Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 9 - Animals and Animal Products last revised: Jul 03, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 325.1 - Transactions in commerce prohibited without official inspection legend or certificate when required; exceptions; and vehicle sanitation requirements.

§ 325.2 - Parcel post and ferries deemed carriers.

§ 325.3 - Product transported within the United States as part of export movement.

§ 325.4 - [Reserved]

§ 325.5 - Unmarked inspected product transported under official seal between official establishments for further processing; certificate.

§ 325.6 - Shipment of paunches between official establishments under official seal; certificate.

§ 325.7 - Shipment of products requiring special supervision between official establishments under official seal; certificate.

§ 325.8 - Transportation and other transactions concerning certain undenatured lungs or lung lobes from official establishments or in commerce; provisions and restrictions.

§ 325.9 - [Reserved]

§ 325.10 - Handling of products which may have become adulterated or misbranded; authorization and other requirements.

§ 325.11 - Inedible articles: denaturing and other means of identification; exceptions.

§ 325.12 - [Reserved]

§ 325.13 - Denaturing procedures.

§ 325.14 - Certificates, retention by carrier.

§ 325.15 - Evidence of proper certification required on waybills; transfer bills, etc., for shipment by connecting carrier; forms of statement.

§ 325.16 - Official seals; forms, use, and breaking.

§ 325.17 - Loading or unloading products in sealed railroad cars, trucks, etc., en route prohibited; exception.

§ 325.18 - Diverting of shipments, breaking of seals, and reloading by carrier in emergency; reporting to Regional Director.

§ 325.19 - Provisions inapplicable to specimens for laboratory examination, etc., or to naturally inedible articles.

§ 325.20 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of livestock that died otherwise than by slaughter.

§ 325.21 - Means of conveyance in which dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock and parts of carcasses thereof shall be transported.

§ 325.1 - Transactions in commerce prohibited without official inspection legend or certificate when required; exceptions; and vehicle sanitation requirements.

(a) No person shall sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation, in commerce, any product which is capable of use as human food unless the product and its container, if any, bear the official inspection legend as required under parts 316 and 317 of this subchapter or such product is exempted from the requirement of inspection under part 303 of this subchapter.

(b)(1) No carrier shall transport or receive for transportation in commerce (including transportation in the course of importation) and no person shall offer for transportation any carcass, part thereof, meat or meat food product until a certificate, if required for such transportation by this part, is made and furnished to the carrier in one of the forms prescribed in this part.

(2) Product imported into the United States may be transported and offerred or received for transportation if such product is conveyed in railroad cars, trucks or other means of conveyance, prior to inspection, to an authorized place of inspection, as provided in § 327.6 of this part.

(c) No person, engaged in the business of buying, selling, freezing, storing, or transporting, in or for commerce, meat or meat food products capable of use as human food, or importing such articles, shall transport, offer for transportation, or receive for transportation in commerce or in any State designated under § 331.2 of this subchapter, any such meat or meat food product which is capable of use as human food and is not wrapped, packaged, or otherwise enclosed to prevent adulteration by airborne contaminants, unless the railroad car, truck, or other means of conveyance in which the product is contained or transported is completely enclosed with tight fitting doors or other covers for all openings. In all cases, the means of conveyance shall be reasonably free of foreign matter (such as dust, dirt, rust, or other articles or residues), and free of chemical residues, so that product placed therein will not become adulterated. Any cleaning compound, lye, soda solution, or other chemical used in cleaning the means of conveyance must be thoroughly removed from the means of conveyance prior to its use. Such means of conveyance onto which product is loaded, being loaded, or intended to be loaded, shall be subject to inspection by an inspector at any official establishment. The decision whether or not to inspect a means of conveyance in a specific case, and the type and extent of such inspection shall be at the Program's discretion and shall be adequate to determine if product in such conveyance is, or when moved could become, adulterated. Circumstances of transport that can be reasonably anticipated shall be considered in making said determination. These include, but are not limited to, weather conditions, duration and distance of trip, nature of product covering, and effect of restowage at stops en route. Any means of conveyance found upon such inspection to be in such condition that product placed therein could become adulterated shall not be used until such condition which could cause adulteration is corrected. Product placed in any means of conveyance that is found by the inspector to be in such condition that the product may have become adulterated shall be removed from the means of conveyance and handled in accordance with § 318.2(d) of this subchapter.

