Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Jan 22, 2025
Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 1204—Items To Cover in Memoranda of Agreement

The items to be covered in Memoranda of Agreement between NASA Installations and state and areawide OMB Circular A-95 clearinghouses for coordinating NASA and civilian planning:

1. Clearinghouses will be contacted at the earliest practicable point in project planning. Generally, this will be during the preparation of Preliminary Engineering Reports, or possibly earlier if meaningful information is available that could practically serve as an input in the decision-making process. It should be noted that clearinghouses are generally comprehensive planning agencies. As such, they are often the best repositories of information required for development planning and constitute a resource that can often save Federal planners substantial time and effort, if consulted early enough. In addition to providing information necessary for preliminary engineering, clearinghouses can make useful inputs to the development of environmental impact statements, as well as in reviewing draft statements. Thus, consultation at the earliest stage in planning can have substantial payoffs in installation development.

2. Clearinghouses will be afforded a minimum time of 30 days in which to review and comment on a proposed project and a maximum time of 45 days in which to complete such review.

3. The minimum information to be provided to the clearinghouse will consist of project description, scope and purpose, summary technical data, maps and diagrams where relevant, and any data which would show the relationship of the proposed project or action to applicable land use plans, policies, and controls for the affected area.

4. Establish procedures for notifying clearinghouses of the actions taken on projects, such as implementation, timing, postponement, abandonment, and explaining, where appropriate, actions taken contrary to clearinghouse recommendations.