Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 410.1100 - Purpose of this subpart.

This subpart sets forth the process by which ORR receives referrals of unaccompanied children from other Federal agencies and the factors ORR considers when placing an unaccompanied child in a particular care provider facility. As used in this subpart, “placement determinations” or “placements” refers to placements in ORR-approved care provider facilities during the time an unaccompanied child is in ORR care, and not to the location of an unaccompanied child once the unaccompanied child is released in accordance with subpart C of this part.

§ 410.1101 - Process for placement of an unaccompanied child after referral from another Federal agency.

(a) ORR shall accept referrals of unaccompanied children, from any department or agency of the Federal Government at any time of day, every day of the year.

(b) Upon notification from any department or agency of the Federal Government that a child in its custody is an unaccompanied child and therefore must be transferred to ORR custody, ORR shall identify a standard program placement for the unaccompanied child, unless one of the listed exceptions in § 410.1104 applies, and notify the referring Federal agency within 24 hours of receiving the referring agency's notification whenever possible, and no later than within 48 hours of receiving notification, barring exceptional circumstances. ORR may seek clarification about the information provided by the referring agency as needed. In such instances, ORR shall notify the referring agency and work with the referring agency, including by requesting additional information, in accordance with statutory time frames.

(c) ORR shall work with the referring Federal Government department or agency to accept transfer of custody of the unaccompanied child, consistent with the statutory requirements at 8 U.S.C. 1232(b)(3).

(d) For purposes of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, ORR may be unable to timely identify a placement for and timely accept transfer of custody of an unaccompanied child due to exceptional circumstances, including:

(1) Any court decree or court-approved settlement that requires otherwise;

(2) An influx, as defined at § 410.1001;

(3) An emergency, including a natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane, a facility fire, or a civil disturbance;

(4) A medical emergency, such as a viral epidemic or pandemic among a group of unaccompanied children;

(5) The apprehension of an unaccompanied child in a remote location;

(6) The apprehension of an unaccompanied child whom the referring Federal agency indicates:

(i) Poses a danger to self or others; or

(ii) Has been charged with or has been convicted of a crime, or is the subject of delinquency proceedings, delinquency charge, or has been adjudicated delinquent, and additional information is essential in order to determine an appropriate ORR placement.

(e) ORR shall take legal custody of an unaccompanied child when it assumes physical custody from the referring agency.

§ 410.1102 - Care provider facility types.

ORR may place unaccompanied children in care provider facilities as defined at § 410.1001, including but not limited to shelters, group homes, individual family homes, heightened supervision facilities, or secure facilities, including RTCs. ORR may place unaccompanied children in out-of-network (OON) placements, subject to § 410.1103, if ORR determines that a child has a specific need that cannot be met within the ORR network of facilities, if no in-network care provider facility equipped to meet the child's needs has the capacity to accept a new placement, or if transfer to a less restrictive facility is warranted and ORR is unable to place the child in a less restrictive in-network facility. Unaccompanied children shall be separated from delinquent offenders in OON placements (except those unaccompanied children who meet the requirements for a secure placement pursuant to § 410.1105). In times of influx or emergency, as further discussed in subpart I of this part, ORR may place unaccompanied children in care provider facilities that may not meet the standards of a standard program, but rather meet the standards in subpart I.

§ 410.1103 - Considerations generally applicable to the placement of an unaccompanied child.

(a) ORR shall place each unaccompanied child in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child and appropriate to the unaccompanied child's age and individualized needs, provided that such setting is consistent with the interest in ensuring the unaccompanied child's timely appearance before DHS and the immigration courts and in protecting the unaccompanied child's well-being and that of others.

(b) ORR shall consider the following factors to the extent they are relevant to the unaccompanied child's placement, including:

(1) Danger to self;

(2) Danger to the community/others;

(3) Runaway risk;

(4) Trafficking in persons or other safety concerns;

(5) Age;

(6) Gender;

(7) LGBTQI+ status or identity;

(8) Disability;

(9) Any specialized services or treatment required or requested by the unaccompanied child;

(10) Criminal background;

(11) Location of potential sponsor and safe and timely release options;

(12) Behavior;

(13) Siblings in ORR custody;

(14) Language access;

(15) Whether the unaccompanied child is pregnant or parenting;

(16) Location of the unaccompanied child's apprehension; and

(17) Length of stay in ORR custody.

(c) ORR may utilize information provided by the referring Federal agency, child assessment tools, interviews, and pertinent documentation to determine the placement of all unaccompanied children. ORR may obtain any records from local, State, and Federal agencies regarding an unaccompanied child to inform placement decisions.

(d) ORR shall review, at least every 30 days, the placement of an unaccompanied child in a restrictive placement to determine whether a new level of care is appropriate.

