Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 92.450 - General.

(a) This subpart J sets out the conditions under which HUD reallocates HOME funds that have been allocated, reserved, or placed in a HOME Investment Trust Fund.

(b) A jurisdiction that is not a participating jurisdiction but is meeting the requirements of §§ 92.102, 92.103, and 92.104, (participation threshold, notice of intent, and submission of consolidated plan) is treated as a participating jurisdiction for purposes of receiving a reallocation under subpart J of this part.

§ 92.451 - Reallocation of HOME funds from a jurisdiction that is not designated a participating jurisdiction or has its designation revoked.

(a) Failure to be designated a participating jurisdiction. HUD will reallocate, under this section, any HOME funds allocated to or reserved for a jurisdiction that is not a participating jurisdiction if:

(1) HUD determines that the jurisdiction has failed to:

(i) Meet the participation threshold amount in § 92.102;

(ii) Provide notice of its intent to become a participating jurisdiction in accordance with § 92.103; or

(iii) Submit its consolidated plan, in accordance with 24 CFR part 91; or

(2) HUD after providing for amendments and resubmissions in accordance with 24 CFR part 91 disapproves the jurisdiction's consolidated plan.

(b) Designation revoked. HUD will reallocate, under this section, any funds remaining in a jurisdiction's HOME Investment Trust Fund after HUD has revoked the jurisdiction's designation as a participating jurisdiction under § 92.107.

(c) Manner of reallocation. HUD will reallocate funds that are subject to reallocation under this section in the following manner:

(1) If the funds to be reallocated under this section are from a State, HUD will:

(i) Make the funds available by competition in accordance with criteria in § 92.453 among applications submitted by units of general local government within the State and with preference being given to applications from units of general local government that are not participating jurisdictions, and

(ii) Reallocate the remainder by formula in accordance with § 92.454.

(2) If the funds to be reallocated are from a unit of general local government:

(i) Located in a State that is participating jurisdiction, HUD will reallocate the funds to that State. The State, in distributing these funds, must give preference to the provision of affordable housing within the unit of general local government; or

(ii) Located in a State that is not a participating jurisdiction, HUD will reallocate the funds by competition among units of general local government and community housing development organizations within the State, with priority going to applications for affordable housing within the unit of general local government; and reallocate the remainder by formula in accordance with § 92.454.

§ 92.452 - Reallocation of community housing development organization set-aside.

HUD will reallocate, under this section, any HOME funds reduced or recaptured by HUD from a participating jurisdiction's HOME Investment Trust Fund under § 92.300(d). HUD will reallocate these funds by competition in accordance with criteria in § 92.453 to other participating jurisdictions for affordable housing developed, sponsored, or owned by community housing development organizations.

§ 92.453 - Competitive reallocations.

(a) HUD will invite applications through Federal Register publication of a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), in accordance with section 102 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3545) and the requirements of sec. 217(c) of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12747(c)), for HOME funds that become available for competitive reallocation under § 92.451 or § 92.452, or both. The NOFA will describe the application requirements and procedures, including the total funding available for the competition and any maximum amount of individual awards. The NOFA will also describe the selection criteria and any special factors to be evaluated in awarding points under the selection criteria.

(b) The NOFA will include the selection criteria at sec. 217(c) of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12747(c)), with the following maximum number of points awarded for each category of criteria:

(1) Commitment. Up to 25 points for the criteria at sec. 217(c)(1) of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12747(c)(1));

(2) Actions. Up to 50 points for the criteria at sec. 217(c)(2) of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12747(c)(2)); and

(3) Policies. Up to 25 points for the criteria at sec. 217(c)(3) of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12747(c)(3)).

[62 FR 44840, Aug. 22, 1997]
§ 92.454 - Reallocations by formula.
Link to an amendment published at 90 FR 888, Jan. 6, 2025. This amendment was delayed until April 20, 2025, at 90 FR 8780, Feb. 3, 2025.

(a) HUD will reallocate under this section:

(1) Any HOME funds remaining available for reallocation after HUD has made competitive reallocations under § 92.451 and § 92.452;

(2) Any HOME funds available for reallocation because HUD reduced or recaptured funds from participating jurisdiction under § 92.500(d) for failure to commit the funds within the time specified;

(3) Any HOME funds withdrawn by HUD from a participating jurisdiction under 24 CFR 91.520(f) for failure to submit in a timely manner a performance report required by 24 CFR 91.520 that is satisfactory to HUD; and

(4) Any HOME funds remitted to HUD under § 92.503(b) when a jurisdiction ceases to be a participating jurisdiction.

(b) Any reallocation of funds from a State must be made only among all participating States, and any reallocation of funds from units of general local government must be made only among all participating units of general local government, except those participating jurisdictions that HUD has removed from participating in reallocations under § 92.552.

(c) A local participating jurisdiction's share of a reallocation is calculated by multiplying the amount available for reallocation to units of general local government by a factor that is that ratio of the participating jurisdiction's formula allocation provided under § 92.50 to the total of the formula allocations provided for all local participating jurisdictions sharing in the reallocation. A State participating jurisdiction's share is comparably determined using the amount available for reallocation to States.

(d) HUD will make reallocations under this section quarterly, unless the amount available for such reallocation is insufficient to warrant making a reallocation. In any event, HUD will make a reallocation under this section at least once a year. The minimum amount of a reallocation is $1000.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 12701—12839, 12 U.S.C. 1701x.
source: 61 FR 48750, Sept. 16, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 92.452