Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Part 25—Calculations for the Community Development Tests

This appendix, based on requirements described in §§ 25.24 through 25.26 and 25.28, includes the following sections:

I. Community Development Financing Tests—Calculation Components and Allocation of Community Development Loans and Community Development Investments II. Community Development Financing Test in § 25.24—Calculations for Metrics, Benchmarks, and Combining Performance Scores III. Community Development Financing Test for Limited Purpose Banks and Savings Associations in § 25.26—Calculations for Metrics and Benchmarks IV. Weighting of Conclusions I. Community Development Financing Tests—Calculation Components and Allocation of Community Development Loans and Community Development Investments

For purposes of the Community Development Financing Test in § 25.24 and Community Development Financing Test for Limited Purpose Banks and Savings Associations in § 25.26, the appropriate Federal banking agency identifies the community development loans and community development investments included in the numerator of the metrics and benchmarks and the deposits or assets included in the denominator of the metrics and benchmarks, as applicable, pursuant to paragraph I.a of this appendix. The appropriate Federal banking agency determines whether to include a community development loan or community development investment in the numerator for a particular metric or benchmark pursuant to the allocation provisions in paragraph I.b of this appendix.

a. Community development loans and community development investments, deposits, and assets included in the community development financing metrics and benchmarks—in general. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the community development financing metrics and benchmarks in §§ 25.24 and 25.26 using community development loans and community development investments and deposits or assets, as follows:

1. Numerator—i. Community development loans and community development investments considered. The appropriate Federal banking agency includes community development loans and community development investments originated, purchased, refinanced, or renewed by a depository institution or attributed to a depository institution pursuant to § 25.21(b) and (c) (e.g., an affiliate community development loan) in the numerator of the metrics and benchmarks. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments by summing the dollar volume of the following community development loans and community development investments for each calendar year in an evaluation period (i.e., annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments):

A. The dollar volume of all community development loans originated or purchased and community development investments made, including legally binding commitments to extend credit or legally binding commitments to invest, 1 in that calendar year;

1 The dollar volume of a legally binding commitment to extend credit or legally binding commitment to invest in any given year is: (1) the full dollar volume committed; or (2) if drawn upon, the combined dollar volume of the outstanding commitment and any drawn portion of the commitment.

B. The dollar volume of any increase in the calendar year to an existing community development loan that is refinanced or renewed and in an existing community development investment that is renewed;

C. The outstanding dollar volume of community development loans originated or purchased in previous calendar years and community development investments made in previous calendar years, as of December 31 for each calendar year that the loan or investment remains on the depository institution's balance sheet; and

D. The outstanding dollar volume, less any increase reported in paragraph I.a.1.B of this appendix in the same calendar year, of a community development loan the depository institution refinanced or renewed in a calendar year subsequent to the calendar year of origination or purchase, as of December 31 for each calendar year that the loan remains on the depository institution's balance sheet, and an existing community development investment renewed in a calendar year subsequent to the calendar year of the investment, as of December 31 for each calendar year that the investment remains on the depository institution's balance sheet.

ii. Community development loan and community development investment allocation. To calculate the metrics and benchmarks provided in §§ 25.24 and 25.26, the appropriate Federal banking agency includes all community development loans and community development investments that are allocated to the specific facility-based assessment area, State, multistate MSA, or nationwide area, respectively, in the numerator for the metric and benchmarks applicable to that geographic area. See paragraph I.b of this appendix for the community development financing allocation provisions.

2. Denominator. i. Annual dollar volume of deposits. For purposes of metrics and benchmarks in § 25.24, the appropriate Federal banking agency calculates an annual dollar volume of deposits in a depository institution that is specific to each metric or benchmark for each calendar year in the evaluation period (i.e., annual dollar volume of deposits). For a depository institution that collects, maintains, and reports deposits data as provided in § 25.42 or 12 CFR 228.42 or 345.42, the annual dollar volume of deposits is determined using the annual average daily balance of deposits in the depository institution as provided in statements (e.g., monthly or quarterly statements) based on the deposit location. For a depository institution that does not collect, maintain, and report deposits data as provided in § 25.42 or 12 CFR 228.42 or 345.42, the annual dollar volume of deposits is determined using the deposits assigned to each facility pursuant to the FDIC's Summary of Deposits.

ii. Annual dollar volume of assets. For purposes of the metrics and benchmarks in § 25.26, the appropriate Federal banking agency calculates an annual dollar volume of assets for each calendar year in the evaluation period (i.e., the annual dollar volume of assets). The annual dollar volume of assets is calculated by averaging the assets for each quarter end in the calendar year.

b. Allocation of community development loans and community development investments. 1. In general. For the Community Development Financing Test in § 25.24 and the Community Development Financing Test for Limited Purpose Banks and Savings Associations in § 25.26, the appropriate Federal banking agency considers community development loans and community development investments in the evaluation of a bank's or savings association's performance in a facility-based assessment area, State and multistate MSA, as applicable, and the nationwide area, based on the data provided by the bank or savings association pursuant to § __.42(a)(5)(ii)(E) and the specific location, if available, pursuant to § 25.42(a)(5)(ii)(D). As appropriate, the appropriate Federal banking agency may also consider publicly available information and information provided by government or community sources that demonstrates that a community development loan or community development investment benefits or serves a facility-based assessment area, State, or multistate MSA, or the nationwide area.

