Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 570.700 - Purpose.

This subpart contains requirements governing the guarantee under section 108 of the Act of debt obligations as defined in § 570.701.

§ 570.701 - Definitions.

Borrower means the public entity or its designated public agency or the State that issues debt obligations under this subpart.

Credit subsidy cost means the estimated long-term cost to the Federal Government of a Section 108 loan guarantee or a modification thereof, calculated on a net present value basis, excluding administrative costs and any incidental effects on governmental receipts or outlays.

Debt obligation means a promissory note or other obligation issued by a public entity or its designated public agency or by a State and guaranteed by HUD under this subpart, or a trust certificate or other obligation offered by HUD or by a trust or other offeror approved for purposes of this subpart by HUD, which is guaranteed by HUD under this subpart and is based on and backed by a trust or pool composed of notes or other obligations issued by public entities or their designated public agencies or by States and guaranteed or eligible for guarantee by HUD under this subpart.

Designated public agency means a public agency designated by a public entity to issue debt obligations as borrower under this subpart.

Entitlement public entity means a metropolitan city or an urban county receiving a grant under subpart D of this part.

Guaranteed loan funds means the proceeds payable to the borrower from the issuance of debt obligations under this subpart and includes funds received by a nonentitlement public entity from a State under § 570.711.

Nonentitlement public entity means any unit of general local government in a nonentitlement area.

Public entity shall have the meaning provided for the term “Eligible public entity” in section 108(o) of the Act.

State-assisted public entity means a unit of general local government in a nonentitlement area which is assisted by a State as required in § 570.704(b)(9) and § 570.705(b)(2) or pursuant to § 570.711.

[59 FR 66604, Dec. 27, 1994, as amended at 61 FR 11481, Mar. 20, 1996; 74 FR 36389, July 22, 2009; 80 FR 67633, Nov. 3, 2015]
§ 570.702 - Eligible applicants.

The following public entities may apply for loan guarantee assistance under this subpart.

(a) Entitlement public entities.

(b) Nonentitlement public entities that are assisted in the submission of applications by States that administer the CDBG program (under subpart I of this part). Such assistance shall consist, at a minimum, of the certifications required under § 570.704(b)(9) (and actions pursuant thereto).

(c) Nonentitlement public entities eligible to apply for grant assistance under subpart F of this part.

§ 570.703 - Eligible activities.

Guaranteed loan funds may be used for the following activities, provided such activities meet the requirements of § 570.200. However, guaranteed loan funds may not be used to reimburse the CDBG program account or line of credit for costs incurred by the public entity or designated public agency and paid with CDBG grant funds or program income.

(a) Acquisition of improved or unimproved real property in fee or by long-term lease, including acquisition for economic development purposes.

(b) Rehabilitation of real property owned or acquired by the public entity or its designated public agency.

(c) Payment of interest on obligations guaranteed under this subpart.

(d) Relocation payments and other relocation assistance for individuals, families, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and farm operations who must relocate permanently or temporarily as a result of an activity financed with guaranteed loan funds, where the assistance is:

(1) Required under the provisions of § 570.606(b) or (c); or

(2) Determined by the public entity to be appropriate under the provisions of § 570.606(d).

(e) Clearance, demolition, and removal, including movement of structures to other sites and remediation of properties with known or suspected environmental contamination, of buildings and improvements on real property acquired or rehabilitated pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. Remediation may include project-specific environmental assessment costs not otherwise eligible under § 570.205.

(f) Site preparation, including construction, reconstruction, installation of public and other site improvements, utilities or facilities (other than buildings), or remediation of properties (remediation can include project-specific environmental assessment costs not otherwise eligible under § 570.205) with known or suspected environmental contamination, which is:

(1) Related to the redevelopment or use of the real property acquired or rehabilitated pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, or

(2) For an economic development purpose.

(g) Payment of issuance, underwriting, servicing, trust administration and other costs associated with private sector financing of debt obligations under this subpart.

(h) Housing rehabilitation eligible under § 570.202.

