of families and unrelated individuals in the service area; and

(iii) If the percent of low and moderate income persons in the service area is less than 51 percent, data showing that the area qualifies under the exception criteria set forth at § 570.208(a)(1)(ii).

(3) For each activity determined to benefit low and moderate income persons because the activity involves a facility or service designed for use by a limited clientele consisting exclusively or predominantly of low and moderate income persons:

(i) Documentation establishing that the facility or service is designed for the particular needs of or used exclusively by senior citizens, adults meeting the Bureau of the Census' Current Population Reports definition of “severely disabled,” persons living with AIDS, battered spouses, abused children, the homeless, illiterate adults, or migrant farm workers, for which the regulations provide a presumption concerning the extent to which low- and moderate-income persons benefit; or

(ii) Documentation describing how the nature and, if applicable, the location of the facility or service establishes that it is used predominantly by low and moderate income persons; or

(iii) Data showing the size and annual income of the family of each person receiving the benefit.

(4) For each activity carried out for the purpose of providing or improving housing which is determined to benefit low and moderate income persons:

(i) A copy of a written agreement with each landlord or developer receiving CDBG assistance indicating the total number of dwelling units in each multifamily structure assisted and the number of those units which will be occupied by low and moderate income households after assistance;

(ii) The total cost of the activity, including both CDBG and non-CDBG funds.

(iii) For each unit occupied by a low and moderate income household, the size and income of the household;

(iv) For rental housing only:

(A) The rent charged (or to be charged) after assistance for each dwelling unit in each structure assisted; and

(B) Such information as necessary to show the affordability of units occupied (or to be occupied) by low and moderate income households pursuant to criteria established and made public by the recipient;

(v) For each property acquired on which there are no structures, evidence of commitments ensuring that the criteria in § 570.208(a)(3) will be met when the structures are built;

(vi) Where applicable, records demonstrating that the activity qualifies under the special conditions at § 570.208(a)(3)(i);

(vii) For any homebuyer assistance activity qualifying under § 570.201(e), 570.201(n), or 570.204, identification of the applicable eligibility paragraph and evidence that the activity meets the eligibility criteria for that provision; for any such activity qualifying under § 570.208(a), the size and income of each homebuyer's household; and

(viii) For a § 570.201(k) housing services activity, identification of the HOME project(s) or assistance that the housing services activity supports, and evidence that project(s) or assistance meet the HOME program income targeting requirements at 24 CFR 92.252 or 92.254.

(5) For each activity determined to benefit low and moderate income persons based on the creation of jobs, the recipient shall provide the documentation described in either paragraph (b)(5)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) Where the recipient chooses to document that at least 51 percent of the jobs will be available to low and moderate income persons, documentation for each assisted business shall include:

(A) A copy of a written agreement containing:

(1) A commitment by the business that it will make at least 51 percent of the jobs available to low and moderate income persons and will provide training for any of those jobs requiring special skills or education;

(2) A listing by job title of the permanent jobs to be created indicating which jobs will be available to low and moderate income persons, which jobs require special skills or education, and which jobs are part-time, if any; and

(3) A description of actions to be taken by the recipient and business to ensure that low and moderate income persons receive first consideration for those jobs; and

(B) A listing by job title of the permanent jobs filled, and which jobs of those were available to low and moderate income persons, and a description of how first consideration was given to such persons for those jobs. The description shall include what hiring process was used; which low and moderate income persons were interviewed for a particular job; and which low and moderate income persons were hired.

(ii) Where the recipient chooses to document that at least 51 percent of the jobs will be held by low and moderate income persons, documentation for each assisted business shall include:

(A) A copy of a written agreement containing:

(1) A commitment by the business that at least 51 percent of the jobs, on a full-time equivalent basis, will be held by low and moderate income persons; and

(2) A listing by job title of the permanent jobs to be created, identifying which are part-time, if any;

(B) A listing by job title of the permanent jobs filled and which jobs were initially held by low and moderate income persons; and

(C) For each such low and moderate income person hired, the size and annual income of the person's family prior to the person being hired for the job.