2. A bank or savings association may allocate a community development loan or community development investment as follows:

i. A community development loan or community development investment that benefits or serves only one county, and not any areas beyond that one county, would have the full dollar amount of the activity allocated to that county.

ii. A community development loan or community development investment that benefits or serves multiple counties, a State, a multistate MSA, multiple States, multiple multistate MSAs, or the nationwide area is allocated according to either specific documentation that the bank or savings association can provide regarding the dollar amount allocated to each county or based on the geographic scope of the activity, as follows:

A. Allocation approach if specific documentation is available. A bank or savings association may allocate a community development loan or community development investment or portion of a loan or investment based on documentation that specifies the appropriate dollar volume to assign to each county, such as specific addresses and dollar volumes associated with each address, or other information that indicates the specific dollar volume of the loan or investment that benefits or serves each county.

B. Allocation approach based on geographic scope of a community development loan or community development investment. 2 In the absence of specific documentation, the appropriate Federal banking agency will allocate a community development loan or community development investment based on the geographic scope of the loan or investment as follows:

2 For the purposes of allocating community development loans and community development investments, the appropriate Federal banking agency considers low- or moderate-income families to be located in a State or multistate MSA, as applicable, consistent with § 25.28(c).

1. Allocate at the county level for a loan or investment with a geographic scope of one county;

2. Allocate at the county level based on the proportion of low- and moderate-income families in each county for a loan or investment with a geographic scope of less than an entire State or multistate MSA;

3. Allocate at the State or multistate MSA level for a loan or investment with a geographic scope of the entire State or multistate MSA, as applicable;

4. Allocate at the State or multistate MSA level, as applicable, based on the proportion of low- and moderate-income families in each State or multistate MSA for a loan or investment with a geographic scope of one or more State(s) or multistate MSA(s), but not the entire nation; and

5. Allocate at the nationwide area level for a loan or investment with a geographic scope of the entire Nation.

Table 1 to Appendix B—Community Development Loan or Community Development Investment Allocation

Community development loan or community development investment benefits or serves Allocation approach if specific documentation is available Allocation approach based on geographic scope of activity
One countyAllocate to countyNA.
Multiple counties that are part of one State or multistate MSAAllocate to countiesAllocate to counties in proportions equivalent to the distribution of low- and moderate-income families.
One State or multistate MSAAllocate to countiesAllocate to the State or multistate MSA.
Multiple States or multistate MSAs, less than the entire nationAllocate to countiesAllocate to the States or multistate MSAs, as applicable, based on the proportion of low- and moderate-income families in each State or multistate MSA.
Nationwide areaAllocate to countiesAllocate to nationwide area.
II. Community Development Financing Test in § 25.24—Calculations for Metrics, Benchmarks, and Combining Performance Scores

The calculations for metrics, benchmarks, and combination of performance scores for Community Development Financing Test in § 25.24 are provided in this section. Additional information regarding relevant calculation components is set forth in paragraph I.a of this appendix.

a. Bank Assessment Area Community Development Financing Metric. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Bank Assessment Area Community Development Financing Metric in § 25.24(b)(1) by:

1. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the facility-based assessment area for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits located in the facility-based assessment area for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph II.a.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.a.2 of this appendix.

Example B-1: The bank has a three-year evaluation period. The bank's annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve a facility-based assessment area are $35,000 (year 1), $25,000 (year 2), and $40,000 (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve a facility-based assessment area is therefore $100,000. The bank's annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the facility-based assessment area are $3.1 million (year 1), $3.3 million (year 2), and $3.6 million (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the facility-based assessment is therefore $10 million. For the evaluation period, the Bank Assessment Area Community Development Financing Metric would be $100,000 divided by $10 million, or 0.01 (equivalently, 1 percent).

b. Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark in § 25.24(b)(2)(i) for each facility-based assessment area by:

1. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the facility-based assessment area for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of deposits located in the facility-based assessment area for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph II.b.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.b.2 of this appendix.

Example B-2: The applicable benchmark uses a three-year evaluation period. The annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve a facility-based assessment area for all large depository institutions are $3.25 million (year 1), $3 million (year 2), and $3.75 million (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the facility-based assessment area conducted by all large depository institutions is therefore $10 million. The annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the facility-based assessment area in all large depository institutions are $330 million (year 1), $330 million (year 2), and $340 million (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the facility-based assessment area in all large depository institutions is therefore $1 billion. For the evaluation period, the Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark for the facility-based assessment area would be $10 million divided by $1 billion, or 0.01 (equivalently, 1 percent).

c. MSA and Nonmetropolitan Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmarks. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates an MSA Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark to be used for each MSA in which the bank or savings association has a facility-based assessment area in the MSA. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates a Nonmetropolitan Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark to be used for each nonmetropolitan area in which the bank or savings association has a facility-based assessment area in the nonmetropolitan area.

1. MSA Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the MSA Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark in § 25.24(b)(2)(ii)(A) by:

i. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve metropolitan areas in the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

ii. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of deposits located in metropolitan areas in the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

iii. Dividing the result of paragraph II.c.1.i of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.c.1.ii of this appendix.

