Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 761.15 - Qualifying for funding.

(a) Qualifications for PHDEP funding—(1) Eligible applicants. The following are eligible applicants for PHDEP funding:

(i) A PHA;

(ii) An RMC; and

(iii) A consortium of PHAs.

(2) Preference PHAs. A PHA that successfully competed for PHDEP funding under at least one of the PHDEP NOFAs for FFY 1996, FFY 1997 or FFY 1998 qualifies to receive PHDEP funding.

(3) Needs qualification for funding. An eligible applicant that does not qualify to receive PHDEP funding under paragraph (a)(2) of this section must be in one of the following needs categories to qualify for funding:

(i) The eligible applicant must be in the top 50% of the unit-weighted distribution of an index of a rolling average rate of violent crimes of the community, as computed for each Federal Fiscal Year (FFY). The crime rate used in this needs determination formula is the rate, from the most recent years feasible, of FBI violent crimes per 10,000 residents of the community (or communities). If this information is not available for a particular applicant's community, HUD will use the average of data from recipients of a comparable State and size category of PHA (less than 500 units, 500 to 1249 units, and more than 1250 units). If fewer than five PHAs have data for a given size category within a State, then the average of PHAs for a given size category within the census region will be used; or

(ii) The eligible applicant must have qualified for PHDEP funding, by receiving an application score of 70 or more points under any one of the PHDEP NOFAs for FFY 1996, FFY 1997 or FFY 1998, but not have received an award because of the unavailability of funds.

(4) Consortium of eligible applicants. Eligible applicants may join together and form a consortium to apply for funding, whether or not each member would individually qualify for PHDEP funding under paragraphs (a)(2) or (a)(3) of this section. The act of two or more eligible applicants joining together to form a consortium, and identifying related crime problems and eligible activities to address those problems pursuant to a consortium PHDEP plan, qualifies the consortium for PHDEP funding of an amount as determined under § 761.13(a)(2).

(5) PHDEP plan requirement. (i) PHAs. Except as provided in paragraph (a)(5)(ii), below, of this section, to receive PHDEP funding, a PHA that qualifies to receive PHDEP funding for Federal Fiscal Year 2000 and beyond must include a PHDEP plan that meets the requirements of § 761.21 with its PHA Plan submitted pursuant to part 903 of this title for each Federal Fiscal Year for which it qualifies for funding.

(ii) To receive PHDEP funding, a PHA that qualifies to receive PHDEP funding and is operating under an executed Moving To Work (MTW) agreement with HUD must submit a PHDEP plan that meets the requirements of § 761.21 with its required MTW plan for each Federal Fiscal Year for which it qualifies for funding.

(iii) RMCs. To receive PHDEP funding, an RMC operating in an PHA that qualifies to receive PHDEP funding must submit a PHDEP plan for the units managed by the RMC that meets the requirements of § 761.21 to its PHA. Upon agreement between the RMC and PHA, the PHA must submit to HUD, with its PHA Plan submitted pursuant to part 903 of this title, the RMC's PHDEP plan. The RMC will implement its plan as a subrecipient of the PHA.

(iv) Consortia. To receive PHDEP funding, the consortium members must prepare and submit a consortium PHDEP plan that meets the requirements of § 761.21, including the additional requirements that apply to consortia. Each member must submit the consortium plan with its PHA plan, submitted pursuant to part 903 of this title, or IHP, submitted pursuant to subpart C of part 1000 of this title, as appropriate.

(6) An otherwise qualified recipient PHA, RMC or consortium may not be funded if HUD determines, on a case-by-case basis, that it does not meet the performance requirements of § 761.23.

(b) Qualifications for AHDEP funding. Under AHDEP, eligible applicants are owners of federally assisted low-income housing, as the term Federally assisted low-income housing is defined in § 761.10. Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) published in the Federal Register will contain specific information concerning funding requirements and eligible and ineligible applicants and activities.

[64 FR 49918, Sept. 14, 1999]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 11901
source: 61 FR 13987, Mar. 28, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 761.15