Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 22, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Feb 18, 2025
Appendix Appendix 3 - Appendix 3 to Part 220—Railroad Retirement Board Occupational Disability Standards
1. Introduction

1.01 The Board uses this appendix to adjudicate the occupational disability claims of employees with medical conditions and job titles covered by the Tables in this appendix. The Tables are divided into “Body Parts”, with each Body Part further divided by job title. Under each job title there is a list of impairments and tests with accompanying test results which establish a finding of “D” (disabled). The use of these Tables is a three-step process. In the first step we determine whether the employee's regular railroad occupation is covered by the Tables; next we establish the existence of an impairment covered by the Tables; finally, we reach a disability determination. If we do not find an employee disabled under these Tables, the employee may still be found disabled using Independent Case Evaluation (ICE), as explained in subpart C of this part.

1.02 The Cancer Tables are treated in a different way than other body systems. Different types of cancer and their treatments have different functional impacts. In the Cancer Tables the impact of the impairment is seen as being significant or not significant. Therefore, these tables contain an “S” (significant) which is equivalent to a “D” rating. A detailed explanation of how to use those tables is in that section. The steps to use the remaining Tables are explained below:

2. Confirming the Impairment

2.01 Once we determine that the employee's regular railroad occupation is covered by the Job Titles in the Tables, we must determine the existence of an impairment covered by the Tables. This is done through the use of Confirmatory Tests. These tests can include information from medical records, surgical or operative reports, or specific diagnostic test results. Confirmatory Tests are listed in the initial section regarding each Body Part covered in the Tables. If an impairment cannot be confirmed because of inconsistent medical information, ICE may be required.

2.02 There are two types of Confirmatory Tests as follows.

2.03 “Highly Recommended” Tests—The designation of a confirmatory test as being “highly recommended” means that the test is almost always performed to confirm the existence of the impairment. For many conditions, only one “highly recommended” test finding is suggested to confirm the impairment. However, there may be times when that test is not available or is negative, but other more detailed testing confirms the impairment.

2.04 Example A: To confirm the condition of pulmonary hypertension, the Tables under Body Part C., Cardiac, designate as “highly recommended”: an electrocardiogram which indicates definite right ventricular hypertrophy. However, the impairment may also be confirmed by insertion of a Swan-Ganz catheter into the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary artery pressure measured directly.

2.05 There may be some conditions for which several “highly recommended” tests are suggested to confirm an impairment. In these circumstances, we will use all “highly recommended” tests to establish the existence of the impairment.

2.06 Example B: Under Body Part E., Lumbar Sacral Spine, three highly recommended medical findings are identified for the diagnosis of chronic back pain, not otherwise specified. These findings include:

A. A history of back pain under medical treatment for at least one year, and

B. A history of back pain unresponsive to therapy for at least one year, and

C. A history of back pain with functional limitations for at least one year.

2.07 All three of these criteria must be satisfied to confirm the existence of chronic back pain.

2.08 Sometimes the employee may have undergone detailed testing which is as reliable as one of the “highly recommended” tests listed in the Tables. In cases where an impairment has not been confirmed by one of the designated “highly recommended” tests, the impairment may still be confirmed by “recommended” tests (see below) or by evidence acceptable under section 220.27 of this part.

2.09 Recommended Tests—The designation of a confirmatory test as “recommended” means that the test need not be performed, or be positive, to confirm the impairment. However, a positive test provides significant support for confirming the impairment. If there are no “highly recommended” tests for confirming the impairment, at least one of the “recommended” tests should be positive.

2.10 There are two categories of recommended tests which are described below.

A. Imaging studies—These studies can include MRI, CAT scan, myelogram, or plain film x-rays. For conditions where several of these imaging studies are identified as “recommended” tests, at least one of the test results should be positive and meet the confirmatory test criteria. For some conditions, such as degenerative disc condition, there are several equivalent imaging methods to confirm a diagnosis.

B. Other tests—This category of tests refers to non-imaging studies.

2.11 If there are no “highly recommended” confirmatory tests designated to confirm an impairment and the “recommended” confirmatory tests only include non-imaging procedures, at least one of these tests should be positive to confirm the impairment. The greater the number of tests that are positive, the greater the confidence that the correct diagnosis has been established.

2.12 Example: Under Body Part C., Cardiac, the diagnostic confirmatory tests for ventricular ectopy, a cardiac arrhythmia, include the following “recommended” tests:

A. Medical record review, i.e., a review of the claimant's medical records, or

B. Holter monitoring, or

C. Provocative testing producing a definite arrhythmia.

2.13 In this situation, only one of the “recommended” confirmatory tests need be positive to confirm the impairment. However, the more tests that are positive, the stronger the support for the diagnosis.

2.14 In no circumstance will the Board require that an invasive test be performed to confirm an impairment. Several of the Confirmatory Tests which are described in the Tables are invasive and it is not the intention of the Board to suggest that these be performed. The inclusion of invasive tests in the Tables Confirmatory Tests section is intended to help the Board evaluate the significance of findings from such tests that may have already been performed and which are part of the submitted medical record.

2.15 If an employee's impairment(s) cannot be confirmed by use of the confirmatory tests listed in the Tables, it still may be confirmed by medical evidence described in section 220.27 of this part. However, if a claimant's impairment(s) cannot be confirmed through use of the Tables or under section 220.27, and the medical evidence is complete and in concordance, the claimant will be found not disabled.

3. Disability Determination

3.01 Once the Board determines that the employee's regular railroad occupation is covered by one of the Job Titles in the Tables and that his or her alleged impairment fits into a Body Part covered by the Tables and can be confirmed, we examine the results of any of the disability tests listed under the impairment. If the results from any of these tests indicate a “D” finding, the employee is found disabled. If none of the test results indicate a “D” finding, then the employee's claim is evaluated using ICE.

3.02 Example: A trainman has angina as confirmed by the recommended tests under Body Part A: Cardiac—Angina. An echocardiogram shows that he has poor ejection fraction ≤35%. The employee is rated disabled. If none of the results of the listed disability tests match the results required for a “D” finding, then the employee's claim is evaluated under ICE.


A. Cancer

B. Endocrine

C. Cardiac

D. Respiratory

E. Lumbar Sacral Spine

F. Cervical Spine

G. Shoulder and Elbow

H. Hand and Arm

I. Hip

J. Knee

K. Ankle and Foot

A. Cancer Cancer

Cancer conditions can be viewed as belonging to one of three categories.

Category 1: Significant impact on functional capacity or anticipated life span.

Category 2: Intermediate impact on functional capacity; large individual variability.

Category 3: No significant impact on functional capacity or expected life span.

The factors that are considered in developing these categories include the following:

Type of Cancer

The functional impact of different malignancies varies tremendously and each malignancy has to be considered on an individual basis.

Magnitude of Disease

The disability standards are based upon the magnitude or extent of disease. The extent of disease affects both anticipated life span and the functional capacity or work ability of the individual. Localized cancer including cancer “in situ” can frequently be completely cured and not have an impact on functional capacity or life span. In contrast, many cancers that have distant or significant regional spread generally have a poor prognosis. The magnitude or extent of disease is classified into three categories: local, regional and distant.

The criteria which are used to classify a cancer into one of the three categories are based upon the distillation of several staging methods into a single system [Miller, et al. (1992). Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1989; NIH Publication No. 92-2789].

Effects of Treatment

Although some types of cancer may be potentially curable with radical surgery and/or radiation therapy, the treatment regimen may result in a significant impairment that could affect functional capacity and ability to work. For example, a person with a laryngeal tumor which had spread regionally could be cured by a complete laryngectomy and radiotherapy. However, this treatment could result in a loss of speech and significantly impair the individual's communicative skills or ability to use certain types of respiratory protective equipment.


Some cancers may have minimal impact on a person's functional capacity, but have a very poor prognosis with respect to life expectancy. For example, an individual with early stage brain cancer may be minimally impaired, but have a poor prognosis and minimal potential for surviving longer than two years. Five and two year survival data are presented in the Cancer Disability Guideline Table which follows.

The Cancer Disability Guideline Table provides information concerning the probability of survival for five years for local, regional, and distant disease for each type of malignancy. In addition, two-year survival data are also presented for all disease stages. The five-year survival data are based upon data collected from population-based registries in Connecticut, New Mexico, Utah, Hawaii, Atlanta, Detroit, Seattle and the San Francisco and East Bay area between 1983 and 1987 (Miller, 1992). The two-year data are from a cohort study initially diagnosed in 1988.


The malignancies are classified as disabling (Category 1), potentially disabling (Category 2) and non-disabling (Category 3). Category 2 conditions must be evaluated with respect to how the worker's tumor affects the worker's ability to perform the job and an assessment of his life span.