Example B-3: The applicable benchmark uses a three-year evaluation period. The annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve metropolitan areas in the nationwide area conducted by all large depository institutions are $98 billion (year 1), $100 billion (year 2), and $102 billion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve metropolitan areas in the nationwide area conducted by all large depository institutions is therefore $300 billion. The annual dollar volumes of deposits located in metropolitan areas in the nationwide area in all large depository institutions are $14.9 trillion (year 1), $15 trillion (year 2), and $15.1 trillion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of deposits located in metropolitan areas in the nationwide area in all large depository institutions is therefore $45 trillion. For the evaluation period, the Metropolitan Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark would be $300 billion divided by $45 trillion, or 0.007 (equivalently, 0.7 percent).

2. Nonmetropolitan Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Nonmetropolitan Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark in § 25.24(b)(2)(ii)(B) by:

i. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve nonmetropolitan areas in the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

ii. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of deposits located in nonmetropolitan areas in the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

iii. Dividing the result of paragraph II.c.2.i of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.c.2.ii of this appendix.

Example B-4: The applicable benchmark uses a three-year evaluation period. The annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve nonmetropolitan areas in the nationwide area conducted by all large depository institutions are $3 billion (year 1), $3.2 billion (year 2), and $3.8 billion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve nonmetropolitan areas in the nationwide area conducted by all large depository institutions is therefore $10 billion. The annual dollar volumes of deposits located in nonmetropolitan areas in all large depository institutions are $330 billion (year 1), $334 billion (year 2), and $336 billion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of deposits located in nonmetropolitan areas in the nationwide area in all large depository institutions is therefore $1 trillion. For the evaluation period, the Nonmetropolitan Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark would be $10 billion divided by $1 trillion, or 0.01 (equivalently, 1 percent).

d. Bank State Community Development Financing Metric. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Bank State Community Development Financing Metric in § 25.24(c)(2)(i) for each State in which the bank or savings association has a facility-based assessment area by:

1. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve a State (which includes all activities within the bank's or savings association's facility-based assessment areas and outside of its facility-based assessment areas but within the State) for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits located in a State for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraphs II.d.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.d.2 of this appendix.

Example B-5: The bank has a three-year evaluation period. The bank's annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the State are $15 million (year 1), $17 million (year 2), and $18 million (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the State conducted by a bank is therefore $50 million. The bank's annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the State are $1.5 billion (year 1), $1.6 billion (year 2), and $1.9 billion (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the State is therefore $5 billion. For the evaluation period, the Bank State Community Development Financing Metric would be $50 million divided by $5 billion, or 0.01 (equivalently, 1 percent).

e. State Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the State Community Development Financing Benchmark in § 25.24(c)(2)(ii)(A) by:

1. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve all or part of a State for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of deposits located in the State for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph II.e.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.e.2 of this appendix.

Example B-6: The applicable benchmark uses a three-year evaluation period. The annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the State conducted by all large depository institutions are $2.3 billion (year 1), $2.5 billion (year 2), and $2.7 billion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the State conducted by all large depository institutions is therefore $7.5 billion. The annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the State in all large depository institutions are $160 billion (year 1), $170 billion (year 2), and $170 billion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the State in all large depository institutions is therefore $500 billion. For the evaluation period, the State Community Development Financing Benchmark would be $7.5 billion divided by $500 billion, or 0.015 (equivalently, 1.5 percent).

f. State Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the State Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark in § 25.24(c)(2)(ii)(B) by averaging all of the applicable Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmarks (see paragraph II.b of this appendix) in a State for the evaluation period, after weighting each pursuant to paragraph II.o of this appendix.

Example B-7: The bank has two facility-based assessment areas (FBAAs) in a State (FBAA-1 and FBAA-2). The appropriate Federal banking agency does not evaluate the bank's automobile lending.

• In FBAA-1, the Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is 3.0 percent. FBAA-1 represents 70 percent of the combined dollar volume of the deposits in the bank in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2. FBAA-1 represents 65 percent of the bank's combined dollar volume of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2. FBAA-1 represents 55 percent of the bank's number of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2;

• In FBAA-2, the Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is 5.0 percent. FBAA-2 represents 30 percent of the combined dollar volume of the deposits in the bank in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2. FBAA-2 represents 35 percent of the bank's combined dollar volume of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2. FBAA-2 represents 45 percent of the bank's number of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2.

% of deposits70%30%
% of lending dollar volume65%35%
% of number of loans55%45%

Calculating weights for FBAA-1:

○ The percent of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, and small farm lending, based on the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12, for FBAA-1 is 60 percent.

○ The weight for FBAA-1 is 65 percent.

• Calculating weights for FBAA-2:

○ The percent of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, and small farm lending, based on the combination of loan dollars and loan count, for FBAA-2 is 40 percent.

○ The weight for FBAA-2 is 35 percent.

• Applying the calculated weights for FBAA-1 and FBAA-2:

o The bank's State Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is 3.7 percent.

