Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 3282.1 - Scope and purpose.

(a) The National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (title VI of Pub. L. 93-383, 88 Stat. 700, 42 U.S.C. 5401, et seq.) (hereinafter referred to as the Act), requires the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development to establish Federal manufactured home construction and safety standards and to issue regulations to carry out the purpose of the Act. The standards promulgated pursuant to the Act appear at part 3280 of chapter XX of this title, and apply to all manufactured homes manufactured for sale to purchasers in the United States on or after the effective date of the standards (June 15, 1976). A manufactured home is manufactured on or after June 15, 1976, if it enters the first stage of production on or after that date.

(b) The Secretary is also authorized by the Act to conduct inspections and investigations necessary to enforce the standards, to determine that a manufactured home fails to comply with an applicable standard or contains a defect or an imminent safety hazard, and to direct the manufacturer to furnish notification thereof, and in some cases, to remedy the defect or imminent safety hazard. The purpose of this part is to prescribe procedures for the implementation of these responsibilities of the Secretary under the Act through the use of private and State inspection organizations and cooperation with State manufactured home agencies. It is the policy of the Department to involve State agencies in the enforcement of the Federal manufactured home standards to the maximum extent possible consistent with the capabilities of such agencies and the public interest. The procedures for investigations and investigational proceedings are set forth in 24 CFR part 3800.

[41 FR 19852, May 13, 1976, as amended at 61 FR 10442, Mar. 13, 1996]
§ 3282.6 - Separability of provisions.

If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other portion of part 3282 shall, for any reason, be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined by its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.

§ 3282.7 - Definitions.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 75758, Sept. 16, 2024.

The terms Department, HUD, and Secretary are defined in 24 CFR part 5.

(a) Act means the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, title VI of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5401 et seq.)

(b) Add-on means any structure (except a structure designed or produced as an integral part of a manufactured home) which, when attached to the basic manufactured home unit, increases the area, either living or storage, of the manufactured home.

(c) Alteration means the replacement, addition, and modification, or removal of any equipment or installation after sale by a manufacturer to a retailer or distributor but prior to sale by a retailer to a purchaser which may affect the construction, fire safety, occupancy, plumbing, heat-producing or electrical system. It includes any modification made in the manufactured home that may affect the compliance of the home with the standards, but it does not include the repair or replacement of a component or appliance requiring plug-in to an electrical receptacle where the replaced item is of the same configuration and rating as the one being replaced. It also does not include the addition of an appliance requiring plug-in to an electrical receptacle, which appliance was not provided with the manufactured home by the manufacturer, if the rating of the appliance does not exceed the rating of the receptacle to which it is connected.

(d) Attached accessory building or structure means any awning, cabana, deck, ramada, storage cabinet, carport, windbreak, garage, or porch for which the attachment of such is designed by the home manufacturer to be structurally supported by the manufactured home.

(e) Certification label see label.

(f) Certification report means the report prepared by an IPIA (see definition z) for each manufactured home manufacturing plant under § 3282.203 in which the IPIA provides a complete description of the initial comprehensive inspection of the plant, an evaluation of the quality assurance program under the approved quality assurance manual, and the identity of the DAPIA (see definition z) which approved the designs and quality assurance manual used in the plant. Where appropriate under § 3282.362(b)(5), the certification report may be made by a DAPIA.

(g) Component means any part, material or appliance which is built in as an integral part of the manufactured home during the manufacturing process.

(h) Cost information means information submitted by a manufacturer under section 607 of the Act with respect to alleged cost increases resulting from action by the Secretary, in such form as to permit the public and the Secretary to make an informed judgment on the validity of the manufacturer's statements. Such term includes both the manufacturer's cost and the cost to retail purchasers.

(i) Date of manufacture means the date on which the label required by § 3282.205(c) is affixed to the manufactured home.

(j) [Reserved]

(k) Defect means a failure to comply with an applicable Federal manufactured home safety and construction standard that renders the manufactured home or any part or component thereof not fit for the ordinary use for which it was intended, but does not result in an unreasonable risk of injury or death to occupants of the affected manufactured home. See related definitions of imminent safety hazard (definition q), noncompliance (definition x), and serious defect (definition ff).

(l) Design means drawings, specifications, sketches and the related engineering calculations, tests and data in support of the configurations, structures and systems to be incorporated in manufactured homes manufactured in a plant.