[35 FR 15605, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 41 FR 23700, June 11, 1976; 47 FR 17274, Apr. 22, 1982; 56 FR 65180, Dec. 16, 1991]
§ 325.2 - Parcel post and ferries deemed carriers.

(a) For the purposes of this subchapter, the United States parcel post shall be deemed a carrier, and the provisions of this subchapter relating to transportation by carrier shall apply, so far as they may be applicable, to transportation by parcel post.

(b) For the purposes of this subchapter, the operator of every ferry shall be deemed a carrier, and the provisions of this subchapter relating to transportation by carrier shall apply to transportation by ferry of any products loaded on a truck or other vehicle, or otherwise moved by such ferry.

§ 325.3 - Product transported within the United States as part of export movement.

When any shipment of any product is offered to any carrier for transportation within the United States as a part of an export movement, the same certificate shall be required as if the shipment were destined to a point within the United States.

§ 325.4 - [Reserved]
§ 325.5 - Unmarked inspected product transported under official seal between official establishments for further processing; certificate.

(a) Any product which has been inspected and passed may be transported from one official establishment to another for further processing without each article being marked with the official inspection legend, if it is so transported in a railroad car, motortruck, or other means of conveyance which is sealed by a Program employee with an official seal of the Department prescribed in § 312.5(a) of this subchapter. Unless 25 percent or more of the contents of each car or other means of conveyance consists of product not marked with the inspection legend, transportation will not be permitted under this paragraph.

(b) When articles are offered for transportation under paragraph (a) of this section, the initial carrier shall require, and the shipper shall make in duplicate and deliver to the carrier, one copy of a certificate in the following form: 1

1 For convenience in filing, it is requested that these certificates be made on paper 5 1/2 × 8 inches in size.

Date ________________________, 19____ Name of carrier Establishment number of consignor Point of shipment Establishment number of consignee Destination Car number and initials License number of other means of conveyance

I hereby certify that the following described product has been U.S. inspected and passed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture; and that it is not marked “U.S. inspected and passed,” but has been placed in the means of conveyance specified above under the supervision of an employee of the Meat and Poultry Inspection Programs of said Department, and the means of conveyance has been sealed by him with official U.S. Government seals Nos. ____ and ____.

Kind of product Amount and weight (Signature of shipper) (Address of shipper)
When paunches are offered for transportation under this paragraph, the initial carrier shall require, and the shipper shall make in duplicate and deliver to the carrier, one copy of a certificate in duplicate in the form set out in § 325.5(b), appropriately modified. Certificates in this form or copies thereof need not be forwarded to any official or office of the Department, but the original of the certificate shall be retained by the carrier and a copy shall be retained by the shipper in accordance with part 320 of this subchapter. If the shipper is also the carrier, he shall nevertheless execute and retain the certificate in accordance with part 320 of this subchapter.

(c) The signature of the shipper or his agent shall be written in full. This certificate may be stamped upon or incorporated in any form ordinarily used in the transportation of product. Certificates in this form or copies thereof need not be forwarded to any official or office of the Department. The original of the certificate required by this section shall be retained by the carrier and a copy shall be retained by the shipper in accordance with part 320 of this subchapter. If the shipper is also the carrier, he shall nevertheless execute and retain the certificate in accordance with part 320 of this subchapter.

§ 325.6 - Shipment of paunches between official establishments under official seal; certificate.

Cattle and sheep paunches which have been made clean and from which the mucous membrane has not been removed may be transported from one official establishment to another official establishment for further processing, only under an official seal of the Department as prescribed in § 312.5(a) of this subchapter.

§ 325.7 - Shipment of products requiring special supervision between official establishments under official seal; certificate.

(a) Products passed for cooking, and beef that is to be refrigerated to destroy cysticerci, may be shipped loose from one official establishment to any other official establishment, for further handling in accordance with part 318 of this subchapter, in railroad cars, trucks, or other means of conveyance sealed with the official seal of the Department as prescribed in § 325.16: Provided, That in the case of railroad cars, the receiving establishment has railroad facilities for unloading the products directly into the establishment.

