Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 1090.1100 - General requirements.

(a) General provisions. (1) On each occasion when any person transfers custody or title to any product covered under this part, other than when fuel is sold or dispensed to the ultimate end user at a retail outlet or WPC facility, the transferor must provide the transferee PTDs that include the following information:

(i) The name and address of the transferor.

(ii) The name and address of the transferee.

(iii) The volume of the product being transferred.

(iv) The location of the product at the time of the transfer.

(v) The date of the transfer.

(2) The specific designations required for gasoline-related products specified in § 1090.1010 or distillate-related products specified in § 1090.1015.

(b) Use of codes. Except for transfers to a truck carrier, retailer, or WPC, product codes may be used to convey the information required under this subpart, if such codes are clearly understood by each transferee.

(c) Part 80 PTD requirements. For fuel, fuel additive, or regulated blendstock subject to 40 CFR part 80, subpart M, a party must also include the applicable PTD information required under 40 CFR 80.1453.

§ 1090.1105 - PTD requirements for exempt fuels.

(a) In addition to the information required under § 1090.1100, on each occasion when any person transfers custody or title to any exempt fuel under subpart G of this part, other than when fuel is sold or dispensed to the ultimate end user at a retail outlet or WPC facility, the transferor must provide the transferee PTDs that include the following statements, as applicable:

(1) National security exemption language. For fuels with a national security exemption specified in § 1090.605: “This fuel is for use in vehicles, engines, or equipment under an EPA-approved national security exemption only.”

(2) R&D exemption language. For fuels used for an R&D purpose specified in § 1090.610: “For use in research, development, and test programs only.”

(3) Racing fuel language. For fuels used for racing purposes specified in § 1090.615: “This fuel is for racing purposes only.”

(4) Aviation fuel language. For fuels used in aircraft specified in § 1090.615: “This fuel is for aviation use only.”

(5) Territory fuel exemption language. For fuels for use in American Samoa, Guam, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands specified in § 1090.620: “This fuel is for use only in Guam, American Samoa, or the Northern Mariana Islands.”

(6) California gasoline language. For California gasoline specified in § 1090.625: “California gasoline”.

(7) California diesel language. For California diesel specified in § 1090.625: “California diesel”.

(8) Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands summer gasoline language. For summer gasoline for use in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands specified in § 1090.630: “This summer gasoline is for use only in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.”

(9) Exported fuel language. For exported fuels specified in § 1090.645: “This fuel is for export from the United States only.”

(b) In statements required by paragraph (a) of this section, where “fuel” is designated in a statement, the specific fuel type (for example, “diesel fuel” or “gasoline”) may be used in place of the word “fuel”.

§ 1090.1110 - PTD requirements for gasoline, gasoline additives, and gasoline regulated blendstocks.

(a) General requirements. On each occasion when any person transfers custody or title of any gasoline, gasoline additive, or gasoline regulated blendstock, other than when fuel is sold or dispensed to the ultimate end user at a retail outlet or WPC facility, the transferor must provide the transferee PTDs that include the following information:

(1) All applicable information required under § 1090.1100 and this section.

(2) An accurate and clear statement of the applicable designation of the gasoline, gasoline additive, or gasoline regulated blendstock under § 1090.1010.

(b) BOB language requirements. For batches of BOB, in addition to the information required under paragraph (a) of this section, the following information must be included on the PTD:

(1) Oxygenate type(s) and amount(s). Statements specifying each oxygenate type and amount (or range of amounts) for which the BOB was certified under § 1090.710(a)(5).

(2) Summer BOB language requirements. (i) Except as specified in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, for batches of summer BOB, identification of the product with one of the following statements indicating the applicable RVP standard in § 1090.215:

(A) “9.0 psi CBOB. This product does not meet the requirements for summer reformulated gasoline.”

(B) “7.8 psi CBOB. This product does not meet the requirements for summer reformulated gasoline.”

(C) “Low-RVP CBOB. This product does not meet the requirements for summer reformulated gasoline.”

(D) “RBOB. This product meets the requirements for summer reformulated or conventional gasoline.”

(ii) For BOBs designed to produce a finished gasoline that must meet an RVP standard required by any SIP approved or promulgated under 42 U.S.C. 7410 or 7502, additional or substitute language to satisfy the state program may be used as necessary but must include at a minimum the applicable RVP standard established under the SIP.

(c) RFG and CG requirements. For batches of RFG and CG, in addition to the information required under paragraph (a) of this section, the following information must be included on the PTD:

(1) Summer gasoline language requirements. (i) Except as specified in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, for summer gasoline, identification of the product with one of the following statements indicating the applicable RVP standard:

(A) For gasoline that meets the 9.0 psi RVP standard in § 1090.215(a)(1): “9.0 psi Gasoline.”

(B) For gasoline that meets the 7.8 psi RVP standard in § 1090.215(a)(2): “7.8 psi Gasoline.”