(m) [Reserved]

(n) Distributor means any person engaged in the sale and distribution of manufactured homes for resale.

(o) Failure to conform means an imminent safety hazard related to the standards, a serious defect, defect, or noncompliance and is used as a substitute for all of those terms.

(p) Finished good has the meaning provided in 40 CFR 770.3.

(q) Imminent safety hazard means a hazard that presents an imminent and unreasonable risk of death or severe personal injury that may or may not be related to failure to comply with an applicable Federal manufactured home construction or safety standard. See related definitions of defect (definition j), noncompliance (paragraph x) and serious defect (paragraph ff).

(r) Joint monitoring team means a monitoring inspection team composed of personnel provided by the various State Administrative Agencies, or by HUD or its contract agent, operating under a contract with HUD for the purpose of monitoring, or otherwise aiding in the enforcement of the Federal standards.

(s) Label or certification label means the approved form of certification by the manufacturer that, under § 3282.362(c)(2)(i), is permanently affixed to each transportable section of each manufactured home manufactured for sale to a purchaser in the United States.

(t) (Same as § 3280.2(a)(13).)

(u) Manufacturer means any person engaged in manufacturing or assembling manufactured homes, including any person engaged in importing manufactured homes for resale.

(v) (Same as § 3280.2(a)(16).)

(w) Manufactured home construction means all activities relating to the assembly and manufacture of a manufactured home including, but not limited to, those relating to durability, quality, and safety, but does not include those activities regulated under the installation standards in this chapter.

(x) Manufactured home safety means the performance of a manufactured home in such a manner that the public is protected against any unreasonable risk of the occurrence of accidents due to the design or construction of such manufactured home, or any unreasonable risk of death or injury to the user or to the public if such accidents do occur.

(y) Noncompliance means a failure of a manufactured home to comply with a Federal manufactured home construction or safety standard that does not constitute a defect, serious defect, or imminent safety hazard. See related definitions or defect (definition j), imminent safety hazard (definition q), and serious defect (definition ff).

(z) Owner means any person purchasing a manufactured home from any other person after the first purchase of the manufactured home, in good faith, for purposes other than resale.

(aa) Primary Inspection Agency (PIA) means a State/or private organization that has been accepted by the Secretary in accordance with the requirement of subpart H of this part. There are two types of PIA:

(1) Design Approval PIA (DAPIA), which evaluates and approves or disapproves manufactured home designs and quality control procedures, and

(2) Production Inspection PIA (IPIA), which evaluates the ability of manufactured home manufacturing plants to follow approved quality control procedures and provides ongoing surveillance of the manufacturing process. Organizations may act as one or both of these types.

(bb) Purchaser means the first person purchasing a manufactured home in good faith for purposes other than resale.

(cc) Quality Assurance Manual means a manual, prepared by each manufacturer for its manufacturing plants and approved by a DAPIA which contains: a statement of the manufacturer's quality assurance program, a chart of the organization showing, by position, all personnel accountable for quality assurance, a list of tests and test equipment required, a station-by-station description of the manufacturing process, a list of inspections required at each station, and a list by title of personnel in the manufacturer's organization to be held responsible for each inspection. Where necessary, the quality assurance manual used in a particular plant shall contain information specific to that plant.

(dd) To red tag means to affix a notice to a manufactured home which has been found to contain an imminent safety hazard or a failure to conform with any applicable standard. A red tag is the notice so affixed to the manufactured home.

(ee) Retailer means any person engaged in the sale, leasing, or distribution of new manufactured homes primarily to persons who in good faith purchase or lease a manufactured home for purposes other than resale.

(ff) Secretary's agent means a party operating as an independent contractor under a contract with HUD.

(gg) Serious defect means any failure to comply with an applicable Federal manufactured home construction and safety standard that renders the manufactured home or any part thereof not fit for the ordinary use for which it was intended and which results in an unreasonable risk of injury or death to occupants of the affected manufactured home.

(hh) Standards means the Federal manufactured home construction and safety standards promulgated under section 604 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5403,as.

(ii) State includes each of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Canal Zone, and American Samoa.

(jj) State Administrative Agency (SAA) means an agency of a State which has been approved or conditionally approved to carry out the State plan for enforcement of the standards pursuant to section 623 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5422,and.

