Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 9 - Animals and Animal Products last revised: Jul 03, 2024
§ 381.189 - Provisions inapplicable to specimens for laboratory examination, etc., or to naturally inedible articles.

The provisions of this subpart do not apply:

(a) To dead, dying, disabled or diseased poultry and specimens of undenatured, uninspected or adulterated carcasses, parts, or products of poultry sent to or by the Department of Agriculture or divisions thereof in Washington, DC, or elsewhere, for laboratory examination, exhibition purposes, or other official use;

(b) To dead, dying, disabled or diseased poultry and specimens of undenatured, uninspected or adulterated carcasses, parts, or products of poultry thereof for educational, research, or other nonfood purposes shipped under permit issued by the inspector in charge upon his determination that collection and movement thereof will not interfere with inspection or sanitary conditions at the establishment, and the specimens are for nonfood purposes. The person desiring such specimens shall make a written application to the inspector in charge for such permit on Form MP-112 and shall obtain permission from the operator of the official establishment to obtain the specimens. Permits shall be issued for a period not longer than one year. The permit may be revoked by the inspector in charge if he determines after notice and opportunity to present views is afforded to the permittee that any such specimens were not used as stated in the application, or if the collection or handling of the specimens interferes with inspection or the maintenance of sanitary conditions in the establishment. The specimens referred to in this paragraph shall be collected and handled only at such time and place and in such manner as not to interfere with the inspection or to cause any objectionable condition and shall be identified as inedible when they leave the establishment.

(c) To parts of poultry carcasses that are naturally inedible by humans, such as entrails and feathers in their natural state.

[40 FR 55310, Nov. 28, 1975]
§ 381.190 -

(a) No person shall sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation, in commerce or from any official establishment, any slaughtered poultry from which the blood, feathers, feet, head, or viscera have not been removed in accordance with the regulations.

(b)(1) No person shall sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation, in commerce, any slaughtered poultry or other poultry product which is capable of use as human food and is adulterated or fails to bear an official inspection legend or is otherwise misbranded at the time of such sale, transportation, offer or receipt, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (b) and subpart C or T.

(2)(i) Poultry heads and feet that are collected and handled at an official establishment in an acceptable manner may be shipped from the official establishment directly for export as human food, if they have been examined and found to be suitable for such purpose, by an inspector and are labeled as prescribed in this paragraph.

(ii) The containers of all such products shall bear a label showing: (A) The name of the products; (B) the name and address of the packer or distributor, and, when the name of the distributor is shown, it shall be qualified by such terms as “packed for,” “distributed by,” or “distributors”; and (C) the official establishment number of the establishment where packed.

(iii) Such products shall not bear the official inspection legend.

(3)(i) Poultry heads and feet that are collected and handled at an official establishment in an acceptable manner may be shipped from the official establishment and in commerce directly to another official establishment for processing before export, provided the receiving establishment maintains records that:

(A) Identify the source of the incoming undenatured poultry product;

(B) Identify the location of the product at all times during processing and preparation for export; and

(C) Contain a written certification from an official of the receiving establishment that the undenatured poultry product intended for export has not been, and will not be, commingled with any product intended for consumption in the United States.

(ii) The receiving establishment may only ship the undenatured poultry product intended for export in accordance with the inspection and labeling requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(c) No person, engaged in the business of buying, selling, freezing, storing, or transporting, in or for commerce, poultry products capable of use as human food, or importing such articles, shall transport, offer for transportation, or receive for transportation, in commerce or in any State designated under § 381.221, any poultry product which is capable of use as human food and is not wrapped, packaged, or otherwise enclosed to prevent adulteration by airborne contaminants, unless the railroad car, truck, or other means of conveyance in which the product is contained or transported is completely enclosed with tight fitting doors or other covers for all openings. In all cases, the means of conveyance shall be reasonably free of foreign matter (such as dust, dirt, rust, or other articles or residues), and free of chemical residues, so that product placed therein will not become adulterated. Any cleaning compound, lye, soda solution, or other chemical used in cleaning the means of conveyance must be thoroughly removed from the means of conveyance prior to its use. Such means of conveyance onto which product is loaded, being loaded, or intended to be loaded, shall be subject to inspection by an inspector at any official establishment. The decision whether or not to inspect a means of conveyance in a specific case, and the type and extent of such inspection shall be at the Inspection Service's discretion and shall be adequate to determine if poultry product in such conveyance is, or when moved could become, adulterated.