Information concerning the potential impact of the malignancy on a worker's ability to perform a job is identified in the Functional Impact column in the table. All railroad occupations in the Tables are considered together. Functional impacts are classified as significant if the treatment or sequelae from treatment including radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or surgery is likely to impair the worker from performing the job. If the treatment results in a significant impairment of another organ system, the individual should be evaluated for disability associated with impairment of that body part. For example, a person undergoing an amputation for a bone malignancy would have to be evaluated for an amputation of that body part. For many cancers, it is difficult to make generalizations regarding the level of impairment that will occur after the person has initiated or completed treatment. Nonsignificant impacts include those that are unlikely to have any effect on the individual's work capacity.

Cancer type 2-year 1 5-year 1 Disability status 2 Functional impact 3
Female Breast:
Hodgkin's Disease: 4
Stage 190-953S
Stage 2862S
Stage 3<802S
Stage 4<801S
Kidney/Renal Pelvis:
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia:
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia:
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia:
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia:
Liver/Intrahepatic Bile Duct:
Lung/Bronchus: 5
Melanomas of Skin:
Oral Cavity/Pharyngeal:

1Source of 2 and 5 year survival data: Miller BA et al. Cancer Statistics Review 1973-1989. NIH Publication No. 92-2789.

2Disability Status:

Category 1: Significant impact on functional capacity or life span.

Category 2: Intermediate impact.

Category 3: No significant impact on functional capacity or life span.

3Functional Impacts:

(S) Significant—significant potential for the effects of treatment (radiotheraphy, chemotherapy. surgery) to affect functional capacity.

4Hodgkin's disease data presented for each stage derived from American Cancer Society. American Cancer Society Textbook reference for unstaged cancer is derived from Cancer Statistics Review (See 3). In addition to other data, see: American Cancer Society Textbook of Clinical Oncology. Eds: Holleb AI, Fink DJ, Murphy GP, Atlanta: American Cancer Society, Inc. 1991.)

5Small cell carcinoma is classified as a 1.

B. Endocrine

Confirmatory test Minimum result Requirements
Diabetes, requiring insulin (IDDM):
Medical record reviewConfirmation of condition and need for insulin useHighly recommended.
Disability test Test result Disability classification
Diabetes, requiring insulin (IDDM):
Medical record reviewConfirmation of condition and need for insulin useD

C. Cardiac

Confirmatory test Minimum result Requirements
Medical record reviewConfirmed history of ischemia including copies of electrocardiogramRecommended.
Stress testDefinite ischemia on exercise testRecommended.
Thallium studyDefinite ischemia with exerciseRecommended.
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationProven and significantRecommended.
EchocardiogramSignificant valve diseaseRecommended.
Coronary artery disease:
Medical record reviewDocumented ischemia with electrocardiogram confirmationRecommended.
Medical record reviewDocumented myocardial infarctionRecommended.
Stress testPositiveRecommended.
Thallium studyDefinite ischemia with exerciseRecommended.
AngiographyDefinite occlusion (>60%) of one vesselRecommended.
EchocardiogramProven ejection fraction ≤35%Recommended.
CatheterizationPoor global function and not coronary artery diseaseRecommended.
Medical record reviewDocumentation of hypertension for one yearHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewDefinite diagnosis by cardiologist or internistHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewConfirmation of medication useHighly recommended.
Arrhythmia: heart block:
Medical record reviewProven episode with electrocardiogram confirmationRecommended.
ElectrocardiogramDocumentation of arrhythmiaRecommended.
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationSignificant valve diseaseRecommended.
EchocardiogramSignificant valve diseaseRecommended.
Pericardial disease:
Medical record reviewConfirmed by cardiologist or internistHighly recommended.
Pulmonary hypertension:
Physical examinationIncreased pulmonic sound or pulmonary ejection murmur by cardiologist or internistRecommended.
ElectrocardiogramDefinite right ventricular hypertensionHighly recommended.
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDefinite episode within one yearRecommended.
Holter monitoringDefinite arrhythmiaRecommended.
Provocative testingPositive responseRecommended.
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDefinite episode within one yearRecommended.
Holter monitoringDefinite arrhythmiaRecommended.
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewDocumentedHighly recommended.
Disability test Test result Disability classification
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress test: significant ST changesDefinite ischemia ≤7 METSD
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HG
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Coronary artery disease:
Myocardial infarctionMultiple infarctionsD
EchocardiogramConfirmed ventricular aneurysmD
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by a CardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress testDefinite ischemia ≤ 7 METSD
Isotope, e.g., thallium studyDefinite ischemia ≤ 7 METSD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Medical record reviewDiastolic >120 and systolic >160, 50% of the time and evidence of end organ damage (blood creatinine >2; urinary protein > 1/2 gm; or EKG evidence of ischemia)D
Arrhythmia: heart block:
HolterDocumented asystole length >1.5-2 secondsD
Medical record reviewDocumented syncope with proven arrhythmiaD
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationMitral valve gradient ≥5 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationMitral regurgitation severeD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Pericardial disease:
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDocumented life threatening arrhythmiaD
HolterUncontrolled ventricular rhythmD
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewPost heart transplantD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress test: significant ST changesDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HGD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Coronary artery disease:
Myocardial infarctionMultiple infarctionsD
EchocardiogramConfirmed ventricular aneurysmD
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by a CardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress testDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Isotope, e.g., thallium studyDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewDiastolic >120 and systolic >160, 50% of the time and evidence of end organ damage (blood creatinine >2; urinary protein > 1/2 gm; or EKG evidence of ischemia)D
Arrhythmia: heart block:
HolterDocumented asystole length >1.5-2 secondsD
Medical record reviewDocumented syncope with proven arrhythmiaD
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationMitral valve gradient ≥10 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationMitral regurgitation severeD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Pericardial disease:
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDocumented life threatening arrhythmiaD
HolterUncontrolled ventricular rhythmD
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewPost heart transplantD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress test: significant ST changesDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HgD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Coronary artery disease:
Myocardial infarctionMultiple infarctionsD
EchocardiogramConfirmed ventricular aneurysmD
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress testDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Isotope, e.g., thallium studyDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewDiastolic >120 and systolic >160, 50% of the time and evidence of end organ damage (blood creatinine >2; urinary protein > 1/2 gm; or EKG evidence of ischemia)D
Arrhythmia: heart block:
HolterDocumented asystole length >1.5-2 secondsD
Medical record reviewDocumented syncope with proven arrhythmiaD
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationMitral valve gradient ≥10 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationMitral regurgitation severeD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Pericardial disease:
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDocumented life threatening arrhythmiaD
HolterUncontrolled ventricular rhythmD
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewPost heart transplantD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress test: significant ST changesDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HG
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Coronary artery disease:
Myocardial infarctionMultiple infarctionsD
EchocardiogramConfirmed ventricular aneurysmD
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by a CardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress testDefinite ischemia ≤ 5 METSD
Isotope, e.g., thallium studyDefinite ischemia ≤ 5 METSD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewDiastolic >120 and systolic >160, 50% of the time and evidence of end organ damage (blood creatinine >2; urinary protein > 1/2 gm; or EKG evidence of ischemia)D
Arrhythmia: heart block:
HolterDocumented asystole length >1.5-2 secondsD
Medical record reviewDocumented syncope with proven arrhythmiaD
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationMitral valve gradient ≥10 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationMitral regurgitation severeD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Pericardial disease:
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDocumented life threatening arrhythmiaD
HolterUncontrolled ventricular rhythmD
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewPost heart transplantD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress test: significant ST changesDefinite ischemia ≤7 METSD
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HGD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Coronary artery disease:
Myocardial infarctionMultiple infractionsD
EchocardiogramConfirmed ventricular aneurysmD
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress testDefinite ischemia ≤7 METSD
Isotope, e.g., thallium studyDefinite ischemia ≤7 METSD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Medical record reviewDiastolic >120 and systolic >160, 50% of the time and evidence of end organ damage (blood creatinine >2; urinary protein > 1/2 gm; or EKG evidence of ischemia)D
Arrhythmia: heart block
HolterDocumented asystole length >1.5-2 secondsD
Medical record reviewDocumented syncope with proven arrhythmiaD
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationMitral valve gradient ≥5 mm HgD
Cardiac catherizationMitral regurgitation severeD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Pericardial disease:
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDocumented life threatening arrhythmiaD
HolterUncontrolled ventricular rhythmD
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewPost heart transplantD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress test: significant ST changesDefinite ischemia ≤7 METSD
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HGD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Coronary artery disease:
Myocardial infarctionMultiple infarctionsD
EchocardiogramConfirmed ventricular aneurysmD
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by a cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress testDefinite ischemia ≤7 METSD
Isotope, e.g., thallium studyDefinite ischemia ≤7 METSD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Medical record reviewDiastolic >120 and systolic >160, 50% of the time and evidence of end organ damage (blood creatinine >2; urinary protein > 1/2 gm; or EKG evidence of ischemia)D
Arrhythmia: heart block:
HolterDocumented asystole length >1.5-2 secondsD
Medical record reviewDocumented syncope with proven arrhythmiaD
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationMitral valve gradient ≥5 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationMitral regurgitation severeD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤7 METSD
Pericardial disease:
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDocumented life threatening arrhythmiaD
HolterUncontrolled ventricular rhythmD
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewPost heart transplantD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress test: significant ST changesDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HG
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Coronary artery disease:
Myocardial infarctionMultiple infarctionsD
EchocardiogramConfirmed ventricular aneurysmD
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by a cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress testDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Isotope, e.g., thallium studyDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewDiastolic >120 and systolic >160, 50% of the time and evidence of end organ damage (blood creatinine >2; urinary protein > 1/2 gm; or EKG evidence of ischemia)D
Arrhythmia: heart block:
HolterDocumented asystole length >1.5-2 secondsD
Medical record reviewDocumented syncope with proven arrhythmiaD
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationMitral valve gradient ≥10 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationMitral regurgitation severeD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Pericardial disease:
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDocumented life threatening arrhythmiaD
HolterUncontrolled ventricular rhythmD
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewPost heart transplantD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress test: significant ST changesDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HG
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Coronary artery disease:
Myocardial infarctionMultiple infarctionsD
EchocardiogramConfirmed ventricular aneurysmD
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm Hg
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by a CardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress testDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Isotope, e.g., thallium studyDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewDiastolic >120 and systolic >160, 50% of the time and evidence of end organ damage (blood creatinine >2; urinary protein > 1/2 gm; or EKG evidence of ischemia)D
Arrhythmia: heart block:
HolterDocumented asystole length >1.5-2 secondsD
Medical record reviewDocumented syncope with proven arrhythmiaD
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationMitral valve gradient ≥10 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationMitral regurgitation severeD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Pericardial disease:
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDocumented life threatening arrhythmiaD
HolterUncontrolled ventricular rhythmD
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewPost heart transplantD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress test: significant ST changesDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HGD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Coronary artery disease:
Myocardial infarctionMultiple infarctionsD
EchocardiogramConfirmed ventricular aneurysmD
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by a cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress testDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Isotope, e.g., thallium studyDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewDiastolic >120 and systolic >160, 50% of the time and evidence of end organ damage (blood creatinine >2; urinary protein > 1/2 gm; or EKG evidence of ischemia)D
Arrhythmia: heart block:
HolterDocumented asystole length >1.5-2 secondsD
Medical record reviewDocumented syncope with proven arrhythmiaD
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationMitral valve gradient ≥10 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationMitral regurgitation severeD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Pericardial disease:
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDocumented life threatening arrhythmiaD
HolterUncontrolled ventricular rhythmD
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewPost heart transplantD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by cardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress test: significant ST changesDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Aortic valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HGD
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Coronary artery disease:
Myocardial infarctionMultiple infarctionsD
EchocardiogramConfirmed ventricular aneurysmD
Cardiac catheterizationAortic gradient 25-50 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Medical record reviewUnstable as diagnosed by a CardiologistD
Stress testDocumented hypotensive responseD
Stress testDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Isotope, e.g., thallium studyDefinite ischemia ≤5 METSD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Arrhythmia: heart block:
HolterDocumented asystole length >1.5-2 secondsD
Medical record reviewDocumented syncope with proven arrhythmiaD
Mitral valve disease:
Cardiac catheterizationMitral valve gradient ≥10 mm HgD
Cardiac catheterizationMitral regurgitation severeD
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Stress testPeak exercise ≤5 METSD
Pericardial disease:
Cardiac catheterizationPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
EchocardiogramPoor ejection fraction ≤35%D
Ventricular ectopy:
Medical record reviewDocumented life threatening arrhythmiaD
HolterUncontrolled ventricular rhythmD
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Arrhythmia: supraventricular tachycardia:
Medical record reviewDocumented related syncopeD
Post heart transplant:
Medical record reviewPost heart transplantD