(kk) State plan application means the application of any State organization which is submitted to the Secretary for approval as a State Administrative Agency under subpart G.

(ll) Substantial completion. A manufactured home is substantially completed if all aspects of construction that can be finished in the manufacturer's plant are completed, except as provided in § 3282.603.

(mm) System means a set or arrangement of materials or components related or connected as to form an operating entity, i.e., heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems, evaporative coolers.

(nn) United States District Courts means the Federal district courts of the United States and the United States courts of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Canal Zone, and American Samoa.

(oo) (Same as § 3280.2(a)(22).)

[41 FR 19852, May 13, 1976, as amended at 41 FR 24971, June 21, 1976; 47 FR 28093, June 29, 1982; 61 FR 5216, Feb. 9, 1996; 61 FR 10859, Mar. 15, 1996; 78 FR 60199, Oct. 1, 2013; 80 FR 53727, Sept. 8, 2015; 85 FR 5566, Jan. 31, 2020; 86 FR 2525, Jan. 12, 2021]
§ 3282.8 - Applicability.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 75758, Sept. 16, 2024.

(a) Manufactured homes. This part applies to all manufactured homes that enter the first stage of production on or after June 15, 1976, and to all manufactured homes that enter the first stage of production before June 15, 1976, to which labels are applied under § 3282.205(d).

(b) States. This part applies to States that desire to assume responsibility under the Federal manufactured home construction and safety standards enforcement program. It includes requirements which must be met in order for State agencies to be approved by the Secretary under section 623(c) of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5422(c). It also includes requirements for States wishing to act as primary inspection agencies, as defined in § 3282.7, or to participate in monitoring activities under § 3282.308.

(c) Primary inspection and engineering organizations. This part applies to each private inspection and engineering organization that wishes to qualify as a primary inspection agency under subpart H.

(d) Manufactured home manufacturers. This part applies to all manufacturers producing manufactured homes for sale in the United States. It includes:

(1) Inspection procedures to be carried out in the manufacturing plants.

(2) Procedures by which a manufacturer obtains approval of manufactured home designs.

(3) Procedures by which a manufacturer obtains approval of manufacturing quality control and assurance programs.

(4) Procedures by which a manufacturer may obtain production inspections and certification labels for its manufactured homes.

(e) Manufactured home retailers and distributors. This part applies to any person selling, leasing, or distributing new manufactured homes for use in the United States. It includes prohibitions of the sale of new manufactured homes to which labels have not been affixed pursuant to subpart H of these regulations or that have been altered, damaged, or otherwise caused not to be in compliance with the Federal standards.

(f) Purchasers, owners and consumers. This part applies to purchasers, owners and consumers of manufactured homes in that it sets out procedures to be followed when purchasers, owners and consumers complain to manufacturers, States, the Secretary or others concerning problems in manufactured homes for which remedies are provided under the Act.

(g) [Reserved]

(h) Imported manufactured homes. Imported manufactured homes are covered by the regulations except as modified by regulations promulgated jointly by the Secretary and the Secretary of the Treasury.

(i) Export manufactured homes. Manufactured Homes intended solely for export are not governed by this part or by part 3280 of this title if a label or tag stating that the manufactured home is intended solely for export is placed on the manufactured home or the outside of the container, if any, in which it is to be exported. However, any manufactured home so tagged or labeled that is not exported but is sold to a purchaser in the United States is subject to this part and part 3280 of this title.

(j) Add-on. An add-on including an attached accessory building or structure added by the retailer or some party other than the manufacturer (except where the manufacturer acts as a retailer) as part of a simultaneous transaction involving the sale of a new manufactured home, is not governed by the standards and is not subject to the regulations in this part except as identified in this section and part 3280 of this chapter. The addition of any add-on or attached accessory building or structure must not affect the ability of the manufactured home to comply with the standards. If the addition of an add-on or attached accessory building or structure causes the manufactured home to fail to conform to the standards, then sale, lease, and offer for sale or lease of the home are prohibited until the manufactured home is brought into conformance with the standards.

(1) With the exception of attached accessory buildings or structures, add-ons must be structurally independent and any attachment between the home and the add-on must be for weatherproofing or cosmetic purposes only.