(C) For gasoline that meets the RFG 7.4 psi RVP standard in § 1090.215(a)(3): “Reformulated Gasoline.”

(ii) For finished gasoline that meets an RVP standard required by any SIP approved or promulgated under 42 U.S.C. 7410 or 7502, additional or substitute language to satisfy the state program may be used as necessary.

(2) Ethanol content language requirements. (i) For gasoline-ethanol blends, one of the following statements that accurately describes the gasoline:

(A) For gasoline containing no ethanol (“E0”), the following statement: “E0: Contains no ethanol.”

(B) For finished gasoline containing less than 9 volume percent ethanol, the following statement: “EX—Contains up to X% ethanol.” The term X refers to the maximum volume percent ethanol present in the gasoline-ethanol blend.

(C) For E10, the following statement: “E10: Contains between 9 and 10 vol % ethanol.”

(D) For E15, the following statement: “E15: Contains between 10 and 15 vol % ethanol.”

(E) For gasoline-ethanol blends containing more than 15 volume percent ethanol, the following statement: “EXX: Contains up to XX vol % ethanol.” The term XX refers to the maximum volume percent ethanol present in the gasoline-ethanol blend.

(ii) No person may designate a fuel as E10 if the fuel is produced by blending ethanol and gasoline in a manner designed to contain less than 9.0 or more than 10.0 volume percent ethanol.

(iii) No person may designate a fuel as E15 if the fuel is produced by blending ethanol and gasoline in a manner designed to contain less than 10.0 or more than 15.0 volume percent ethanol.

(d) Oxygenate language requirements. In addition to any other PTD requirements of this subpart, on each occasion when any person transfers custody or title to any oxygenate upstream of any oxygenate blending facility, the transferor must provide to the transferee PTDs that include the following information, as applicable:

(1) For DFE: “Denatured fuel ethanol, maximum 10 ppm sulfur.”

(2) For other oxygenates, the name of the specific oxygenate must be identified on the PTD, followed by “maximum 10 ppm sulfur.” For example, for isobutanol, the following statement on the PTD would be required, “Isobutanol, maximum 10 ppm sulfur.”

(e) Gasoline detergent language requirements. In addition to any other PTD requirements of this subpart, on each occasion when any person transfers custody or title to any gasoline detergent, the transferor must provide to the transferee PTDs that include the following information:

(1) The identity of the product being transferred as detergent, detergent-additized gasoline, or non-additized detergent gasoline.

(2) The name of the registered detergent must be used to identify the detergent additive package on its PTD and the LAC on the PTD must be consistent with the requirements in § 1090.260.

(f) Gasoline additives language requirements. In addition to any other PTD requirements of this subpart, on each occasion when any person transfers custody or title to any gasoline additive that meets the requirements in § 1090.265(a), the transferor must provide to the transferee PTDs that include the following information:

(1) The maximum allowed treatment rate of the additive so that the additive will contribute no more than 3 ppm sulfur to the finished gasoline.

(2) [Reserved]

(g) Certified ethanol denaturant language requirements. In addition to any other PTD requirements of this subpart, on each occasion when any person transfers custody or title to any certified ethanol denaturant that meets the requirements in § 1090.275, the transferor must provide to the transferee PTDs that include the following information:

(1) The following statement: “Certified Ethanol Denaturant suitable for use in the manufacture of denatured fuel ethanol meeting EPA standards.”

(2) The PTD must state that the sulfur content is 330 ppm or less. If the certified ethanol denaturant manufacturer represents a batch of denaturant as having a maximum sulfur content lower than 330 ppm, the PTD must instead state that lower sulfur maximum (e.g., has a sulfur content of 120 ppm or less).

(h) Butane and pentane language requirements. (1) In addition to any other PTD requirements of this subpart, on each occasion when any person transfers custody or title to any certified butane or certified pentane, the transferor must provide to the transferee PTDs that include the following information:

(i) The certified butane or certified pentane producer company name and, for the certified pentane producer, the facility registration number issued by EPA.

(ii) One of the following statements, as applicable:

(A) “Certified pentane for use by certified pentane blenders.”

(B) “Certified butane for use by certified butane blenders.”

(2) PTDs must be transferred from each party transferring certified butane or certified pentane for use by a certified butane or certified pentane blender to each party that receives the certified butane or certified pentane through to the certified butane or certified pentane blender, respectively.

(i) TGP language requirements. In addition to any other PTD requirements of this subpart, on each occasion when any person transfers custody or title to any TGP, the transferor must provide to the transferee PTDs that include the following information:

(1) The following statement: “Transmix Gasoline Product—not for use as gasoline.”

(2) [Reserved]

[85 FR 78469, Dec. 4, 2020, as amended at 89 FR 14775, Feb. 29, 2024]
§ 1090.1115 - PTD requirements for distillate and residual fuels.