D. Respiratory

Confirmatory test Minimum result Requirements
SpirometryFEV1/FVC ratio diminishedRecommended.
Spirometry>15% change with administration of bronchodilatorRecommended.
Methacholine challenge testPositive: FEV1 decrease >20% at (PC ≤8 mg/ml)Recommended
Medical record reviewChronic cough and sputumRecommended.
Chest X-rayBronchiectasis demonstratedRecommended.
Chest CAT scanBronchiectasis demonstratedRecommended.
Chronic bronchitis:
Medical record reviewFrequent cough—2 years durationHighly recommended.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:
SpirometryFEV1/FVC ratio below 65% when stableHighly recommended.
SpirometryFEV1 below 75% of predicted when stableHighly recommended.
Cor pulmonale:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite right ventricular hypertrophyRecommended.
EchocardiogramDefinite right ventricular hypertrophyRecommended.
Pulmonary fibrosis:
Lung biopsyDiffuse fibrosisRecommended.
Chest CAT scanMore than minimal fibrosisRecommended.
Lung resection:
Medical record reviewAt least one lobe resectedHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewRequired hospitalization with chest tube drainageHighly recommended.
Restrictive lung disease:
Chest X-rayRestrictive lung changesRecommended.
DLCOAbnormalHighly recommended.
Chest CAT scanRestrictive lung changesRecommended.
SpirometryFVC <75% predictedHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewOccupational exposure for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Chest X-rayEvidence of changes consistent with tuberculosis infectionRecommended.
Disability test Test result Disability classification
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month period
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic bronchitis:
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD):
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Cor pulmonale:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Pulmonary fibrosis:
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
Lung resection:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Restrictive lung disease:
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
Electrocardiogramefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg If stableD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic bronchitis:
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD):
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Cor pulmonale:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Pulmonary fibrosis:
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
Lung resection:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Restrictive lung disease:
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic bronchitis:
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD):
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Cor pulmonale:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Pulmonary fibrosis:
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Lung resection:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Restrictive lung disease:
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Resting AGBPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic bronchitis:
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD):
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Cor pulmonale:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Pulmonary fibrosis:
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
Lung resection:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Restrictive lung disease:
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic bronchitis:
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting AGBPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD):
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Cor pulmonale:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Pulmonary fibrosis:
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
Lung resection:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Restrictive lung disease:
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic bronchitis:
SpirometryRepeated spirometry FEV1 <40% over a 12 month periodD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD):
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Cor pulmonale:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Pulmonary fibrosis:
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Lung resection:
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Restrictive lung disease:
DLCO<45% predictedD
Pulmonary exercise test or exercise ABGPO2 drop >5 torr at maximum exerciseD
Pulmonary exercise testMaximum VO2 <15 ml/kgD
SpirometryFVC <50% predictedD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD
Resting ABGPCO2 arterial >50 mm Hg if stableD
ElectrocardiogramDefinite positive right ventricular hypertrophyD