(2) If an attached accessory building or structure is not structurally independent all the following must be met for attachment to the manufactured home:

(i) Manufactured home must be designed and constructed to accommodate all imposed loads, including any loads imposed on the home by the attached accessory building or structure, in accordance with part 3280 of this chapter.

(ii) Data plate must indicate that home has been designed to accommodate the additional loads imposed by the attachment of the attached accessory buildings or structures and must identify the design loads.

(iii) Installation instructions shall be provided by the home manufacturer which identifies acceptable attachment locations, indicates design limitations for the attached accessory building or structure including acceptable live and dead loads for which the home has been designed to accommodate and provide support and anchorage designs as necessary to transfer all imposed loads to the ground in accordance with part 3285 of this chapter.

(k) A structure (including an expandable room, tip-out, or tag-along unit) which is designed and produced as an integral part of a manufactured home when assembled on site, is governed by the standards and these regulations regardless of the dimensions of such structure.

(l) Multifamily homes. Mobile homes designed and manufactured with more than one separate living unit are not covered by the standards and these regulations.

[41 FR 19852, May 13, 1976, as amended at 41 FR 24970, June 21, 1976; 42 FR 35013, July 7, 1977; 44 FR 68733, Nov. 29, 1979; 47 FR 28093, June 29, 1982; 80 FR 53727, Sept. 8, 2015; 83 FR 57688, Nov. 16, 2018; 86 FR 2526, Jan. 12, 2021]
§ 3282.9 - Computation of time.

(a) In computing any period of time prescribed by the regulations in this part, refer to § 26.16(a) of this title.

(b) Extensions of any of the time periods set out in these regulations may be granted by the Secretary or, as appropriate, by a State Administrative Agency, upon a showing of good cause by the party governed by the time period.

[42 FR 2580, Jan. 12, 1977, as amended at 61 FR 10859, Mar. 15, 1996]
§ 3282.10 - Civil and criminal penalties.

Failure to comply with these regulations may subject the party in question to the civil and criminal penalties provided for in section 611 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5410. The maximum penalty imposed under section 611 of the Act shall be $3,558 for each violation, up to a maximum of $4,446,755 for any related series of violations occurring within one year from the date of the first violation.

[89 FR 13617, Feb. 23, 2024]
§ 3282.11 - Preemption and reciprocity.

(a) No State manufactured home standard regarding manufactured home construction and safety which covers aspects of the manufactured home governed by the Federal standards shall be established or continue in effect with respect to manufactured homes subject to the Federal standards and these regulations unless it is identical to the Federal standards.

(b) No State may require, as a condition of entry into or sale in the State, a manufactured home certified (by the application of the label required by § 3282.362(c)(2)(i)) as in conformance with the Federal standards to be subject to State inspection to determine compliance with any standard covering any aspect of the manufactured home covered by the Federal standards. Nor may any State require that a State label be placed on the manufactured home certifying conformance to the Federal standard or an identical standard. Certain actions that States are permitted to take are set out in § 3282.303.

(c) States may participate in the enforcement of the Federal standards enforcement program under these regulations either as SAAs or PIAs or both. These regulations establish the exclusive system for enforcement of the Federal standards. No State may establish or keep in effect through a building code enforcement system or otherwise, procedures or requirements which constitute systems for enforcement of the Federal standards or of identical State standards which are outside the system established in these regulations or which go beyond this system to require remedial actions which are not required by the Act and these regulations. A State may establish or continue in force consumer protections, such as warranty or warranty performance requirements, which respond to individual consumer complaints and so do not constitute systems of enforcement of the Federal standards, regardless of whether the State qualifies as an SAA or PIA.

(d) No State or locality may establish or enforce any rule or regulation or take any action that stands as an obstacle to the accomplishment and execution of the full purposes and objectives of Congress. The test of whether a State rule or action is valid or must give way is whether the State rule can be enforced or the action taken without impairing the Federal superintendence of the manufactured home industry as established by the Act.

[42 FR 2580, Jan. 12, 1977, as amended at 56 FR 65186, Dec. 16, 1991; 61 FR 10859, Mar. 15, 1996]
§ 3282.12 - Excluded structures—modular homes.

(a) The purpose of this section is to provide the certification procedure authorized by section 604(h) of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act under which modular homes may be excluded from coverage of the Act if the manufacturer of the structure elects to have them excluded. If a manufacturer wishes to construct a structure that is both a manufactured home and a modular home, the manufacturer need not make the certification provided for by this section and may meet both the Federal manufactured home requirements and any modular housing requirements. When the certification is not made, all provisions of the Federal requirements shall be met.