(a) General requirements. On each occasion when any person transfers custody or title of any distillate or residual fuel, other than when fuel is sold or dispensed to the ultimate end user at a retail outlet or WPC facility, the transferor must provide the transferee PTDs that include the following information:

(1) The sulfur per-gallon standard that the transferor represents the fuel to meet under subpart D of this part (e.g., 15 ppm sulfur for ULSD or 1,000 ppm sulfur for ECA marine fuel).

(2) An accurate and clear statement of the applicable designation(s) of the fuel under § 1090.1015 (e.g., “ULSD”, “500 ppm LM diesel fuel”, or “ECA marine fuel”).

(3) If the fuel does not meet the sulfur standard in § 1090.305(b) for ULSD, the following statement: “Not for use in highway vehicles or engines or nonroad, locomotive, or marine engines.”

(b) 500 ppm LM diesel fuel language requirements. For batches of 500 ppm LM diesel fuel, in addition to the information required under paragraph (a) of this section, PTDs must include the following information:

(1) The following statement: “500 ppm sulfur (maximum) LM diesel fuel. For use only in accordance with a compliance plan under 40 CFR 1090.515(g). Not for use in highway vehicles or other nonroad vehicles and engines.”

(2) [Reserved]

(c) ECA marine fuel language requirements. For batches of ECA marine fuel, in addition to the information required under paragraph (a) of this section, PTDs must include the following information:

(1) The following statement: “1,000 ppm sulfur (maximum) ECA marine fuel. For use in Category 3 marine vessels only. Not for use in Category 1 or Category 2 marine vessels.”

(2) A party may replace the required statement in paragraph (c)(1) of this section with the following statement for qualifying vessels under 40 CFR part 1043: “High sulfur fuel. For use only in ships as allowed by MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 3 or Regulation 4.”

(3) Under 40 CFR 1043.80, a fuel supplier (i.e., the person who transfers custody or title of marine fuel onto a vessel) must provide bunker delivery notes to vessel operators.

(d) Distillate global marine fuel language requirements. For batches of distillate global marine fuel, in addition to the information required under paragraph (a) of this section, PTDs must include the following information:

(1) The following statement: “5,000 ppm sulfur (maximum) Distillate Global Marine Fuel. For use only in steamships or Category 3 marine vessels outside of an Emission Control Area (ECA), consistent with MARPOL Annex VI.”

(2) [Reserved]

§ 1090.1120 - PTD requirements for diesel fuel additives.

In addition to any other PTD requirements in this subpart, on each occasion when any person transfers custody or title to a diesel fuel additive that is subject to the provisions of § 1090.310 to a party in the additive distribution system or in the diesel fuel distribution system for use downstream of the diesel fuel manufacturing facility, the transferor must provide to the transferee PTDs that include the following information:

(a) For diesel fuel additives that comply with the sulfur standard in § 1090.310(a), the following statement: “The sulfur content of this diesel fuel additive does not exceed 15 ppm.”

(b) For diesel fuel additives that meet the requirements in § 1090.310(b), the transferor must provide to the transferee PTDs that identify the additive as such, and comply with all the following:

(1) Indicate the high sulfur potential of the diesel fuel additive by including the following statement: “This diesel fuel additive may exceed the federal 15 ppm sulfur standard. Improper use of this additive may result in non-compliant diesel fuel.”

(2) If the diesel fuel additive package contains a static dissipater additive or red dye having a sulfur content greater than 15 ppm, one of the following statements must be included that accurately describes the contents of the additive package:

(i) “This diesel fuel additive contains a static dissipater additive having a sulfur content greater than 15 ppm.”

(ii) “This diesel fuel additive contains red dye having a sulfur content greater than 15 ppm.”

(iii) “This diesel fuel additive contains a static dissipater additive and red dye having a sulfur content greater than 15 ppm.”

(3) Include the following information:

(i) The diesel fuel additive package's maximum sulfur concentration.

(ii) The maximum recommended concentration for use of the diesel fuel additive package in diesel fuel, in volume percent.

(iii) The contribution to the sulfur content of the fuel (in ppm) that would result if the diesel fuel additive package is used at the maximum recommended concentration.

(c) For diesel fuel additives that are sold in containers for use by the ultimate consumer of diesel fuel, each transferor must display on the additive container, in a legible and conspicuous manner, one of the following statements, as applicable:

(1) For diesel fuel additives that comply with the sulfur standard in § 1090.310(a): “This diesel fuel additive complies with the federal low sulfur content requirements for use in diesel motor vehicles and nonroad engines.”

(2) For diesel fuel additives that do not comply with the sulfur standard in § 1090.310(a), the following statement: “This diesel fuel additive does not comply with federal ultra-low sulfur content requirements.”

§ 1090.1125 - Alternative PTD language.

(a) Alternative PTD language to the language specified in this subpart may be used if approved by EPA in advance. Such language must contain all the applicable informational elements specified in this subpart.

(b) Requests for alternative PTD language must be submitted as specified in § 1090.10.

source: 85 FR 78469, Dec. 4, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 1090.1115