(6) For each activity determined to benefit low and moderate income persons based on the retention of jobs:

(i) Evidence that in the absence of CDBG assistance jobs would be lost;

(ii) For each business assisted, a listing by job title of permanent jobs retained, indicating which of those jobs are part-time and (where it is known) which are held by low and moderate income persons at the time the CDBG assistance is provided. Where applicable, identification of any of the retained jobs (other than those known to be held by low and moderate income persons) which are projected to become available to low and moderate income persons through job turnover within two years of the time CDBG assistance is provided. Information upon which the job turnover projections were based shall also be included in the record;

(iii) For each retained job claimed to be held by a low and moderate income person, information on the size and annual income of the person's family;

(iv) For jobs claimed to be available to low and moderate income persons based on job turnover, a description covering the items required for “available to” jobs in paragraph (b)(5) of this section; and

(v) Where jobs were claimed to be available to low and moderate income persons through turnover, a listing of each job which has turned over to date, indicating which of those jobs were either taken by, or available to, low and moderate income persons. For jobs made available, a description of how first consideration was given to such persons for those jobs shall also be included in the record.

(7) For purposes of documenting, pursuant to paragraph (b)(5)(i)(B), (b)(5)(ii)(C), (b)(6)(iii) or (b)(6)(v) of this section, that the person for whom a job was either filled by or made available to a low- or moderate-income person based upon the census tract where the person resides or in which the business is located, the recipient, in lieu of maintaining records showing the person's family size and income, may substitute records showing either the person's address at the time the determination of income status was made or the address of the business providing the job, as applicable, the census tract in which that address was located, the percent of persons residing in that tract who either are in poverty or who are low- and moderate-income, as applicable, the data source used for determining the percentage, and a description of the pervasive poverty and general distress in the census tract in sufficient detail to demonstrate how the census tract met the criteria in § 570.208(a)(4)(v), as applicable.

(8) For each activity determined to aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight based on addressing one or more of the conditions which qualified an area as a slum or blighted area:

(i) The boundaries of the area; and

(ii) A description of the conditions which qualified the area at the time of its designation in sufficient detail to demonstrate how the area met the criteria in § 570.208(b)(1).

(9) For each residential rehabilitation activity determined to aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight in a slum or blighted area:

(i) The local definition of “substandard”;

(ii) A pre-rehabilitation inspection report describing the deficiencies in each structure to be rehabilitated; and

(iii) Details and scope of CDBG assisted rehabilitation, by structure.

(10) For each activity determined to aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight based on the elimination of specific conditions of blight or physical decay not located in a slum or blighted area:

(i) A description of the specific condition of blight or physical decay treated; and

(ii) For rehabilitation carried out under this category, a description of the specific conditions detrimental to public health and safety which were identified and the details and scope of the CDBG assisted rehabilitation by structure.

(11) For each activity determined to aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight based on addressing slums or blight in an urban renewal area, a copy of the Urban Renewal Plan, as in effect at the time the activity is carried out, including maps and supporting documentation.

(12) For each activity determined to meet a community development need having a particular urgency:

(i) Documentation concerning the nature and degree of seriousness of the condition requiring assistance;

(ii) Evidence that the recipient certified that the CDBG activity was designed to address the urgent need;

(iii) Information on the timing of the development of the serious condition; and

(iv) Evidence confirming that other financial resources to alleviate the need were not available.

(c)(1) Records that demonstrate that the recipient has made the determinations required as a condition of eligibility of certain activities, as prescribed in §§ 570.201(f), 570.201(i)(2), 570.201(p), 570.201(q), 570.202(b)(3), 570.206(f), 570.209, 570.210, and 570.309.

(2) Where applicable, records which either demonstrate compliance with the requirements of § 570.202(g) or § 570.204(a)(5) or document the State's or State's grant recipient's basis for an exception to the requirements of those paragraphs.

