Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 8.50 - Assurances required.

(a) Assurances. An applicant for Federal financial assistance for a program or activity to which this part applies shall submit an assurance to HUD, or in the case of a subrecipient to a primary recipient, on a form specified by the responsible civil rights official, that the program or activity will be operated in compliance with this part. An applicant may incorporate these assurances by reference in subsequent applications to the Department.

(b) Duration of obligation. (1) In the case of Federal financial assistance extended in the form of real property or to provide real property or structures on the property, the assurance will obligate the recipient or, in the case of a subsequent transfer, the transferee, for the period during which the real property or structures are used for the purpose for which Federal financial assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits.

(2) In the case of Federal financial assistance extended to provide personal property, the assurance will obligate the recipient for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of the property.

(3) In all other cases the assurance will obligate the recipient for the period during which Federal financial assistance is extended.

(c) Covenants. (1) Where Federal financial assistance is provided in the form of real property or interest in the property from the Department, the instrument effecting or recording this transfer shall contain a covenant running with the land to assure nondiscrimination for the period during which the real property is used for a purpose for which the Federal financial assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits.

(2) Where no transfer of property is involved but property is purchased or improved with Federal financial assistance, the recipient shall agree to include the covenant described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section in the instrument effecting or recording any subsequent transfer of the property.

(3) Where Federal financial assistance is provided in the form of real property or interest in the property from the Department, the covenant shall also include a condition coupled with a right to be reserved by the Department to revert title to the property in the event of a breach of the covenant. If a transferee of real property proposes to mortgage or otherwise encumber the real property as security for financing construction of new, or improvement of existing, facilities on the property for the purposes for which the property was transferred, the Secretary may, upon request of the transferee and if necessary to accomplish such financing and upon such conditions as he or she deems appropriate, agree to forbear the exercise of such right to revert title for so long as the lien of such mortgage or other encumbrance remains effective.

§ 8.51 - Self-evaluation.

(a) Each recipient shall, within one year of July 11, 1988, and after consultation with interested persons, including individuals with handicaps or organizations representing individuals with handicaps:

(1) Evaluate its current policies and practices to determine whether, in whole or in part, they do not or may not meet the requirements of this part;

(2) Modify any policies and practices that do not meet the requirements of this part; and

(3) Take appropriate corrective steps to remedy the discrimination revealed by the self-evaluation.

(b) A recipient that employs fifteen or more persons shall, for at least three years following completion of the evaluation required under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, maintain on file, make available for public inspection, and provide to the responsible civil rights official, upon request: (1) A list of the interested persons consulted; (2) a description of areas examined and any problems identified; and (3) a description of any modifications made and of any remedial steps taken.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2529-0034) [53 FR 20233, June 2, 1988, as amended at 54 FR 37645, Sept. 12, 1989]
§ 8.52 - Remedial and affirmative action.

(a) Remedial action. (1) If the responsible civil rights official finds that a recipient has discriminated against persons on the basis of handicap in violation of section 504 or this part, the recipient shall take such remedial action as the responsible civil rights official deems necessary to overcome the effects of the discrimination.

(2) The responsible civil rights official may, where necessary to overcome the effects of discrimination in violation of section 504 or this part, require a recipient to take remedial action—

(i) With respect to individuals with handicaps who are no longer participants in the program but who were participants in the program when such discrimination occurred or

(ii) With respect to individuals with handicaps who would have been participants in the program had the discrimination not occurred.

(b) Voluntary action. A recipient may take nondiscriminatory steps, in addition to any action that is required by this part, to overcome the effects of conditions that resulted in limited participation in the recipient's program or activity by qualified individuals with handicaps.

§ 8.53 - Designation of responsible employee and adoption of grievance procedures.

(a) Designation of responsible employee. A recipient that employs fifteen or more persons shall designate at least one person to coordinate its efforts to comply with this part.

(b) Adoption of grievance procedures. A recipient that employees fifteen or more persons shall adopt grievance procedures that incorporate appropriate due process standards and that provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by this part. Such procedures need not be established with respect to complaints from applicants for employment or from applicants for admission to housing covered by this part.

§ 8.54 - Notice.

(a) A recipient that employs fifteen or more persons shall take appropriate initial and continuing steps to notify participants, beneficiaries, applicants, and employees, including those with impaired vision or hearing, and unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the recipient that it does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in violation of this part. The notification shall state, where appropriate, that the recipient does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities. The notification shall also include an identification of the responsible employee designated pursuant to § 8.53. A recipient shall make the initial notification required by this paragraph within 90 days of July 11, 1988. Methods of initial and continuing notification may include the posting of notices, publication in newspapers and magazines, placement of notices in recipients' publications, and distribution of memoranda or other written communications.