(i) The following economic development activities:

(1) Activities eligible under § 570.203; and

(2) Community economic development projects eligible under § 570.204.

(j) Construction of housing by non-profit organizations for homeownership under section 17(d) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (Housing Development Grants Program, 24 CFR part 850).

(k) A debt service reserve to be used in accordance with requirements specified in the contract entered into pursuant to § 570.705(b)(1).

(l) Acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or historic preservation, or installation of public facilities (except for buildings for the general conduct of government) to the extent eligible under § 570.201(c), including public streets, sidewalks, other site improvements and public utilities, and remediation of known or suspected environmental contamination in conjunction with these activities. Remediation may include project-specific environmental assessment costs not otherwise eligible under § 570.205.

(m) In the case of applications by public entities which are, or which contain, “colonias” as defined in section 916 of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 5306 note), as amended by section 810 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation of public works and site or other improvements which serve the colonia.

(n) Payment of fees charged by HUD pursuant to § 570.712.

[59 FR 66604, Dec. 27, 1994, as amended at 61 FR 11481, Mar. 20, 1996; 71 FR 30036, May 24, 2006; 80 FR 67633, Nov. 3, 2015; 81 FR 1121, Jan. 11, 2016]
§ 570.704 - Application requirements.

(a) Presubmission and citizen participation requirements. (1) Before submission of an application for loan guarantee assistance to HUD, the public entity must:

(i) Develop a proposed application that includes the following items:

(A) The community development objectives the public entity proposes to pursue with the guaranteed loan funds.

(B) The activities the public entity proposes to carry out with the guaranteed loan funds. Each activity must be described in sufficient detail, including the specific provision of § 570.703 under which it is eligible and the national objective to be met, amount of guaranteed loan funds expected to be used, and location, to allow citizens to determine the degree to which they will be affected. The proposed application must indicate which activities are expected to generate program income. The application must also describe where citizens may obtain additional information about proposed activities.

(C) A description of the pledge of grants required under § 570.705(b)(2). In the case of applications by State-assisted public entities, the description shall note that pledges of grants will be made by the State and by the public entity.

(D) A description of any CDBG funds, including guaranteed loan funds and grant funds, that will be used to pay fees required under § 570.705(g). The description must include an estimate of the amount of CBDG funds that will be used for this purpose. If the applicant will use grant funds to pay required fees, it must include this planned use of grant funds in its consolidated plan.

(ii) Fulfill the applicable requirements in its citizen participation plan developed in accordance with § 570.704(a)(2).

(iii) Publish community-wide its proposed application so as to afford affected citizens an opportunity to examine the application's contents and to provide comments on the proposed application.

(iv) Prepare its final application. Once the public entity has held the public hearing and published the proposed application as required by paragraphs (a)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this section, respectively, the public entity must consider any such comments and views received and, if the public entity deems appropriate, modify the proposed application. Upon completion, the public entity must make the final application available to the public. The final application must describe each activity in sufficient detail to permit a clear understanding of the nature of each activity, as well as identify the specific provision of § 570.703 under which it is eligible, the national objective to be met, and the amount of guaranteed loan funds to be used. The final application must also indicate which activities are expected to generate program income.

(v) If an application for loan guarantee assistance is to be submitted by an entitlement or nonentitlement public entity simultaneously with the public entity's submission for its grant, the public entity shall include and identify in its proposed and final consolidated plan the activities to be undertaken with the guaranteed loan funds, the national objective to be met by each of these activities, the amount of any program income expected to be received during the program year, and the amount of guaranteed loan funds to be used. The public entity shall also include in the consolidated plan a description of the pledge of grants, as required under § 570.705(b)(2), and the use of grant funds to pay for any fees required under § 570.705(g). In such cases the proposed and final application requirements of paragraphs (a)(1)(i), (iii), and (iv) of this section will be deemed to have been met.