(b) When such restricted product is shipped from one official establishment to another official establishment in the same railroad car or other means of conveyance with other product, such restricted product shall be packed in individual closed containers as hereinafter provided. Containers shall be sealed by firmly applying a pressure sensitive tape around each container in two directions and stamping the intersection of the tape with the marking device described in § 312.2(a) of this subchapter for use on burlap, muslin, etc. (2 1/2-inch rubber brand). Such tape must possess the adhesive property to actually remove a portion of the container surface when the tape is removed. Alternatively, an inelastic, nonmetallic strap which will retain a legible imprint of the marking device (2 1/2-inch rubber brand) may be used. The imprint of the marking device shall be placed partially on the strap and partially on the container. Such restricted product shall be marked “U.S. passed for cooking” or “pork product ____ °F. ____days refrigeration” or “beef passed for refrigeration,” as the case may be. In addition, a “U.S. retained” tag shall be securely affixed to each container of product passed for cooking and of beef passed for refrigeration. The means of conveyance shall not be sealed unless at least 25 percent of the other product in the vehicle is unmarked. For each consignment there shall be promptly issued and forwarded by the inspector to the inspector in charge at destination, a report on the form entitled “Notice of Unmarked Meats Shipped in Sealed Cars,” appropriately modified to show the character of the containers, and that the contents are restricted. A duplicate copy shall be retained in the program files.

(c) When products are offered for transportation under this section, the initial carrier shall require and the shipper shall make in duplicate and deliver to the carrier one copy of a certificate in the form set out in § 325.5(b). Certificates in this form or copies thereof need not be forwarded to any official or office of the Department, but the original of the certificate shall be retained by the carrier and a copy shall be retained by the shipper in accordance with part 320 of this subchapter. If the shipper is also the carrier, he shall nevertheless execute and retain the certificate in accordance with part 320 of this subchapter.

[35 FR 15605, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 39 FR 20187, June 7, 1974; 83 FR 25307, May 31, 2018]
§ 325.8 - Transportation and other transactions concerning certain undenatured lungs or lung lobes from official establishments or in commerce; provisions and restrictions.

(a) Lungs or lung lobes, other than those condemned under § 310.16(b) of this subchapter, that are prepared at any official establishment, may be sold, transported, offered for sale or transportation, or received for transportation from the establishment, in commerce or otherwise, without denaturing as prescribed in § 314.1 or § 314.3 of this subchapter: Provided:

(1) The lungs or lung lobes are sold, transported, or offered for sale or transportation to, or received for transportation by: An animal food manufacturer for use in manufacturing animal food; a zoo, mink farm, or other establishment for use as animal food without further processing; a warehouse in the United States for storage and subsequent movement to such a manufacturer or establishment in the United States, or from one warehouse to another for the account of and subsequent movement to such a manufacturer or establishment, or for export, for nonhuman food purposes.

(2) The boxes or other containers used for shipping the undenatured lungs or lung lobes are closed with nylon filament tape, metallic on nonmetallic straps, round wire, or other similar materials that securely effect closure of such containers, and the containers are permanently identified in at least 2-inch (5 cm) high lettering with the statement “(Species) Lungs—Not Intended for Human Food.” In lieu of securely closing the immediate container with any of the above materials, a 1-inch (2.5 cm) wide bright orange band, imprinted around the length and width of the container may be used.

(3) The name and place of business of the packer or distributor shall be shown on the immediate container of the product. In addition, the country of origin shall be shown on the immediate container of imported lungs or lung lobes.

(b) Lungs or lung lobes, other than those condemned under a State law or regulation at least equal to § 310.16(b) of this subchapter, that are prepared at any State inspected establishment may be sold, transported, offered for sale, or transportation or received for transportation from that establishment, in commerce, without denaturing as prescribed under section 201 of the Act, provided the State law or regulations permit such disposition and provided there is compliance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) Foreign establishments shall be eligible to export lungs or lung lobes, other than those condemned for reasons set forth in § 310.16(b) of this subchapter, to the United States from such foreign country under this section, only if such establishments are certified and approved for export of products to the United States under part 327 of this subchapter, and such product complies with the applicable regulations for preventing the introduction into the United States of diseases (9 CFR 94), in addition to the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.

(d) All such lungs or lung lobes, if intended for animal food, are subject to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

[43 FR 43445, Sept. 26, 1978]
§ 325.9 - [Reserved]
§ 325.10 - Handling of products which may have become adulterated or misbranded; authorization and other requirements.