(b) If a recipient publishes or uses recruitment materials or publications containing general information that it makes available to participants, beneficiaries, applicants, or employees, it shall include in those materials or publications a statement of the policy described in paragraph (a) of this section. A recipient may meet the requirement of this paragraph either by including appropriate inserts in existing materials and publications or by revising and reprinting the materials and publications.

(c) The recipient shall ensure that members of the population eligible to be served or likely to be affected directly by a federally assisted program who have visual or hearing impairments are provided with the information necessary to understand and participate in the program. Methods for ensuring participation include, but are not limited to, qualified sign language and oral interpreters, readers, or the use of taped and Braille materials.

§ 8.55 - Compliance information.

(a) Cooperation and assistance. The responsible civil rights official and the award official shall, to the fullest extent practicable, seek the cooperation of recipients in obtaining compliance with this part and shall provide assistance and guidance to recipients to help them comply voluntarily with this part.

(b) Compliance reports. Each recipient shall keep such records and submit to the responsible civil rights official or his or her designee timely, complete, and accurate compliance reports at such times, and in such form and containing such information, as the responsible civil rights official or his or her designee may determine to be necessary to enable him or her to ascertain whether the recipient has complied or is complying with this part. In general, recipients should have available for the Department data showing the extent to which individuals with handicaps are beneficiaries of federally assisted programs.

(c) Access to sources of information. Each recipient shall permit access by the responsible civil rights official during normal business hours to such of its books, records, accounts, and other sources of information, and its facilities, as may be pertinent to ascertain compliance with this part. Where any information required of a recipient is in the exclusive possession of any other agency, institution, or person and this agency, institution, or person shall fail or refuse to furnish this information, the recipient shall so certify in its report and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information.

(d) Information to beneficiaries and participants. Each recipient shall make available to participants, beneficiaries, and other interested persons such information regarding the provisions of this part and its applicability to the program or activity under which the recipient receives Federal financial assistance, and make such information available to them in such manner as the responsible civil rights official finds necessary to apprise such persons of the protections against discrimination assured them by this part.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2529-0034) [53 FR 20233, June 2, 1988, as amended at 54 FR 37645, Sept. 12, 1989]
§ 8.56 - Conduct of investigations.

(a) Periodic compliance reviews. The responsible civil rights official or designee may periodically review the practices of recipients to determine whether they are complying with this part and where he or she has a reasonable basis to do so may conduct on-site reviews. Such basis may include any evidence that a problem exists or that programmatic matters exist that justify on-site investigation in selected circumstances. The responsible civil rights official shall initiate an on-site review by sending to the recipient a letter advising the recipient of the practices to be reviewed; the programs affected by the review; and the opportunity, at any time prior to receipt of a final determination, to make a documentary or other submission that explains, validates, or otherwise addresses the practices under review. In addition, each award official shall include in normal program compliance reviews and monitoring procedures appropriate actions to review and monitor compliance with general or specific program requirements designed to effectuate the requirements of this part.

(b) Investigations. The responsible civil rights official shall make a prompt investigation whenever a compliance review, report, complaint or any other information indicates a possible failure to comply with this part.

(c) Filing a complaint—(1) Who may file. Any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination prohibited by this part may by himself or herself or by his or her authorized representative file a complaint with the responsible civil rights official. Any person who believes that any specific class of persons has been subjected to discrimination prohibited by this part and who is a member of that class or who is the authorized representative of a member of that class may file a complaint with the responsible civil rights official.

(2) Confidentiality. The responsible civil rights official shall hold in confidence the identity of any person submitting a complaint, unless the person submits written authorization otherwise, and except to the extent necessary to carry out the purposes of this part, including the conduct of any investigation, hearing, or proceeding under this part.

(3) When to file. Complaints shall be filed within 180 days of the alleged act of discrimination, unless the responsible civil rights official waives this time limit for good cause shown. For purposes of determining when a complaint is filed under this paragraph, a complaint mailed to the Department shall be deemed filed on the date it is postmarked. Any other complaint shall be deemed filed on the date it is received by the Department.

(4) Where to file complaints. Complaints may be filed by mail with the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC 20410, or any Regional or Field Office of the Department.

(5) Contents of complaints. Each complaint should contain the complainant's name and address, the name and address of the recipient alleged to have violated this part, and a description of the recipient's alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Department of the nature and date of the alleged violation of this part.