(b) Any structure that meets the definition of manufactured home at 24 CFR 3282.7(u) is excluded from the coverage of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act, 42 U.S.C. 5401 et seq., if the manufacturer certifies as prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section that:

(1) The structure is designed only for erection or installation on a site-built permanent foundation;

(i) A structure meets this criterion if all written materials and communications relating to installation of the structure, including but not limited to designs, drawings, and installation or erection instructions, indicate that the structure is to be installed on a permanent foundation.

(ii) A site-built permanent foundation is a system of supports, including piers, either partially or entirely below grade which is:

(A) Capable of transferring all design loads imposed by or upon the structure into soil or bedrock without failure,

(B) Placed at an adequate depth below grade to prevent frost damage, and

(C) Constructed of concrete, metal, treated lumber or wood, or grouted masonry; and

(2) The structure is not designed to be moved once erected or installed on a site-built permanent foundation;

(i) A structure meets this criterion if all written materials and communications relating to erection or installation of the structure, including but not limited to designs, drawings, calculations, and installation or erection instructions, indicate that the structure is not intended to be moved after it is erected or installed and if the towing hitch or running gear, which includes axles, brakes, wheels and other parts of the chassis that operate only during transportation, are removable and designed to be removed prior to erection or installation on a site-built permanent foundation; and

(3) The structure is designed and manufactured to comply with the currently effective version of one of the following:

(i) One of the following nationally recognized building codes:

(A) That published by Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and made up of the following:

(1) BOCA Basic Building Code,

(2) BOCA Basic Industrialized Dwelling Code,

(3) BOCA Basic Plumbing Code,

(4) BOCA Basic Mechanical Code, and

(5) National Electrical Code, or

(B) That published by the Southern Building Code Congress (SBCC) and the NFPA and made up of the following:

(1) Standard Building Code,

(2) Standard Gas Code,

(3) Standard Mechanical Code,

(4) Standard Plumbing Code, and

(5) National Electrical Code, or

(C) That published by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), and the NFPA and made up of the following:

(1) Uniform Building Code,

(2) Uniform Mechanical Code,

(3) Uniform Plumbing Code, and

(4) National Electrical Code or

(D) The codes included in paragraphs (b)(3)(i)(A), (B), or (C) in connection with the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code, or

(E) Any combination of the codes included in paragraphs (b)(3)(i)(A), (B), (C), and (D), that is approved by the Secretary, including combinations using the National Standard Plumbing Code published by the National Association of Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Contractors (PHCC), or

(F) Any other building code accepted by the Secretary as a nationally recognized model building code, or

(ii) Any local code or State or local modular building code accepted as generally equivalent to the codes included under paragraph (b)(3)(i), (the Secretary will consider the manufacturer's certification under paragraph (c) of this section to constitute a certification that the code to which the structure is built is generally equivalent to the referenced codes. This certification of equivalency is subject to the provisions of paragraph (f) of this section) or

(iii) The minimum property standards adopted by the Secretary pursuant to title II of the National Housing Act; and

(4) To the manufacturer's knowledge, the structure is not intended to be used other than on a site-built permanent foundation.

(c) When a manufacturer makes a certification provided for under paragraph (b) of this section, the certification shall state as follows:

The manufacturer of this structure, Name ____________________ Address ____________________ (location where structure was manufactured).

Certifies that this structure (Ser. No. ________) is not a manufactured home subject to the provisions of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act and is—

(1) designed only for erection or installation on a site-built permanent foundation,

(2) not designed to be moved once so erected or installed,

(3) designed and manufactured to comply with ______________ (Here state which code included in paragraph (b)(3) of this section has been followed), and

(4) to the manufacturer's knowledge is not intended to be used other than on a site-built permanent foundation.

(d) This certification shall be affixed in a permanent manner near the electrical panel, on the inside of a kitchen cabinet door, or in any other readily accessible and visible location.

(e) As part of this certification, the manufacturer shall identify each certified structure by a permanent serial number placed on the structure during the first stage of production. If the manufacturer also manufactures manufactured homes that are certified under §§ 3282.205 and 3282.362(c), the series of serial numbers for structures certified under this section shall be distinguishable on the structures and in the manufacturer's records from the series of serial numbers for the manufactured homes that are certified under §§ 3282.205 and 3282.362(c).

