1 Lines 1 thru 15, col. (1). From Notice issued Sept. 12, 1974, app. A, p. 12, col. (d).
2 Production taxes have been deleted from col. (1).
3 From notice issued Sept. 12, 1974, app. A, p. 12, cols. (g), (h), and (i).
4 Col. (3) plus col. (4) plus col. (5).
5 Calculated on a modified British thermal unit basis (1.5 to 1).
6 Col. (7) times col. (4), plus cols. (3) and (5).
7 See composites mailed to all parties on Feb. 13, 1974.
8 Calculated, 188.8 percent (A R64-1-2) times $779,097,382 equals $1,470,935,857.
9 Calculated 0.0146 (interest rate) times $16,701,817,818 (app. A, schedule 2-A, (d), line 11, p. 13) equals $243,846,540.
10 $577,745,791 divided by 9,508,369,001 equals 6.08 cents per thousand cubic feet.