(6) Amendments of complaints. Complaints may be reasonably and fairly amended at any time. Amendments to complaints such as clarification and amplification of allegations in a complaint or the addition of other recipients may be made at any time during the pendency of the complaint and any amendment shall be deemed to be made as of the original filing date.

(d) Notification. The responsible civil rights official will notify the complainant and the recipient of the agency's receipt of the complaint within ten (10) calendar days.

(e) Complaint processing procedures. After acknowledging receipt of a complaint, the responsible civil rights official will immediately initiate complaint processing procedures.

(1) Preliminary investigation.

(i) Within twenty (20) calendar days of acknowledgement of the complaint, the responsible civil rights official will review the complaint for acceptance, rejection, or referral to the appropriate Federal agency.

(ii) If the complaint is accepted, the responsible civil rights official will notify the complainant and the award official. The responsible civil righs official will also notify the applicant or recipient complained against of the allegations and give the applicant or recipient an opportunity to make a written submission responding to, rebutting, or denying the allegations raised in the complaint.

(iii) The party complained against may send the responsible civil rights official a response to the notice of complaint within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving it. With leave of the responsible civil rights official, an answer may be amended at any time. The responsible civil rights official will permit answers to be amended for good cause shown.

(2) Informal resolution. In accordance with paragraph (j) of this section, the responsible civil rights official shall attempt to resolve complaints informally whenever possible.

(f) Dismissal of complaint. If the investigation reveals no violation of this part, the responsible civil rights official will dismiss the complaint and notify the complainant and recipient.

(g) Letter of findings. If an informal resolution of the complaint is not reached the responsible civil rights official or his or her designee shall, within 180 days of receipt of the complaint, notify the recipient and the complainant (if any) of the results of the investigation in a letter sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, containing the following:

(1) Preliminary findings of fact and a preliminary finding of compliance or noncompliance;

(2) A description of an appropriate remedy for each violation believed to exist;

(3) A notice that a copy of the Final Investigative Report of the Department will be made available, upon request, to the recipient and the complainant (if any); and

(4) A notice of the right of the recipient and the complainant (if any) to request a review of the letter of findings by the reviewing civil rights official.

(h) Right to review of the letter of findings. (1) A complainant or recipient may request that a complete review be made of the letter of findings within 30 days of receipt, by mailing or delivering to the reviewing civil rights official, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Washington, DC 20410, a written statement of the reasons why the letter of findings should be modified in light of supplementary information.

(2) The reviewing civil rights official shall send by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the request for review to the other party, if any. Such other party shall have 20 days to respond to the request for review.

(3) The reviewing civil rights official shall either sustain or modify the letter of findings within 60 days of the request for review. The reviewing civil rights official's decision shall constitute the formal determination.

(4) If neither party requests that the letter of findings be reviewed, the responsible civil rights official shall, within fourteen (14) calendar days of the expiration of the time period in paragraph (h)(1) of this section, send a formal written determination of compliance or noncompliance to the recipient and copies to the award official.

(i) Voluntary compliance time limits. The recipient will have ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the formal determination of noncompliance within which to come into voluntary compliance. If the recipient fails to meet this deadline, HUD shall proceed under § 8.57.

(j) Informal resolution/voluntary compliance—(1) General. It is the policy of the Department to encourage the informal resolution of matters. The responsible civil rights official may attempt to resolve a matter through informal means at any stage of processing. A matter may be resolved by informal means at any time. If a letter of findings making a preliminary finding of noncompliance is issued, the responsible civil rights official shall attempt to resolve the matter by informal means.

(2) Objectives of informal resolution/voluntary compliance. In attempting informal resolution, the responsible civil rights official shall attempt to achieve a just resolution of the matter and to obtain assurances where appropriate, that the recipient will satisfactorily remedy any violations of the rights of any complainant and will take such action as will assure the elimination of any violation of this part or the prevention of the occurrence of such violation in the future. The terms of such an informal resolution shall be reduced to a written voluntary compliance agreement, signed by the recipient and the responsible civil rights official, and be made part of the file for the matter. Such voluntary compliance agreements shall seek to protect the interests of the complainant (if any), other persons similarly situated, and the public interest.

(k) Intimidatory or retaliatory acts prohibited. No recipient or other person shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate against any person for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by this part, or because he or she has made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this part. The identity of complainants shall be kept confidential except to the extent necessary to carry out the purposes of this part, including the conduct of investigation, hearing or judicial proceeding arising thereunder.

[53 FR 20233, June 2, 1988; 53 FR 28115, July 26, 1988; 53 FR 34634, Sept. 7, 1988]
§ 8.57 - Procedure for effecting compliance.