(Weight for FBAA-1 (0.65) × Benchmark in FBAA-1 (3%)) + (Weight for FBAA-2 (0.35) × Benchmark in FBAA-2 (5%)) = State Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark (3.7%)

g. Bank Multistate MSA Community Development Financing Metric. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Bank Multistate MSA Community Development Financing Metric in § 25.24(d)(2)(i) for each multistate MSA in which the bank or savings association has a facility-based assessment area by:

1. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve a multistate MSA (which includes all activities within the bank's or savings association's facility-based assessment areas and outside of its facility-based assessment areas but within the multistate MSA) for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits located in the multistate MSA for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph II.g.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.g.2 of this appendix.

Example B-8: The bank has a three-year evaluation period. The bank's annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve a multistate MSA are $47 million (year 1), $51 million (year 2), and $52 million (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve a multistate MSA conducted by the bank is therefore $150 million. The bank's annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the multistate MSA are $3.1 billion (year 1), $3.3 billion (year 2), and $3.6 billion (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the multistate MSA is therefore $10 billion. For the evaluation period, the Bank Multistate MSA Community Development Financing Metric would be $150 million divided by $10 billion, or 0.015 (equivalently, 1.5 percent).

h. Multistate MSA Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Multistate MSA Community Development Financing Benchmark in § 25.24(d)(2)(ii)(A) by:

1. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve all or part of a multistate MSA for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of deposits located in the multistate MSA for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph II.h.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.h.2 of this appendix.

Example B-9: The applicable benchmark uses a three-year evaluation period. The annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve a multistate MSA for all large depository institutions are $135 million (year 1), $140 million (year 2), and $145 million (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve a multistate MSA conducted by all large depository institutions is therefore $420 million. The annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the multistate MSA in all large depository institutions are $4 billion (year 1), $5 billion (year 2), and $6 billion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volume of deposits located in the multistate MSA in all large depository institutions is therefore $15 billion. For the evaluation period, the Multistate MSA Community Development Financing Benchmark would be $420 million divided by $15 billion, or 0.028 (equivalently, 2.8 percent).

i. Multistate MSA Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Multistate MSA Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark in § 25.24(c)(3)(ii)(B)(2) by averaging all of the bank's or savings association's Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmarks (see paragraph II.b of this appendix) in a multistate MSA for the evaluation period, after weighting each pursuant to paragraph II.o of this appendix.

Example B-10: The bank has two facility-based assessment areas in a multistate MSA (FBAA-1 and FBAA-2). The appropriate Federal banking agency does not evaluate the bank's automobile lending.

• In FBAA-1, the bank's Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is 3.0 percent. FBAA-1 represents 70 percent of the total dollar volume of the deposits in the bank in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2. FBAA-1 represents 65 percent of the bank's combined dollar volume of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2. FBAA-1 represents 55 percent of the bank's number of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2;

• In FBAA-2, the bank's Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is 5.0 percent. FBAA-2 represents 30 percent of the total dollar volume of the deposits in the bank in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2. FBAA-2 represents 35 percent of the bank's combined dollar volume of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2. FBAA-2 represents 45 percent of the bank's number of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1 and FBAA-2.

% of deposits70%30%
% of lending dollar volume65%35%
% of loans55%45%

Calculating weights for FBAA-1:

○ The percent of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, and small farm lending, based on the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12, for FBAA-1 is 60 percent.

○ The weight for FBAA-1 is 65 percent.

Calculating weights for FBAA-2:

○ The percent of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, and small farm lending, based on the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12, for FBAA-2 is 40 percent.

○ The weight for FBAA-2 is 35 percent.

• Applying the calculated weights from FBAA-1 and FBAA-2:

○ The bank's Multistate MSA Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is 3.7 percent.

(Weight of FBAA-1 (0.65) × Benchmark in FBAA-1 (3%)) + (weight of FBAA-2 (0.35) × benchmark in FBAA-2 (5%)) = Multistate MSA Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark (3.7%)

j. Bank Nationwide Community Development Financing Metric. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Bank Nationwide Community Development Financing Metric in § 25.24(e)(2)(i) for the nationwide area by:

1. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the nationwide area (which includes all activities within the bank's or savings association's facility-based assessment areas and outside of its facility-based assessment areas within the nationwide area) for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits located in the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the results of paragraph II.j.1 of this appendix by the results of paragraph II.j.2 of this appendix.

Example B-11: The bank has a three-year evaluation period. The bank's annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the nationwide area are $60 million (year 1), $65 million (year 2), and $75 million (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the nationwide area conducted by the bank is therefore $200 million. The bank's annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the nationwide area are $2.5 billion (year 1), $2.7 billion (year 2), and $2.8 billion (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the nationwide area is therefore $8 billion. For the evaluation period, the Bank Nationwide Community Development Financing Metric would be $200 million divided by $8 billion, or 0.025 (equivalently, 2.5 percent).

k. Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark in § 25.24(e)(2)(ii)(A) by:

1. Summing all large depository institutions' annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve all or part of the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing all depository institutions' annual dollar volume of deposits located in the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph II.k.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.k.2 of this appendix.