(a) When it is claimed that any inspected and passed product, marked with an inspection legend, has become adulterated or misbranded after it has been transported from an official establishment, such product may be transported in commerce to an official establishment after oral permission is obtained from the area supervisor of the area in which that offical establishment is located. The transportation of the product may be to the official establishment from which it had been transported or to another official establishment designated by the person desiring to handle the product. The transportation shall be authorized only for the purpose of officially determining if the product has become adulterated or misbranded and making the appropriate disposition. The area supervisor shall make a record of the authorization and such other information which will effectively identify the shipment and shall provide a copy of the record to the inspector at the establishment receiving the product. The shipper shall be furnished a copy of the authorization record upon request.

(b) Upon the arrival of the shipment at the official establishment, a careful inspection shall be made of the product by a Program inspector, and if it is found that the article is not adulterated, the same may be received into the establishment; but if the article is found to be adulterated, it shall at once be stamped “U.S. inspected and condemned” and disposed of in accordance with part 314 of this subchapter, and if it is found to be misbranded, it shall be handled in accordance with § 318.2(d) of this subchapter: Provided, That when a product is found to be affected with one of the correctable conditions specified in § 318.2(d) of this subchapter, in respect to which rehandling is permitted, it may be transported from the official establishment to another official establishment for such rehandling as is necessary to assure that the product is not adulterated or misbranded when finally released. The transportation of such a product from an official establishment shall be done in a manner prescribed in each specific case by the Administrator.

[35 FR 15605, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 47 FR 17274, Apr. 22, 1982]
§ 325.11 - Inedible articles: denaturing and other means of identification; exceptions.

(a) Except as provided in § 325.8 and § 325.10, no carcass, part of a carcass, rendered grease, tallow, or other fat derived from the carcasses of livestock, or other meat food product, that has not been inspected and passed at an official establishment under the provisions of this subchapter and is not exempted from such inspection, and no carcass, part of a carcass, fat or other meat food product that is adulterated or misbranded, shall be offered for transportation in commerce by any person unless it is handled in accordance with paragraph (b), (c), (d), or (e) of this section or is denatured or otherwise identified as prescribed in § 325.13, § 314.1, § 314.3, § 314.9, § 314.10, or § 314.11 of this subchapter.

(b) Inedible rendered animal fats from official or other establishments in the United States having the physical characteristics of a meat food product fit for human food may be transported in commerce without denaturing, if the following conditions are met:

(1) Such inedible rendered fat shall not be bought, sold, transported, or offered for sale or offered for transportation in commerce, or imported, except by rendering companies, dealers, brokers, or others who obtain a numbered permit for such activities from the Regional Director.

(2) Such inedible rendered animal fat may be so distributed only if consigned to a domestic manufacturer of technical articles other than for human food or to an export terminal for exportation or storage for exportation as an inedible article, and provided, in the case of such fat consigned to a domestic manufacturer, the product is for use solely by the consignee for manufacturing purposes of nonhuman food articles and may not be further sold or shipped without first receiving approval of the Regional Director: And provided further, That such fat intended for export and stored at a terminal point prior to export will be subject to review by Program employees to assure that it is exported as inedible.

(3) When transported in commerce, or imported, such inedible rendered fat shall be marked conspicuously with the words “technical animal fat not intended for human food” on the ends of the shipping containers, in letters not less than 2 inches high; in the case of shipping containers such as drums, tierces, barrels, and half barrels, and not less than 4 inches high in the case of tank cars and trucks. All shipping containers shall have both ends painted with a durable paint, if necessary, to provide a contrasting background for the required marking.

(4) Such inedible rendered fat shall be transported only in sealed shipping containers bearing unofficial seals applied by the shipper, which shall include the identification number assigned by said Director for the permit holder. The number shall appear on the bill of lading or other transportation documents for the shipment. The consignees in the United States must retain the seals in their records as prescribed in part 320 of this subchapter.

(5) Any diversion or effort to divert inedible rendered fat contrary to the provisions of this paragraph (b) or other violation of the provisions of this section may result in the revocation of the permit for shipment of technical animal fat at the discretion of the Administrator.

(c) Inedible rendered animal fat derived from condemned or other inedible materials at official or other establishments in the United States may be transported in commerce if mixed with low grade offal or other materials which render the fat readily distinguishable from an article of human food, and if the outside container bears the word “inedible.”