(1) If a manufacturer wishes to certify a structure as a manufactured home under §§ 3282.205 and 3282.362(c) after having applied a serial number identifying it as exempted under this section, the manufacturer may do so only with the written consent of the Production Inspection Primary Inspection Agency (IPIA) after thorough inspection of the structure by the IPIA at at least one stage of production and such removal or equipment, components, or materials as the IPIA may require to perform inspections to assure that the structure conforms to the Federal manufactured home standards. The manufacturer shall remove the original serial number and add the serial number required by § 3280.6.

(2) A manufacturer may not certify a structure under this section after having applied the manufactured home serial number under § 3280.6.

(f) All certifications made under this section are subject to investigation by the Secretary to determine their accuracy. If a certification is false or inaccurate, the certification for purposes of this section is invalid and the structures that have been or may be the subject of the certification are not excluded from the coverage of the Act, the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, or these Regulations.

(1) If the Secretary has information that a certification may be false or inaccurate, the manufacturer will be given written notice of the nature of this information by certified mail and the procedure of this subparagraph will be followed.

(i) The manufacturer must investigate this matter and report its findings in writing as to the validity of this information to the Secretary within 15 days from the receipt of the Secretary's notice.

(ii) If a written report is received within the time prescribed in paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section, the Secretary will review this report before determining whether a certification is false or inaccurate. If a report is not received within 15 days from the receipt of the Secretary's notice, the Secretary will make the determination on the basis of the information presented.

(iii) If the Secretary determines that a certification is false or inaccurate, the manufacturer will be given written notice and the reasons for this determination by certified mail.

(2) The Secretary may seek civil and criminal penalties provided for in section 611 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5410,if.

[44 FR 68733, Nov. 29, 1979, as amended at 49 FR 10666, Mar. 22, 1984]
§ 3282.13 - Voluntary certification.

(a) The purpose of this section is to provide a procedure for voluntary certification of non-conforming manufactured homes as required by 42 U.S.C. 5402(6) as amended by section 308(d)(B) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1980.

(b) Structures which meet all of the requirements of a manufactured home as set out in § 3282.7(u), except the size requirements, shall be manufactured homes if the manufacturer files with the Secretary a certification in the following form:

[Name of manufacturer and address where structures are to be manufactured] certifies that it intends to manufacture structures that meet all of the requirements of manufactured homes set forth at 42 U.S.C. 5402(6) except the size requirements. Such structures are to be treated as manufactured homes for the purposes of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. Such structures will be built in conformance with the Standards. [Name of manufacturer] further certifies that if, at any time it manufactures structures which are not manufactured homes, it will identify each such structure by a permanent serial number placed on the structure during the first stage of production and that the series of serial numbers for such structures shall be distinguishable on the structures and in its records from the series of serial numbers used for manufactured homes.

(c) Whenever a manufacturer which has filed a certification pursuant to § 3282.13(b) produces structures which are not manufactured homes, it must identify each such structure by placing a permanent serial number on the structure during the first stage of production. The series of serial numbers placed on these structures shall be distinguishable on the structure and in the manufacturer's records from the series of serial numbers used for manufactured homes.

(d) A manufacturer may certify a structure as a manufactured home after having applied a serial number identifying it as a structure which is not a manufactured home. To do so, the manufacturer must secure the written consent of the IPIA. This consent may only be given after a DAPIA has approved the manufacturer's design and quality assistance manual in accordance with § 3282.361, and after the IPIA has thoroughly inspected the structure in at least one stage of production and after such removal of equipment, components or materials as the IPIA may require to assure that the structure conforms to the standards. After certification as a manufactured home has been approved, the manufacturer shall remove the original serial number and add the serial number required by § 3280.6.

(e) Once a manufacturer has certified under § 3282.13(b) that it intends to build structures which are manufactured homes in all respects except size, the manufacturer must then, with respect to those structures, comply with all of the requirements of the Act and its regulations. The structures may not thereafter be exempted under any other section of these regulations.

[47 FR 28093, June 29, 1982]
§ 3282.14 - Alternative construction of manufactured homes.