(a) General. If there appears to be a failure or threatened failure to comply with this part and if the noncompliance or threatened noncompliance cannot be corrected by informal means, compliance with this part may be effected by the suspension or termination of or refusal to grant or to continue Federal financial assistance, or by other means authorized by law. Such other means may include, but are not limited to:

(1) A referral to the Department of Justice with a recommendation that appropriate proceedings be brought to enforce any rights of the United States under any law of the United States, or any assurance or other contractual undertaking;

(2) The initiation of debarment proceedings pursuant to 2 CFR part 2424; and

(3) Any applicable proceeding under State or local law.

(b) Noncompliance with § 8.50. If an applicant or a recipient of assistance under a contract which is extended or amended on or after July 11, 1988, fails or refuses to furnish an assurance required under § 8.50 or otherwise fails or refuses to comply with the requirements imposed by that section, Federal financial assistance may be refused under paragraph (c) of this section. The Department is not required to provide assistance during the pendency of the administrative proceeding under such paragraph (c), except where the assistance is due and payable under a contract approved before July 11, 1988.

(c) Termination of or refusal to grant or to continue Federal financial assistance. No order suspending, terminating, or refusing to grant or continue Federal financial assistance shall become effective until:

(1) The responsible civil rights official has advised the applicant or recipient of its failure to comply and has determined that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means;

(2) There has been an express finding on the record, after opportunity for hearing, of a failure by the applicant or recipient to comply with a requirement imposed under this part;

(3) The action has been approved by the Secretary; and

(4) The expiration of 30 days after the Secretary has filed with the committees of the House and Senate having legislative jurisdiction over the program or activity involved a full written report of the circumstances and the grounds for such action. Any action to suspend or terminate, or to refuse to grant or to continue Federal financial assistance shall be limited to the particular political entity, or part thereof, or other applicant or recipient as to whom such a finding has been made and shall be limited in its effect to the particular program, or part thereof, in which such noncompliance has been so found.

(d) Notice to State or local government. Whenever the Secretary determines that a State or unit of general local government which is a recipient of Federal financial assistance under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5301-5318) has failed to comply with a requirement of this part with respect to a program or activity funded in whole or in part with such assistance, the Secretary shall notify the Governor of the State or the chief executive officer of the unit of general local government of the noncompliance and shall request the Governor or the chief executive officer to secure compliance. The notice shall be given at least sixty days before:

(1) An order suspending, terminating, or refusing to grant or continue Federal financial assistance becomes effective under paragraph (c) of this section; or

(2) Any action to effect compliance by any other means authorized by law is taken under paragraph (a) of this section.

(e) Other means authorized by law. No action to effect compliance by any other means authorized by law shall be taken until:

(1) The responsible civil rights official has determined that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means;

(2) The recipient or other person has been notified of its failure to comply and of the action to be taken to effect compliance; and

(3) At least 10 days have elapsed since the mailing of such notice to the applicant or recipient. During this period, additional efforts shall be made to persuade the applicant or recipient to comply with this part and to take such corrective action as may be appropriate.

However, this paragraph shall not be construed to prevent an award official from utilizing appropriate procedures and sanctions established under the program to assure or secure compliance with a specific requirement of the program designed to effectuate the objectives of this part. [53 FR 20233, June 2, 1988; 53 FR 28115, July 26, 1988, as amended at 72 FR 73491, Dec. 27, 2007]
§ 8.58 - Hearings.

(a) Opportunity for hearing. Whenever an opportunity for a hearing is required by § 8.57(c), reasonable notice shall be given by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the affected applicant or recipient. This notice shall advise the applicant or recipient of the action proposed to be taken, the specific provision under which the proposed action against it is to be taken, and the matters of fact or law asserted as the basis for this action. The notice shall:

(1) Fix a date not less than 20 days after the date of the notice for the applicant or recipient to request the administrative law judge to schedule a hearing, or

(2) Advise the applicant or recipient that the matter has been scheduled for hearing at a stated time and place. The time and place so fixed shall be reasonable and shall be subject to change for cause. The complainant, if any, shall be advised of the time and place of the hearing. An applicant or recipient may waive a hearing and submit written information and argument for the record. The failure of an applicant or recipient to request a hearing under this paragraph or to appear at a hearing for which a date has been set is a waiver of the right to a hearing under § 8.57(c) and consent to the making of a decision on the basis of available information.

(b) Hearing procedures. Hearings shall be conducted in accordance with 24 CFR part 180.

[53 FR 20233, June 2, 1988, as amended at 61 FR 52218, Oct. 4, 1996]
authority: 29 U.S.C. 794; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 5309
source: 53 FR 20233, June 2, 1988, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 8.55