Example B-12: The applicable benchmark uses a three-year evaluation period. The annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the nationwide area for all large depository institutions are $100 billion (year 1), $103 billion (year 2), and $107 billion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the nationwide area conducted by all large depository institutions is therefore $310 billion. The annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the nationwide area in all large depository institutions are $15.2 trillion (year 1), $15.3 trillion (year 2), and $15.5 trillion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the nationwide area in all large depository institutions is $46 trillion. For the evaluation period, the Nationwide Community Development Financing Benchmark would be $310 billion divided by $46 trillion, or 0.0067 (equivalently, 0.67 percent).

l. Nationwide Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Nationwide Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark in § 25.24(e)(2)(ii)(B) by averaging all of the bank's or savings association's Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmarks (see paragraph II.b of this appendix) in the nationwide area, after weighting each pursuant to paragraph II.o of this appendix.

Example B-13: The bank has three facility-based assessment areas in the nationwide area (FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3).

• In FBAA-1, the bank's Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is 2.0 percent. FBAA-1 represents 60 percent of the combined dollar volume of the deposits in the bank in FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3. FBAA-1 represents 40 percent of the bank's combined dollar volume of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3. FBAA-1 represents 60 percent of the bank's number of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3.

• In FBAA-2, the bank's Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is 3.0 percent. FBAA-2 represents 30 percent of the combined dollar volume of the deposits in the bank in FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3. FBAA-2 represents 45 percent of the bank's combined dollar volume of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3. FBAA-2 represents 35 percent of the bank's number of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3.

• In FBAA-3, the bank's Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is 4.0 percent. FBAA-3 represents 10 percent of the combined dollar volume of the deposits in the bank in FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3. FBAA-3 represents 15 percent of the bank's combined dollar volume of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3. FBAA-3 represents 5 percent of the bank's number of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, and small farm loans in FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3.

% of deposits60%30%10%
% of lending dollar volume40%45%15%
% of loans60%35%5%

Calculating weights for FBAA-1:

○ The percent of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, and small farm lending, based on the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12, for FBAA-1 is 50 percent.

○ The weight for FBAA-1 is 55 percent.

Calculating weights for FBAA-2:

○ The percent of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, and small farm lending, based on the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12, for FBAA-2 is 40 percent.

○ The weight for FBAA-2 is 35 percent.

Calculating weights for FBAA-3:

○ The percent of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, and small farm lending, based on the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12, for FBAA-3 is 10 percent.

○ The weight for FBAA-3 is 10 percent.

• Applying the calculated weights from FBAA-1, FBAA-2, and FBAA-3:

○ The bank's Nationwide Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is 2.55 percent.

(Weight of FBAA-1(0.55) × Benchmark in FBAA-1 (2%)) + (Weight of FBAA-2 (0.35) × Benchmark FBAA-2 (3%)) + (Weight of FBAA-3 (0.10) × Benchmark in FBAA-3 (4%)) = Nationwide Weighted Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark (2.55%)

m. Bank Nationwide Community Development Investment Metric. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Bank Nationwide Community Development Investment Metric in § 25.24(e)(2)(iii) for the nationwide area by:

1. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of community development investments, excluding mortgage-backed securities, that benefit or serve the nationwide area (which includes all activities within the bank's or savings association's facility-based assessment areas and outside of its facility-based assessment areas within the nationwide area) for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits located in the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the results of paragraph II.m.1 of this appendix by the results of paragraph II.m.2 of this appendix.

Example B-14: The bank has a three-year evaluation period. The bank's annual dollar volumes of community development investments (excluding mortgage-backed securities) that benefit or serve the nationwide area are $600 million (year 1), $680 million (year 2), and $720 million (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of community development investments (excluding mortgage-backed securities) that benefit or serve the nationwide area conducted by the bank is therefore $2 billion. The bank's annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the nationwide area are $24 billion (year 1), $27 billion (year 2), and $29 billion (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the nationwide area is therefore $80 billion. For the evaluation period, the Bank Nationwide Community Development Investment Metric would be $2 billion divided by $80 billion, or 0.025 (equivalently, 2.5 percent).

n. Nationwide Community Development Investment Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Nationwide Community Development Investment Benchmark in § 25.24(e)(2)(iv) by:

1. Summing the annual dollar volume of community development investments that benefit or serve all or part of the nationwide area, excluding mortgage-backed securities, for each year in the evaluation period for all large depository institutions that had assets greater than $10 billion as of December 31 in both of the prior two calendar years.

2. Summing the annual dollar volume of deposits in the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period for all large depository institutions that had assets greater than $10 billion as of December 31 in both of the prior two calendar years.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph II.n.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.n.2 of this appendix.