(2) Citizen participation plan. The public entity must develop and follow a detailed citizen participation plan and make the plan public. The plan must be completed and available before the application is submitted to HUD. The plan may be the citizen plan required for the consolidated plan, modified to include guaranteed loan funds. The public entity is not required to hold a separate public hearing for its consolidated plan and for the guaranteed loan funds to obtain citizens' views on community development and housing needs. The plan must set forth the public entity's policies and procedures for:

(i) Giving citizens timely notice of local meetings and reasonable and timely access to local meetings, information, and records relating to the public entity's proposed and actual use of guaranteed loan funds, including, but not limited to:

(A) The amount of guaranteed loan funds expected to be made available for the coming year, including program income anticipated to be generated by the activities carried out with guaranteed loan funds;

(B) The range of activities that may be undertaken with guaranteed loan funds;

(C) The estimated amount of guaranteed loan funds (including program income derived therefrom) proposed to be used for activities that will benefit low and moderate income persons;

(D) The proposed activities likely to result in displacement and the public entity's plans, consistent with the policies developed under § 570.606 for minimizing displacement of persons as a result of its proposed activities.

(ii) Providing technical assistance to groups representative of persons of low and moderate income that request assistance in developing proposals. The level and type of assistance to be provided is at the discretion of the public entity. Such assistance need not include the provision of funds to such groups.

(iii) Holding a minimum of two public hearings, each at a different stage of the public entity's program, for the purpose of obtaining the views of citizens and formulating or responding to proposals and questions. Together the hearings must address community development and housing needs, development of proposed activities and review of program performance. At least one of these hearings must be held before submission of the application to obtain the views of citizens on community development and housing needs. Reasonable notice of the hearing must be provided and the hearing must be held at times and locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries, with accommodation for the handicapped. The public entity must specify in its plan how it will meet the requirement for a hearing at times and locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries.

(iv) Meeting the needs of non-English speaking residents in the case of public hearings where a significant number of non-English speaking residents can reasonably be expected to participate.

(v) Providing affected citizens with reasonable advance notice of, and opportunity to comment on, proposed activities not previously included in an application and activities which are proposed to be deleted or substantially changed in terms of purpose, scope, location, or beneficiaries. The criteria the public entity will use to determine what constitutes a substantial change for this purpose must be described in the citizen participation plan.

(vi) Responding to citizens' complaints and grievances, including the procedures that citizens must follow when submitting complaints and grievances. The public entity's policies and procedures must provide for timely written answers to written complaints and grievances within 15 working days of the receipt of the complaint, where practicable.

(vii) Encouraging citizen participation, particularly by low and moderate income persons who reside in slum or blighted areas, and other areas in which guaranteed loan funds are proposed to be used.

(b) Submission requirements. An application for loan guarantee assistance may be submitted at any time. The application (or consolidated plan) shall be submitted to the appropriate HUD Office and shall be accompanied by the following:

(1) A description of how each of the activities to be carried out with the guaranteed loan funds meets one of the criteria in § 570.208.

(2) A schedule for repayment of the loan which identifies the sources of repayment, together with a statement identifying the entity that will act as borrower and issue the debt obligations.

(3) A certification providing assurance that the public entity possesses the legal authority to make the pledge of grants required under § 570.705(b)(2).

(4) A certification providing assurance that the public entity has made efforts to obtain financing for activities described in the application without the use of the loan guarantee, the public entity will maintain documentation of such efforts for the term of the loan guarantee, and the public entity cannot complete such financing consistent with the timely execution of the program plans without such guarantee.

(5)-(6) [Reserved]

(7) The anti-lobbying statement required under 24 CFR part 87 (appendix A).

(8) Certifications by the public entity that:

(i) It possesses the legal authority to submit the application for assistance under this subpart and to use the guaranteed loan funds in accordance with the requirements of this subpart.

(ii) Its governing body has duly adopted or passed as an official act a resolution, motion or similar official action:

(A) Authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the public entity to submit the application and amendments thereto and all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the public entity to act in connection with the application to provide such additional information as may be required; and

(B) Authorizing such official representative to execute such documents as may be required in order to implement the application and issue debt obligations pursuant thereto (provided that the authorization required by this paragraph (B) may be given by the local governing body after submission of the application but prior to execution of the contract required by § 570.705(b);

(iii) Before submission of its application to HUD, the public entity has:

(A) Furnished citizens with information required by § 570.704(a)(2)(i);

(B) Held at least one public hearing to obtain the views of citizens on community development and housing needs; and

(C) Prepared its application in accordance with § 570.704(a)(1)(iv) and made the application available to the public.

