Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 3282.301 - General—scope.

This subpart sets out procedures to be followed and requirements to be met by States which wish to participate as State Administrative Agencies (SAA) under the Federal standards enforcement program. Requirements relating to States which wish to participate as primary inspection agencies under the Federal standards enforcement program are set out in subpart H of this part. Requirements which States must meet in order to receive full or conditional approval as SAAs and the responsibilities of such agencies are set out in § 3282.302. Reporting requirements for approved and conditionally approved SAAs are set out in subpart L.

§ 3282.302 - State plan.

A State wishing to qualify and act as an SAA under this subpart shall make a State Plan Application under this section. The State Plan Application shall be made to the Administrator, Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20410, and shall include:

(a) An original and one copy of a cover sheet which shall show the following:

(1) The name and address of the State agency designated as the sole agency responsible for administering the plan throughout the State,

(2) The name of the administrator in charge of the agency,

(3) The name, title, address, and phone number of the person responsible for handling consumer complaints concerning standards related problems in manufactured homes under subpart I of this part,

(4) A list of personnel who will carry out the State plan,

(5) The number of manufactured home manufacturing plants presently operating in the State,

(6) The estimated total number of manufactured homes manufactured in the State per year,

(7) The estimated total number of manufactured homes set up in the State per year, and

(8) A certification signed by the administrator in charge of the designated State agency stating that, if it is approved by the Secretary, the State plan will be carried out in full, and that the regulations issued under the Act shall be followed,

(b) An original and one copy of appropriate materials which:

(1) Demonstrate how the designated State agency shall ensure effective handling of consumer complaints and other information referred to it that relate to noncompliances, defects, serious defects or imminent safety hazards as set out in subpart I of this part, including the holding of Formal and Informal Presentations of Views and the fulfilling of all other responsibilities of SAAs as set out in this subpart G,

(2) Provide that personnel of the designated agency shall, under State law or as agents of HUD, have the right at any reasonable time to enter and inspect all factories, warehouses, or establishments in the State in which manufactured homes are manufactured,

(3) Provide for the imposition under State authority of civil and criminal penalties which are identical to those set out in section 611 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5410 except that civil penalties shall be payable to the State rather than to the United States,

(4) Provide for the notification and correction procedures under subpart I of this part where the SAA is to act under that subpart by providing the required approval by the SAA of the plan for notification and correction described in §§ 3282.408, 3282.409, and 3282.410, including approval of the number of units that may be affected and the proposed repairs, and by providing for approval of corrective actions where appropriate under subpart I,

(5) Provide for oversight by the SAA of:

(i) Remedial actions carried out by manufacturers for which the SAA approved the plan for notification and correction or for which the SAA has waived formal notification under subpart I.

(ii) A manufacturer's handling of consumer complaints and other information under subpart I as to plants located in the State.

(6) Provide for the setting of monitoring inspection fees in accordance with guidelines established by the Secretary and provide for participation in the fee distribution system set out in § 3282.307.

(7) Contain satisfactory assurances in whatever form is appropriate under State law that the designated agency has or will have the legal authority necessary to carry out the State plan as submitted for full or conditional approval,

(8) Contain satisfactory assurances that the designated agency has or will have, in its own staff or provided by other agencies of the state or otherwise, the personnel, qualified by education or experience necessary to carry out the State plan,

(9) Include the resumes of administrative personnel in policy making positions and of all inspectors and engineers to be utilized by the designated agency in carrying out the State plan,

(10) Include a certification that none of the personnel who may be involved in carrying out the State plan in any way are subject to any conflict of interest of the type discussed in § 3282.359 or otherwise, except that members of councils, committees, or similar bodies providing advice to the designated agency are not subject to the requirement,

(11) Include an estimate of the cost to the State of carrying out all activities called for in the State plan, under this section and § 3282.303, which estimate shall be broken down by particular function and indicate the correlation between the estimate and the number of manufactured homes manufactured in the State and the number of manufactured homes imported into the State, and the relationship of these factors to any fees currently charged and any fees charged during the preceding two calendar years. A description of all current and past State activities with respect to manufactured homes shall be included with this estimate.

