| Event
| Regulation
0 days | Initiation
| |
15 days | Filing of Notice of Intent to Participate by domestic interested parties | 351.218(d)(1)(i) (not later than 15 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation).
30 days | Filing of Statement of Waiver by respondent interested parties | 351.218(d)(2)(i) (not later than 30 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation).
30 days | Filing of substantive response to the Notice of Initiation by all interested parties; industrial users; and consumers | 351.218(d)(3)(i) and 351.218(d)(3)(vi) (not later than 30 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation).
35 days | Filing of rebuttal to substantive response to the Notice of Initiation | 351.218(d)(4) (not later than 5 days after the substantive response is filed with the Department).
110 days | Preliminary results of full sunset review | 351.218(f)(1) (normally not later than 110 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation).
120 days | Verification in a full sunset review, where needed | 351.218(f)(2)(ii) (normally an approximate of 120 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation).
160 days | Filing of case brief in full sunset review | 351.309(c)(1)(i) (50 days after the date of publication of the preliminary results of full sunset review).
165 days | Filing of rebuttal brief in full sunset review | 351.309(d)(1) (5 days after the time limit for filing a case brief, unless the Secretary alters the time limit).
167 days | Public hearing in full sunset review if requested | 351.310(d)(i) (ordinarily 2 days after the time limit for filing a rebuttal brief, unless the Secretary alters the date).
240 days | Final results of full sunset review | 351.218(f)(3)(i) (normally not later than 240 days after the date of publication of the Notice of Initiation).
330 days (may be extended to 420 days) | Final results of full sunset review if fully extended | 351.218(f)(3)(ii) (if full sunset review is extraordinarily complicated, period for issuing final results, but may be extended by not more than 90 days).