Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 9 - Animals and Animal Products last revised: Jul 03, 2024
§ 307.1 - Facilities for Program employees.

Office space, including necessary furnishings, light, heat, and janitor service, shall be provided by official establishments, rent free, for the exclusive use for official purposes of the inspector and other Program employees assigned thereto. The space set aside for this purpose shall meet with approval of the circuit supervisor and shall be conveniently located, properly ventilated and provided with lockers suitable for the protection and storage of Program supplies and with facilities suitable for Program employees to change clothing if such clothes changing facilities are deemed necessary by the circuit supervisor. At the discretion of the Administrator, small plants requiring the services of less than one full time inspector need not furnish facilities for Program employees as prescribed in this section, where adequate facilities exist in a nearby convenient location. Laundry service for inspectors' outer work clothing shall be provided by each establishment.

§ 307.2 - Other facilities and conditions to be provided by the establishment.

When required by the circuit supervisor, the following facilities and conditions, and such others as may be found to be essential to efficient conduct of inspection and maintenance of sanitary conditions, shall be provided by each official establishment:

(a) Satisfactory pens, equipment, and assistants for conducting ante-mortem inspection and for separating, marking and holding apart from passed livestock those marked “U.S. suspect” and those marked “U.S. condemned” (pens, alleys, and runways shall be paved, drained, and supplied with adequate hose connections for cleanup purposes);

(b) Sufficient light to be adequate for proper conduct of inspection;

(c) Racks, receptacles, or other suitable devices for retaining such parts as the head, tongue, tail, thymus gland, and viscera, and all parts and blood to be used in the preparation of meat food products or medical products, until after the post-mortem examination is completed, in order that they may be identified in case of condemnation of the carcass; equipment, trucks, and receptacles for the handling of viscera of slaughtered animals so as to prevent contact with the floor; and trucks, racks, marked receptacles, tables, and other necessary equipment for the separate and sanitary handling of carcasses or parts passed for cooking;

(d) Tables, benches, and other equipment on which inspection is to be performed, of such design, material, and construction as to enable Program employees to conduct their inspection in a ready, efficient and clean manner;

(e) Watertight metal trucks or receptacles for holding and handling diseased carcasses and parts, so constructed as to be readily cleaned; such trucks or receptacles to be marked in a conspicuous manner with the phrase “U.S. condemned” in letters not less than 2 inches high, and, when required by the circuit supervisor, to be equipped with facilities for locking or sealing;

(f) Adequate arrangements, including liquid soap and cleansers, for cleansing and disinfecting hands, for sterilizing all implements used in dressing diseased carcasses, floors, and such other articles and places as may be contaminated by diseased carcasses or otherwise;

(g) In establishments in which slaughtering is done, rooms, compartments, or specially prepared open places, to be known as “final inspection places,” at which the final inspection of retained carcasses may be conducted (competent assistants for handling retained carcasses and parts shall be provided by the establishment; final inspection places shall be adequate in size and their rail arrangement and other equipment shall be sufficient to prevent carcasses and parts passed for food or cooking, from being contaminated by contact with condemned carcasses or parts; they shall be equipped with hot water, lavatory, sterilizer, tables, and other equipment required for ready, efficient, and sanitary conduct of the inspection; the floors shall be of such construction as to facilitate the maintenance of sanitary conditions and shall have proper drainage connections, and when the final inspection place is part of a larger floor, it shall be separated from the rest of the floor by a curb, railing, or otherwise);

(h) Retention rooms, cages, or other compartments, and receptacles in which carcasses and product may be held for further inspection (these shall be in such number and in such locations as the needs of the inspection in the establishment may require; they shall be equipped for secure locking or sealing and shall be held under locks or official seals furnished by the Department; the keys of such locks shall not leave the custody of Program employees. Every such room, compartment, or receptacle shall be marked conspicuously with the phrase “U.S. retained” in letters not less than 2 inches high; rooms or compartments for these purposes shall be secure and susceptible of being kept clean, including a sanitary disposal of the floor liquids; establishment employees shall not enter any retention rooms or compartments or open any retention receptacles unless authorized by Program employees);