(iv) It is following a detailed citizen participation plan which meets the requirements described in § 570.704(a)(2).

(v) The public entity will affirmatively further fair housing, and the guaranteed loan funds will be administered in compliance with:

(A) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.); and

(B) The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-3619).

(vi)(A) (For entitlement public entities only.) In the aggregate, at least 70 percent of all CDBG funds, as defined at § 570.3, to be expended during the one, two, or three consecutive years specified by the public entity for its CDBG program will be for activities which benefit low and moderate income persons, as described in criteria at § 570.208(a).

(B) (For nonentitlement public entities eligible under subpart F of this part only.) It will comply with primary and national objectives requirements, as applicable under subpart F of this part.

(vii) It will comply with the requirements governing displacement, relocation, real property acquisition, and the replacement of low and moderate income housing described in § 570.606.

(viii) It will comply with the requirements of § 570.200(c)(2) with regard to the use of special assessments to recover the capital costs of activities assisted with guaranteed loan funds.

(ix) (Where applicable, the public entity may also include the following additional certification.) It lacks sufficient resources from funds provided under this subpart or program income to allow it to comply with the provisions of § 570.200(c)(2), and it must therefore assess properties owned and occupied by moderate income persons, to recover the guaranteed loan funded portion of the capital cost without paying such assessments in their behalf from guaranteed loan funds.

(x) It will comply with the other provisions of the Act and with other applicable laws.

(9) In the case of an application submitted by a State-assisted public entity, certifications by the State that:

(i) It agrees to make the pledge of grants required under § 570.705(b)(2).

(ii) It possesses the legal authority to make such pledge.

(iii) At least 70 percent of the aggregate use of CDBG grant funds received by the State, guaranteed loan funds, and program income during the one, two, or three consecutive years specified by the State for its CDBG program will be for activities that benefit low and moderate income persons.

(iv) It agrees to assume the responsibilities described in § 570.710.

(c) HUD review and approval of applications. (1) HUD will normally accept the certifications submitted with the application. HUD may, however, consider relevant information which challenges the certifications and require additional information or assurances from the public entity or State as warranted by such information.

(2) [Reserved]

(3) HUD may disapprove an application, or may approve loan guarantee assistance for an amount less than requested, for any of the following reasons:

(i) HUD determines that the guarantee constitutes an unacceptable financial risk. Factors that will be considered in assessing financial risk shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(A) The length of the proposed repayment period;

(B) The ratio of expected annual debt service requirements to expected annual grant amount;

(C) The likelihood that the public entity or State will continue to receive grant assistance under this part during the proposed repayment period;

(D) The public entity's or State's ability to furnish adequate security pursuant to § 570.705(b), and

(E) The amount of program income the proposed activities are reasonably estimated to contribute toward repayment of the guaranteed loan.

(ii) The requested loan amount exceeds any of the limitations specified under § 570.705(a).

(iii) Funds are not available in the amount requested.

(iv) The performance of the public entity, its designated public agency or State under this part is unacceptable.

(v) Activities to be undertaken with the guaranteed loan funds are not eligible under § 570.703.

(vi) Activities to be undertaken with the guaranteed loan funds do not meet the criteria in § 570.208 for compliance with one of the national objectives of the Act.

(4) HUD will notify the public entity or State in writing that the loan guarantee request has either been approved, reduced, or disapproved. If the request is reduced or disapproved, the public entity or State shall be informed of the specific reasons for reduction or disapproval. If the request is reduced or disapproved, the public entity shall be informed of the specific reasons for reduction or disapproval. If the request is approved, HUD shall issue an offer of commitment to guarantee debt obligations of the borrower identified in the application subject to compliance with this part, including the requirements under § 570.705(b), (d), (g) and (h) for securing and issuing debt obligations, the conditions for release of funds described in paragraph (d) of this section, and such other conditions as HUD may specify in the commitment documents in a particular case.