(d) Records which demonstrate compliance with § 570.503(b)(7) or § 570.505 regarding any change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance.

(e) Records that demonstrate compliance with the citizen participation requirements prescribed in 24 CFR part 91, subpart B, for entitlement recipients, or in 24 CFR part 91, subpart C, for HUD-administered small cities recipients.

(f) Records which demonstrate compliance with the requirements in § 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing.

(g) Fair housing and equal opportunity records containing:

(1) Documentation of the actions the participating jurisdiction has taken to affirmatively further fair housing pursuant to §§ 5.151, 5.152, 91.225, 91.325, and 91.425 of this title.

(2) Data on the extent to which each racial and ethnic group and single-headed households (by gender of household head) have applied for, participated in, or benefited from, any program or activity funded in whole or in part with CDBG funds. Such information shall be used only as a basis for further investigation as to compliance with nondiscrimination requirements. No recipient is required to attain or maintain any particular statistical measure by race, ethnicity, or gender in covered programs.

(3) Data on employment in each of the recipient's operating units funded in whole or in part with CDBG funds, with such data maintained in the categories prescribed on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's EEO-4 form; and documentation of any actions undertaken to assure equal employment opportunities to all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap in operating units funded in whole or in part under this part.

(4) Data indicating the race and ethnicity of households (and gender of single heads of households) displaced as a result of CDBG funded activities, together with the address and census tract of the housing units to which each displaced household relocated. Such information shall be used only as a basis for further investigation as to compliance with nondiscrimination requirements. No recipient is required to attain or maintain any particular statistical measure by race, ethnicity, or gender in covered programs.

(5) Documentation of actions undertaken to meet the requirements of § 570.607(b) which implements section 3 of the Housing Development Act of 1968, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701U) relative to the hiring and training of low and moderate income persons and the use of local businesses.

(6) Data indicating the racial/ethnic character of each business entity receiving a contract or subcontract of $25,000 or more paid, or to be paid, with CDBG funds, data indicating which of those entities are women's business enterprises as defined in Executive Order 12138, the amount of the contract or subcontract, and documentation of recipient's affirmative steps to assure that minority business and women's business enterprises have an equal opportunity to obtain or compete for contracts and subcontracts as sources of supplies, equipment, construction and services. Such affirmative steps may include, but are not limited to, technical assistance open to all businesses but designed to enhance opportunities for these enterprises and special outreach efforts to inform them of contract opportunities. Such steps shall not include preferring any business in the award of any contract or subcontract solely or in part on the basis of race or gender.

(7) Documentation of the affirmative action measures the recipient has taken to overcome prior discrimination, where the courts or HUD have found that the recipient has previously discriminated against persons on the ground of race, color, national origin or sex in administering a program or activity funded in whole or in part with CDBG funds.

(h) Financial records, in accordance with the applicable requirements listed in § 570.502, including source documentation for entities not subject to 2 CFR part 200. Grantees shall maintain evidence to support how the CDBG funds provided to such entities are expended. Such documentation must include, to the extent applicable, invoices, schedules containing comparisons of budgeted amounts and actual expenditures, construction progress schedules signed by appropriate parties (e.g., general contractor and/or a project architect), and/or other documentation appropriate to the nature of the activity. Grantee records pertaining to obligations, expenditures, and drawdowns must be able to relate financial transactions to either a specific origin year grant or to program income received during a specific program year.

(i) Agreements and other records related to lump sum disbursements to private financial institutions for financing rehabilitation as prescribed in § 570.513; and

(j) Records required to be maintained in accordance with other applicable laws and regulations set forth in subpart K of this part.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2506-0077) [53 FR 34454, Sept. 6, 1988; 53 FR 41330, Oct. 21, 1988, as amended at 60 FR 1916, 1953, Jan. 5, 1995; 60 FR 56915, Nov. 9, 1995; 61 FR 18674, Apr. 29, 1996; 64 FR 38813, July 19, 1999; 70 FR 76370, Dec. 23, 2005; 80 FR 42368, July 16, 2015; 80 FR 69873, Nov. 12, 2015; 81 FR 92637, Dec. 20, 2016; 85 FR 47911, Aug. 7, 2020; 86 FR 30792, June 10, 2021]
§ 570.507 - Reports.