(d)(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (d)(2), (3), and (4) of this section, or in §§ 314.10 and 314.11 of this subchapter, no animal food prepared, in whole or in part, from materials derived from the carcasses of livestock in an official establishment or elsewhere, shall be bought, sold, transported, offered for sale or transportation, or received for transportation, in commerce, or imported, unless:

(i) It is properly identified as animal food;

(ii) It is not represented as being a human food; and

(iii) It has been denatured as prescribed in § 325.13(a)(2) so as to be readily distinguishable from an article of human food.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (d)(1) of this section, an animal food that consists of less than 5 percent of parts or products of the carcasses of livestock and that is not represented by labeling or appearance or otherwise as being a human food or as a product of the meat food industry need not be denatured in accordance with § 325.13(a)(2).

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (d)(1) of this section, animal food packed in hermetically sealed, retort processed, conventional retail-size containers, and retail-size packages of semi-moist animal food need not be denatured in accordance with § 325.13(a)(2) if the name of the article clearly conveys the article's intended use for animal food and appeared on the label in a conspicuous manner.

(i) Except as provided in paragraph (ii) of paragraph (d)(3), the name of the article must be stated on the label as “Animal Food,” “Pet Food,” or “(name of species) Food” (e.g., “Dog Food” or “Cat Food”). To be considered conspicuous, the name of the article, wherever it appears on the label, must be in letters at least twice as high, wide, and thick as the letters indicating the presence in the article of any ingredients derived from the carcasses of livestock.

(ii) Notwithstanding the provisons of paragraph (i) of this paragraph (d)(3), the article's name may be stated on the label to show that it is or contains livestock-source material and that the article is for animals; e.g., “Horsemeat for Pets” or “Beef Stew for Dogs”: Provided, That the entire name of the article is stated, wherever it appears on the label, as an individual, contiguous unit, whether stated on a single line or more than one line, and the letters denoting the article's intended use for animal food are at least as high, wide, and thick as the letters indicating the presence of material derived from any livestock carcass. However, when the label bears on its principal display panel a vignette which pictures, in clearly recognizable form and size, one or more animals of the species for which the article's name indicates the article is intended, the letters used to state the article's intended use shall be at least one-half as high, wide, and thick as the letters used in the article's name or other letters indicating the presence of material derived from any livestock carcass, but shall not be less than 1/8 inches high. The letters used to state the article's intended use may be separated from the article's name by the vignette.

(iii) Letters used to denote the intended use of the article must contrast as markedly with their background as the letters indicating the presence in the article of livestock carcass-source material contrast with their background.

(4) The requirements of this part do not apply to livestock or poultry feeds manufactured from processed livestock byproducts (such as meat meal tankage, meat and bone meal, blood meal, and feed grade animal fat), or to processed dry animal food.

(e) Except for inedible rendered animal fats and lungs or lung lobes, inedible products (including condemned products only if condemned for causes specified in § 314.11 of this subchapter) which were prepared at any official establishment, or at any State inspected establishment in any State not listed in § 331.2 of this subchapter, and which have the physical characteristics of a product fit for human food, may be transported from an official establishment or in commerce, without denaturing as required by this subchapter, if the following conditions are met:

(1) The shipper must have obtained a numbered permit for such activity from the appropriate Regional Director, as identified in § 301.2 of this subchapter. Such permit may be obtained upon written application to the appropriate Regional Director and his determination that the proposed transportation would be authorized under this paragraph (e). The application shall state the name and address of the applicant, a description of the type of his business operations, and the purpose of making such application.

(2) Such inedible products may be transported under this paragraph (e) only if consigned to a manufacturer in the United States of articles other than for human food and if the product is for use solely by the consignee for manufacturing articles not for human food. Such products may not be transported in commerce to any consignee other than the one to which they were originally shipped unless prior notice of the diversion is given to the appropriate Regional Director and a record identifying the new consignee is maintained by the shipper as required by § 320.1 of this subchapter.

(3) When transported from an official establishment or in commerce under this paragraph (e), the outside container of such inedible products shall be marked conspicuously with the words “Inedible—Not Intended for Human Food” in letters not less than 2 inches high, in the case of containers, such as cartons, drums, tierces, barrels, and half barrels, and not less than 4 inches high in the case of tank cars and trucks used to transport such products not in other containers.