(e) ORR shall make reasonable efforts to provide licensed placements in those geographical areas where DHS encounters the majority of unaccompanied children.

(f) A care provider facility must accept the placement of unaccompanied children as determined by ORR, and may deny placement only for the following reasons:

(1) Lack of available bed space;

(2) Placement of the unaccompanied child would conflict with the care provider facility's State or local licensing rules;

(3) Initial placement involves an unaccompanied child with a significant physical or mental illness for which the referring Federal agency does not provide a medical clearance; or

(4) In the case of the placement of an unaccompanied child with a disability, the care provider facility concludes it is unable to meet the child's disability-related needs, without fundamentally altering the nature of its program, even by providing reasonable modifications and even with additional support from ORR.

(g) Care provider facilities must submit a written request to ORR for authorization to deny placement of unaccompanied children, providing the individualized reasons for the denial. Any such request must be approved by ORR before the care provider facility may deny a placement. ORR may follow up with a care provider facility about a placement denial to find a solution to the reason for the denial.

§ 410.1104 - Placement of an unaccompanied child in a standard program that is not restrictive.

ORR shall place all unaccompanied children in standard programs that are not restrictive placements, except in the following circumstances:

(a) An unaccompanied child meets the criteria for placement in a restrictive placement set forth in § 410.1105; or

(b) In the event of an emergency or influx of unaccompanied children into the United States, in which case ORR shall place the unaccompanied child as expeditiously as possible in accordance with subpart I of this part.

§ 410.1105 - Criteria for placing an unaccompanied child in a restrictive placement.

(a) Criteria for placing an unaccompanied child in a secure facility that is not a residential treatment center (RTC). (1) ORR may place an unaccompanied child in a secure facility (that is not an RTC) either at initial placement or through a transfer to another care provider facility from the initial placement. This determination must be made based on clear and convincing evidence documented in the unaccompanied child's case file. All determinations to place an unaccompanied child in a secure facility (that is not an RTC) will be reviewed and approved by ORR Federal field staff. A finding that a child poses a danger to self shall not be the sole basis for a child's placement in a secure facility (that is not an RTC).

(2) ORR shall not place an unaccompanied child in a secure facility (that is not an RTC) if less restrictive alternatives in the best interests of the unaccompanied child are available and appropriate under the circumstances. ORR shall place an unaccompanied child in a heightened supervision facility or other non-secure care provider facility as an alternative, provided that the unaccompanied child does not currently pose a danger to others and does not need placement in an RTC pursuant to the standard set forth at 410.1105(c).

(3) ORR may place an unaccompanied child in a secure facility (that is not an RTC) only if the unaccompanied child:

(i) Has been charged with or has been convicted of a crime, or is the subject of delinquency proceedings, delinquency charge, or has been adjudicated delinquent, and where ORR deems that those circumstances demonstrate that the unaccompanied child poses a danger to others, not including:

(A) An isolated offense that was not within a pattern or practice of criminal activity and did not involve violence against a person or the use or carrying of a weapon; or

(B) A petty offense, which is not considered grounds for stricter means of detention in any case;

(ii) While in DHS or ORR's custody, or while in the presence of an immigration officer or ORR official or ORR contracted staff, has committed, or has made credible threats to commit, a violent or malicious act directed at others; or

(iii) Has engaged, while in a restrictive placement, in conduct that has proven to be unacceptably disruptive of the normal functioning of the care provider facility, and removal is necessary to ensure the welfare of others, as determined by the staff of the care provider facility (e.g., stealing, fighting, intimidation of others, or sexually predatory behavior), and ORR determines the unaccompanied child poses a danger to others based on such conduct.

(b) Criteria for placing an unaccompanied child in a heightened supervision facility. (1) ORR may place an unaccompanied child in a heightened supervision facility either at initial placement or through a transfer to another facility from the initial placement. This determination must be made based on clear and convincing evidence documented in the unaccompanied child's case file.

(2) In determining whether to place an unaccompanied child in a heightened supervision facility, ORR considers if the unaccompanied child:

(i) Has been unacceptably disruptive to the normal functioning of a shelter such that transfer is necessary to ensure the welfare of the unaccompanied child or others;

(ii) Is a runaway risk;

(iii) Has displayed a pattern of severity of behavior, either prior to entering ORR custody or while in ORR care, that requires an increase in supervision by trained staff;

(iv) Has a non-violent criminal or delinquent history not warranting placement in a secure facility, such as isolated or petty offenses as described in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section;

(v) Is assessed as ready for step-down from a secure facility, including an RTC.

(c) Criteria for placing an unaccompanied child in an RTC. (1) An unaccompanied child with serious mental health or behavioral health issues may be placed in an RTC only if the unaccompanied child is evaluated and determined to be a danger to self or others by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist consulted by ORR or a care provider facility, which includes a determination by clear and convincing evidence documented in the unaccompanied child's case file, including documentation by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist that placement in an RTC is appropriate.