(a) Performance and evaluation report—(1) Entitlement grant recipients and HUD-administered small cities recipients in Hawaii. The annual performance and evaluation report shall be submitted in accordance with 24 CFR part 91.

(2) HUD-administered Small Cities recipients in New York, and Hawaii recipients for pre-FY 1995 grants—(i) Content. Each performance and evaluation report must contain completed copies of all forms and narratives prescribed by HUD, including a summary of the citizen comments received on the report.

(ii) Timing. The performance and evaluation report on each grant shall be submitted:

(A) No later than October 31 for all grants executed before April 1 of the same calendar year. The first report should cover the period from the execution of the grant until September 30. Reports on grants made after March 31 of a calendar year will be due October 31 of the following calendar year, and the reports will cover the period of time from the execution of the grant until September 30 of the calendar year following grant execution. After the initial submission, the performance and evaluation report will be submitted annually on October 31 until completion of the activities funded under the grant;

(B) Hawaii grantees will submit their small cities performance and evaluation report for each pre-FY 1995 grant no later than 90 days after the completion of their most recent program year. After the initial submission, the performance and evaluation report will be submitted annually until completion of the activities funded under the grant; and

(C) No later than 90 days after the criteria for grant closeout, as described in § 570.509(a), have been met.

(iii) Citizen comments on the report. Each recipient shall make copies of the performance and evaluation report available to its citizens in sufficient time to permit the citizens to comment on the report before its submission to HUD. Each recipient may determine the specific manner and times the report will be made available to citizens consistent with the preceding sentence.

(b) Equal employment opportunity reports. Recipients of entitlement grants or HUD-administered small cities grants shall submit to HUD each year a report (HUD/EEO-4) on recipient employment containing data as of June 30.

(c) Minority business enterprise reports. Recipients of entitlement grants, HUD-administered small cities grants or Urban Development Action Grants shall submit to HUD, by April 30, a report on contracts and subcontract activity during the first half of the fiscal year and by October 31 a report on such activity during the second half of the year.

(d) Other reports. Recipients may be required to submit such other reports and information as HUD determines are necessary to carry out its responsibilities under the Act or other applicable laws.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 2506-0077 for paragraph (a) and 2529-0008 for paragraph (b) and 2506-0066 for paragraph (c)) [53 FR 34456, Sept. 6, 1988, as amended at 60 FR 1916, Jan. 5, 1995; 61 FR 32269, June 21, 1996]
§ 570.508 - Public access to program records.

Notwithstanding 2 CFR 200.337, recipients shall provide citizens with reasonable access to records regarding the past use of CDBG funds, consistent with applicable State and local laws regarding privacy and obligations of confidentiality.

[53 FR 8058, Mar. 11, 1988, as amended at 80 FR 75938, Dec. 7, 2015]
§ 570.509 - Grant closeout procedures.

(a) Criteria for closeout. HUD may make grant closeout determinations for individual grants or multiple grants simultaneously. A grant will be closed out when HUD determines, in consultation with the recipient, that the following criteria have been met:

(1) All costs to be paid with CDBG funds from a given origin year's grant have been expended and drawn down, with the exception of closeout costs (e.g., audit costs) and costs resulting from contingent liabilities described in the closeout agreement pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section. Contingent liabilities include, but are not limited to, third-party claims against the recipient, as well as related administrative costs.

(2) All activities for which funds were expended from the origin year grant are physically completed, are eligible, have met a national objective under § 570.208, and the grantee has reported on all accomplishments resulting from the activity.

(3) A final performance and expenditure report for completed activities has been submitted to HUD pursuant to 24 CFR 91.520, and HUD has determined the plan is satisfactory.