(4) Such inedible products shall be transported from an official establishment or in commerce under this paragraph (e) only in railroad cars, trucks, or containers which bear unofficial seals applied by the shipper, which shall include the identification number assigned to the permit holder and an individual seal serial number assigned by the shipper; and the product so transported shall be accompanied by an invoice or bill of lading specifying the permit holder's identification number. The consignee in the United States must retain a record of the identification and serial numbers shown on the seals in his records as prescribed in part 320 of this subchapter.

(5) Any diversion, or effort to divert, undenatured, inedible product contrary to the provisions of this paragraph (e) or other violation of the provisions of this section may result in the revocation of the permit for shipment of inedible products under this paragraph (e), at the discretion of the Administrator.

[47 FR 17274, Apr. 22, 1982, as amended at 49 FR 47478, Dec. 5, 1984]
§ 325.12 - [Reserved]
§ 325.13 - Denaturing procedures.

(a) Carcasses, parts thereof, meat and meat food products (other than rendered animal fats) that have been treated in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph shall be considered denatured for the purposes of the regulations in this part, except as otherwise provided in part 314 of this subchapter for articles condemned at official establishments.

(1) The following agents are prescribed for denaturing carcasses, parts thereof, meat or meat food products which are affected with any condition that would result in their condemnation and disposal under part 314 of this subchapter if they were at an official establishment: Crude carbolic acid; cresylic disinfectant; a formula consisting of 1 part FD&C green No. 3 coloring, 40 parts water, 40 parts liquid detergent, and 40 parts oil of citronella, or other proprietary substance approved by the Administrator in specific cases. 3

3 Information as to approval of any proprietary denaturing substance may be obtained from the Technical Services, Meat and Poultry Inspection, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.

(2) Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(3), (4), and (5) of this section, the following agents are prescribed for denaturing other carcasses, parts thereof, meat and meat food products, for which denaturing is required by this part: FD&C green No. 3 coloring; FD&C blue No. 1 coloring; FD&C blue No. 2 coloring; finely powdered charcoal; or other proprietary substance approved by the Administrator in specific cases. 3

(3) Tripe may be denatured by dipping it in a 6 percent solution of tannic acid for 1 minute followed by immersion in a water bath, then immersing it for 1 minute in a solution of 0.022 percent FD&C yellow No. 5 coloring;

(4) Meat may be denatured by dipping it in a solution of 0.0625 percent tannic acid, followed by immersion in a water bath, then dipping it in a solution of 0.0625 percent ferric acid; and

(5) When meat, meat byproducts, or meat food products are in ground form, 4 percent by weight of coarsely ground hard bone, which shall be in pieces no smaller than the opening size specified for No. 5 mesh in the standards issued by the U.S. Bureau of Standards or 6 percent by weight of coarsely ground hard bone, which shall be in pieces no smaller than the opening size specified for No. 8 mesh in said Standards, uniformly incorporated with the product may be used in lieu of the agents prescribed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(6) Before the denaturing agents are applied to articles in pieces more than 4 inches in diameter, the pieces shall be freely slashed or sectioned. (If the articles are in pieces not more than 4 inches in diameter, slashing or sectioning will not be necessary.) The application of any of the denaturing agents listed in paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section to the outer surface of molds or blocks of boneless meat, meat byproducts, or meat food products shall not be adequate. The denaturing agent must be mixed intimately with all of the material to be denatured, and must be applied in such quantity and manner that it cannot easily and readily be removed by washing or soaking. A sufficient amount of the appropriate agent shall be used to give the material a distinctive color, odor, or taste so that such material cannot be confused with an article of human food.

(7) Carcasses (other than viscera), parts thereof, cuts of meat, and unground pieces of meat darkened by charcoal or other black dyes shall be deemed to be denatured pursuant to this section only if they contain at least that degree of darkness depicted by diagram 1 of the Meat Denaturing Guide (MP Form 91). 1

1 Copies of MP Form 91 may be obtained, without charge, by writing to the Administrative Operations Branch, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 123 East Grant Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403. Diagrams 2 and 3 of the Meat Denaturing Guide are for comparison purposes only. The Meat Denaturing Guide has been approved for incorporation by reference by the Director, Office of the Federal Register, and is on file at the Federal Register library.