Circumstances of transport that can be reasonably anticipated shall be considered in making said determination. These include, but are not limited to, weather conditions, duration and distance of trip, nature of product covering, and effect of restowage at stops en route. Any means of conveyance found upon such inspection to be in such condition that poultry product placed therein could become adulterated shall not be used until such condition which could cause adulteration is corrected. Poultry product placed in any means of conveyance that is found by the inspector to be in such condition that the poultry product may have become adulterated shall be removed from the means of conveyance and handled in accordance with § 381.145(b). [37 FR 9706, May 16, 1972, as amended at 39 FR 4569, Feb. 5, 1974; 40 FR 42338, Sept. 12, 1975; 41 FR 23700, June 11, 1976; 60 FR 43358, Aug. 21, 1995]
§ 381.191 - Distribution of inspected products to small lot buyers.

For the purpose of facilitating the distribution in commerce of inspected poultry products to small lot buyers (such as small restaurants), distributors or jobbers may remove inspected and passed non-consumer-packaged poultry carcasses or consumer-packaged poultry products from shipping containers or immediate containers, other than consumer packages, and place them into other containers which do not bear an official inspection mark: Provided, That the individual non-consumer-packaged carcasses bear the official inspection legend and the official establishment number of the establishment that processed the articles; and the consumer-packaged articles are fully labeled in accordance with subpart N: And provided further, That the other container is marked with the name and address of the distributor or jobber and bears the statement “The poultry product contained herein was inspected by the U.S.D.A.” in the case of poultry products processed in the United States, or the statement “The poultry products contained herein have been approved for importation under P.P.I.A.” in the case of imported poultry products.

§ 381.192 - Penalties inapplicable to carriers.

No carrier shall be subject to the penalties of the Act, other than the penalties for violation of section 11, by reason of his receipt, carriage, holding, or delivery, in the usual course of business, as a carrier, of poultry or poultry products, owned by another person, unless the carrier has knowledge, or is in possession of facts which would cause a reasonable person to believe that such poultry or poultry products were not inspected or marked in accordance with the provisions of the Act or where otherwise not eligible for transportation under the Act, or unless the carrier refuses to furnish on request of a representative of the Secretary, the name and address of the person from whom he received such poultry or poultry products, and copies of all documents, if any there be, pertaining to the delivery of the poultry or poultry products to such carrier.

§ 381.193 - Poultry carcasses, etc., not intended for human food.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, poultry carcasses, and parts and products thereof, that are not intended for use as human food may, after they have been denatured as prescribed in § 381.95, be bought, sold, transported, offered for sale or transportation, or received for transportation, in commerce, or imported, even though they do not comply with all the provisions of the regulations, provided they are marked “Not fit for human food.” These requirements do not apply to parts of poultry carcasses that are naturally inedible by humans, such as entrails.

(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) (2), (3), and (4) of this section, no animal food processed, in whole or in part, from materials derived from the carcasses of poultry in an official establishment or elsewhere, shall be bought, sold, transported, offered for sale or transportation, or received for transportation in commerce, or imported, unless:

(i) It is properly identified as animal food;

(ii) It is not represented as being a human food; and

(iii) It has been denatured as prescribed in § 381.95 so as to be readily distinguishable from an article of human food.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, an animal food that consists of less than 5 percent of parts or products of the carcasses of poultry and that is not represented by labeling or appearance or otherwise as being a human food or as a product of the poultry industry need not be denatured in accordance with § 381.95.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, animal food packed in hermetically sealed, retort processed, conventional retail-size containers, and retail-size packages of semi-moist animal food need not be denatured in accordance with § 381.95 if the name of the article clearly conveys the article's intended use for animal food and appears on the label in a conspicuous manner.