(4) All program income received by the grantee during the grantee program year associated with the origin year grant has been expended, or identified in a more recent program year's Action Plan, pursuant to 24 CFR 91.220(l).

(5) For origin year 2015 grants and subsequent grants, the grantee has expended no more than 20 percent of the origin year grant for planning and program administrative costs, under § 570.200(g)(1).

(6) Other responsibilities of the recipient under the grant agreement and applicable laws and regulations appear to have been carried out satisfactorily or there is no further Federal interest in keeping the grant agreement open for the purpose of securing performance.

(b) Closeout actions.

(1) Based on the information provided in the performance report and other relevant information, HUD, in consultation with the recipient, will prepare a closeout agreement in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(2) HUD will cancel any unused portion of the awarded grant, as shown in the signed grant closeout agreement. Any unused grant funds disbursed from the U.S. Treasury which are in the possession of the recipient shall be refunded to HUD. Any funds which have exceeded the statutory time limit on the use of funds will be recaptured by the U.S. Treasury pursuant to 24 CFR 570.200(k).

(3) Any costs paid with CDBG funds which were not audited previously shall be subject to coverage in the recipient's next single audit performed in accordance with HUD regulations implementing the Single Audit Act requirements at 2 CFR part 200. The recipient may be required to repay HUD any disallowed costs based on the results of the audit, or on additional HUD reviews provided for in the closeout agreement.

(c) Closeout agreement. Any obligations remaining as of the date of the closeout shall be covered by the terms of a closeout agreement. The agreement shall be prepared by the HUD field office in consultation with the recipient. The agreement shall identify the grant being closed out, and include provisions with respect to the following:

(1) Identification of any closeout costs or contingent liabilities subject to payment with CDBG funds after the closeout agreement is signed;

(2) Identification of any unused grant funds to be canceled by HUD;

(3) Description of the recipient's responsibility after closeout for:

(i) Compliance with all program requirements, certifications, and assurances in using any remaining CDBG funds available for closeout costs and contingent liabilities;

(ii) Use of real property assisted with CDBG funds in accordance with the principles described in §§ 570.503(b)(7) and 570.505;

(iii) Compliance with requirements governing future program income or receivables generated from activities funded from the origin year grant, as described in § 570.504(b)(4) and (5);

(iv) Ensuring that flood insurance coverage for affected property owners is maintained for the mandatory period; and

(4) Other provisions appropriate to any special circumstances of the grant closeout, in modification of or in addition to the obligations in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section. The agreement shall authorize monitoring by HUD, and shall provide that findings of noncompliance may be taken into account by HUD, as unsatisfactory performance of the recipient, in the consideration of any future grant award under this part.

(d) Status of consolidated plan after closeout. Unless otherwise provided in a closeout agreement, the Consolidated Plan will remain in effect after closeout until the expiration of the program year covered by the last approved consolidated plan.

(e) Termination of grant for convenience. Grant assistance provided under this part may be terminated for convenience in whole or in part before the completion of the assisted activities, in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200.339. The recipient shall not incur new obligations for the terminated portions after the effective date, and shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. HUD shall allow full credit to the recipient for those portions of obligations which could not be canceled and which had been properly incurred by the recipient in carrying out the activities before the termination. The closeout policies contained in this section shall apply in such cases, except where the approved grant is terminated in its entirety. Responsibility for the environmental review to be performed under 24 CFR part 50 or 24 CFR part 58, as applicable, shall be determined as part of the closeout process.

(f) Termination for cause. In cases in which the Secretary terminates the recipient's grant under the authority of subpart O of this part, or under the terms of the grant agreement, the closeout policies contained in this section shall apply, except where the approved grant is cancelled in its entirety. The provisions in 2 CFR 200.342) on the effects of termination shall also apply. HUD shall determine whether an environmental assessment or finding of inapplicability is required, and if such review is required, HUD shall perform it in accordance with 24 CFR part 50.