(12) Give satisfactory assurances that the State shall devote adequate funds to carrying out its State plan,

(13) Indicate that State Law requires manufacturers, distributors, and retailers in the State to make reports pursuant to section 614 of the Act 42 U.S.C. 5413 and this chapter of these regulations in the same manner and to the same extent as if the State plan were not in effect,

(14) Provide that the designated agency shall make reports to the Secretary as required by subpart L of this part in such form and containing such information as the Secretary shall from time to time require,

(c) A state plan may be granted conditional approval if all of the requirements of § 3282.302 (a) and (b) are met except paragraphs (b)(2), (b)(3), (b)(6) or (b)(13). When conditional approval is given, the state shall not be considered approved under section 623 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5422,but. Conditional approval shall last for a maximum of five years, by which time all requirements shall be met for full approval, or conditional approval shall lapse. However, the Secretary may for good cause grant an extension of conditional approval upon petition by the SAA.

(d) If a State wishes to discontinue participation in the Federal enforcement program as an SAA, it shall provide the Secretary with a minimum of 90 days notice.

(e) Exclusive IPIA status. (1) A State that wishes to act as an exclusive IPIA under § 3282.352 shall so indicate in its State Plan and shall include in the information provided under paragraph (b)(11) of this section the fee schedule for the State's activities as an IPIA and the relationship between the proposed fees and the other information provided under paragraph (b)(11) of this section. If the Secretary determines that the fees to be charged by a State acting as an IPIA are unreasonable, the Secretary shall not grant the State status as an exclusive IPIA.

(2) The State shall also demonstrate in its State Plan that it has the present capability to act as an IPIA for all plants operating in the State.

[41 FR 19852, May 13, 1976, as amended at 47 FR 5888, Feb. 9, 1982; 51 FR 34468, Sept. 29, 1986; 61 FR 10860, Mar. 15, 1996; 78 FR 60199, Oct. 1, 2013]
§ 3282.303 - State plan—suggested provisions.

The following are not required to be included in the State plan, but they are urged as necessary to provide full consumer protection and assurances of manufactured home safety:

(a) Provision for monitoring of retailers' lots within the State for transit damage, seal tampering, and retailer performance generally,

(b) Provision of approvals of all alterations made to certified manufactured homes by retailer in the State. Under this program, the State would assure that alterations did not result in the failure of the manufactured home to comply with the standards.

(c) Provision for monitoring of the installation of manufactured homes set up in the State to assure that the homes are properly installed and, where necessary, tied down,

(d) Provision for inspection of used manufactured homes and requirements under State authority that used manufactured homes meet a minimal level of safety and durability at the time of sale, and,

(e) Provision for regulation of manufactured home transportation over the road to the extent that such regulation is not preempted by Federal authority.

§ 3282.304 - Inadequate State plan.

If the Secretary determines that a State plan submitted under this subpart is not adequate, the designated State agency shall be informed of the additions and corrections required for approval. A revised State plan shall be submitted within 30 days of receipt of such determination. If the revised State plan is inadequate or if the State fails to resubmit within the 30 day period or otherwise indicates that it does not intend to change its State plan as submitted, the Secretary shall notify the designated State agency that the State plan is not approved and that it has a right to a hearing on the disapproval in accordance with subpart D of this part.

§ 3282.305 - State plan approval.

The Secretary's approval or conditional approval of a State plan Application shall qualify that State to perform the functions for which it has been approved.

§ 3282.306 - Withdrawal of State approval.

The Secretary shall, on the basis of reports submitted by the State, and on the basis of HUD monitoring, make a continuing evaluation of the manner in which each State is carrying out its State plan and shall submit the reports of such evaluation to the appropriate committees of the Congress. Whenever the Secretary finds, after affording due notice and opportunity for a hearing in accordance with subpart D of this part, that in the administration of the State program there is a failure to comply substantially with any provision of the State plan or that the State plan has become inadequate, the Secretary shall notify the State of withdrawal of approval or conditional approval of the State program. The State program shall cease to be in effect at such time as the Secretary may establish.

§ 3282.307 - Monitoring inspection fee establishment and distribution.

(a) Each approved State shall establish a monitoring inspection fee in an amount required by the Secretary. This fee shall be an amount paid by each manufactured home manufacturer in the State for each transportable section of each manufactured housing unit produced by the manufacturer in that State. In non-approved and conditionally-approved States, the fee shall be set by the Secretary.

(b) The monitoring inspection fee shall be paid by the manufacturer to the Secretary or to the Secretary's Agent, who shall distribute a portion of the fees collected from all manufactured home manufacturers among the approved and conditionally-approved States in accordance with an agreement between the Secretary and the States and based upon the following formula subject to the availability of appropriations:

(1) $9.00 of the monitoring inspection fee collected for each transportable section of each new manufactured housing unit that is first located on the premises of a retailer, distributor, or purchaser in that State; plus

(2) $14.00 of the monitoring inspection fee collected for each transportable section of each new manufactured housing unit produced in a manufacturing plant in that State.

