Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 28.275 - Receipt by armed services.

When liquors which have been withdrawn or removed for export to the armed services of the United States are received at the supply base or other designated place of delivery, the officer to whom consigned, or other authorized supply officer, at the supply base or other place of delivery shall enter the quantity of liquors received on both copies of the application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, 1582-A (5120.24), 1582-B (5130.6), or 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be. After signing the form, he shall forward the original with attachments, if any, to the appropriate TTB officer designated on the form, and retain the other copy for his records.

(72 Stat. 1334, 1335, 1336, 1362, 1380; 26 U.S.C. 5053,5055,5062,5214,5362,June,1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-62, 44 FR 71726, Dec. 11, 1979; T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.261 - Notice to district director of customs.

On arrival at the port of exportation, of distilled spirits (including specially denatured spirits), wines, or beer, withdrawn or shipped for exportation or for use on vessels or aircraft, the exporter or his agent shall immediately notify the director of the port. At the same time, or prior thereto, the exporter or his agent shall file with the director two copies of the application, claim, or notice, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, 1582-A (5120.24), 1582-B (5130.6), or 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be, covering the shipment: Provided, That where the shipment is for direct exportation, such forms shall be filed at least six hours prior to lading.

(46 Stat. 690, as amended, 72 Stat. 1334, 1335, 1336, 1362, 1380; 19 U.S.C. 1309,26.S.C. 5053, 5055, 5062, 5214, 5362) [25 FR 5734, June 23, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 28.261, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 28.262 - Delay in lading at port.

If, on arrival of a shipment withdrawn for export without payment of tax or free of tax, the exporting vessel is not prepared to receive the shipment, the district director of customs may permit such shipment to remain in possession of a carrier for a period not exceeding 30 days. Storage elsewhere for a like cause, and not exceeding the same period, may be approved by the district director of customs. In the event of further delay, the facts shall be reported to the appropriate TTB officer, who shall issue appropriate instructions concerning the disposition of the shipment.

(72 Stat. 1334, 1362, 1380; 26 U.S.C. 5053,5214,5362,June,1960,as.D. 7006, 34 FR 2251, Feb. 15, 1969. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975 and amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.263 - [Reserved]
§ 28.264 - Lading for exportation.

On receipt of the notifcation required in § 28.261, the district director of customs shall deliver both copies of the application, claim, or notice, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, 1582-A (5120.24), 1582-B (5130.6), or 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be, covering the shipment, together with any forms which may be attached thereto, to a customs officer for inspection and supervision of lading. Such shipment shall be subject to the same requirements for inspection and supervision of lading at the port of exportation as may be required by Customs Regulations (19 CFR chapter I) in the case of similar shipments of imported merchandise to be exported in customs bond. When an inspection of the shipment is made before it is laden on board the exporting carrier and such inspection discloses any discrepancy, the customs officer shall make note of the nature and extent of the discrepancy on each copy of the application, claim, or notice, TTB Form 5110.11, 5110.30, 1582-A (5120.24), 1582-B (5130.6), or 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be, and where the discrepancy involves one or more packages of distilled spirits or wine, he shall prepare customs Form 6001 in accordance with the instructions in § 28.291, and attach the original and copy of customs Form 6001 to the original and copy of the appropriate transaction form. The forms shall be disposed of according to the instructions thereon.

(Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1334, as amended, 1335, as amended, 1336, as amended, 1362, as amended, 1380, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5053,5055,5062,5214,5362.D. ATF-198, 50 FR 8562, Mar. 1, 1985] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 28.264, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 28.265 - Evidence of fraud.

If the customs inspection discloses evidence of fraud, the customs officer shall detain the merchandise and notify the district director of customs who shall report the facts forthwith to the appropriate TTB officer. The appropriate TTB officer shall make investigation and take such action as the facts may warrant. Where the detained merchandise has been withdrawn for transfer and deposit in a manufacturing bonded warehouse, the merchandise shall be deemed not to have been deposited in said warehouse, and the designated officer shall hold in abeyance the processing of TTB Form 5100.11 until advised by the district director of customs that the detained merchandise may be entered for deposit. Where the detained merchandise has been withdrawn or entered for deposit in a foreign-trade zone or a customs bonded warehouse, it shall be deemed to not have been deposited in the zone or the warehouse and the customs officer shall hold in abeyance the processing of the application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, 1582-A (5120.24), 1582-B (5130.6), or 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be, and Zone Form D, until advised by the district director of customs that the detained merchandise may be entered for deposit.