(b) Inedible rendered animal fats shall be denatured by thoroughly mixing therein denaturing oil, No. 2 fuel oil, brucine dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and pine oil or oil of rosemary, finely powdered charcoal, or any proprietary denaturing agent approved for the purpose by the Administrator in specific cases. The charcoal shall be used in no less quantity than 100 parts per million and shall be of such character that it will remain suspended indefinitely in the liquid fat. Sufficient of the chosen identifying agents shall be used to give the rendered fat so distinctive a color, odor, or taste that it cannot be confused with an article of human food.

[35 FR 15605, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 41 FR 22930, June 8, 1976; 44 FR 67626, Nov. 27, 1979]
§ 325.14 - Certificates, retention by carrier.

All original certificates delivered to a carrier in accordance with this part shall be filed separate and apart from all its other papers and records or identified in such a manner as to be readily checked by Department employees. Every certificate required to be maintained under this part shall be retained for a period of 2 years after December 31 of the year in which the transaction has occurred.

§ 325.15 - Evidence of proper certification required on waybills; transfer bills, etc., for shipment by connecting carrier; forms of statement.

(a) All waybills, transfer bills, running slips, conductor's cards, or other papers accompanying a shipment, in the course of importation or otherwise in commerce, of any product shall have embodied therein, stamped thereon, or attached thereto a signed statement which shall be evidence to connecting carriers that the proper shipper's certificate, as required by § 325.5, § 325.6, or § 325.7, is on file with the initial carrier. No connecting carrier shall receive for transportation or transport in the course of importation or otherwise in commerce any product unless the waybill, transfer bill, running slip, conductor's card, or other papers accompanying the same includes the signed statement in the following form:

(Name of transportation company) U.S. inspected and passed, as evidenced by shipper's certificate on file with initial carrier. (signed) Agent

(b) Signatures of agents to statements required under this section shall be written in full.

[47 FR 17276, Apr. 22, 1982]
§ 325.16 - Official seals; forms, use, and breaking.

(a) The official seals required by this part shall be those prescribed in § 312.5(a) of this subchapter.

(b) Except as provided in § 325.18(b), official seal affixed under this part shall be affixed or broken only by Program employees, and no person other than a Program employee shall affix, detach, break, change, or tamper with any such seal in any way whatever. Commission of any such acts contrary to this regulation is a criminal offense.

§ 325.17 - Loading or unloading products in sealed railroad cars, trucks, etc., en route prohibited; exception.

Unloading any product from an officially sealed railroad car, truck, or other means of conveyance containing any unmarked product or loading any product or any other commodity in the means of conveyance while en route from one official establishment to another official establishment is not permitted, except that product transported under § 325.5 from one official establishment to another for further processing may be unloaded and stored in transit at any approved warehouse which is operated under the identification service provided under the regulations in part 350 of subchapter B of this chapter and which has railroad facilities or a receiving dock for unloading the product directly into such warehouse: Provided, That the product is stored in rooms which are of such size and type as will not result in adulteration or misbranding of the product: And provided further, That the product is transported to and from such warehouse, and under official seal as provided in § 325.5 and stored in such rooms at such warehouse.

§ 325.18 - Diverting of shipments, breaking of seals, and reloading by carrier in emergency; reporting to Regional Director.

(a) Shipments of inspected and passed product that bear the inspection legend may be diverted from the original destination without a reinspection of the articles, provided the waybills, transfer bills, running slips, conductor's card, or other papers accompanying the shipments are marked, stamped, or have attached thereto signed statements in accordance with § 325.15.

(b) In case of wreck or similar extraordinary emergency, the Department seals on a railroad car or other means of conveyance containing any inspected and passed product may be broken by the carrier, and if necessary, the articles may be reloaded into another means of conveyance, or the shipment may be diverted from the original destination, without another shipper's certificate; but in all such cases the carrier shall immediately report the facts by telephone or telegraph to the Regional Director in the area in which the emergency occurs. Such report shall include the following information:

(1) Nature of the emergency.

(2) Place where seals were broken.

(3) Original points of shipment and destination.

(4) Number and initial of the original car or truck.

(5) Number and initials of the car or truck into which the articles are reloaded.

(6) New destination of the shipment.

(7) Kind and amount of articles.

[35 FR 15605, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 42 FR 39087, Aug. 2, 1977]
§ 325.19 - Provisions inapplicable to specimens for laboratory examination, etc., or to naturally inedible articles.

