Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 15 - Commerce and Foreign Trade last revised: Feb 14, 2025
Appendix - Supplement No. 17 to Part 760—Interpretation

Pursuant to the agreement between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel establishing diplomatic and commercial relations (the “Abraham Accords”), on August 16, 2020, the UAE issued Federal Decree-Law No. 4 of 2020, abolishing Federal Law No. 15 of 1972 Concerning the Arab League Boycott of Israel, thereby formally terminating participation by the UAE in the Arab League Boycott of Israel as of that date.

On the basis of this action, it is the Department's position that certain requests for information, action or agreement from the UAE, which were presumed to be boycott-related under this part of the EAR if issued prior to August 16, 2020, would not be presumed to be boycott-related if issued after August 16, 2020, and thus would not be prohibited or reportable under this part of the EAR.

For example, a request from the UAE that an exporter certify that the vessel on which it is shipping its goods is eligible to enter UAE ports was formerly presumed to be a boycott-related request under this part of the EAR with which the exporter could not comply because the UAE had a boycott law in force against Israel. Such a request from the UAE made after August 16, 2020, would no longer be presumed to be boycott-related because the underlying boycott requirement/basis for the certification was eliminated as of August 16, 2020. Similarly, a U.S. company would not be prohibited from complying with a request made by UAE government officials after August 16, 2020, to furnish the place of birth of employees the company is seeking to take to the UAE because there is no underlying UAE government boycott law or policy that would give rise to a presumption that the request was boycott-related.

U.S. persons are reminded that requests that are on their face boycott-related or that are for action obviously in furtherance or support of an unsanctioned foreign boycott are subject to this part of the EAR, irrespective of the country of origination. For example, requests containing references to “blacklisted companies,” “Israel boycott list,” “non-Israeli goods,” or other phrases or words indicating a boycott purpose would be subject to the appropriate provisions of the Department's antiboycott regulations in this part.

[86 FR 30536, June 9, 2021]
source: 61 FR 12862, Mar. 25, 1996, unless otherwise noted.