(i) Except as provided in paragraph (ii) of paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the name of the article must be stated on the label as “Animal Food,” “Pet Food,” or “(name of species) Food” (e.g., “Dog Food” or “Cat Food”). To be considered conspicuous, the name of the article, wherever it appears on the label, must be stated in letters at least twice as high, wide, and thick as the letters indicating the presence in the article of any ingredients derived from carcasses of poultry.

(ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (i) of paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the article's name may be stated on the label to show that it is or contains poultry carcass-source material and that the article is for animals; e.g., “Chicken for Pets” or “Turkey Dinner for Cats”: Provided, That the entire name of the article is stated, wherever it appears on the label, as an individual, contiguous unit, whether stated on a single line or more than one line, and the letters denoting the article's intended use for animal food are at least as high, wide, and thick as the letters indicating the presence of material derived from any poultry carcass. However, when the label bears on its principal display panel a vignette which pictures, in clearly recognizable form and size, one or more animals of the species for which the article's name indicates the article is intended, the letters used to state the article's intended use shall be at least one-half as high, wide, and thick as the letters used in the article's name or other letters indicating the presence of material derived from any poultry carcass, but shall not be less than 1/8 inch high. The letters used to state the article's intended use may be separated from the article's name by the vignette.

(iii) Letters used to denote the intended use of the article must contrast as markedly with their background as the letters indicating the presence in the article of poultry carcass-source material contrast with their background.

(4) The requirements of this part do not apply to livestock or poultry feed manufactured from processed poultry byproducts (such as poultry byproduct meal, hydrolyzed poultry feathers, and hydrolyzed poultry byproducts aggregate), or to processed dry animal food.

[49 FR 47479, Dec. 5, 1984]
§ 381.194 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died otherwise than by slaughter.

No person engaged in the business of buying, selling, or transporting in commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry or parts of the carcasses of any poultry that died otherwise than by slaughter shall:

(a) Sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation or receive for transportation, in commerce, any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, or parts of the carcasses of any poultry that died otherwise than by slaughter, unless such poultry and parts are consigned and delivered, without avoidable delay, to establishments of animal food manufacturers, renderers, or collection stations that are registered as required by § 381.179, or to official establishments that operate under Federal inspection, or to establishments that operate under a State or Territorial inspection system approved by the Secretary as one that imposes requirements at least equal to the Federal requirements for purposes of section 5(c) of the Act.

(b) Buy in commerce or import any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry or parts of the carcasses of any poultry that died otherwise than by slaughter, unless he is an animal food manufacturer or renderer and is registered as required by § 381.179, or is the operator of an establishment inspected as required by paragraph (a) of this section and such poultry or parts of carcasses are to be delivered to establishments eligible to receive them under paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) Unload en route to any establishment eligible to receive them under paragraph (a) of this section, any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry or parts of the carcasses of any poultry that died otherwise than by slaughter, which are transported in commerce or imported by any such person: Provided, That any such dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, or parts of carcasses may be unloaded from a means of conveyance en route where necessary in case of a wreck or otherwise extraordinary emergency, and may be reloaded into another means of conveyance; but in all such cases, the carrier shall immediately report the facts by telegraph or telephone to the Director, Compliance Staff, Meat and Poultry Inspection Program, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.

[40 FR 55310, Nov. 28, 1975]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 138f,1633; 21 U.S.C. 451-472; 7 CFR 2.7, 2.18, 2.53
source: 37 FR 9706, May 16, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 9 CFR 381.191