The provisions of this part do not apply:

(a) To specimens of product sent to or by the Department of Agriculture or divisions thereof in Washington, DC, or elsewhere, for laboratory examination, exhibition purposes, or other official use;

(b) To material released for educational, research and other nonfood purposes, as prescribed in § 314.9 of this subchapter;

(c) To glands and organs for use in preparing pharmaceutical, organotherapeutic, or technical products and not used for human food, as described in § 318.1(g) of this subchapter;

(d) To material or specimens of product for laboratory examination, research, or other nonhuman food purposes, when authorized by the Administrator, and under conditions prescribed by him in specific cases; and

(e) To articles that are naturally inedible by humans, such as hoofs, horns, and hides in their natural state.

§ 325.20 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of livestock that died otherwise than by slaughter.

No person engaged in the business of buying, selling, or transporting in commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled or diseased animals or parts of the carcasses of any animals that died otherwise than by slaughter shall:

(a) Buy, sell, transport, or offer for sale or transportation, in commerce, or import any dead livestock if its hide or skin has been removed;

(b) Sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation, in commerce, any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, or parts of the carcasses of any livestock that died otherwise than by slaughter, unless such livestock and parts are consigned and delivered, without avoidable delay, to establishments of animal food manufacturers, renderers, or collection stations that are registered as required by part 320 of this subchapter, or to official establishments that operate under Federal inspection, or to establishments that operate under a State or Territorial inspection system approved by the Secretary as one that imposes requirements at least equal to the Federal requirements for purposes of paragraph 301(c) of the Act; 4

4 A list of such registrants, States, and amendments thereof, will be published in the Federal Register, and information concerning the registration status of particular animal food manufacturers, renderers, or collection stations, or the status of particular States or Territories may also be obtained from the Director, Administrative Management Staff, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.

(c) Buy in commerce or import any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock or parts of the carcasses of any livestock that died otherwise than by slaughter, unless he is an animal food manufacturer or renderer and is registered as required by part 320 of this subchapter, or is the operator of an establishment inspected as required by paragraph (b) of this section and such livestock or parts of carcasses are to be delivered to establishments eligible to receive them under paragraph (b) of this section;

(d) Unload en route to any establishment eligible to receive them under paragraph (b) of this section, any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock or parts of the carcasses of any livestock that died otherwise than by slaughter, which are transported in commerce or imported by any such person: Provided, That any such dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, or parts of carcasses may be unloaded from a means of conveyance en route where necessary in case of a wreck or otherwise extraordinary emergency, and may be reloaded into another means of conveyance; but in all such cases, the carrier shall immediately report the facts by telegraph or telephone to the Compliance Staff, Meat and Poultry Inspection Field Operations, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.

(e) Load into any means of conveyance containing any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, or parts of the carcasses of any livestock that died otherwise than by slaughter, while in the course of importation or other transportation in commerce any livestock or parts of carcasses not within the foregoing description or any other products or other commodities.

[35 FR 15605, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 42 FR 42309, Aug. 23, 1977]
§ 325.21 - Means of conveyance in which dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock and parts of carcasses thereof shall be transported.

All vehicles and other means of conveyance used by persons subject to § 325.20 for transporting in commerce or importing, any dead, dying, disabled, and diseased livestock or parts of carcasses of livestock that died otherwise than by slaughter shall be leak-proof and so constructed and equipped as to permit thorough cleaning and sanitizing. The means of conveyance so used in conveying such livestock, or parts thereof, shall be cleaned and disinfected prior to use in the transportation of any product intended for use as human food. The cleaning procedure shall include the complete removal from the means of conveyance of any fluid, parts, or product of such dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock and the thorough application of a disinfectant to the interior surfaces of the cargo space. Substances permitted for such use are:

(a) “Liquified phenol” (U.S.P. strength 87 percent phenol) in the proportion of at least 6 fluid ounces to 1 gallon of water.

(b) “Cresylic disinfectant” in the proportion of not less than 4 fluid ounces to 1 gallon of water; and such other disinfectants as are approved by the Administrator in specific cases. The use of “cresylic disinfectant” is permitted subject to the conditions prescribed in § 71.10(b) of this title.

source: 35 FR 15605, Oct. 3, 1970, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 9 CFR 325.1