Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 21, 2025

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Jan 27, 2025
Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Part 370—Output Files Structure

These output files will include the data necessary for the FDIC to determine deposit insurance coverage in a resolution. A covered institution's information technology system must have the capability to prepare and maintain the files detailed below. These files must be prepared in successive iterations as the FDIC receives additional data from external sources necessary to complete the deposit insurance determinations, and, as it updates pending determinations. The files will be comprised of the following four tables. The unique identifier and government identification are required in all four tables so those tables can be linked where necessary.

A null value, as indicated in the table below, is allowed for fields that are not immediately needed to calculate deposit insurance. To ensure timely calculations for depositor liquidity purposes, the information with null-value designations can be obtained after the initial deposit insurance calculation. As due diligence for recordkeeping progresses throughout the years of ongoing compliance, the FDIC expects that the banks will continue efforts to capture the null-value designations and populate the output file to alleviate the burden at failure. If a null value is allowed in a field, the record should not be placed in the pending file.

These files must be prepared in successive iterations as the covered institution receives additional data from external sources necessary to complete any pending deposit insurance calculations. The unique identifier is required in all four files to link the customer information. All files are pipe delimited. Do not pad leading and trailing spacing or zeros for the data fields.

Customer File. Customer File will be used by the FDIC to identify the customers. One record represents one unique customer.

The data elements will include:

Field name Description Format Null value
1. CS__Unique__IDThis field is the unique identifier that is the primary key for the depositor data record. It will be generated by the covered institution and there shall not be duplicatesVariable CharacterNo.
2. CS__Govt__IDThis field shall contain the ID number that identifies the entity based on a government issued ID or corporate filling. Populate as follows:Variable CharacterNo.
—For a United States individual—SSN or TIN
—For a foreign national individual—where a SSN or TIN does not exist, a foreign passport or other legal identification number (e.g., Alien Card)
—For a Non-Individual—the Tax identification Number (TIN), or other register entity number
3. CS__Govt__ID__TypeThe valid customer identification types are:Character (3)No.
—SSN—Social Security Number
—TIN—Tax Identification Number
—DL—Driver's License, issued by a State or Territory of the United States
—ML—Military ID
—PPT—Valid Passport
—AID—Alien Identification Card
4. CS__TypeThe customer type field indicates the type of entity the customer is at the covered institution. The valid values are:Character (3)Yes.
5. CS__First__NameCustomer first name. Use only for the name of individuals and the primary contact for entityVariable CharacterNo.
6. CS__Middle__NameCustomer middle name. Use only for the name of individuals and the primary contact for entityVariable CharacterYes.
7. CS__Last__NameCustomer last name. Use only for the name of individuals and the primary contact for entityVariable CharacterNo.
8. CS__Name__SuffixCustomer suffixVariable CharacterYes.
9. CS__Entity__NameThe registered name of the entity. Do not use this field if the customer is an individualVariable CharacterYes.
10. CS__Street__Add__Ln1Street address line 1. The current account statement mailing address of recordVariable CharacterYes.
11. CS__Street__Add__Ln2Street address line 2. If available, the second address lineVariable CharacterYes.
12. CS__Street__Add__Ln3Street address line 3. If available, the third address lineVariable CharacterYes.
13. CS__CityThe city associated with the mailing addressVariable CharacterYes.
14. CS__StateThe state for United States addresses or state/province/county for international addressesVariable CharacterYes.
—For United States addresses use a two-character state code (official United States Postal Service abbreviations) associated with the mailing address.
—For international address follow that country state code.
15. CS__ZIPThe Zip/Postal Code associated with the customer's mailing addressVariable CharacterYes.
—For United States zip codes, use the United States Postal Service ZIP+4 standard
—For international zip codes follow that standard format of that country.
16. CS__CountryThe country associated with the mailing address. Provide the country name or the standard International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country codeVariable CharacterYes.
17. CS__TelephoneCustomer telephone number. The telephone number on record for the customer, including the country code if not within the United StatesVariable CharacterYes.
18. CS__EmailThe email address on record for the customerVariable CharacterYes.
19. CS__Outstanding__Debt__FlagThis field indicates whether the customer has outstanding debt with covered institution. This field may be used by the FDIC to determine offsets. Enter “Y” if customer has outstanding debt with covered institutions, enter “N” otherwiseCharacter (1)Yes.
20. CS__Security__Pledge__FlagThis field shall only be used for Government customers. This field indicates whether the covered institution has pledged securities to the government entity, to cover any shortfall in deposit insurance. Enter “Y” if the government entity has outstanding security pledge with covered institutions, enter “N” otherwiseCharacter (1)No.

Account File. The Account File contains the deposit ownership rights and capacities information, allocated balances, insured amounts, and uninsured amounts. The balances are in U.S. dollars. The Account file is linked to the Customer File by the CS__Unique__ID.