Example B-15: The applicable benchmark uses a three-year evaluation period. The annual dollar volumes of community development investments (excluding mortgage-backed securities) that benefit or serve the nationwide area for all large depository institutions are $350 billion (year 1), $360 billion (year 2), and $390 billion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of community development investments (excluding mortgage-backed securities) that benefit or serve the nationwide area conducted by all large depository institutions is therefore $1.1 trillion. The annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the nationwide area in all large depository institutions are $21.9 trillion (year 1), $22 trillion (year 2), and $22.1 trillion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of deposits located in the nationwide area in all large depository institutions is therefore $66 trillion. For the evaluation period, the Nationwide Community Development Investment Benchmark would be $1.1 trillion divided by $66 trillion, or 0.0167 (equivalently, 1.67 percent).

o. Weighting of benchmarks. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates a weighted average of the Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmarks for a bank's or savings association's facility-based assessment areas in each State or multistate MSA, as applicable, or the nationwide area. For the weighted average for a State or multistate MSA, the appropriate Federal banking agency considers Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmarks for facility-based assessment areas in the State or multistate MSA pursuant to § 25.28(c). For the weighted average for the nationwide area, the appropriate Federal banking agency considers Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmarks for all of the bank's or savings association's facility-based assessment areas. Each Assessment Area Community Development Financing Benchmark is weighted by the average of the following two ratios:

1. The ratio measuring the share of the deposits in the bank or savings association in the facility-based assessment area, calculated by:

i. Summing, over the years in the evaluation period, the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits in the facility-based assessment area.

ii. Summing, over the years in the evaluation period, the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits in all facility-based assessment areas in the State, multistate MSA, or nationwide area, as applicable.

iii. Dividing the result of paragraph II.o.1.i of this appendix by the result of paragraph II.o.1.ii of this appendix.

For a bank or savings association that reports deposits data pursuant to § 25.42(b)(3), the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits in a facility-based assessment area is the total of annual average daily balances of deposits reported by the bank or savings association in counties in the facility-based assessment area for that year. For a bank or savings association that does not report deposits data pursuant to § 25.42(b)(3), the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits in a facility-based assessment area is the total of deposits assigned to facilities reported by the bank or savings association in the facility-based assessment area in the FDIC's Summary of Deposits for that year.

2. The ratio measuring the share of the bank's or savings association's loans in the facility-based assessment area, based on the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12, calculated by dividing:

i. The bank's or savings association's closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, small farm loans, and, if a product line for the bank or savings association, automobile loans in the facility-based assessment area originated or purchased during the evaluation period; by

ii. The bank's or savings association's closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, small farm loans, and, if a product line for the bank or savings association, automobile loans in all facility-based assessment areas in the State, multistate MSA, or nationwide area, as applicable, originated or purchased during the evaluation period.

p. Combined score for facility-based assessment area conclusions and the metrics and benchmarks analyses and the impact and responsiveness reviews. 1. As described in § 25.24(c) through (e), the appropriate Federal banking agency assigns a conclusion corresponding to the conclusion category that is nearest to the performance score calculated in paragraph p.2.iii of this appendix for a bank's or savings association's performance under the Community Development Financing Test in each State or multistate MSA, as applicable pursuant to § 25.28(c), and for the institution as follows:

Performance score Conclusion
8.5 or moreOutstanding.
6.5 or more but less than 8.5High Satisfactory.
4.5 or more but less than 6.5Low Satisfactory.
1.5 or more but less than 4.5Needs to Improve.
Less than 1.5Substantial Noncompliance.

2. The appropriate Federal banking agency bases a Community Development Financing Test combined performance score on the following:

i. Component one—Weighted average of the bank's or savings association's performance scores corresponding to facility-based assessment area conclusions. The appropriate Federal banking agency derives a performance score based on a weighted average of the performance scores corresponding to conclusions for facility-based assessment areas in each State or multistate MSA, as applicable, and the nationwide area, calculated pursuant to section IV of this appendix.

ii. Component two— Bank and savings association score for metric and benchmarks analyses and the impact and responsiveness reviews. For each State or multistate MSA, as applicable, and the nationwide area, the appropriate Federal banking agency determines a performance score (as shown in paragraph IV.a of this appendix) corresponding to a conclusion category by considering the relevant metric and benchmarks and a review of the impact and responsiveness of the bank's or savings association's community development loans and community development investments. In the nationwide area, for large banks or savings associations that had assets greater than $10 billion as of December 31 in both of the prior two calendar years, the appropriate Federal banking agency also considers whether the bank's or savings association's performance under the Nationwide Community Development Investment Metric, compared to the Community Development Investment Benchmark, contributes positively to the bank's or savings association's Community Development Financing Test conclusion.

iii. Combined score. The appropriate Federal banking agency associates the performance score calculated pursuant to this paragraph II.p.2.iii with a conclusion category. The appropriate Federal banking agency derives the combined performance score corresponding to a conclusion category as follows:

A. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the average of two components to determine weighting:

1. The percentage, calculated using the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12, of the bank's or savings association's total originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, small farm lending, and automobile lending, as applicable, in its facility-based assessment areas out of all of the bank's or savings association's originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, small farm lending, and automobile lending, as applicable, in the State or multistate MSA, as applicable, or the nationwide area during the evaluation period; and

2. The percentage of the total dollar volume of deposits in its facility-based assessment areas out of all of the deposits in the bank or savings association in the State or multistate MSA, as applicable, or the nationwide area during the evaluation period. For purposes of this paragraph II.p.2.iii.A.2, “deposits” excludes deposits reported under § 25.42(b)(3)(ii).

B. If the average is:

1. At least 80 percent, then component one receives a 50 percent weight and component two receives a 50 percent weight.

2. At least 60 percent but less than 80 percent, then component one receives a 40 percent weight and component two receives a 60 percent weight.

3. At least 40 percent but less than 60 percent, then component one receives a 30 percent weight and component two receives a 70 percent weight.

