Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 761.23 - Grantee performance requirements.

(a) Basic grantee requirements—(1) Compliance with civil rights requirements. Grantees must be in compliance with all fair housing and civil rights laws, statutes, regulations, and executive orders as enumerated in 24 CFR 5.105(a). Federally recognized Indian tribes must comply with the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and the Indian Civil Rights Act.

(2) Adherence to the grant agreement. The grant agreement between HUD and the grantee incorporates the grantee's application and plan for the implementation of grant-funded activities.

(3) Compliance with “baseline” funding requirement. Grantees may not use grant funds to reimburse law enforcement agencies for “baseline” community safety services. Grantees must adhere to § 761.17(a)(2)(i), reimbursement of local law enforcement agencies for additional security and protective services. In addition, grantees must provide to HUD a description of the baseline of services for the unit of general local government in which the jurisdiction of the agency is located.

(4) Partnerships. Grantees must provide HUD with evidence of partnerships—in particular, firm commitments by organizations providing funding, services, or other in-kind resources for PHDEP-funded activities (e.g., memorandum of agreement, letter of firm commitment). The partnership agreement must cover the applicable funding period.

(5) MTCS reporting. Grantees must maintain a level of compliance with MTCS reporting requirements that is satisfactory to HUD.

(b) Planning and reporting requirements—(1) Planning consistency. PHDEP funded activities must be consistent with the most recent HUD-approved PHA Plan or Indian Housing Plan, as appropriate. AHDEP funded activities must be consistent with the most recent Consolidated Plan under part 91 of this title for the community.

(2) Demonstration of coordination with other law enforcement efforts. Each grantee must consult with local law enforcement authorities and other local entities in the preparation of its plan for addressing the problem of drug-related and violent crime under § 761.21 and must maintain documentation of such consultation. Furthermore, a grantee must coordinate its grant-funded activities with other anti-crime and anti-drug programs, such as Operation Safe Home, Operation Weed and Seed, and the Safe Neighborhoods Action Program operating in the community, if applicable and maintain documentation of such coordination.

(3) Compliance with reporting requirements. Grantees must provide periodic reports consistent with this part at such times and in such form as is required by HUD.

(4) Reporting on drug-related and violent crime. Grantees must report any change or lack of change in crime statistics—especially drug-related crime and violent crime—or other relevant indicators drawn from the applicant's or grantee's evaluation and monitoring plan, IHP or PHA Plan. The grantee must also indicate, if applicable, how it is adequately addressing any recommendations emanating from other anti-crime and anti-drug programs, such as Operation Safe Home, Operation Weed and Seed, and the Safe Neighborhoods Action Program, operating in the community and is taking appropriate actions, in view of available resources, such as post-enforcement measures, to take full advantage of these programs.

(c) Funding and evaluation requirements—(1) Timely obligation and expenditure of grant funds. The HA must obligate and expend funds in compliance with all funding notifications, regulations, notices, and grant agreements. In addition, the HA must obligate at least 50 percent of funds under a particular grant within 12 months of the execution of the grant agreement, and must expend at least 25 percent of funds under a particular grant within 12 months of the execution of the grant agreement.

(2) Operational monitoring and evaluation system. The grantee must demonstrate that it has a fully operational system for monitoring and evaluating its grant-funded activities. A monitoring and evaluation system must collect quantitative evidence of the number of persons and units served, including youth served as a separate category, types of services provided, and the impact of such services on the persons served. Also, the monitoring and evaluation system must collect quantitative and qualitative evidence of the impact of grant-funded activities on the public housing or other housing, the community and the surrounding neighborhood.

(3) Reduction of violent crime and drug use. The grantee must demonstrate that it has established, and is attaining, measurable goals including the overall reduction of violent crime and drug use.

(d) Other requirements. HUD reserves the right to add additional performance factors consistent with this rule and other related statutes and regulations on a case-by-case basis.

(e) Sanctions. A grantee that fails to satisfy the performance requirements of this section will be subject to the sanctions listed in § 761.30(f)(2).

[64 FR 49921, Sept. 14, 1999]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 11901
source: 61 FR 13987, Mar. 28, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 761.23