(5) Amendments. If the public entity or State wishes to carry out or assist in an activity not previously described in its application or to substantially change the purpose, scope, location, or beneficiaries of an activity, the amendment must be approved by HUD. Amendments by State-assisted public entities must also be approved by the State. The public entity shall follow the citizen participation requirements for amendments in § 570.704(a)(2).

(d) Environmental review. The public entity shall comply with HUD environmental review procedures (24 CFR part 58) for the release of funds for each project carried out with loan guarantee assistance. These procedures set forth the regulations, policies, responsibilities and procedures governing the carrying out of environmental review responsibilities of public entities. All public entities, including nonentitlement public entities, shall submit the request for release of funds and related certification for each project to be assisted with guaranteed loan funds to the appropriate HUD Field Office.

(e) Displacement, relocation, acquisition, and replacement of housing. The public entity (or the designated public agency) shall comply with the displacement, relocation, acquisition, and replacement of low/moderate-income housing requirements in § 570.606 in connection with any activity financed in whole or in part with guaranteed loan funds.

[59 FR 66604, Dec. 27, 1994, as amended at 60 FR 1917, Jan. 5, 1995; 61 FR 11481, Mar. 20, 1996; 69 FR 32781, June 10, 2004; 72 FR 73496, Dec. 27, 2008; 74 FR 36389, July 22, 2009; 80 FR 67633, Nov. 3, 2015]
§ 570.705 - Loan requirements.

(a) Limitations on commitments. (1) If loan guarantee commitments have been issued in any fiscal year in an aggregate amount equal to 50 percent of the amount approved in an appropriation act for that fiscal year, HUD may limit the amount of commitments any one public entity may receive during such fiscal year as follows (except that HUD will not decrease commitments already issued):

(i) The amount any one entitlement public entity may receive may be limited to $35,000,000.

(ii) The amount any one nonentitlement public entity may receive may be limited to $7,000,000.

(iii) The amount any one public entity may receive may be limited to such amount as is necessary to allow HUD to give priority to applications containing activities to be carried out in areas designated as empowerment zones/enterprise communities by the Federal Government or by any State.

(2) In addition to the limitations specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the following limitations shall apply.

(i) Entitlement public entities. No commitment to guarantee shall be made if the total unpaid balance of debt obligations guaranteed under this subpart (excluding any amount defeased under the contract entered into under § 570.705(b)(1)) on behalf of the public entity would thereby exceed an amount equal to five times the amount of the most recent grant made pursuant to § 570.304 to the public entity.

(ii) States and State-assisted public entities. No commitment to guarantee shall be made if the total unpaid balance of debt obligations guaranteed under this subpart (excluding any amount defeased under the contract entered into under § 570.705(b)(1)) on behalf of the State and all State-assisted public entities in the State would thereby exceed an amount equal to five times the amount of the most recent grant received by such State under subpart I.

(iii) Nonentitlement public entities eligible under subpart F of this part. No commitment to guarantee shall be made with respect to a nonentitlement public entity in an insular area or the State of Hawaii if the total unpaid balance of debt obligations guaranteed under this subpart (excluding any amount defeased under the contract entered into under § 570.705(b)(1)) on behalf of the public entity would thereby exceed an amount equal to five times the amount of the most recent grant made pursuant to § 570.429 or § 570.440 (as applicable) to the public entity.

(A) The most recent grant approved for the public entity pursuant to subpart F of this part,

(B) The average of the most recent three grants approved for the public entity pursuant to subpart F of this part, excluding any grant in the same fiscal year as the commitment, or

(C) The average amount of grants made under subpart F of this part to units of general local government in New York State in the previous fiscal year.