4. At least 20 percent but less than 40 percent, then component one receives a 20 percent weight and component two receives an 80 percent weight.

5. Below 20 percent, then component one receives a 10 percent weight and component two receives a 90 percent weight.

Table 2 to Appendix B—Component Weights for Combined Performance Score

Average of the percentage of deposits and percentage of loans Weight on
component 1
Weight on
component 2
Greater than or equal to 80%5050
Greater than or equal to 60% but less than 80%4060
Greater than or equal to 40% but less than 60%3070
Greater than or equal to 20% but less than 40%2080
Below 20%1090

Example B-16:

• Assume that the weighted average of the bank's performance scores corresponding to its facility-based assessment area conclusions nationwide is 7.5. Assume further that the bank score for the metrics and benchmarks analysis and the review of the impact and responsiveness of the bank's community development loans and community development investments nationwide is 6.

• Assume further that 95 percent of the deposits in the bank and 75 percent of the bank's originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, small farm lending, and automobile loans (calculated using the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12) during the evaluation period are associated with its facility-based assessment areas.

• The appropriate Federal banking agency assigns weights for component one and component two based on the share of deposits in the bank and the share of the bank's originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, small farm lending, and automobile lending, calculated using the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12, associated with its facility-based assessment areas: (95 percent of deposits + 75 percent of originated and purchased closed-end home mortgage lending, small business lending, small farm lending, and automobile lending, based on the combination of loan dollars and loan count)/2 = 85 percent, which is between 80 percent and 100 percent.

• Thus, the weighted average of the bank's facility-based assessment area conclusions in the nationwide area (component one—paragraph II.p.2.i of this appendix) receives a weight of 50 percent, and the metrics and benchmarks analysis and the review of the impact and responsiveness of the bank's community development loans and community development investments in the nationwide area (component two—paragraph II.p.2.ii of this appendix) receives a weight of 50 percent.

• Using the point values—“Outstanding” (10 points); “High Satisfactory” (7 points); “Low Satisfactory” (6 points); “Needs to Improve” (3 points); “Substantial Noncompliance” (0 points)—the bank's Community Development Financing Test conclusion at the institution level is a “High Satisfactory”: (0.50 weight × 7.5 points for the weighted average of the performance scores corresponding to the bank's facility-based assessment area conclusions nationwide) + (0.50 weight × 6 points for the bank score for metrics and benchmarks analysis and review of the impact and responsiveness of the bank's community development loans and community development investments nationwide) results in a performance score of 6.75, which is closest to the point value (7) associated with “High Satisfactory.”

III. Community Development Financing Test for Limited Purpose Banks and Savings Associations in § 25.26—Calculations for Metrics and Benchmarks

The calculations for metrics and benchmarks for Community Development Financing Test for Limited Purpose Banks and Savings Associations in § 25.26 are provided in this section. Additional information regarding relevant calculation components is set forth in paragraph I.a of this appendix.

a. Limited Purpose Bank Community Development Financing Metric. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Limited Purpose Bank Community Development Financing Metric provided in § 25.26 by:

1. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments that benefit or serve the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of the assets for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph III.a.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph III.a.2 of this appendix.

b. Nationwide Limited Purpose Bank Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Nationwide Limited Purpose Bank Community Development Financing Benchmark by:

1. Summing the annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments of depository institutions designated as limited purpose banks or savings associations or savings associations pursuant to § 25.26(a) or designated as limited purpose banks or savings associations pursuant to 12 CFR 228.26(a) or 345.26(a) reported pursuant to § 25.42(b) or 12 CFR 228.42(b) or 345.42(b) that benefit or serve all or part of the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing the annual dollar volume of assets of depository institutions designated as limited purpose banks or savings associations or savings associations pursuant to § 25.26(a) or designated as limited purpose banks or savings associations pursuant to 12 CFR 228.26(a) or 345.26(a) that reported community development loans and community development investments pursuant to § 25.42(b) or 12 CFR 228.42(b) or 345.42(b) for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph III.b.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph III.b.2 of this appendix.

c. Nationwide Asset-Based Community Development Financing Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Nationwide Asset-Based Community Development Financing Benchmark by:

1. Summing the annual dollar volume of community development loans and community development investments of all depository institutions that reported pursuant to § 25.42(b) or 12 CFR 228.42(b) or 345.42(b) that benefit or serve all or part of the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing the annual dollar volume of assets of all depository institutions that reported community development loans and community development investments pursuant to § 25.42(b) or 12 CFR 228.42(b) or 345.42(b) for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph III.c.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph III.c.2 of this appendix.

d. Limited Purpose Bank and savings association Community Development Investment Metric. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Limited Purpose Bank Nationwide Community Development Investment Metric, provided in § 25.26(f)(2)(iii), for the nationwide area by:

1. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of community development investments, excluding mortgage-backed securities, that benefit or serve the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of assets for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the results of paragraph III.d.1 of this appendix by the results of paragraph III.d.2 of this appendix.