(2) ORR may place an unaccompanied child in an out of network (OON) RTC when a licensed clinical psychologist or psychiatrist consulted by ORR or a care provider facility has determined that the unaccompanied child requires a level of care only found in an OON RTC either because the unaccompanied child has identified needs that cannot be met within the ORR network of RTCs or no placements are available within ORR's network of RTCs, or that an OON RTC would best meet the unaccompanied child's identified needs.

(3) The criteria for placement in or transfer to an RTC also apply to transfers to or placements in OON RTCs. Care provider facilities may request ORR to transfer an unaccompanied child to an RTC in accordance with § 410.1601(d).

(d) For an unaccompanied child with one or more disabilities, consistent with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S.C. 794(a), ORR's determination under § 410.1105 whether to place the unaccompanied child in a restrictive placement shall include consideration whether there are any reasonable modifications to the policies, practices, or procedures of an available less restrictive placement or any provision of auxiliary aids and services that would allow the unaccompanied child to be placed in that less restrictive facility. ORR's consideration of reasonable modifications and auxiliary aids and services to facilitate less restrictive placement shall also apply to transfer decisions under § 410.1601 and will be incorporated into restrictive placement case reviews under § 410.1901. However, ORR is not required to take any action that it can demonstrate would fundamentally alter the nature of a program or activity.

[89 FR 34584, Apr. 30, 2024; 89 FR 53361, June 26, 2024]
§ 410.1106 - Unaccompanied children who need particular services and treatment.

ORR shall assess each unaccompanied child in its care to determine whether the unaccompanied child requires particular services and treatment by staff to address their individualized needs while in the care and custody of the UC Program. An unaccompanied child's assessed needs may require particular services, equipment, and treatment by staff for various reasons, including, but not limited to disability, alcohol or substance use, a history of serious neglect or abuse, tender age, pregnancy, or parenting. If ORR determines that an unaccompanied child's individualized needs require particular services and treatment by staff or particular equipment, ORR shall place the unaccompanied child, whenever possible, in a standard program in which the unaccompanied child with individualized needs can interact with children without those individualized needs to the fullest extent possible, but which provides services and treatment or equipment for such individualized needs.

§ 410.1107 - Considerations when determining whether an unaccompanied child is a runaway risk for purposes of placement decisions.

When determining whether an unaccompanied child is a runaway risk for purposes of placement decisions, ORR shall consider, among other factors, whether:

(a) The unaccompanied child is currently under a final order of removal.

(b) The unaccompanied child has previously absconded or attempted to abscond from State or Federal custody.

(c) The unaccompanied child has displayed behaviors indicative of flight or has expressed intent to run away.

(d) Evidence that the unaccompanied child is experiencing a strong trauma bond to or is threatened by a trafficker in persons or drugs.

§ 410.1108 - Placement and services for children of unaccompanied children.

(a) Placement. ORR shall accept referrals for placement of parenting unaccompanied children who arrive with children of their own to the same extent that it receives referrals of other unaccompanied children and shall prioritize placing and keeping the parent and child together in the interest of family unity.

(b) Services. (1) ORR shall provide the same care and services to the children of unaccompanied children as it provides to unaccompanied children, as appropriate, regardless of the children's immigration or citizenship status.

(2) U.S. citizen children of unaccompanied children are eligible for public benefits and services to the same extent as other U.S. citizens. Application(s) for public benefits and services shall be submitted on behalf of the U.S. citizen children of unaccompanied children by care provider facilities. Utilization of those benefits and services shall be exhausted to the greatest extent practicable before ORR-funded services are utilized.

§ 410.1109 - Required notice of legal rights.

(a) ORR shall promptly provide each unaccompanied child in its custody, in a language and manner the unaccompanied child understands, with:

(1) A State-by-State list of free legal service providers compiled and annually updated by ORR and that is provided to unaccompanied children as part of a Legal Resource Guide for unaccompanied children;

(2) The following explanation of the right of potential review: “ORR usually houses persons under the age of 18 in the least restrictive setting that is in an unaccompanied child's best interest, and generally not in restrictive placements (which means secure facilities, heightened supervision facilities, or residential treatment centers). If you believe that you have not been properly placed or that you have been treated improperly, you may call a lawyer to seek assistance and get advice about your rights to challenge this action. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may call one from the list of free legal services given to you with this form;” and

(3) A presentation regarding their legal rights, as provided under § 410.1309(a)(2).

authority: 6 U.S.C. 279,8.S.C. 1232
source: 89 FR 34584, Apr. 30, 2024, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 410.1106