(a) Policy. In order to promote the purposes of the Act, the Department will permit the sale or lease of one or more manufactured homes not in compliance with the standards under circumstances wherein no affirmative action is needed to protect the public interest. An add-on, including an attached accessory building or structure which does not affect the performance and ability of the manufactured home to comply with the standards in accordance with § 3282.8(j), is not governed by this section. The Department encourages innovation and the use of new technology in manufactured homes. Accordingly, HUD will permit manufacturers to utilize new designs or techniques not in compliance with the standards in cases:

(1) Where a manufacturer proposes to utilize construction that would be prohibited by the Standards;

(2) Where such construction would provide performance that is equivalent to or superior to that required by the Standards; and

(3) Where (i) compliance with the Standards would be unreasonable because of the circumstances of the particular case, or (ii) the alternative construction would be for purposes of research, testing or development of new techniques or designs. If a request for alternative construction is submitted and the facts are consistent with these principles, the Secretary may issue a letter under paragraph (c) of this section stating that no action will be taken under the Act based upon specific failures to conform to the Standards or these regulations, provided that certain conditions are met. The issuance of a letter under paragraph (c) of this section will not affect any right that any purchaser may have under the Act or other applicable law and will not preclude any further agency action that may become necessary.

(b) Request for alternative construction. A manufacturer may submit a request for alternative construction of a manufactured home. The request should be sent to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Manufactured Housing Standards Division, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410. The request must include:

(1) A copy of the manufactured design or plan for each nonconforming model which a manufacturer plans to build;

(2) An explanation of the manner in which the design fails to conform with the Standards, including a list of the specific standards involved;

(3) An explanation of how the design will result in homes that provide the same level of performance, quality, durability and safety as would be provided under the Standards;

(4) A copy of data adequate to support the request, including applicable test data, engineering calculations or certifications from nationally recognized laboratories;

(5) An estimate of the maximum number of manufactured home units affected and the location, if known, to which the units will be shipped;

(6) An indication of the period of time during which the manufacturer proposes to engage in the manufacture, sale or lease of the nonconforming homes;

(7) A copy of the proposed notice to be provided to home purchasers;

(8) A list of the names and addresses of any retailers that would be selling the nonconforming homes; and

(9) A letter from the manufacturer's DAPIA indicating that the design(s) to which any nonconforming homes would be built meet the Standards in all other respects.

(c) Issuance of the letter by the Secretary—(1) Contents of the letter. If the Secretary issues a letter in response to a request for alternative construction, the letter shall include the specific standards affected, an explanation of the proposed activity or design, an explanation of how the request is consistent with the objectives of the Act, and any conditions that the manufacturer must meet.

(2) Letter sent to IPIA, DAPIA and SAA. The Secretary shall forward a copy of the letter to the manufacturer's IPIA and DAPIA along with a letter authorizing the DAPIA to approve plans containing the alternative construction, and authorizing the IPIA to permit use of the alternative construction, provided that the conditions set forth in the letter are met. The Secretary shall also forward a copy of the letter to the SAAs in the State of manufacture and the State(s) in which the homes are to be located, if known.

(3) Alternative construction in additional models. In cases where the Secretary grants a letter under this paragraph that is not model-specific, the Secretary may permit the manufacturer to include the alternative construction in additional models. In such cases, the DAPIA shall notify the Department of additional models that incorporate the alternative construction.

(d) Revocation. The Secretary may revoke or amend a letter issued under paragraph (c) of this section at any time. Such revocation or amendment will be prospective only. Where manufacturers have requested alternative construction for research, testing or development such alternative construction may not achieve the anticipated results. Therefore, the Secretary may require a manufacturer to bring those homes into compliance with the standards if, after the alternative construction has been in use for a period of time specified by the Secretary, these homes are not, in the Secretary's judgment, providing the levels of safety, quality and durability which would have been provided had the homes been built in compliance with the Standards.

(e) Notice to prospective purchasers. Manufacturers receiving letters under paragraph (c) of this section shall provide notice to prospective purchasers that the home does not conform to the Standards. Such notice shall be delivered to each prospective purchase before he or she enters into an agreement to purchase the home. The notice shall be in the following form or in such other form as may be approved by the Secretary:

Notice to Purchasers

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has issued a letter to (Name of Manufacturer) concerning the homes in (location if known). As designed, the homes do not meet Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards regarding (brief statement of manufacturer's nonconformance).