(b) Security requirements. To assure the repayment of debt obligations and the charges incurred under paragraph (g) of this section and as a condition for receiving loan guarantee assistance, the public entity (and State and designated public agency, as applicable) shall:

(1) Enter into a contract for loan guarantee assistance with HUD, in a form acceptable to HUD, including provisions for repayment of debt obligations guaranteed hereunder;

(2) Pledge all grants made or for which the public entity or State may become eligible under this part; and

(3) Furnish, at the discretion of HUD, such other security as may be deemed appropriate by HUD in making such guarantees. Other security shall be required for all loans with repayment periods of ten years or longer. Such other security shall be specified in the contract entered into pursuant to § 570.705(b)(1). Examples of other security HUD may require are:

(i) Program income as defined in § 570.500(a);

(ii) Liens on real and personal property;

(iii) Debt service reserves; and

(iv) Increments in local tax receipts generated by activities carried out with the guaranteed loan funds.

(c) Use of grants for loan repayment, issuance, underwriting, servicing, and other costs. Notwithstanding any other provision of this part:

(1) Community Development Block Grants allocated pursuant to section 106 of the Act (including program income derived therefrom) may be used for:

(i) Paying principal and interest due (including such issuance, servicing, underwriting, or other costs as may be incurred under paragraph (g) of this section) on the debt obligations guaranteed under this subpart;

(ii) Defeasing such debt obligations; and

(iii) Establishing debt service reserves as additional security pursuant to paragraph (b)(3) of this section.

(2) HUD may apply grants pledged pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section to any amounts due under the debt obligations, the payment of costs incurred under paragraph (g) of this section, or to the purchase or defeasance of such debt obligations, in accordance with the terms of the contract required by paragraph (b)(l) of this section.

(d) Debt obligations. Debt obligations guaranteed under this subpart shall be in the form and denominations prescribed by HUD. Such debt obligations may be issued and sold only under such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by HUD. HUD may prescribe the terms and conditions of debt obligations, or of their issuance and sale, by regulation or by contractual arrangements authorized by section 108(r)(4) of the Act and paragraph (h) of this section. Unless specifically provided otherwise in the contract for loan guarantee assistance required under paragraph (b) of this section, debt obligations shall not constitute general obligations of any public entity or State secured by its full faith and credit.

(e) Taxable obligations. Interest earned on debt obligations under this subpart shall be subject to Federal taxation as provided in section 108(j) of the Act.

(f) Loan repayment period. The term of debt obligations under this subpart shall not exceed twenty years.

(g) Issuance, underwriting, servicing, and other costs. (1) Each public entity or its designated public agency and each State issuing debt obligations under this subpart must pay the issuance, underwriting, servicing, trust administration, and other costs associated with the private sector financing of the debt obligations.

(2) Each public entity or its designated public agency and each state issuing debt obligations under this subpart must pay any and all fees charged by HUD pursuant to § 570.712.

(h) Contracting with respect to issuance and sale of debt obligations; effect of other laws. No State or local law, and no Federal law, shall preclude or limit HUD's exercise of:

(1) The power to contract with respect to public offerings and other sales of debt obligations under this subpart upon such terms and conditions as HUD deems appropriate;

(2) The right to enforce any such contract by any means deemed appropriate by HUD;

(3) Any ownership rights of HUD, as applicable, in debt obligations under this subpart.

[59 FR 66604, Dec. 27, 1994, as amended at 69 FR 32782, June 10, 2004; 74 FR 36389, July 22, 2009; 80 FR 67633, Nov. 3, 2015]
§ 570.706 - Federal guarantee; subrogation.

Section 108(f) of the Act provides for the incontestability of guarantees by HUD under subpart M of this part in the hands of a holder of such guaranteed obligations. If HUD pays a claim under a guarantee made under section 108 of the Act, HUD shall be fully subrogated for all the rights of the holder of the guaranteed debt obligation with respect to such obligation.

[61 FR 11481, Mar. 20, 1996]
§ 570.707 - Applicability of rules and regulations.

(a) Entitlement public entities. The provisions of subparts A, C, J, K and O of this part applicable to entitlement grants shall apply equally to guaranteed loan funds and other CDBG funds, except to the extent they are specifically modified or augmented by the provisions of this subpart.