E. Lumbar Sacral Spine

Confirmatory test Minimum result Requirements
Ankylosing spondylitis:
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineSacroilitisHighly recommended.
HLA B27 (blood test)Positive HLA B27 (90% case)Recommended.
Backache, unspecified:
Medical record reviewHistory of back pain under medical treatment for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewHistory of back pain unresponsive to therapy for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewHistory of back pain with functional limitations for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Chronic back pain, not otherwise specified:
Medical record reviewHistory of back pain under medical treatment for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewHistory of back pain unresponsive to therapy for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewHistory of back pain with functional limitations for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Cauda equina syndrome with bowel or bladder dysfunction:
Magnetic resonance imagingNeural impingement of spinal nerves below L1Recommended.
Computerized tomographyNeural impingement of spinal nerves below L1Recommended.
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionRecommended.
Rectal examinationDiminished rectal sphincter toneRecommended.
MyelogramNeural impingement of spinal nerves below L1Recommended.
Degeneration of lumbar disc:
X-ray lumbar sacral spineSignificant degenerative disc changesRecommended.
Computerized tomographySignificant degenerative disc changesRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant degenerative disc changesRecommended.
MyelogramSignificant degenerative disc changesRecommended.
Displacement of lumbar disc:
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineSignificant degenerative disc changesRecommended.
Computerized tomographySignificant degenerative disc changesRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant degenerative disc changesRecommended.
MyelogramSignificant degenerative disc changesRecommended.
Fracture: vertebral body:
Magnetic resonance imagingFracture vertebral bodyRecommended.
Computerized tomographyFracture vertebral bodyRecommended.
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineFracture vertebral bodyommended.
Fracture: posterior element with spinal canal displacement:
Magnetic resonance imagingFracture posterior spinal element with displacement of spinal canalRecommended.
Computerized tomographyFracture posterior spinal element with displacement of spinal canalRecommended.
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineFracture posterior spinal element with displacement of spinal canalRecommended.
Fracture: posterior spinal element with no displacement:
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineFracture posterior spinal elementRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingFracture posterior spinal elementRecommended.
Computerized tomographyFracture posterior spinal elementRecommended.
Fracture: spinous process:
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineSpinous process fractureRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingSpinous process fractureRecommended.
Computerized tomographySpinous process fractureRecommended.
Fracture: Transverse process:
Lumbar sacral spineTransverse process fractureRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingTransverse process fractureRecommended.
Computerized tomographyTransverse process fractureRecommended.
Intervertebral disc disorder:
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineSignificant disc degenerationRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant disc degenerationRecommended.
Computerized tomographySignificant disc degenerationRecommended.
MyelogramSignificant disc degenerationRecommended.
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of back pain under medical treatment for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of back pain unresponsive to therapy for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of back pain with functional limitations for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Lumbosacral neuritis:
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of neural compressionRecommended.
ElectromyographyDefinite denervationRecommended.
Nerve conduction velocityDefinite slowingRecommended.
Physical examination—atrophyAtrophy in affected limb with 2 cm difference between limbsRecommended.
Physical examination: straight leg raisePositive straight leg raiseRecommended.
Sensory examinationLoss of sensation in affected dermatomesRecommended.
Medical historyHistory of radicular painHighly recommended.
Computerized tomographyEvidence of neural compressionRecommended.
Lumbar spinal stenosis:
Computerized tomographySignificant narrowing: spinal cord canal or intervertebral foramenRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant narrowing: spinal cord canal or intervertebral foramenRecommended.
MyelogramSignificant narrowing: spinal cord canal or intervertebral foramenRecommended.
Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device:
Medical record reviewDocumentation of failure of implant following surgical procedureHighly recommended.
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineEvidence of significant osteomalaciaRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of significant osteomalaciaRecommended.
Computerized tomographyEvidence of significant osteomalaciaRecommended.
Osteomyelitis, chronic-lumbar:
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineEvidence of chronic infectionRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of chronic infectionRecommended.
Computerized tomographyEvidence of chronic infectionRecommended.
Computerized tomographySignificant bone density lossRecommended.
Dual photon absorptiometrySignificant bone density lossRecommended.
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineSignificant bone density lossRecommended.
Post laminectomy syndrome with radiculopathy:
Medical record review: lumbarDocumented surgical history of laminectomyHighly recommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of laminectomyRecommended.
ElectromyographyDefinite denervationRecommended.
Nerve conduction velocityDefinite slowingRecommended.
Physical examination—atrophyAtrophy in affected limb with 2 cm difference between limbsRecommended.
Physical examination: straight leg raisePositive straight leg raiseRecommended.
Sensory examinationLoss of sensation in affected dermatomesRecommended.
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of radicular painHighly recommended.
Computerized tomographyEvidence of laminectomyRecommended.
MyelogramEvidence of laminectomyRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of neural compressionRecommended.
ElectromyographyDefinite denervationRecommended.
Nerve conduction velocityDefinite slowingRecommended.
Physical examination—atrophyAtrophy in affected limb with 2 cm difference between limbsRecommended.
Physical examination: straight leg raisePositive straight leg raiseRecommended.
Sensory examinationLoss of sensation in affected dermatomesRecommended.
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of radicular painHighly recommended.
Computerized tomographyEvidence of neural compressionRecommended.
MyelogramEvidence of neural compressionRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of neural compressionRecommended.
ElectromyographyDefinite denervationRecommended.
Nerve conduction velocityDefinite slowingRecommended.
Physical examination—atrophyAtrophy in affected limb with 2 cm difference between limbsRecommended.
Physical examination: straight leg raisePositive straight leg raiseRecommended.
Sensory examinationLoss of sensation in affected dermatomesRecommended.
Medical historyHistory of radicular painHighly recommended.
Computerized tomographyEvidence of neural compressionRecommended.
MyelogramEvidence of neural compressionRecommended.
Strains and sprains, unspecified:
Medical record reviewHistory of back pain under medical treatment for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewHistory of back pain unresponsive to therapy for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewHistory of back pain with functional limitations for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewDocumented history of strain and/or sprainHighly recommended.
Spondylolisthesis grade 1:
X-ray-lumbar sacral spine1-25% slippageRecommended.
Computerized tomography1-25% slippageRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imaging1-25% slippageRecommended.
Spondylolisthesis grade 2:
X-ray-lumbar sacral spine26-50% slippageRecommended.
Computerized tomography26-50% slippageRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imaging26-50% slippageRecommended.
Spondylolisthesis grade 3:
X-ray-lumbar sacral spine51-75% slippageRecommended.
Computerized tomography51-75% slippageRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imaging51-75% slippageRecommended.
Spondylolisthesis grade 4:
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineComplete slippageRecommended.
Computerized tomographyComplete slippageRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingComplete slippageRecommended.
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineSlippageRecommended.
Computerized tomographySlippageRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingSlippageRecommended.
X-ray-lumbar sacral spineDefect—pars interarticularisRecommended.
Computerized tomographyDefect—pars interarticularisRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingDefect—pars interarticularisRecommended.
Sprains and strains, sacral:
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of back pain under medical treatment for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of back pain unresponsive to therapy for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of back with functional limitations for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record review: lumbarDocumented history of strain and/or sprainHighly recommended.
Sprains and strains, sacroiliac:
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of back pain under medical treatment for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of back pain unresponsive to therapy for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record review: lumbarHistory of back pain with functional limitations for at least 1 yearHighly recommended.
Medical record review: lumbarDocumented history of strain and/or sprainHighly recommended.
Disability test Test result Disability classification
Ankylosing spondylitis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Backache, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Chronic back pain, not otherwise specified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Cauda equina syndrome with bowel or bladder dysfunction:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves < L1D
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves < L1D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Degeneration of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Displacement of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: vertebral body:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with no displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: spinous process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture transverse process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Intervertebral disc disorder:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Lumbosacral neuritis:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
Lumbar spinal stenosis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographySignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
MyelogramSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Osteomyelitis, chronic-lumbar:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Medical record reviewFrequent flare-ups with objective findingsD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Post laminectomy syndrome with radiculopathy:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Strains and sprains, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 1:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Spondylolisthesis grade 2:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 3:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 4:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Sprains and strains, sacral:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Sprains and strains, sacroiliac:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Vertebral body compression fracture:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Cauda equina syndrome with bowel or bladder dysfunction:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Ankylosing spondylitis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Backache, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Chronic back pain, not otherwise specified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Cauda equina syndrome with bowel or bladder dysfunction:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyeolgramDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Degeneration of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Displacement of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: vertebral body:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with no displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: spinous process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture transverse process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Intervertebral disc disorder:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Lumbosacral neuritis:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
Lumbar spinal stenosis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographySignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
MyelogramSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Osteomyelitis, chronic-lumbar:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Medical record reviewFrequent flare-ups with objective findingsD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Post laminectomy syndrome with radiculopathy:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Strains and sprains, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 1:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Spondylolisthesis grade 2:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 3:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminshed by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 4:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Sprains and strains, sacral:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminshed by 50%D
Sprains and strains, sacroiliac:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Vertebral body compression fracture:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminshed by 50%D
Ankylosing spondylitis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Backache, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Chronic back pain, not otherwise specified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Cauda equina syndrome with bowel or bladder dysfunction:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Degeneration of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Displacement of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: vertebral body:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with no displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: spinous process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture transverse process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Intervertebral disc disorder:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Lumbosacral neuritis:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
Lumbar spinal stenosis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographySignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
MyelogramSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Osteomyelitis, chronic-lumbar:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Medical record reviewFrequent flare-ups with objective findingsD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Post laminectomy syndrome with radiculopathy:
Muscle strength assessmentLifing capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Strains and sprains, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 1:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Spondylolisthesis grade 2:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 3:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 4:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Sprains and strains, sacral:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Sprains and strains, sacroiliac:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Vertebral body compression fracture:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Ankylosing spondylitis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Backache, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Chronic back pain, not otherwise specified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifing capacity diminished by 50%D
Cauda equina syndrome with bowel or bladder dysfunction:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Degeneration of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Displacement of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: vertebral body:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with no displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: spinous process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture transverse process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Intervertebral disc disorder:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Lumbosacral neuritis:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
Lumbar spinal stenosis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographySignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
MyelogramSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Physcial examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Osteomyelitis, chronic-lumbar:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Medical record reviewFrequent flare-ups with objective findingsD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Post laminectomy syndrome with radiculopathy:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Strains and sprains, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 1:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Spondylolisthesis grade 2:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 3:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 4:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Sprains and strains, sacral:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Sprains and strains, sacroiliac:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Vetebral body compression fracture:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%
Ankylosing spondylitis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Backache, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Chronic back pain, not otherwise specified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Cauda equina syndrome with bowel or bladder dysfunction:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Degeneration of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Displacement of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: vertebral body:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with no displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: spinous process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture transverse process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Intervertebral disc disorder:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Lumbosacral neuritis:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
Lumbar spinal stenosis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographySignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
MyelogramSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Osteomyelitis, chronic-lumbar:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Medical record reviewFrequent flare-ups with objective findingsD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Post laminectomy syndrome with radiculopathy:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Strains and sprains, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade I:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Spondylolisthesis grade 2:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 3:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 4:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Sprains and strains, sacral:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Sprains and strains, sacroiliac:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Vertebral body compression fracture:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Ankylosing spondylitis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Backache, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Chronic back pain, not otherwise specified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Cauda equina syndrome with bowel or bladder dysfunction:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingement, nerves <L1D
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Degeneration of lumbar disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Displacement of lumber disc:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: vertebral body:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: posterior spinal element with no displacement:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture: spinous process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Fracture transverse process:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Intervertebral disc disorder:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Lumbosacral neuritis:
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Physical examinationLower extremity weaknessD
Lumbar spinal stenosis:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographySignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
MyelogramSignificant narrowing of the spinal canalD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Osteomyelitis, chronic-lumbar:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Medical record reviewFrequent flare-ups with objective findingsD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Post laminectomy syndrome with radiculopathy:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Computerized tomographyDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Magnetic resonance imagingDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
MyelogramDisc extrusion with neural impingementD
Physical examinationSignificant lower extremity weaknessD
Strains and sprains, unspecified:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 1:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Spondylolisthesis grade 2:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 3:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Spondylolisthesis grade 4:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
X-ray flexion/extensionSegmental instabilityD
Sprains and strains, sacral:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Sprains and strains, sacroiliac:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D
Vertebral body compression fracture:
Muscle strength assessmentLifting capacity diminished by 50%D