[53 FR 8058, Mar. 11, 1988, as amended at 56 FR 56128, Oct. 31, 1991; 60 FR 1916, Jan. 5, 1995; 60 FR 16379, Mar. 30, 1995; 80 FR 69873, Nov. 12, 2015; 80 FR 75938, Dec. 7, 2015]
§ 570.510 - Transferring projects from urban counties to metropolitan cities.

Section 106(c)(3) of the Act authorizes the Secretary to transfer unobligated grant funds from an urban county to a new metropolitan city, provided: the city was an included unit of general local government in the urban county immediately before its qualification as a metropolitan city; the funds to be transferred were received by the county before the qualification of the city as a metropolitan city; the funds to be transferred had been programmed by the urban county for use in the city before such qualification; and the city and county agree to transfer responsibility for the administration of the funds being transferred from the county's letter of credit to the city's letter of credit. The following rules apply to the transfer of responsibility for an activity from an urban county to the new metropolitan city.

(a) The urban county and the metropolitan city must execute a legally binding agreement which shall specify:

(1) The amount of funds to be transferred from the urban county's letter of credit to the metropolitan city's letter of credit;

(2) The activities to be carried out by the city with the funds being transferred;

(3) The county's responsibility for all expenditures and unliquidated obligations associated with the activities before the time of transfer, including a statement that responsibility for all audit and monitoring findings associated with those expenditures and obligations shall remain with the county;

(4) The responsibility of the metropolitan city for all other audit and monitoring findings;

(5) How program income (if any) from the activities specified shall be divided between the metropolitan city and the urban county; and

(6) Such other provisions as may be required by HUD.

(b) Upon receipt of a request for the transfer of funds from an urban county to a metropolitan city and a copy of the executed agreement, HUD, in consultation with the Department of the Treasury, shall establish a date upon which the funds shall be transferred from the letter of credit of the urban county to the letter of credit of the metropolitan city, and shall take all necessary actions to effect the requested transfer of funds.

(c) HUD shall notify the metropolitan city and urban county of any special audit and monitoring rules which apply to the transferred funds when the date of the transfer is communicated to the city and the county.

§ 570.511 - Use of escrow accounts for rehabilitation of privately owned residential property.

(a) Limitations. A recipient may withdraw funds from its letter of credit for immediate deposit into an escrow account for use in funding loans and grants for the rehabilitation of privately owned residential property under § 570.202(a)(1). The following additional limitations apply to the use of escrow accounts for residential rehabilitation loans and grants closed after September 7, 1990:

(1) The use of escrow accounts under this section is limited to loans and grants for the rehabilitation of primarily residential properties containing no more than four dwelling units (and accessory neighborhood-scale non-residential space within the same structure, if any, e.g., a store front below a dwelling unit).

(2) An escrow account shall not be used unless the contract between the property owner and the contractor selected to do the rehabilitation work specifically provides that payment to the contractor shall be made through an escrow account maintained by the recipient, by a subrecipient as defined in § 570.500(c), by a public agency designated under § 570.501(a), or by an agent under a procurement contact governed by the requirements of 2 CFR part 200, subpart D. No deposit to the escrow account shall be made until after the contract has been executed between the property owner and the rehabilitation contractor.

(3) All funds withdrawn under this section shall be deposited into one interest earning account with a financial institution. Separate bank accounts shall not be established for individual loans and grants.

(4) The amount of funds deposited into an escrow account shall be limited to the amount expected to be disbursed within 10 working days from the date of deposit. If the escrow account, for whatever reason, at any time contains funds exceeding 10 days cash needs, the grantee immediately shall transfer the excess funds to its program account. In the program account, the excess funds shall be treated as funds erroneously drawn in accordance with the requirements of U.S. Treasury Financial Manual, paragraph 6-2075.30.

(5) Funds deposited into an escrow account shall be used only to pay the actual costs of rehabilitation incurred by the owner under the contract with a private contractor. Other eligible costs related to the rehabilitation loan or grant, e.g., the recipient's administrative costs under § 570.206 or rehabilitation services costs under § 570.202(b)(9), are not permissible uses of escrowed funds. Such other eligible rehabilitation costs shall be paid under normal CDBG payment procedures (e.g., from withdrawals of grant funds under the recipient's letter of credit with the Treasury).