(48 Stat. 999, as amended, 72 Stat. 1334, 1335, 1336, 1362, 1380, 84 Stat. 1965; 19 U.S.C. 81c,26.S.C. 5053, 5055, 5062, 5214, 5362, 5066) [T.D. 7112, 36 FR 8583, May 8, 1971. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-62, 44 FR 71725, Dec. 11, 1979; T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.266 - Release of detained merchandise.

When any merchandise has been detained under the provisions of § 28.265, the district director of customs shall not release such merchandise until he is advised so to do by the appropriate TTB officer.

(72 Stat. 1334, 1335, 1336, 1362, 1380; 26 U.S.C. 5053,5055,5062,5214,5362,June,1960,as.D. 7006, 34 FR 2251, Feb. 15, 1969. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975 and amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.267 - Exportation from interior port.

Where a shipment made under this part is to be exported to a contiguous foreign country through a frontier port, and it is desired to avoid the delay of customs inspection at such port, the shipment may, subject to approval of the district director of customs, be entered for exportation at an interior customs port. Subject to such approval, the inspection and supervision of lading, and the affixing of customs seals, shall be done by a customs officer in accordance with the provisions of U.S. Customs regulations (19 CFR chapter I). On completion of the lading, the seals shall be affixed and the customs officer shall execute the certificate of lading on both copies of the application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, 1582-A (5120.24), 1582-B (5130.6) or 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be, and forward them, with attachments (if any), to the district director of customs at the interior port of entry. The district director of customs shall forward both copies of the form, with attachments (if any), to the customs officer at the frontier port. When the customs officer at the frontier port is satisfied that the shipment as described on the appropriate form has been exported, he shall execute his certificate on both copies of the form and return them with attachments (if any), to the district director of customs at the interior port of entry.

[T.D. ATF-198, 50 FR 8563, Mar. 1, 1985, as amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.268 - Receipt for liquors for use on vessels or aircraft.

Where liquors are withdrawn or removed for use on vessels or aircraft, the exporter shall procure and forward to the appropriate TTB officer, a receipt executed under the penalties of perjury by the master or other authorized officer of the vessel, steamship company, or airline, as the case may be. The receipt shall give the number of containers, the serial numbers of the containers (if any), and the quantity received, and shall show that the liquors are in customs custody and have been or will be laden on board the vessel or aircraft, that they will be lawfully used on board the vessel or aircraft, and that no portion of the shipment has been or will be unladen in the United States or any of its territories or possessions. A receipt is not required, in the case of any shipment for use on vessels, when the liquors are laden on vessels of war, or, in cases other than supplies for vessels employed in the fisheries, where the amount of the tax on the liquors does not exceed $200. In the case of supplies for vessels employed in the fisheries, compliance with the provisions of § 28.22 is also required.

(46 Stat. 690, as amended, 72 Stat. 1334, 1335, 1336, as amended, 1362, 1380; 19 U.S.C. 1309,26.S.C. 5053, 5055, 5062, 5214, 5362) [T.D. 7002, 34 FR 1600, Feb. 1, 1969. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.269 - Certification by district director of customs.

(a) Exportation. When the district director of customs is satisfied that merchandise described on the application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, 1582-A (5120.24), 1582-B (5130.6), or 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be, has been laden and cleared for export, he shall execute his certificate of lading and clearance on both copies of the form.

(b) Distilled spirits and wines as supplies on vessels and aircraft. When the district director of customs is satisfied that the distilled spirits and wines described on TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, or 1582-A (5120.24), as the case may be, have been duly laden for use on vessels and aircraft, and that proper accounting for such spirits or wines has been submitted to him as required by this part, he shall execute his certificate of lading for use on both copies of the form.

(c) Disposition of forms. After executing his certificate, the district director of customs shall forward the original of TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, 1582-A (5120.24), 1582-B (5130.6), or 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be, with attachments (if any), to the appropriate TTB officer designated on the form, and retain the remaining copy, with any attached forms, for his files.