The data elements will include:

Field name Description Format Null value
1. CS__Unique__IDThis field is the unique identifier that is the primary key for the depositor data record. It will be generated by the covered institution and there cannot be duplicatesVariable CharacterNo.
2. DP__Acct__IdentifierDeposit account identifier. The primary field used to identify a deposit accountVariable CharacterNo.
The account identifier may be composed of more than one physical data element to uniquely identify a deposit account
3. DP__Right__CapacityAccount ownership categoriesCharacter (4)No.
—SGL—Single accounts
—JNT—Joint accounts
—REV—Revocable trust accounts
—IRR—Irrevocable trust accounts
—CRA—Certain retirement accounts
—EBP—Employee benefit plan accounts
—BUS—Business/Organization accounts
—GOV1, GOV2, GOV3—Government accounts (public unit accounts)
—MSA—Mortgage servicing accounts for principal and interest payments
—DIT—Accounts held by a depository institution as the trustee of an irrevocable trust
—ANC—Annuity contract accounts
—PBA—Public bond accounts
—BIA—Custodian accounts for American Indians
—DOE—Accounts of an IDI pursuant to the Bank Deposit Financial Assistance Program of the Department of Energy
4. DP__Prod__CatProduct category or classification
—DDA—Demand Deposit Accounts
—NOW—Negotiable Order of Withdrawal
—MMA—Money Market Deposit Accounts
—SAV—Other savings accounts
—CDS—Time Deposit accounts and Certificate of Deposit accounts, including any accounts with specified maturity dates that may or may not be renewable
Character (3)Yes. For credit card accounts with a credit balance that create a deposit liability, use a NULL value for this field.
5. DP__Allocated__AmtThe current balance in the account at the end of business on the effective date of the file, allocated to a specific owner in that insurance categoryDecimal (14,2)No.
For JNT accounts, this is a calculated field that represents the allocated amount to each owner in JNT category
For REV accounts, this is a calculated field that represents the allocated amount to each owner-beneficiary in REV category
For other accounts with only one owner, this is the account current balance
This balance shall not be reduced by float or holds. For CDs and time deposits, the balance shall reflect the principal balance plus any interest paid and available for withdrawal not already included in the principal (do not include accrued interest)
6. DP__Acc__IntAccrued interest allocated similarly as data field #5 DP__Allocated__AmtDecimal (14,2)No.
The amount of interest that has been earned but not yet paid to the account as of the date of the file
7. DP__Total__PITotal amount adding #5 DP__Allocated__Amt and #6 DP__Acc__IntDecimal (14,2)No.
8. DP__Hold__AmountHold amount on the accountDecimal (14,2)No.
The available balance of the account is reduced by the hold amount. It has no effect on current balance (ledger balance)
9. DP__Insured__AmountThe insured amount of the accountDecimal (14,2)No.
10. DP__Uninsured__AmountThe uninsured amount of the accountDecimal (14,2)No.
11. DP__Prepaid__Account__FlagThis field indicates a prepaid account with covered institution. Enter “Y” if account is a prepaid account with covered institutions, enter “N” otherwiseCharacter (1)No.
12. DP__PT__Account__FlagThis field indicates a pass-through account with covered institution. Enter “Y” if account is a pass-through with covered institutions, enter “N” otherwiseCharacter (1)No.
13. DP__PT__Trans__FlagThis field indicates whether the fiduciary account has sub-accounts that have transactional features. Enter “Y” if account has transactional features, enter “N” otherwiseCharacter (1)No.

Account Participant File. The Account Participant File will be used by the FDIC to identify account participants, to include the official custodian, beneficiary, bond holder, mortgagor, or employee benefit plan participant, for each account and account holder. One record represents one unique account participant. The Account Participant File is linked to the Account File by CS__Unique__ID and DP__Acct__Identifier.

The data elements will include:

Field name Description Format Null value
1. CS__Unique__IDThis field is the unique identifier that is the primary key for the depositor data record. It will be generated by the covered institution and there shall not be duplicatesVariable CharacterNo.
2. DP__Acct__IdentifierDeposit account identifier. The primary field used to identify a deposit account
The account identifier may be composed of more than one physical data element to uniquely identify a deposit account
Variable CharacterNo.
3. DP__Right__CapacityAccount ownership categoriesCharacter (4)No.
—SGL—Single accounts
—JNT—Joint accounts
—REV—Revocable trust accounts
—IRR—Irrevocable trust accounts
—CRA—Certain retirement accounts
—EBP—Employee benefit plan accounts
—BUS—Business/Organization accounts
—GOV1, GOV2, GOV3—Government accounts (public unit accounts)
—MSA—Mortgage servicing accounts for principal and interest payments
—DIT—Accounts held by a depository institution as the trustee of an irrevocable trust
—ANC—Annuity contract accounts
—PBA—Public bond accounts
—BIA—Custodian accounts for American Indians
—DOE—Accounts of an IDI pursuant to the Bank Deposit Financial Assistance Program of the Department of Energy
4. DP__Prod__CategoryProduct category or classificationCharacter (3)Yes.
—DDA—Demand Deposit Accounts
—NOW—Negotiable Order of Withdrawal
—MMA—Money Market Deposit Accounts
—SAV—Other savings accounts
—CDS—Time Deposit accounts and Certificate of Deposit accounts, including any accounts with specified maturity dates that may or may not be renewable
5. AP__Allocated__AmountAmount of funds attributable to the account participant as an account holder (e.g., Public account holder of a public bond account) or the amount of funds entitled to the beneficiary for the purpose of insurance determination (e.g., Revocable Trust)Decimal (14,2)No.
6. AP__Participant__IDThis field is the unique identifier for the Account Participant. It will be generated by the covered institution and there shall not be duplicates. If the account participant is an existing bank customer, this field is the same as CS__Unique__ID fieldVariable CharacterNo.
7. AP__Govt__IDThis field shall contain the ID number that identifies the entity based on a government issued ID or corporate filing. Populate as follows:Variable CharacterNo.
—For a United States individual—Legal identification number (e.g., SSN, TIN, Driver's License, or Passport Number)
—For a foreign national individual—where a SSN or TIN does not exist, a foreign passport or other legal identification number (e.g., Alien Card)
—For a Non-Individual—the Tax identification Number (TIN), or other register entity number
8. AP__Govt__ID__TypeThe valid customer identification types are:Character (3)No.
—SSN—Social Security Number
—TIN—Tax Identification Number
—DL—Driver's License, issued by a State or Territory of the United States
—ML—Military ID
—PPT—Valid Passport
—AID—Alien Identification Card
9. AP__First__NameCustomer first name. Use only for the name of individuals and the primary contact for entityVariable CharacterNo.
10. AP__Middle__NameCustomer middle name. Use only for the name of individuals and the primary contact for entityVariable CharacterYes.
11. AP__Last__NameCustomer last name. Use only for the name of individuals and the primary contact for entityVariable CharacterNo.
12. AP__Entity__NameThe registered name of the entity. Do not use this field if the participant is an individualVariable CharacterYes.
13. AP__Participant__TypeThis field is used as the participant type identifier. The field will list the “beneficial owner” type:Character (3)Yes.
—OC—Official Custodian
—BHR—Bond Holder
—EPP—Employee Benefit Plan Participant

Pending File. The Pending File contains the information needed for the FDIC to contact the owner or agent requesting additional information to complete the deposit insurance calculation. Each record represents a deposit account.

The data elements will include:

Field name Description Format Null value allowed?
1. CS__Unique__IDThis field is the unique identifier that is the primary key for the depositor data record. It will be generated by the covered institution and there cannot be duplicatesVariable CharacterNo.
2. Pending__ReasonReason code for the account to be included in Pending fileCharacter (5)No.
For deposit account records maintained by the bank, use the following codes
—A—agency or custodian
—OI—official item
—RAC—right and capacity code
For alternative recordkeeping requirements, use the following codes
—ARB—depository organization for brokered deposits (Brokered deposit has the same meaning as provided in 12 CFR 337.6(a)(2))
—ARBN—non-depository organization for brokered deposits (Brokered deposit has the same meaning as provided in 12 CFR 337.6(a)(2))
—ARCRA—certain retirement accounts
—AREBP—employee benefit plan accounts
—ARM—mortgage servicing for principal and interest payments
—ARO—other deposits
—ARTR—trust accounts
The FDIC needs these codes to initiate the collection of needed information
3. DP__Acct__IdentifierDeposit account identifier. The primary field used to identify a deposit account
The account identifier may be composed of more than one physical data element to uniquely identify a deposit account
Variable CharacterNo.
4. DP__Right__CapacityAccount ownership categoriesCharacter (4)Yes.
—SGL—Single accounts
—JNT—Joint accounts
—REV—Revocable trust accounts
—IRR—Irrevocable trust accounts
—CRA—Certain retirement accounts
—EBP—Employee benefit plan accounts
—BUS—Business/Organization accounts
—GOV1, GOV2, GOV3—Government accounts (public unit accounts)
—MSA—Mortgage servicing accounts for principal and interest payments
—DIT—Accounts held by a depository institution as the trustee of an irrevocable trust
—ANC—Annuity contract accounts
—PBA—Public bond accounts
—BIA—Custodian accounts for American Indians
—DOE—Accounts of an IDI pursuant to the Bank Deposit Financial Assistance Program of the Department of Energy
5. DP__Prod__CategoryProduct category or classificationCharacter (3)Yes.
—DDA—Demand Deposit Accounts
—NOW—Negotiable Order of Withdrawal
—MMA—Money Market Deposit Accounts
—SAV—Other savings accounts
—CDS—Time Deposit accounts and Certificate of Deposit accounts, including any accounts with specified maturity dates that may or may not be renewable
6. DP__Cur__BalCurrent balance—The current balance in the account at the end of business on the effective date of the fileDecimal (14,2)No.
This balance shall not be reduced by float or holds. For CDs and time deposits, the balance shall reflect the principal balance plus any interest paid and available for withdrawal not already included in the principal (do not include accrued interest)
7. DP__Acc__IntAccrued interestDecimal (14,2)No.
The amount of interest that has been earned but not yet paid to the account as of the date of the file
8. DP__Total__PITotal of principal and accrued interestDecimal (14,2)No.
9. DP__Hold__AmountHold amount on the accountDecimal (14,2)No.
The available balance of the account is reduced by the hold amount. It has no impact on current balance (ledger balance)
10. DP__Prepaid__Account__FlagThis field indicates a prepaid account with covered institution. Enter “Y” if account is a prepaid account, enter “N” otherwiseCharacter (1)No.
11. CS__Govt__IDThis field shall contain the ID number that identifies the entity based on a government issued ID or corporate filing. Populate as follows:Variable CharacterNo.
—For a United States individual SSN or TIN
—For a foreign national individual—where a SSN or TIN does not exist, a foreign passport or other legal identification number (e.g., Alien Card)
—For a Non-Individual—the Tax identification Number (TIN), or other register entity number
12. CS__Govt__ID__TypeThe valid customer identification types:Character (3)No.
—SSN—Social Security Number
—TIN—Tax Identification Number
—DL—Driver's License, issued by a State or Territory of the United States
—ML—Military ID
—PPT—Valid Passport
—AID—Alien Identification Card
13. CS__First__NameCustomer first name. Use only for the name of individuals and the primary contact for entityVariable CharacterNo.
14. CS__Middle__NameCustomer middle name. Use only for the name of individuals and the primary contact for entityVariable CharacterYes.
15. CS__Last__NameCustomer last name. Use only for the name of individuals and the primary contact for entityVariable CharacterNo.
16. CS__Name__SuffixCustomer suffixVariable CharacterYes.
17. CS__Entity__NameThe registered name of the entity. Do not use this field if the customer is an individualVariable CharacterYes.
18. CS__Street__Add__Ln1Street address line 1. The current account statement mailing address of recordVariable CharacterNo.
19. CS__Street__Add__Ln2Street address line 2. If available, the second address lineVariable CharacterYes.
20. CS__Street__Add__Ln3Street address line 3. If available, the third address lineVariable CharacterYes.
21. CS__CityThe city associated with the mailing addressVariable CharacterYes.
22. CS__StateThe state for United States addresses or state/province/county for international addressesVariable CharacterYes.
—For United States addresses use a two-character state code (official United States Postal Service abbreviations) associated with the mailing address
—For international address follow that country state code
23. CS__ZIPThe Zip/Postal Code associated with the customer's mailing addressVariable CharacterYes.
—For United States zip codes, use the United States Postal Service ZIP+4 standard
—For international zip codes follow the standard format of that country
24. CS__CountryThe country associated with the mailing address. Provide the country name or the standard International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country codeVariable CharacterYes.
25. CS__TelephoneCustomer telephone number. The telephone number on record for the customer, including the country code if not within the United StatesVariable CharacterYes.
26. CS__EmailThe email address on record for the customerVariable CharacterYes.
27. CS__Outstanding__Debt__FlagThis field indicates whether the customer has outstanding debt with covered institution. This field may be used to determine offsets. Enter “Y” if customer has outstanding debt with covered institutions, enter “N” otherwiseCharacter (1)Yes.
28. CS__Security__Pledge__FlagThis field indicates whether the CI has pledged securities to the government entity, to cover any shortfall in deposit insurance. Enter “Y” if the government entity has outstanding security pledge with covered institutions, enter “N” otherwise. This field shall only be used for Government customersCharacter (1)No.
29. DP__PT__Account__FlagThis field indicates a pass-through account with covered institution. Enter “Y” if account is a pass-through with covered institutions, enter “N” otherwiseCharacter (1)No.
30. PT__Parent__Customer__IDThis field contains the unique identifier of the parent customer ID who has the fiduciary responsibility at the covered institutionVariable CharacterNo.
31. DP__PT__Trans__FlagThis field indicates whether the fiduciary account has sub-accounts that have transactional features. Enter “Y” if account has transactional features, enter “N” otherwiseCharacter (1)No.
authority: 12 U.S.C. 1817(a)(9), 1819 (Tenth), 1821(f)(1), 1822(c), 1823(c)(4)
source: 84 FR 37042, July 30, 2019, unless otherwise noted.