F. Cervical Spine

Confirmatory test Minimum result Requirements
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
Physical examination: cervicalEvidence of myelopathyHighly recommended.
MyelogramEvidence of neurogenic compressionRecommended.
Computerized axial tomographyEvidence of neurogenic compressionRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of neurogenic compressionRecommended.
Chronic herniated disc:
X-ray: cervical spineEvidence of significant disc degenerationRecommended.
MyelogramEvidence of significant disc degenerationRecommended.
Computerized axial tomographyEvidence of significant disc degenerationRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of significant disc degenerationRecommended.
Cervical spondylolysis:
X-ray: cervical spineEvidence of significant disc degenerationRecommended.
Computerized axial tomographyEvidence of significant disc degenerationRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of significant disc degenerationRecommended.
Cervical intervertebral disc degeneration:
X-ray: cervical spineEvidence of significant disc degenerationRecommended.
MyelogramEvidence of significant disc degenerationRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of significant disc degenerationRecommended.
Fracture: posterior element with spinal canal displacement:
X-ray: cervical spineFractured posterior element with canal displacementRecommended.
Computerized axial tomographyFractured posterior element with canal displacementRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingFractured posterior element with canal displacementRecommended.
Fracture: transverse, spinous or posterior process:
X-ray: cervical spineFracture of relevant partRecommended.
Computerized axial tomographyFracture of relevant partRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingFracture of relevant partRecommended.
Osteoarthritis, cervical:
X-ray: cervical spineEvidence of extensive disc degenerationRecommended.
Computerized axial tomographyEvidence of extensive disc degenerationRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of extensive disc degenerationRecommended.
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Medical records: cervicalConfirmed surgical historyHighly recommended.
Medical records: cervicalContinued pain post-surgeryHighly recommended.
Medical records: cervicalHistory of radicular painHighly recommended.
Physical examination: armLoss of reflexes in affected dermatomesRecommended.
Physical examination: armEvidence of atrophy >2 cmRecommended.
ElectromyographyDefinite denervation in muscle of affected nerve rootRecommended.
MyelogramEvidence of neurogenic compressionRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingCompression of spinal nervesRecommended.
Computerized axial tomographyCompression of spinal nervesRecommended.
Rheumatoid arthritis, cervical:
Rheumatoid factor (blood test)Titer of rheumatoid factorRecommended.
X-ray: cervical spineRheumatoid changes of spineHighly recommended.
Medical records review: cervicalConfirmation by rheumatologist or internistHighly recommended.
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
Physical examination: cervicalEvidence of myelopathyHighly recommended.
Computerized axial tomographyEvidence of neurogenic compressionRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of neurogenic compressionRecommended.
MyelogramEvidence of neurogenic compressionRecommended.
Disability test Test result Disability classification
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter tone
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Chronic herniated disc:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical spondylolysis:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical intervertebral disc degeneration:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Fracture: posterior element with spinal canal displacement:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical radiculopathy:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Chronic herniated disc:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical spondylolysis:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical intervertebral disc degeneration:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Fracture: posterior element with spinal canal displacement:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical radiculopathy:
Physical examination:Multi-level neurologic compromiseD
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Chronic herniated disc:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical spondylolysis:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical intervertebral disc degeneration:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Fracture: posterior element with spinal canal displacement:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical radiculopathy:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Chronic herniated disc:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical spondylolysis:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical intervertebral disc degeneration:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Fracture: posterior element with spinal canal displacement:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical radiculopathy:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Chronic herniated disc:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical spondyloysis:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical intervertebral disc degeneration:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Fracture: posterior element with spinal canal displacement:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical radiculopathy:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Chronic herniated disc:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical spondylolysis:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical intervertebral disc degeneration:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Fracture: posterior element with spinal canal displacement:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical radiculopathy:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Chronic herniated disc:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical spondylolysis:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical intervertebral disc degeneration:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Fracture: posterior element with spinal canal displacement:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Post laminectomy syndrome:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Cervical radiculopathy:
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
Computerized axial tomographySignificant spinal cord pressureD
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant spinal cord pressureD
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
MyelogramSignificant spinal cord pressureD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Physical examinationMulti-level neurologic compromiseD
Physical examination: lower limbLower extremity weakness or significant spasticityD
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Cervical disc disease with myelopathy:
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD
Spondylogenic compression of spinal cord:
CystometrogramImpaired bladder functionD
Physical examination: rectalImpairment of sphincter toneD

G. Shoulder and Elbow

Confirmatory test Minimum result Requirements.
Arthritis, acromioclavicular:
X-ray: shoulderSignificant degenerative changes of jointRecommended.
Computerized tomographySignificant degenerative changes of jointRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant degenerative changes of jointRecommended.
Arthritis, glenohumeral:
X-ray: shoulderSignificant degenerative changes of jointRecommended.
Computerized tomographySignificant degenerative changes of jointRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingSignificant degenerative changes of jointRecommended.
Rotator cuff tear:
Computerized tomographyTear of rotator cuffRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingTear of rotator cuffRecommended.
Medical diagnosis leading to a permanent functional limitation of the elbow:
Medical record reviewCondition with permanent functional limitationHighly recommended.
X-ray: elbowImaging confirmation of functional diagnosisRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingImaging confirmation of functional diagnosisRecommended.
Disability test Test result Disability classification
Arthritis, acromioclavicular:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Arthritis, glenohumeral:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Rotator cuff tear:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Permanent functional limitation, elbow:
Physical examination>40 degrees deviationD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion limit to 60 degreesD
Arthritis, acromioclavicular:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Arthritis, glenohumeral:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Rotator cuff tear:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of moiton<40 degrees abductionD
Permanent functional limitation, elbow:
Physical examination>40 degrees deviationD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion limit to 60 degreesD
Arthritis, acromioclavicular:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Arthritis, glenohumeral:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Rotator cuff tear:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Permanent functional limitation, elbow:
Physical examination>40 degrees deviationD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion limit to 60 degreesD
Arthritis, acromioclavicular:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Arthritis, glenohumeral:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Rotator cuff tear:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Permanent functional limitation, elbow:
Physical examination>40 degrees deviationD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion limit to 60 degreesD
Arthritis, acromioclavicular:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Arthritis, glenohumeral:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Rotator cuff tear:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Permanent functional limitation, elbow:
Physical examination>40 degrees deviationD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion limit to 60 degreesD
Arthritis, acromioclavicular:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Arthritis, glenohumeral:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Rotator cuff tear:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Permanent functional limitation, elbow:
Physical examination>40 degrees deviationD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion limit to 60 degreesD
Arthritis, acromioclavicular:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Arthritis, glenohumeral:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Rotator cuff tear:
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<40 degrees abductionD
Permanent functional limitation, elbow:
Physical examination>40 degrees deviationD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion limit to 60 degreesD