(46 Stat. 690, as amended, 72 Stat. 1334, 1335, 1336, 1362, 1380; 19 U.S.C. 1309,26.S.C. 5053, 5055, 5062, 5214, 5362) [25 FR 5734, June 23, 1960, as amended by T.D. 7006, 34 FR 2251, Feb. 15, 1969. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 28.269, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 28.280 - Distilled spirits and wines.

When an airline desires to withdraw distilled spirits or wines from its stock being held at the airport under customs custody, for use on a particular aircraft, a requisition in triplicate shall be prepared for presentation to the customs officer. The requisition shall show the flight number, the registry number of the aircraft on which the distilled spirits or wines are to be laden, the country for which the aircraft is to be cleared, the date of departure of the aircraft, and the brand, kind, and quantity of distilled spirits or wines. Where the distilled spirits or wines are contained in kits which have been previously prepared while under customs custody, the kit number shall also be shown on the requisition. Where the kits are not prepared and the distilled spirits or wines are withdrawn for direct lading on aircraft, the requisition shall be serially numbered in lieu of the insertion of the kit number. When the distilled spirits or wines are withdrawn and laden aboard the aircraft, the lading shall be verified by the customs officer by an appropriate stamp or notation on the requisition. One copy of the requisition shall be retained by the customs officer who certifies to the lading for attachment to the outgoing manifest. The other two copies shall be delivered to the airline which shall retain both copies until the return of the flight. In case any of the distilled spirits or wines are removed from the aircraft on its return, they shall be returned to customs custody, appropriate notation made on both copies of the requisition retained by the airline and one copy shall be delivered to the customs officer for attachment to the incoming manifest. The remaining copy shall be retained by the airline.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0384) (46 Stat. 690, as amended, 72 Stat. 1336, 1362, 1380; 19 U.S.C. 1309,26.S.C. 5062, 5214, 5362) [25 FR 5734, June 23, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-172, 49 FR 14943, Apr. 16, 1984]
§ 28.281 - Certificate of use for distilled spirits and wines.

When all of the distilled spirits or wines represented by a single application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, or 1582-A (5120.24), as the case may be, have been withdrawn from customs custody and laden and used on aircraft, the airline shall prepare a certificate of use on which are itemized all the requisitions pertaining to such distilled spirits or wines. The certificate shall be executed under the penalties of perjury by an officer of the airline and shall show the name of the exporter, the entry number, the brand and kind of distilled spirits or wines, and the number of bottles to be accounted for; and, as to each requisition, the requisition (or kit) number, the date laden, the registry number of the aircraft, the country for which the aircraft was cleared, and the number of bottles used. When completed, the certificate shall be presented to the customs officer at the airport who shall then execute his certificate on both copies of the appropriate application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, or 1582-A (5120.24), as the case may be, noting thereon any exception, such as shortages or breakage. The customs officer shall then attach the certificate of use to the copy of the appropriate form and forward both copies of the form to the district director of customs.

(46 Stat. 690, as amended, 72 Stat. 1336, 1362, 1380; 19 U.S.C. 1309,26.S.C. 5062, 5214, 5362) [25 FR 5734, June 23, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 28.281, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 28.282 - Beer.

When beer has been laden on board the aircraft for use as supplies, the customs officer shall execute his certificate on both copies of the Form 1582-B (5130.6) or Form 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be, forward the original to the appropriate TTB officer designated on the form, and retain the copy for his files.

(46 Stat. 690, as amended, 72 Stat. 1334, 1335; 19 U.S.C. 1309,26.S.C. 5053, 5055) [25 FR 5734, June 23, 1960, as amended by T.D. 7006, 34 FR 2251, Feb. 15, 1969. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.285 - Receipt in manufacturing bonded warehouse.

On receipt of the distilled spirits or wines, the related TTB Form 5100.11 (with any attachments), such inspection as is necessary will be made to establish that the shipment corresponds with its description on TTB Form 5100.11 (and any attachments) and customs Form 6001 will be prepared according to § 28.291. Any discrepancy disclosed by the inspection and gauge will be noted on each copy of TTB Form 5100.11. When the shipment corresponds with the description of TTB Form 5100.11 (and any attachments), the certificate of deposit will be executed on both copies of TTB Form 5100.11 and the original of TTB Form 5100.11 (and any attachments) and the original of his customs Form 6001 will be forwarded to the appropriate TTB officer. The remaining copies shall be kept on file.