(c) A portion of the monitoring inspection fee collected also shall be distributed by the Secretary or the Secretary's Agent based on the extent of participation of the State in the Joint Team Monitoring Program set out in § 3282.308.

(d) To assure that a State devotes adequate funds to carry out its State Plan, a State may impose an additional reasonable inspection fee to offset expenses incurred by that State in conducting inspections. Such fee shall not exceed that amount which is the difference between the amount of funds distributed to the State as provided in paragraph (b) of this section and the amount necessary to cover the costs of inspections. Such fee shall be part of the State Plan pursuant to § 3282.302(b) (11) and (12) and shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary pursuant to § 3282.305.

(e) The Secretary may establish by notice in the Federal Register a monitoring inspection fee which is to be paid by manufacturers for each transportable section of each manufactured housing unit manufactured in nonapproved and conditionally approved States as described in § 3282.210. To determine the amount of the inspection fee to be paid for each transportable section of each manufactured home, the Secretary shall divide the (estimated) number of transportable sections of manufactured homes (based on recent industry production figures) into the anticipated aggregate cost of conducting the inspection program in the foreseeable feature. The time period selected for projecting the Department's inspection-related costs and number of transportable sections need not always be the same, but must be for a period of sufficient duration to provide for access to reasonable underlying data. To determine the aggregate cost of conducting the inspection program, the Secretary shall calculate the sum necessary to support:

(1) Inspection-related activities of State Administrative Agencies;

(2) Inspection-related activities performed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development;

(3) Inspection-related activities performed by monitoring inspection contractors;

(4) Miscellaneous activities involving the performance of inspection-related activities by the Department, including on-site inspections on an ad hoc basis; and

(5) Maintenance of adequate funds to offset short-term fluctuations in costs that do not warrant revising the fee under the authority of this section.

(f) The Secretary may at any time revise the amount of the fees established under paragraph (a) or (e) of this section by placing a notice of the amount of the revised fee in the Federal Register.

[50 FR 28398, July 12, 1985, as amended at 56 FR 65186, Dec. 16, 1991; 85 FR 71834, Nov. 12, 2020]
§ 3282.308 - State participation in monitoring of primary inspection agencies.

(a) An SAA may provide personnel to participate in joint team monitoring of primary inspection agencies as set out in subpart J. If an SAA wishes to do so, it must include in its State plan a list of what personnel would be supplied for the teams, their qualifications, and how many person-years the State would supply. All personnel will be subject to approval by the Secretary or the Secretary's agent. A person-year is 2,080 hours of work.

(b) If an SAA wishes to monitor the performance of primary inspection agencies acting within the State, it must include in its State plan a description of how extensively, how often, and by whom this will be carried out. This monitoring shall be coordinated by the Secretary, or the Secretary's agent with monitoring carried out by joint monitoring teams, and in no event shall an SAA provide monitoring where the State is also acting as a primary inspection agency.

§ 3282.309 - Formal and informal presentations of views held by SAAs.

(a) When an SAA is the appropriate agency to hold a Formal or Informal Presentation of Views under § 3282.412 of subpart I, the SAA shall follow the procedures set out in §§ 3282.152 and 3282.153, with the SAA acting as the Secretary otherwise would under that section. Where § 3282.152 requires publication of notice in the Federal Register, the SAA shall, to the maximum extent possible, provide equivalent notice throughout the State by publication in the newspaper or newspapers having statewide coverage or otherwise. The determination of whether to provide an Informal Presentation of Views under § 3282.152(f), or a Formal Presentation of Views under § 3282.152(g), is left to the SAA.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 3282.152(f)(2) and (g)(2) relating to the conclusive effect of a final determination, any party, in a proceeding held at an SAA under this section, including specifically the owners of affected manufactured homes, States in which affected manufactured homes are located, consumer groups representing affected owners and manufacturers (but limited to parties with similar substantial interest) may appeal to the Secretary in writing any Final Determination by an SAA which is adverse to the interest of that party. This appeal on the record shall be made within 30 days of the date on which the Final Determination was made by the SAA.

[41 FR 19852, May 13, 1976, as amended at 51 FR 34468, Sept. 29, 1986; 78 FR 60199, Oct. 1, 2013]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 2697,28.S.C. 2461 note, 42 U.S.C. 3535(d), 5403, and 5424
source: 41 FR 19852, May 13, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 3282.302