H. Hand and Arm

Confirmatory test Minimum result Requirements
Carpal tunnel syndrome:
Medical record reviewPain, paresthesia and weakness in distribution median nerveHighly recommended.
Nerve conduction testingDefinite median nerve conduction slowing at wristHighly recommended.
ElectromyographyDenervation in severe casesRecommended.
Fracture: wrist:
X-ray: wristEvidence of fractureHighly recommended.
Hand: permanent functional limitation:
Medical record reviewDocumentation of medical condition for permanent limitationHighly recommended.
Physical examinationDefinite reproducible evidence of limitationHighly recommended.
Imaging study (e.g. X-ray, CAT, MRI)Positive confirmation of underlying conditionHighly recommended.
Rheumatoid arthritis: hand:
Rheumatoid factorTiter of rheumatoid factorRecommended.
Medical record reviewHistory of objective findings including serological studiesHighly recommended.
X-ray: handCharacteristic rheumatoid changesHighly recommended.
Medical record reviewHistory of chronic tenosynovitis and objective findingsHighly recommended.
Physical examinationDefinite evidence of tenosynovitisHighly recommended.
Thumb: Permanent functional limitation:
Medical record reviewDocumentation of medical condition for permanent limitationHighly recommended.
Physical examinationDefinite reproducible evidence of limitationHighly recommended.
Imaging study (X-ray, CAT, MRI)Positive confirmation of underlying conditionHighly recommended.
Wrist: Permanent functional limitation:
Medical record reviewDocumentation of medical condition for permanent limitationHighly recommended.
Physical examinationDefinite reproducible evidence of limitationHighly recommended.
Imaging study (e.g. X-ray, CAT, MRI)Positive confirmation of underlying conditionHighly recommended.
Disability test Test result Disability classification
Fracture, wrist:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Rheumatoid arthritis hand:
Physical examinationSignificant deformityD
Medical record reviewSignificant flare-ups, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Medical record reviewExtensive medication use, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Thumb: permanent functional limitation:
Adduction of thumbLoss ≤4 cmD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<20 degrees extensionD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<40 degrees flexionD
Loss of extension or flexionMCP or PIP: maximum flexion <40 degreesD
OppositionLoss ≤4 cmD
Wrist: permanent functional limitation:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Fracture, wrist:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension-limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion-limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Rheumatoid arthritis hand:
Physical examinationSignificant deformityD
Medical record reviewSignificant flare-ups, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Medical record reviewExtensive medication use, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Thumb: permanent functional limitation:
Adduction of thumbLoss ≤4 cmD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<20 degrees extensionD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<40 degrees flexionD
Loss of extension or flexionMCP or PIP: maximum flexion <40 degreesD
OppositionLoss ≤4 cmD
Wrist: permanent functional limitation:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Fracture, wrist:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Rheumatoid arthritis hand:
Physical examinationSignificant deformityD
Medical record reviewSignificant flare-ups, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Medical record reviewExtensive medication use, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Thumb: permanent functional limitation:
Adduction of thumbLoss ≤4 cmD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<20 degrees extensionD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<40 degrees flexionD
Loss of extension or flexionMCP or PIP: maximum flexion <40 degreesD
OppositionLoss ≤4 cmD
Wrist: permanent functional limitation:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Fracture, wrist:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Rheumatoid arthritis hand:
Physical examinationSignificant deformityD
Medical record reviewSignificant flare-ups, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Medical record reviewExtensive medication use, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Thumb: permanent functional limitation:
Adduction of thumb:Loss ≤4 cmD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<20 degrees extensionD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<40 degrees flexionD
Loss of extension or flexionMCP of PIP: maximum flexion <40 degreesD
OppositionLoss ≤4 cmD
Wrist: permanent functional limitation:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Fracture, wrist:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Rheumatoid arthritis hand:
Physical examinationSignificant deformityD
Medical record reviewSignificant flare-ups, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Medical record reviewExtensive medication use, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Thumb: permanent functional limitation:
Adduction of thumbLoss ≤4 cmD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<20 degrees extensionD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<40 degrees flexionD
Loss of extension or flexionMCP or PIP: maximum flexion <40 degreesD
OppositionLoss ≤4 cmD
Wrist: permanent functional limitation:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Fracture, wrist:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Rheumatoid arthritis hand:
Physical examinationSignificant deformityD
Medical record reviewSignificant flare-ups, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Medical record reviewExtensive medication use, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Thumb: permanent functional limitation:
Adduction of thumbLoss ≤4 cmD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<20 degrees extensionD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<40 degrees flexionD
Loss of extension or flexionMCP or PIP: maximum flexion <40 degreesD
OppositionLoss ≤4 cmD
Wrist: permanent functional limitation:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Fracture, wrist:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Rheumatoid arthritis hand:
Physical examinationSignificant deformityD
Medical record reviewSignificant flare-ups, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Medical record reviewExtensive medication use, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Thumb: permanent functional limitation:
Adduction of thumbLoss ≤4 cmD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<20 degrees extensionD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<40 degrees flexionD
Loss of extension or flexionMCP or PIP: maximum flexion <40 degreesD
OppositionLoss ≤4 cmD
Wrist: permanent functional limitation:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Fracture, wrist:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Rheumatoid arthritis hand:
Physical examinationSignificant deformityD
Medical record reviewSignificant flare-ups, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Medical record reviewExtensive medication use, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Thumb: permanent functional limitation:
Adduction of thumbLoss ≤4 cmD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<20 degrees extensionD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<40 degrees flexionD
Loss of extension or flexionMCP or PIP: maximum flexion <40 degreesD
OppositionLoss ≤4 cmD
Wrist: permanent functional limitation:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Fracture, wrist:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Rheumatoid arthritis hand:
Physical examinationSignificant deformityD
Medical record reviewSignificant flare-ups, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Medical record reviewExtensive medication use, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Thumb: permanent functional limitation:
Adduction of thumbLoss ≤4 cmD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<20 degrees extensionD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<40 degrees flexionD
Loss of extension or flexionMCP or PIP: maximum flexion <40 degreesD
OppositionLoss ≤4 cmD
Wrist: permanent functional limitation:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Fracture, wrist:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD
Rheumatoid arthritis hand:
Physical examinationSignificant deformityD
Medical record reviewSignificant flare-ups, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Medical record reviewExtensive medication use, under treatment with rheumatologistD
Thumb: permanent functional limitation:
Adduction of thumbLoss ≤4 cmD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<20 degree extensionD
Ankylosis: degree from neutral<40 degree flexionD
Loss of extension or flexionMCP or PIP: maximum flexion <40 degreesD
OppositionLoss ≤4 cmD
Wrist: permanent functional limitation:
Physical examination—range of motionExtension—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion—limit to 30 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis: >20 degrees from neutralD