(b) Interest. Interest earned on escrow accounts established in accordance with this section, less any service charges for the account, shall be remitted to HUD at least quarterly but not more frequently than monthly. Interest earned on escrow accounts is not required to be remitted to HUD to the extent the interest is attributable to the investment of program income.

(c) Remedies for noncompliance. If HUD determines that a recipient has failed to use an escrow account in accordance with this section, HUD may, in addition to imposing any other sanctions provided for under this part, require the recipient to discontinue the use of escrow accounts, in whole or in part.

[55 FR 32369, Aug. 8, 1990, as amended at 80 FR 75938, Dec. 7, 2015]
§ 570.512 - [Reserved]
§ 570.513 - Lump sum drawdown for financing of property rehabilitation activities.

Subject to the conditions prescribed in this section, recipients may draw funds from the letter of credit in a lump sum to establish a rehabilitation fund in one or more private financial institutions for the purpose of financing the rehabilitation of privately owned properties. The fund may be used in conjunction with various rehabilitation financing techniques, including loans, interest subsidies, loan guarantees, loan reserves, or such other uses as may be approved by HUD consistent with the objectives of this section. The fund may also be used for making grants, but only for the purpose of leveraging non-CDBG funds for the rehabilitation of the same property.

(a) Limitation on drawdown of grant funds. (1) The funds that a recipient deposits to a rehabilitation fund shall not exceed the grant amount that the recipient reasonably expects will be required, together with anticipated program income from interest and loan repayments, for the rehabilitation activities during the period specified in the agreement to undertake activities, based on either:

(i) Prior level of rehabilitation activity; or

(ii) Rehabilitation staffing and management capacity during the period specified in the agreement to undertake activities.

(2) No grant funds may be deposited under this section solely for the purpose of investment, notwithstanding that the interest or other income is to be used for the rehabilitation activities.

(3) The recipient's rehabilitation program administrative costs and the administrative costs of the financial institution may not be funded through lump sum drawdown. Such costs must be paid from periodic letter of credit withdrawals in accordance with standard procedures or from program income, other than program income generated by the lump sum distribution.

(b) Standards to be met. The following standards shall apply to all lump sum drawdowns of CDBG funds for rehabilitation:

(1) Eligible rehabilitation activities. The rehabilitation fund shall be used to finance the rehabilitation of privately owned properties eligible under the general policies in § 570.200 and the specific provisions of either § 570.202, including the acquisition of properties for rehabilitation, or § 570.203.

(2) Requirements for agreement. The recipient shall execute a written agreement with one or more private financial institutions for the operation of the rehabilitation fund. The agreement shall specify the obligations and responsibilities of the parties, the terms and conditions on which CDBG funds are to be deposited and used or returned, the anticipated level of rehabilitation activities by the financial institution, the rate of interest and other benefits to be provided by the financial institution in return for the lump sum deposit, and such other terms as are necessary for compliance with the provisions of this section. Upon execution of the agreement, a copy must be provided to the HUD field office for its record and use in monitoring. Any modifications made during the term of the agreement must also be provided to HUD.

(3) Period to undertake activities. The agreement must provide that the rehabilitation fund may only be used for authorized activities during a period of no more than two years. The lump sum deposit shall be made only after the agreement is fully executed.

(4) Time limit on use of deposited funds. Use of the deposited funds for rehabilitation financing assistance must start (e.g., first loan must be made, subsidized or guaranteed) within 45 days of the deposit. In addition, substantial disbursements from the fund must occur within 180 days of the receipt of the deposit. (Where CDBG funds are used as a guarantee, the funds that must be substantially disbursed are the guaranteed funds.) For a recipient with an agreement specifying two years to undertake activities, the disbursement of 25 percent of the fund (deposit plus any interest earned) within 180 days will be regarded as meeting this requirement. If a recipient with an agreement specifying two years to undertake activities determines that it has had substantial disbursement from the fund within the 180 days although it had not met this 25 percent threshold, the justification for the recipient's determination shall be included in the program file. Should use of deposited funds not start within 45 days, or substantial disbursement from such fund not occur within 180 days, the recipient may be required by HUD to return all or part of the deposited funds to the recipient's letter of credit.