HUD has evaluated the alternative construction and believes that it provides an equivalent level of quality, durability and safety to that provided by the Standards.

For further information about the specific Federal Standards involved, a copy of the letter issued pursuant to 24 CFR 3282.14(c) is available from this retailer or manufacturer upon request.

(f) Serial numbers of homes constructed using alternative construction. Manufacturers shall provide the Department with the serial numbers assigned to each home produced in conformance with the letter issued under paragraph (c) of this section within 90 days of their date of manufacture. Each serial number shall include the letters “AC” to indicate that the homes was produced under alternative construction procedures.

[49 FR 1967, Jan. 16, 1984, as amended at 86 FR 2526, Jan. 12, 2021]
§ 3282.15 - Exemption for recreational vehicles.

(a) Exemption. A recreational vehicle that meets the requirements of this section is exempt from 24 CFR parts 3280 and 3282.

(b) Definition. A recreational vehicle is:

(1) A vehicle or vehicular structure not certified as a manufactured home;

(2) Designed only for recreational use and not as a primary residence or for permanent occupancy; and is either:

(i) Built and certified in accordance with either NFPA 1192 (incorporated by reference, see § 3282.16) or ANSI A119.5 (incorporated by reference, see § 3282.16) as provided by paragraph (c) of this section; or

(ii) Any vehicle which is self-propelled.

(c) Notice and certification requirements. In order for the exemption to apply to an ANSI A119.5-15 certified recreational vehicle, a Manufacturer's Notice must be delivered to the consumer prior to the completion of the sales transaction. The Manufacturer's Notice must also be prominently displayed in a temporary manner in the kitchen (i.e., countertop or exposed cabinet face). The Manufacturer's Notice must meet the following requirements:

(1) Title of Manufacturer's Notice. The title of the Manufacturer's Notice shall be “*****MANUFACTURER'S NOTICE*****” which shall be legible and typed using bold letters at least 1 inch in size.

(2) Content of Notice. The content of the Manufacturer's Notice text shall be as follows:

The Manufacturer of this unit certifies that it is a Park Model Recreational Vehicle designed only for recreational use, and not for use as a primary residence or for permanent occupancy. The manufacturer of this unit further certifies that this unit has been built in accordance with the ANSI A119.5-15 consensus standard for Park Model Recreational Vehicles.

(3) Text of Notice. The text of the Manufacturer's Notice, aside from the Manufacturer's Notice's title shall be legible and typed using letters at least 1/2 inch in size.

(4) Removal of Manufacturer's Notice. The Manufacturer's Notice shall not be removed by any party until the entire sales transaction has been completed.

(5) Completion of sales transaction. A sales transaction with a Park Model Recreational Vehicle purchaser is considered completed when all the goods and services that the dealer agreed to provide at the time the contract was formed have been provided. Completion of a retail sale will be at the time the dealer completes installation of the Park Model Recreational Vehicle, if the dealer has agreed to provide the installation, or at the time the dealer delivers the recreational vehicle to a transporter, if the dealer has not agreed to transport or install the Park Model Recreational Vehicle. The sale is also complete upon delivery to the site if the dealer has not agreed to provide installation as completion of sale.

[83 FR 57688, Nov. 16, 2018]
§ 3282.16 - Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that specified in this section, the Department must publish a document in the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Manufactured Housing and Construction Standards Division, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room B-133, Washington, DC 20410, 202-402-5216, and is available from the sources listed below. Copies of incorporated standards that are not available from their producer organizations may be obtained from the Office of Manufactured Housing Programs. These standards are also available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For more information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030 or go to

(b) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169, telephone number 800-344-3555, website

(1) NFPA 1192, Standard on Recreational Vehicles, 2015 Edition, issued August 14, 2014, IBR approved for § 3282.15(b).

(2) [Reserved]

(c) Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA), 1896 Preston White Drive, Reston, VA 20191, telephone number 703-620-6003, website

(1) ANSI A119.5: Park Model Recreational Vehicle Standard, 2015 Edition, ANSI-approved April 7, 2015, IBR approved for § 3282.15(b).

(2) [Reserved]

[83 FR 57688, Nov. 16, 2018]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 2697,28.S.C. 2461 note, 42 U.S.C. 3535(d), 5403, and 5424
source: 41 FR 19852, May 13, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 3282.13