(b) State-assisted public entities. The provisions of subpart I of this part, and the requirements the State imposes on units of general local government receiving Community Development Block Grants or program income to the extent applicable, shall apply equally to guaranteed loan funds and Community Development Block Grants (including program income derived therefrom) administered by the State under the CDBG program, except to the extent they are specifically modified or augmented by the provisions of this subpart.

(c) Nonentitlement public entities eligible under subpart F of this part. The provisions of subpart F of this part shall apply equally to guaranteed loan funds and other CDBG funds, except to the extent they are specifically modified or augmented by the provisions of this subpart.

§ 570.708 - Sanctions.

(a) Non-State assisted public entities. The performance review procedures described in subpart O of this part apply to all public entities receiving guaranteed loan funds other than State-assisted public entities. Performance deficiencies in the use of guaranteed loan funds made available to such public entities (or program income derived therefrom) or violations of the contract entered into pursuant to § 570.705(b)(1) may result in the imposition of a sanction authorized pursuant to § 570.900(b)(7) against pledged CDBG grants. In addition, upon a finding by HUD that the public entity has failed to comply substantially with any provision of the Act with respect to either the pledged grants or the guaranteed loan funds or program income, HUD may take action against the pledged grants as provided in § 570.913 and/or may take action as provided in the contract for loan guarantee assistance.

(b) State-assisted public entities. Performance deficiencies in the use of guaranteed loan funds (or program income derived therefrom) or violations of the contract entered into pursuant to § 570.705(b)(1) may result in an action authorized pursuant to § 570.495 or § 570.496. In addition, upon a finding by HUD that the State or public entity has failed to comply substantially with any provision of the Act with respect to the pledged CDBG nonentitlement funds, the guaranteed loan funds, or program income, HUD may take action against the pledged funds as provided in § 570.496 and/or may take action as provided in the contract.

§ 570.709 - Allocation of loan guarantee assistance.

Of the amount approved in any appropriation act for guarantees under this subpart in any fiscal year, 70 percent shall be allocated for entitlement public entities and 30 percent shall be allocated for States and nonentitlement public entities. HUD need not comply with these percentage requirements in any fiscal year to the extent that there is an absence of applications approvable under this subpart from entitlement public entities or from States and nonentitlement public entities.

[74 FR 36389, July 22, 2009]
§ 570.710 - State responsibilities.

The State is responsible for choosing public entities that it will assist under this subpart. States are free to develop procedures and requirements for determining which activities will be assisted, subject to the requirements of this subpart. Upon approval by HUD of an application from a State or a State-assisted public entity, the State will be principally responsible, subject to HUD oversight under subpart I of this part, for ensuring compliance with all applicable requirements governing the use of the guaranteed loan funds. Notwithstanding the State's responsibilities described in this section, HUD may take any action necessary for ensuring compliance with requirements affecting the security interests of HUD with respect to the guaranteed loan.

[59 FR 66604, Dec. 27, 1994, as amended at 74 FR 36389, July 22, 2009]
§ 570.711 - State borrowers; additional requirements and application procedures.

This section contains additional requirements and alternative application procedures for guarantees of debt obligations under section 108 of the Act pursuant to the additional authority provided in paragraph (a) of section 222 of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2009, Public Law 111-8; 123 Stat. 524 at 976 (Division I of the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009) (“section 222” and the “2009 Appropriations Act”). If any other federal law or laws are enacted after March 11, 2009, the effect of which with respect to loan guarantee authority provided in an appropriations act is equivalent to the effect of section 222 with respect to the loan guarantee authority provided in the 2009 Appropriations Act, the additional requirements and alternative application procedures in this section shall also apply to guarantees of debt obligations under section 108 of the act, pursuant to the additional authority provided in such other federal law or laws.

