1 Indicates the approximate number of days from the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation. Most of the deadlines shown here are approximate. The actual deadline in any particular segment of a proceeding may depend on the date of an earlier event or be established by the Secretary.
2 Commerce may issue a preliminary determination, either concurrently with the initiation or not. 19 CFR 351.227(e)(1). If Commerce issues a Preliminary Determination concurrently with Initiation, 19 CFR 351.227(d)(1)-(3) will not apply, pursuant to 19 CFR 351.227(d)(4). In such cases, Commerce will establish appropriate procedures on a case-specific basis. 19 CFR 351.227(d)(4).
3 X represents the date a questionnaire is received by Commerce.
4 Z represents the date of the Preliminary Determination.
5 If a Preliminary Determination is not issued concurrently with Initiation, Commerce will establish a schedule for the filing of comments and rebuttal comments to the Preliminary Determination. 19 CFR 351.227(d)(3).