(5) Program activity. Recipients shall review the level of program activity on a yearly basis. Where activity is substantially below that anticipated, program funds shall be returned to the recipient's letter of credit.

(6) Termination of agreement. In the case of substantial failure by a private financial institution to comply with the terms of a lump sum drawdown agreement, the recipient shall terminate its agreement, provide written justification for the action, withdraw all unobligated deposited funds from the private financial institution, and return the funds to the recipient's letter of credit.

(7) Return of unused deposits. At the end of the period specified in the agreement for undertaking activities, all unobligated deposited funds shall be returned to the recipient's letter of credit unless the recipient enters into a new agreement conforming to the requirements of this section. Any program income which will be governed by a new agreement must be identified in the current program year Action Plan, pursuant to 24 CFR 91.220(l). In addition, the recipient shall reserve the right to withdraw any unobligated deposited funds required by HUD in the exercise of corrective or remedial actions authorized under § 570.910(b), § 570.911, § 570.912 or § 570.913.

(8) Rehabilitation loans made with non-CDBG funds. If the deposited funds or program income derived from deposited funds are used to subsidize or guarantee repayment of rehabilitation loans made with non-CDBG funds, or to provide a supplemental loan or grant to the borrower of the non-CDBG funds, the rehabilitation activities are considered to be CDBG-assisted activities subject to the requirements applicable to such activities, except that repayment of non-CDBG funds shall not be treated as program income.

(9) Provision of consideration. In consideration for the lump sum deposit by the recipient in a private financial institution, the deposit must result in appropriate benefits in support of the recipient's local rehabilitation program. Minimum requirements for such benefits are:

(i) Grantees shall require the financial institution to pay interest on the lump sum deposit.

(A) The interest rate paid by the financial institution shall be no more than three points below the rate on one year Treasury obligations at constant maturity.

(B) When an agreement sets a fixed interest rate for the entire term of the agreement, the rate should be based on the rate at the time the agreement is excuted.

(C) The agreement may provide for an interest rate that would fluctuate periodically during the term of the agreement, but at no time shall the rate be established at more than three points below the rate on one year Treasury obligations at constant maturity.

(ii) In addition to the payment of interest, at least one of the following benefits must be provided by the financial institution:

(A) Leverage of the deposited funds so that the financial institution commits private funds for loans in the rehabilitation program in an amount substantially in excess of the amount of the lump sum deposit;

(B) Commitment of private funds by the financial institution for rehabilitation loans at below market interest rates, at higher than normal risk, or with longer than normal repayment periods; or

(C) Provision of administrative services in support of the rehabilitation program by the participating financial institution at no cost or at lower than actual cost.

(c) Program income. Interest earned on lump sum deposits and payments on loans made from such deposits are program income and, during the period of the agreement, shall be used for rehabilitation activities under the provisions of this section.

(d) Outstanding findings. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no recipient shall enter into a new agreement during any period of time in which an audit or monitoring finding on a previous lump sum drawdown agreement remains unresolved.

(e) Prior notification. The recipient shall provide the HUD field office with written notification of the amount of funds to be distributed to a private financial institution before distribution under the provisions of this section.

(f) Recordkeeping requirements. The recipient shall maintain in its files a copy of the written agreement and related documents establishing conformance with this section and concerning performance by a financial institution in accordance with the agreement.

[53 FR 8058, Mar. 11, 1988, as amended at 80 FR 69873, Nov. 12, 2015]
authority: 12 U.S.C. 1701x,1701; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 5301-5320
source: 40 FR 24693, June 9, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 570.504