(i) Adequate facilities, including denaturing materials, for the proper disposal of condemned articles in accordance with the regulations in this subchapter (tanks or other rendering equipment which, under the regulations in this subchapter, must be sealed, shall be properly equipped for sealing as specified by the regulations in part 314 of this subchapter or by the circuit supervisor in specific cases);

(j) Docks and receiving rooms, to be designated by the operator of the official establishment, with the circuit supervisor, for the receipt and inspection of all products as provided in § 318.3 of this subchapter.

(k) Suitable lockers in which brands bearing the official inspection legend and other official devices (excluding labels) and official certificates shall be kept when not in use (all such lockers shall be equipped for sealing or locking with locks or seals to be supplied by the Department; the keys of such locks shall not leave the custody of Program employees);

(l) Sanitary facilities and accommodations as prescribed by § 416.2(c), (d), (e), (f), and (h) of this chapter.

(m) In addition to any facilities required to accomplish sanitary dressing procedures, the following inspection station facilities for cattle and swine slaughter lines described in § 310.1(b) of this subchapter are required:

(1) An inspection station consisting of 5 feet of unobstructed line space for each head or carcass inspector and, for viscera table kills, 8 feet for each viscera inspector on the inspector's side of the table.

(2) A minimum of 50 foot candles of shadow-free lighting at the inspection surfaces of the head, viscera, and carcass.

(3) A handwash lavatory (other than one which is hand operated), furnished with soap, towels, and hot and cold water, and located adjacent to the inspector's work area. In addition, for each head and viscera inspector on cattle slaughter lines, and each head inspector on swine slaughter lines, a sterilizer located adjacent to the inspector's work area.

(4) For mechanized operations, a line control switch located adjacent to each inspection station.

(5) Facilities to position tally sheets or other recording devices, such as digital counters, and facilities to contain condemned brands.

(6) For swine slaughter lines requiring three or more inspectors, and for those one- and two-inspector configurations where the establishment installs a mirror: At the carcass inspection station one glass or plastic, distortion-free mirror, at least 5 feet × 5 feet, mounted far enough away from the vertical axis of the moving line to allow the carcass to be turned, but not over 3 feet away, and so mounted that any inspector standing at the carcass inspection station can readily view the back of the carcass.

[35 FR 15560, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 47 FR 33676, Aug. 4, 1982; 50 FR 19902, May 13, 1985; 64 FR 56415, Oct. 20, 1999]
§ 307.3 - Inspectors to furnish and maintain implements in a sanitary condition.

Inspectors shall furnish their own work clothing and implements, such as flashlights and triers, for conducting inspection and shall maintain their implements in sanitary condition as prescribed by § 416.3(a) of this chapter.

[64 FR 56415, Oct. 20, 1999]
§ 307.4 - Schedule of operations.

(a) No operations requiring inspection shall be conducted except under the supervision of a Program employee. All slaughtering of animals and preparation of products shall be done with reasonable speed, considering the official establishment's facilities.

(b) A shift is a regularly scheduled operating period, exclusive of mealtime. One lunch period is the only official authorized interruption in the inspector's tour of duty once it begins. Lunch periods may be 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or in any case may not exceed one hour in duration. Once established, the lunch period must remain relatively constant as to time and duration. Lunch periods for inspectors shall not, except as provided herein, occur prior to 4 hours after the beginning of scheduled operations nor later than 5 hours after operations begin. In plants where a company rest break of not less than 30 minutes is regularly observed, approximately midpoint between start of work and the lunch period, and the inspector is allowed this time to meet his personal needs, the lunch period may be scheduled as long as 5 1/2 hours after the beginning of scheduled operations.