(Sec. 201. Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1362, as amended, 1380, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5214,5362.D. ATF-198, 50 FR 8563, Mar. 1, 1985, as amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.286 - Receipt in customs bonded warehouse.

On receipt of the distilled spirits or wine and the related TTB Form 5100.11 or 5110.30 as the case may be, the customs officer in charge of the customs bonded warehouse shall make such inspection as is necessary to establish to his satisfaction that the shipment corresponds with the description thereof on the appropriate form. The customs officer shall note on each copy of the Form 5100.11 or 5110.30, as the case may be, any deficiency in quantity or discrepancy between the merchandise inspected and that described on the form. Where the inspection discloses no loss, or where a loss is disclosed and there is no evidence to indicate fraud, the officer shall execute his certificate of deposit on both copies of the form, forward the original as required by the instructions on the form, and retain the remaining copy for his files.

(Sec. 3(a), Pub. L. 91-659, 84 Stat. 1965 (26 U.S.C. 5066); sec. 2, Pub. L. 96-601, 94 Stat. 3495 (26 U.S.C. 5362)) [T.D. ATF-88, 46 FR 39816, Aug. 5, 1981, as amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.290 - Receipt in foreign trade zone.

On receipt at the zone, the shipment shall be inspected by the customs officer in charge of the zone who shall determine if the shipment agrees with the description thereof on the application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, 1582-A (5120.24), 1582-B (5130.6), or 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be. If the customs officer regauges spirits or wine in the course of his inspection, he shall prepare customs Form 6001 according to § 28.291. The customs officer shall note on both copies of the TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, 1582-A (5120.24), 1582-B (5130.6), or 1689 (5130.12), as the case may be any deficiency in quantity or discrepancy between the merchandise inspected or gauged and that described in the form. Where the inspection or gauge discloses no loss, or where a loss is disclosed by such inspection or gauge and there is no evidence to indicate fraud, the officer shall execute his certificate on both copies of the form covering the deposit, and forward to the appropriate TTB officer:

(a) Original of the deposit from (with any attachments); and

(b) Original of the officer's customs Form 6001, if any. The remaining copy of the deposit form (with any attachments), and the copy of any customs Form 6001, shall be retained by the customs officer for his files.

(48 Stat. 999, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81c); Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1336, as amended, 1362, as amended, 1380, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5062,5214,5362.D. ATF-198, 50 FR 8563, Mar. 1, 1985, as amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.291 - Customs Form 6001.

When spirits or wines are gauged as required in § 28.264, § 28.285, or § 28.290, the customs officer shall prepare in duplicate customs Form 6001 to show:

(a) Date;

(b) Name of exporter;

(c) Serial number and designation of the related transaction form;

(d) Kind of liquor (show whether alcohol, whiskey, brandy, rum, gin, vodka, wine, etc.);

(e) Name and registry number of producer;

(f) If gauged under § 28.264, the location of the port;

(g) If gauged under § 28.285, the location and number of the manufacturing bonded warehouse;

(h) If gauged under 28.290, the location and number of the foreign-trade zone;

(i) Kind and serial numbers or lot identification numbers of containers; and

(j) For each container:

(1) Proof of spirits, or percent of alcohol by volume in wine;

(2) Proof gallons, if spirits;

(3) Wine gallons, if wine; and

(4) Variation from the last gauge (proof, percent of alcohol by volume or wine gallons).

[T.D. ATF-198, 50 FR 8563, Mar. 1, 1985, as amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
§ 28.295 - Exception for export of beer.

The provisions of this subpart do not apply in the case of beer when the exporter or claimant obtains proof of exportation other than certification by the military or customs certification of lading and use under § 28.43. Brewers and exporters shall prepare Forms 1582-B (5130.6) or 1689 (5130.12), as applicable, to cover exportation of beer, but customs or military certification on them is not required when other proof of exportation is used.

[T.D.ATF-224, 51 FR 7700, Mar. 5, 1986, as amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
source: 25 FR 5734, June 23, 1960, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and further redesignated by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004
cite as: 27 CFR 28.285