(a) Applications by States. Notwithstanding § 570.702 and § 570.704, states that administer the CDBG program (under subpart I of this part) may apply for loan guarantee assistance under this subpart, and such application shall consist of the following:

(1) A copy of the State's CDBG method of distribution in the action plan most recently submitted or amended pursuant to 24 CFR part 91. In addition to the requirements of 24 CFR part 91, such method of distribution must note the approximate amount of section 108 guaranteed obligations issued by the State and all nonentitlement public entities that are outstanding at the time of such submission or amendment, identify the maximum amount of guaranteed loan funds for which the State will apply during the period covered by the action plan, describe the pledge of grants required under § 570.705(b)(2), and identify the nonentitlement public entities in the State that may be assisted with such guaranteed loan funds (to satisfy this requirement, the method of distribution may identify one or more specific nonentitlement public entities that may be assisted, or may indicate that all or a specified subset of the nonentitlement public entities in the State may be assisted and describe how applications will be selected for assistance).

(2) Either:

(i) A description of each activity to be carried out with the guaranteed loan funds, including the specific provision of § 570.703 under which the activity is eligible and how the activity meets one of the criteria in § 570.208; or

(ii) An indication of the type or types of activities to be assisted, the provisions of § 570.703 under which such activities are eligible, and the criteria in § 570.208 intended to be met, in which case HUD shall require that the description referred to in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section be submitted to and approved by HUD before the State disburses guaranteed loan funds to a public entity for the activity.

(3) A schedule for repayment of the loan which identifies the sources of repayment.

(b) Distribution to Local Governments. Proceeds payable to a State from the issuance of debt obligations under this subpart may be used only for:

(1) Loans and grants to the nonentitlement public entities identified in the State's approved application for activities eligible under § 570.703; and

(2) The uses specified in paragraphs (c), (g), and (k) of § 570.703.

(c) Certification of need. Prior to approving a nonentitlement public entity's application for assistance, the State shall obtain a certification from such public entity conforming to § 570.704(b)(4).

(d) Local government citizen participation requirements. The presubmission and citizen participation requirements in § 570.704(a) and the third sentence of § 570.704(c)(5) shall not apply with respect to nonentitlement public entities' applications to a State for assistance under this section. Nonentitlement public entities shall comply with the provisions of § 570.486(a) with respect to such applications and such assistance.

(e) Environmental review; displacement, relocation, acquisition, and replacement of housing. Nonentitlement public entities assisted by a State under this section shall comply with § 570.704(d) and (e).

[74 FR 36389, July 22, 2009]
§ 570.712 - Collection of fees; procedure to determine amount of the fee.

This section contains additional procedures for guarantees of debt obligations under section 108 when HUD is required or authorized to collect fees to pay the credit subsidy costs of the loan guarantee program.

(a) Collection of fees. HUD may collect fees from borrowers for the purpose of paying the credit subsidy cost of the loan guarantee. Each public entity or its designated public agency and each State issuing debt obligations under this subpart is responsible for the payment of any and all fees charged pursuant to this section. The fees are payable from the grant allocated to the issuer pursuant to the Act (including program income derived therefrom) or from other sources, but are only payable from guaranteed loan funds if the fee is deducted from the disbursement of guaranteed loan funds.

(b) Amount and determination of fee. (1) HUD shall calculate the amount of the fee as a percentage of the principal amount of the guaranteed loan as provided by this section, based on a determination that the fees when collected will reduce the credit subsidy cost to the amount established by applicable appropriation acts. The amount of the fee payable by the public entity or State shall be based on the date of the loan guarantee commitment and shall be determined by applying the percentages announced by Federal Register notice to guaranteed loan disbursements as they occur or periodically to outstanding principal balances, or both.

(2) HUD shall publish in the Federal Register the fees required under paragraph (a) of this section, announcing the fee to be applied, the effective date of the fee, and any other necessary information regarding payment of the fee and, if necessary, provide a 30-day public comment period for the purpose of inviting comment on the proposed fee before adopting changes to the assumptions underlying the fee calculation or if the fee structure itself raises new considerations for Borrowers. HUD will publish a second Federal Register notice, if necessary, after consideration of public comments.

[80 FR 67633, Nov. 3, 2015]
authority: 12 U.S.C. 1701x,1701; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 5301-5320
source: 40 FR 24693, June 9, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 570.705