(c) Official establishments, importers, and exporters shall be provided inspection service, without charge, up to 8 consecutive hours per shift during the basic workweek subject to the provisions of § 307.5: Provided, That any additional shifts meet requirements as determined by the Administrator or his designee. The basic workweek shall consist of 5 consecutive 8-hour days within the administrative workweek Sunday through Saturday, except that, when possible, the Department shall schedule the basic workweek so as to consist of 5 consecutive 8-hour days Monday through Friday. The 8-hour day excludes the lunch period but shall include activities deemed necessary by the Agency to fully carry out an inspection program, including the time for FSIS inspection program personnel to put on required gear and to walk to a work station; to prepare the work station; to return from a work station and remove required gear; to sharpen knives, if necessary; and to conduct duties scheduled by FSIS, including administrative duties. The Department may depart from the basic workweek in those cases where maintaining such a schedule would seriously handicap the Department in carrying out its function. These provisions are applicable to all official establishments except in certain cases as provided in § 318.4(h) of this subchapter.

(d)(1) Each official establishment shall submit a work schedule to the area supervisor for approval. In consideration of whether the approval of an establishment work schedule shall be given, the area supervisor shall take into account the efficient and effective use of inspection personnel. The work schedule must specify daily clock hours of operation and lunch periods for all departments of the establishment requiring inspection.

(2) Establishments shall maintain consistent work schedules. Any request by an establishment for a change in its work schedule involving an addition or elimination of shifts shall be submitted to the area supervisor at least 2 weeks in advance of the proposed change. Frequent requests for change shall not be approved: Provided, however, minor deviations from a daily operating schedule may be approved by the inspector in charge, if such request is received on the day preceding the day of change.

(3) Request for inspection service outside an approved work schedule shall be made as early in the day as possible for overtime work to be performed within that same workday; or made prior to the end of the day's operation when such a request will result in overtime service at the start of the following day: Provided, That an inspector may be recalled to his assignment after completion of his daily tour of duty under the provisions of § 307.6(b).

[40 FR 45799, Oct. 3, 1975, as amended at 40 FR 50719, Oct. 31, 1975; 41 FR 15401, Apr. 13, 1976; 48 FR 6893, Feb. 16, 1983; 51 FR 32304, Sept. 11, 1986; 76 FR 33980, June 10, 2011; 77 FR 59294, Sept. 27, 2012]
§ 307.5 - Overtime and holiday inspection service.

(a) The management of an official establishment, an importer, or an exporter shall reimburse the Program, at the rate specified in § 391.3, for the cost of the inspection service furnished on any holiday as specified in paragraph (b) of this section; or for more than 8 hours on any day, or more than 40 hours in any administrative workweek Sunday through Saturday.

(b) Holidays for Federal employees shall be New Year's Day, January 1; Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., the third Monday in January; Washington's Birthday, the third Monday in February; Memorial Day, the last Monday in May; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Columbus Day, the second Monday in October; Veterans' Day, November 11; Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November; Christmas Day, December 25. When any of the above-listed holidays falls outside the basic workweek, the nearest workday within that week shall become a holiday.

[40 FR 45800, Oct. 3, 1975, as amended at 43 FR 51754, Nov. 7, 1978; 50 FR 724, Jan. 7, 1985; 50 FR 51513, Dec. 18, 1985; 52 FR 4, Jan. 2, 1987; 53 FR 13397, Apr. 22, 1988; 54 FR 6389, Feb. 10, 1989]
§ 307.6 - Basis of billing for overtime and holiday services.

(a) Each recipient of overtime or holiday inspection service, or both, shall be billed as provided for in § 307.5(a) and at the rates specified in § 391.3, in increments of quarter hours. For billing purposes, 8 or more minutes shall be considered a full quarter hour. Billing will be for each quarter hour of service rendered by each Program employee.

(b) Official establishments, importers, or exporters requesting and receiving the services of a Program employee after he has completed his day's assignment and left the premises, or called back to duty during any overtime or holiday period, shall be billed for a minimum of 2 hours overtime or holiday inspection service at the established rate.