Example B-17: The bank has a three-year evaluation period. The bank's annual dollar volumes of community development investments (excluding mortgage-backed securities) that benefit or serve the nationwide area are $62 million (year 1), $65 million (year 2), and $73 million (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of community development investments that benefit or serve the nationwide area conducted by the bank is therefore $200 million. The bank's annual dollar volumes of assets in the bank are $2.4 billion (year 1), $2.7 billion (year 2), and $2.9 billion (year 3). The sum of the bank's annual dollar volumes of assets in the bank over the evaluation period is therefore $8 billion. For the evaluation period, the Bank Nationwide Community Development Investment Metric would be $200 million divided by $8 billion, or 0.025 (equivalently, 2.5 percent).

e. Nationwide Asset-Based Community Development Investment Benchmark. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the Nationwide Asset-Based Community Development Investment Benchmark, provided in § 25.26(f)(2)(iv), by:

1. Summing the annual dollar volume of community development investments, excluding mortgage-backed securities, of all depository institutions that had assets greater than $10 billion, as of December 31 in both of the prior two calendar years, that benefit or serve all or part of the nationwide area for each year in the evaluation period.

2. Summing the annual dollar volume of assets of all depository institutions that had assets greater than $10 billion, as of December 31 in both of the prior two calendar years, for each year in the evaluation period.

3. Dividing the result of paragraph III.e.1 of this appendix by the result of paragraph III.e.2 of this appendix.

Example B-18: The applicable benchmark uses a three-year evaluation period. The annual dollar volumes of community development investments (excluding mortgage-backed securities) that benefit or serve the nationwide area for all depository institutions that had assets greater than $10 billion are $35 billion (year 1), $37 million (year 2), and $38 billion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of community development investments that benefit or serve the nationwide area conducted by all depository institutions that had assets greater than $10 billion is therefore $110 billion. The annual dollar volumes of assets in all depository institutions that had assets greater than $10 billion are $1.8 trillion (year 1), $2.1 trillion (year 2), and $2.1 trillion (year 3). The sum of the annual dollar volumes of assets in all depository institutions that had assets greater than $10 billion is therefore $6 trillion. For the evaluation period, the Nationwide Asset-Based Community Development Investment Benchmark would be $110 billion divided by $6 trillion, or 0.0183 (equivalently, 1.83 percent).

IV. Weighting of Conclusions

The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates component one of the combined performance score, as set forth in paragraph II.p.2.i of this appendix, for the Community Development Financing Test in § 25.24 and a performance score for the Community Development Services Test in § 25.25 in each State, multistate MSA, and the nationwide area, as applicable, as described in this section.

a. The appropriate Federal banking agency translates the Community Development Financing Test and the Community Development Services Test conclusions for facility-based assessment areas into numerical performance scores, as follows:

Conclusion Performance score
High Satisfactory7
Low Satisfactory6
Needs to Improve3
Substantial Noncompliance0

b. The appropriate Federal banking agency calculates the weighted average of facility-based assessment area performance scores for a State or multistate MSA, as applicable, and for the institution. For the weighted average for a State or multistate MSA, the appropriate Federal banking agency considers facility-based assessment areas in the State or multistate MSA pursuant to § 25.28(c). For the weighted average for the institution, the appropriate Federal banking agency considers all of the bank's or savings association's facility-based assessment areas. Each facility-based assessment area performance score is weighted by the average the following two ratios:

1. The ratio measuring the share of the deposits in the bank or savings association in the facility-based assessment area, calculated by:

i. Summing, over the years in the evaluation period, the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits in the facility-based assessment area.

ii. Summing, over the years in the evaluation period, the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits in all facility-based assessment areas in the State, in the multistate MSA, or for the nationwide area, as applicable.

iii. Dividing the result of paragraph IV.b.1.i of this appendix by the result of paragraph IV.b.1.ii of this appendix.

For a bank or savings association that reports deposits data pursuant to § 25.42(b)(3), the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits in a facility-based assessment area is the total of annual average daily balances of deposits reported by the bank or savings association in counties in the facility-based assessment area for that year. For a bank or savings association that does not report deposits data pursuant to § 25.42(b)(3), the bank's or savings association's annual dollar volume of deposits in a facility-based assessment area is the total of deposits assigned to facilities reported by the bank or savings association in the facility-based assessment area in the FDIC's Summary of Deposits for that year.

2. The ratio measuring the share of the bank's or savings association's loans in the facility-based assessment area, based on the combination of loan dollars and loan count, as defined in § 25.12, calculated by dividing:

i. The bank's or savings association's closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, small farm loans, and, if a product line for the bank or savings association, automobile loans in the facility-based assessment area originated or purchased during the evaluation period; by

ii. The bank's or savings association's closed-end home mortgage loans, small business loans, small farm loans, and, if a product line for the bank or savings association, automobile loans in all facility-based assessment areas in the State, in the multistate MSA, or for the nationwide area, as applicable, originated or purchased during the evaluation period.

[89 FR 7165, Feb. 1, 2024, as amended at 89 FR 7171, Feb. 1, 2024] Editorial Note:At 89 FR 7171, Feb. 1, 2024, appendix B to part 25 was amended by removing “BANKS” from the heading and adding “BANKS AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATIONS” in its place; however, the amendment could not be incorporated due to inaccurate amendatory instruction.
source: 86 FR 71339, Dec. 15, 2021, unless otherwise noted.