I. Hip

Confirmatory test Minimum result Requirements
Ankylosis, hip:
X-ray: hipExtreme joint destructionHighly Recommended.
Physical examination—range of motionNo mobilityHighly Recommended.
Osteoarthritis, hip:
X-ray: hip<4 mm joint space, or other positive evidenceRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imaging<4 mm joint space, or other positive evidenceRecommended.
Computerized axial tomography<4 mm joint space, or other positive evidenceRecommended.
Osteomyelitis, hip:
X-ray: hipEvidence of chronic infectionRecommended.
Computerized axial tomographyEvidence of chronic infectionRecommended.
Paget's disease:
X-ray: hipOsteolytic or blastic lesionsHighly Recommended.
Alkaline phosphataseIncreased up to 50 timesHighly Recommended.
Hip replacement surgery:
X-ray: hipEvidence of artificial hipRecommended.
Medical record reviewDocumentation of prior hip replacementRecommended.
Disability test Test result Disability classification
Ankylosis, hip:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis 5 degrees or >flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis internal rotation >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis external rotation >10 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in abduction >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in adduction >5 degreesD
Osteoarthritis, hip:
X-ray: hip0 mm cartilage intervalD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Osteomyelitis, chronic hip:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Medical record reviewDocumented occurrence of recurring infections with treatmentD
Paget's disease:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Hip replacement surgery:
X-ray: hipEvidence of artificial hip jointD
Medical record reviewDocumentation of prior hip replacementD
Ankylosis, hip:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis 5 degrees or >flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis internal rotation >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis external rotation >10 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in abduction >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in adduction >5 degreesD
Osteoarthritis, hip:
X-ray: hip0 mm cartilage intervalD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Osteomyelitis, chronic hip:
X-ray: hipSignficant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Medical record reviewDocumented occurrence of recurring infections with treatmentD
Paget's disease:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Hip replacement surgery:
X-ray: hipEvidence of artificial hip jointD
Medical record reviewDocumentation of prior hip replacementD
Ankylosis, hip:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis 5 degrees or >flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis internal rotation >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis external rotation >10 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in abduction >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in adduction >5 degreesD
Osteoarthritis, hip:
X-ray: hip0 mm cartilage intervalD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Osteomyelitis, chronic hip:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Medical record reviewDocumented occurrence of recurring infections with treatmentD
Paget's disease:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Hip replacement surgery:
X-ray: hipEvidence of artificial hip jointD
Medical record reviewDocumentation of prior hip replacementD
Ankylosis, hip:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis 5 degrees or >flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis internal rotation >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis external rotation >10 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in abduction >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in adduction >5 degreesD
Osteoarthritis, hip:
X-ray: hip0 mm cartilage intervalD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Osteomyelitis, chronic hip:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Medical record reviewDocumented occurrence of recurring infections with treatmentD
Paget's disease:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Hip replacement surgery:
X-ray: hipEvidence of artificial hip jointD
Medical record reviewDocumentation of prior hip replacementD
Ankylosis, hip:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis 5 degrees or >flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis internal rotation >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis external rotation >10 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in abduction >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in adduction >5 degreesD
Osteoarthritis, hip:
X-ray: hip0 mm cartilage intervalD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Osteomyelitis, chronic hip:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Medical record reviewDocumented occurrence of recurring infections with treatmentD
Paget's disease:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Hip replacement surgery:
X-ray: hipEvidence of artificial hip jointD
Medical record reviewDocumentation of prior hip replacementD
Ankylosis, hip:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis 5 degrees or >flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis internal rotation >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis external rotation >10 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in abduction >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in adduction >5 degreesD
Osteoarthritis, hip:
X-ray: hip0 mm cartilage intervalD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Osteomyelitis, chronic hip:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Medical record reviewDocumented occurrence of recurring infections with treatmentD
Paget's disease:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abudctionD
Hip replacement surgery:
X-ray: hipEvidence of artificial hip jointD
Medical record reviewDocumentation of prior hip replacementD
Ankylosis, hip:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis 5 degrees of >flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis internal rotation >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis external rotation >10 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in abduction >5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in adduction >5 degreesD
Osteoarthritis, hip:
X-ray: hip0 mm cartilage intervalD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Osteomyelitis, chronic hip:
X-ray: hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Medical record reviewDocumented occurrence of recurring infections with treatmentD
Paget's disease:
X-ray; hipSignificant joint destructionD
Physical examination—range of motion30 degrees flexion contractureD
Physical examination—range of motion<50 degrees flexionD
Physical examination—range of motion<5 degrees abductionD
Hip replacement surgery:
X-ray: hipEvidence of artificial hip jointD
Medical record reviewDocumentation of prior hip replacementD

J. Knee

Confirmatory test Minimum result Requirements
Arthritis: knee:
X-ray: kneeEvidence of significant degenerative changesRecommended.
Collateral ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination: kneeEvidence of ligamentous laxityHighly Recommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of ligamentous tearRecommended.
Cruciate and collateral ligament tear with laxity:
Magnetic resonance imagingTear of both ligamentsRecommended.
Physical examinationEvidence of ligamentous laxityHighly Recommended.
Medical record reviewDocumentation of tear by arthroscopyRecommended.
Cruciate ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination: kneeEvidence of ligamentous laxityHighly Recommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of cruciate tearRecommended.
Medical record reviewDocumentation of tear by arthroscopyRecommended.
Intercondylar fracture:
X-ray: kneeEvidence of fractureHighly Recommended.
Osteomyelitis: knee:
Medical record reviewDocumented history of osteomyelitis requiring treatmentHighly Recommended.
X-ray: kneeEvidence of chronic infectionRecommended.
Computerized tomographyEvidence of chronic infectionRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of chronic infectionRecommended.
X-ray: kneeNecrosis of femoral condyle or tibial plateauRecommended.
Computerized tomographyNecrosis of femoral condyle or tibial plateauRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingNecrosis of femoral condyle or tibial plateauRecommended.
Patellofemoral arthritis:
X-ray: kneeEvidence of arthritisRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of arthritisRecommended.
Physical examinationCrepitation with movementHighly Recommended.
Patellar fracture nonunion with displacement:
X-ray: kneeNonunion and displacementRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingNonunion and displacementRecommended.
Computerized tomographyNonunion and displacementRecommended.
Plateau fracture:
X-ray: kneeEvidence of fractureRecommended.
Computerized tomographyEvidence of fractureRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of fractureRecommended.
Meniscectomy—medial or lateral:
Medical record reviewHistory of surgeryHighly Recommended.
Physical examination: kneeAbsent patellaHighly Recommended.
Medical record reviewHistory of recurrent subluxationHighly Recommended.
Supracondylar fracture:
X-ray: kneeEvidence of fractureRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of fractureRecommended.
Computerized tomographyEvidence of fractureRecommended.
Total knee replacement:
X-ray: kneePresence of replacement kneeRecommended.
Medical record reviewDocumented surgical historyRecommended.
Tibial shaft fracture:
X-ray: legFracture of shaftRecommended.
Magnetic resonance imagingEvidence of fractureRecommended.
Computerized tomographyEvidence of fractureRecommended.
Disability test Test result Disability classification
Arthritis knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Meniscectomy, medial or lateral:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or >degrees)D
Collateral ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate and collateral ligament tear:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Intercondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Osteomyelitis, chronic knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
Medical record reviewFrequent episodes of infection requiring treatmentD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellofemoral arthritis:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee: patello femoral joint0 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellar fracture nonunion with displacement:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
X-ray kneeNonunion and >3 mm displacementD
Plateau fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Patellar, subluxation, recurrent:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Supracondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Tibial shaft fracture:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees malalignmentD
Arthritis knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Meniscectomy, medial or lateral:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Collateral ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate and collateral ligament tear:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Intercondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Osteomyelitis, chronic knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
Medical record reviewFrequent episodes of infection requiring treatmentD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellofemoral arthritis:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee: patello femoral joint0 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellar fracture nonunion with displacement:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
X-ray kneeNonunion and >3 mm displacementD
Plateau fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Patellar, subluxation, recurrent:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Supracondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Tibial shaft fracture:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees malalignmentD
Arthritis knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Meniscectomy, medial or lateral:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Collateral ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate and collateral ligament tear:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Intercondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Osteomyelitis, chronic knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
Medical record reviewFrequent episodes of infection requiring treatmentD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellofemoral arthritis:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee: patello femoral joint0 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellar fracture nonunion with displacement:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
X-ray kneeNonunion and >3 mm displacementD
Plateau fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Patellar, subluxation, recurrent:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Supracondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Tibial shaft fracture:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees malalignmentD
Arthritis knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Meniscectomy, medial or lateral:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Collateral ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate and collateral ligament tear:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Intercondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Osteomyelitis, chronic knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
Medical record reviewFrequent episodes of infection requiring treatmentD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellofemoral arthritis:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee: patello femoral joint0 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellar fracture nonunion with displacement:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
X-ray kneeNonunion and >3 mm displacementD
Plateau fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Patellar, subluxation, recurrent:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Supracondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Tibial shaft fracture:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees malalignmentD
Arthritis knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Meniscectomy, medial or lateral:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Collateral ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate and collateral ligament tear:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Intercondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degree angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Osteomyelitis, chronic knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
Medical record reviewFrequent episodes of infection requiring treatmentD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellofemoral arthritis:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee: patello femoral joint0 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellar fracture nonunion with displacement:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
X-ray kneeNonunion and >3 mm displacementD
Plateau fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Patellar, subluxation, recurrent:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Supracondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Tibial shaft fracture:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees malalignmentD
Arthritis knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Meniscectomy, medial or lateral:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Collateral ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate and collateral ligament tear:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Intercondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Osteomyelitis, chronic knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
Medical record reviewFrequent episodes of infection requiring treatmentD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellofemoral arthritis:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellar fracture nonunion with displacement:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
X-ray kneeNonunion and >3 mm displacementD
Plateau fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Patellar, subluxation, recurrent:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Supracondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Tibial shaft fracture:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees malalignmentD
Arthritis knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Meniscectomy, medial or lateral:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Collateral ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate and collateral ligament tear:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Cruciate ligament tear with laxity:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Intercondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Osteomyelitis, chronic knee:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
Medical record reviewFrequent episodes of infection requiring treatmentD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee0-1 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellofemoral arthritis:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examinationValgus deformity, 16-20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity, 8-12 degreesD
X-ray knee: patellofemoral joint0 mm cartilage interval with degenerative changeD
Patellar fracture nonunion with displacement:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
X-ray kneeNonunion and >3 mm displacementD
Plateau fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Patellar, subluxation, recurrent:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Supracondylar fracture:
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees angulationD
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Tibial shaft fracture:
Physical examination—range of motionRange of motion: flexion <60 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionFlexion contracture (20 or > degrees)D
Post fracture angulation>20 degrees malalignmentD