(c) Bills are payable upon receipt and become delinquent 30 days from the date of the bill. Overtime or holiday inspection will not be performed for anyone having a delinquent account.

[40 FR 45800, Oct. 3, 1975, as amended at 54 FR 6389, Feb. 10, 1989]
§ 307.7 - Safety requirements for electrical stimulating (EST) equipment.

(a) General. Electrical stimulating (EST) equipment is equipment that provides electric shock treatment to carcasses for the purpose of accelerating rigor mortis of facilitating blood removal. These provisions do not apply to electrical equipment used to stun and/or slaughter animals or to facilitate hide removal. Electrical stimulating equipment consists of two separate pieces—the control system and the applicator. The EST control system contains the circuitry to generate pulsed DC or AC voltage for stimulation and is separate from the equipment used to apply the voltage to the carcass. The voltage is applied by inserting a probe that penetrates the carcass or is inserted in the rectum, placing a clamp in the nose, a carcass rub-bar, a conveyor with energized surfaces traveling with the carcass, or any other acceptable method.

(b) Safety requirements—(1) Circuits, grounding. Either a bonded grounding conductor shall lead from each section of the carcass rail within the stimulating enclosure to the service ground, or the secondary voltage (stimulating circuit) shall be insulated from the service ground. If the stimulating section of the carcass rail and carcass drive mechanisms are insulated from the service ground then the stimulating rail or the return path shall be electrically bonded to the transformer secondary to isolate the stimulation voltage.

(2) Enclosure. Electrical stimulation shall occur in an area that will prevent persons from contacting an energized surface. If the area is surrounded by physical barriers, the enclosure shall be either electrically grounded or it shall be made of materials that do not conduct electricity. The interior of the stimulating area shall be visible from the start switch so the operator can be assured that there is no person, equipment or material present that should not be there prior to starting the stimulating sequence. If light or sound beam sensors form the enclosure, the stimulating equipment shall be automatically shut off when the sensor signals are broken.

(3) Mandatory Warning Devices and Signals. The following warning devices or signals shall be installed at each opening to the stimulating area through which a person would normally enter:

(i) A red light that flashes distinctly during the operating cycle of the stimulating equipment.

(ii) An ANSI Z53.1-Color Code sign reading (a) “Danger Electrical Hazard” for stimulating voltage below 50 or (b) “Danger High Voltage” for stimulating voltage above 50.

(iii) An emergency stop button.

(4) Optional Warning Device—Horn or Bell. If a warning horn or bell is installed, the signal shall be audible above background noises in the vicinity, and it shall sound for at least 1 second before each manual stimulation or before the carcass chain is started in an automatic system.

(c) Operation—(1) Training. Only persons who have received safety instruction by the equipment manufacturer or designee may operate electrical stimulating equipment.

(2) Cleaning and Maintenance. To prevent an electrical shock to personnel, the electricity supplied to the stimulating surfaces shall be locked-off when cleaning, mechanical inspection, maintenance or testing are performed.

(3) Water. To prevent an electrical shock, personnel shall not spray streams of water on energized carcasses or on energized stimulating surfaces.

(d) Special provisions for manually operated equipment. (1) Stimulating probes or clamps shall be stored in a sanitary container which is insulated with a material approved by the Administrator. 1

1 A list of approved insulation materials is available upon request from the Facilities, Equipment and Sanitation Division, Technical Services, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.

(2) The electric wires attached to a clamp or probe shall not allow for contact between the probe or clamp and an electrical ground and shall not extend outside the enclosure.

[53 FR 46432, Nov. 17, 1988, as amended at 64 FR 56415, Oct. 20, 1999]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 394,21.S.C. 601-695; 7 CFR 2.17, 2.55
source: 35 FR 15560, Oct. 3, 1970, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 9 CFR 307.5