K. Ankle and Foot

Confirmatory test Minimum result Requirements
Ankle fracture:
Medical record reviewDocumented history of ankle fractureRecommended.
X-ray: ankleAnkle fractureHighly recommended.
Ankylosis, ankle:
X-ray: ankleExtensive joint destructionHighly recommended.
Physical examinationNo mobilityHighly recommended.
Arthritis, subtalar joint:
X-ray: ankleEvidence of significant arthritis: subtalar jointHighly recommended.
Arthritis, talonavicular joint:
X-ray: ankleSignificant arthritis: talonavicular jointHighly recommended.
Achilles tendon rupture:
Medical record reviewDocumentation of achilles tendon ruptureHighly recommended.
Physical examinationRupture of achilles tendonHighly recommended.
Arthritis, ankle:
X-ray: ankleSignificant arthritisHighly recommended.
Hindfoot fracture:
X-ray: foot and ankleDocumentation of fractureHighly recommended.
Rheumatoid arthritis, foot:
Medical HistoryDocumented history of conditionHighly recommended.
X-ray: footSignificant arthritisHighly recommended.
Disability test Test result Disability classification
Ankle fracture:
X-ray: ankleDisplaced intra-articular fractureD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Ankylosis, ankle:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree or ≤ dorsiflexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree plantar flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in int or ext malrotation >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in varus 10 or more degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in valgus 10 or more degreesD
Arthritis, subtalar joint (hindfoot):
X-ray: ankle—subtalar jointSubtalar joint space 0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Arthritis, talonavicular joint (hindfoot):
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
X-ray: ankle—talonavicular jointTalonavicular joint space 0 mmD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Achilles tendon rupture:
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability, <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture, 20 degreesD
Arthritis, ankle:
X-ray: ankle0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability, <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture, 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Hindfoot fracture:
X-ray: footCalcaneal fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
X-ray: footSubtalar fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Physical examinationValgus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Rheumatoid arthritis, foot:
X-ray: footSignificant degenerationD
Medical record reviewChronic flare-up with treatmentD
Ankle fracture:
X-ray: ankleDisplaced intra-articular fractureD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Ankylosis, ankle:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree or > dorsiflexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree plantar flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in int or ext malrotation >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in varus 10 or more degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in valgus 10 or more degreesD
Arthritis, subtalar joint (hindfoot):
X-ray: ankle—subtalar jointSubtalar joint space 0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Arthritis, talonavicular joint (hindfoot):
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
X-ray ankle—talonavicular jointTalonavicular joint space 0 mmD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Achilles tendon rupture:
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Arthritis, ankle:
X-ray: ankle0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Hindfoot fracture:
X-ray: footCalcaneal fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
X-ray: footSubtalar fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Physical examinationValgus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Rheumatoid arthritis, foot:
X-ray: footSignificant degenerationD
Medical record reviewChronic flare-up with treatmentD
Achilles tendon rupture:
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Arthritis, ankle:
X-ray: ankle0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Hindfoot fracture:
X-ray: footCalcaneal fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
X-ray: footSubtalar fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Physical examinationValgus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Rheumatoid arthritis, foot:
X-ray: footSignificant degenerationD
Medical record reviewChronic flare-up with treatmentD
Ankle fracture:
X-ray: ankleDisplaced intra-articular fractureD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Ankylosis, ankle:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree or > dorisiflexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree plantar flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylois in int or ext malrotation >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in varus 10 or more degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in valgus 10 or more degreesD
Arthritis, subtalar joint (hindfoot):
X-ray: ankle—subtalar jointSubtalar joint space 0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Arthritis, talonavicular joint (hindfoot):
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
X-ray: ankle—talonavicular jointTalonavicular joint space 0 mm0
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Achilles tendon rupture:
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Arthritis, ankle:
X-ray: ankle0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Hindfoot fracture:
X-ray: footCalcaneal fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
X-ray: footSubtalar fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Physical examinationValgus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Rheumatoid arthritis, foot:
X-ray: footSignificant degenerationD
Medical record reviewChronic flare—up with treatmentD
Ankle fracture:
X-ray: ankleDisplaced intra-articular fractureD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Ankylosis, ankle:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree or > dorsiflexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree plantar flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in int or ext malrotation >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in varus 10 or more degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in valgus 10 or more degreesD
Arthritis, subtalar joint (hindfoot):
X-ray: ankle—subtalar jointSubtalar joint space 0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Arthritis, talonavicular joint (hindfoot):
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
X-ray: ankle—talonavicular jointTalonavicular joint space 0 mmD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Achilles tendon rupture:
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Arthritis, ankle:
X-ray: ankle0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Hindfoot fracture:
X-ray: footCalcaneal fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
X-ray: footSubtalar fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Physical examinationValgus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Rheumatoid arthritis, foot:
X-ray: footSignificant degenerationD
Medical record reviewChronic flare-up with treatmentD
Ankle fracture:
X-ray: ankleDisplaced intra-articular fractureD
Physical examination—range of motionVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability ≤5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Ankylosis, ankle:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree or > dorsiflexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree plantar flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in int or ext malrotation >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in varus 10 or more degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in valgus 10 or more degreesD
Arthritis, subtalar joint (hindfoot):
X-ray: ankle—subtalar jointSubtalar joint space 0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Arthritis, talonavicular joint (hindfoot):
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
X-ray: angle—talonavicular jointTalonavicular joint space 0 mmD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Achilles tendon rupture:
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Arthritis, ankle:
X-ray: ankle0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Hindfoot fracture:
X-ray: footCalcaneal fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
X-ray: footSubtalar fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Physical examinationValgus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Rheumatoid arthritis, foot:
X-ray: footSignificant degenerationD
Medical record reviewChronic flare-up with treatmentD
Ankle fracture:
X-ray: ankleDisplaced intra-articular fractureD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Ankylosis, ankle:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree or > dorsiflexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree plantar flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in int or ext malrotation >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in varus 10 or more degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in valgus 10 or more degreesD
Arthritis, subtalar joint (hindfoot):
X-ray: ankle—subtalar jointSubtalar joint space 0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Arthritis, talonavicular joint (hindfoot):
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
X-ray: ankle—talonavicular jointTalonavicular joint space 0 mmD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Achilles tendon rupture:
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Arthritis, ankle:
X-ray: ankle0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity ≤15 degreesD
Hindfoot fracture:
X-ray: footCalcaneal fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
X-ray: footSubtalar fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Physical examinationValgus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Rheumatoid arthritis, foot:
X-ray: footSignificant degenerationD
Medical record reviewChronic flare-up with treatmentD
Ankle fracture:
X-ray: ankleDisplaced intra-articular fractureD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Ankylosis, ankle:
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree or > dorsiflexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in 20 degree plantar flexionD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in int or ext malrotation >15 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in varus 10 or more degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionAnkylosis in valgus 10 or more degreesD
Arthritis, subtalar joint (hindfoot):
X-ray: ankle—subtalar jointSubtalar joint space 0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Arthritis, talonavicular joint (hindfoot):
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
X-ray: ankle—talonavicular jointTalonavicular joint space 0 mmD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Achilles tendon rupture:
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Arthritis, ankle:
X-ray: ankle0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Hindfoot fracture:
X-ray: footCalcaneal fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
X-ray: footSubtalar fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Physical examinationValgus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Rheumatoid arthritis, foot:
X-ray: footSignificant degenerationD
Medical record reviewChronic flare-up with treatmentD
Disability test Test result Disability classification
Achilles tendon rupture:
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Arthritis, ankle:
X-ray: ankle0 mmD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion capability <5 degreesD
Physical examination—range of motionPlantar flexion contracture 20 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus deformity >15 degreesD
Hindfoot fracture:
X-ray: footCalcaneal fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
X-ray: footSubtalar fracture with Boehler angle <95 degreesD
Physical examinationVarus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Physical examinationValgus angulation >20 degrees (hindfoot)D
Rheumatoid arthritis, foot:
X-ray: footSignificant degenerationD
Medical record reviewChronic flare-up with treatmentD
Job Information Forms [63 FR 7543, Feb. 13, 1998]
source: 56 FR 12980, Mar. 28, 1991, unless otherwise noted.