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Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 08, 2025
Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Feb 28, 2025
All Titles
Title 26
Chapter I
§ 1.1001-1 - Computation of gain or loss.
§ 1.1001-2 - Discharge of liabilities.
§ 1.1001-3 - Modifications of debt instruments.
§ 1.1001-4 - Modifications of certain derivative contracts.
§ 1.1001-5 - European Monetary Union (conversion to the euro).
§ 1.1001-6 - Transition from certain interbank offered rates.
§ 1.1001-7 - Computation of gain or loss for digital assets.
§ 1.1002-1 - Sales or exchanges.
§ 1.1011-1 - Adjusted basis.
§ 1.1011-2 - Bargain sale to a charitable organization.
§ 1.1012-1 - Basis of property.
§ 1.1012-2 - Transfers in part a sale and in part a gift.
§ 1.1013-1 - Property included in inventory.
§ 1.1014-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1014-1 - Basis of property acquired from a decedent.
§ 1.1014-2 - Property acquired from a decedent.
§ 1.1014-3 - Other basis rules.
§ 1.1014-4 - Uniformity of basis; adjustment to basis.
§ 1.1014-5 - Gain or loss.
§ 1.1014-6 - Special rule for adjustments to basis where property is acquired from a decedent prior to his death.
§ 1.1014-7 - Example applying rules of §through 1.1014-6 to case involving multiple interests.
§ 1.1014-8 - Bequest, devise, or inheritance of a remainder interest.
§ 1.1014-9 - Special rule with respect to DISC stock.
§ 1.1014-10 - Basis of property acquired from a decedent must be consistent with property's Federal estate tax value.
§ 1.1015-1 - Basis of property acquired by gift after December 31, 1920.
§ 1.1015-2 - Transfer of property in trust after December 31, 1920.
§ 1.1015-3 - Gift or transfer in trust before January 1, 1921.
§ 1.1015-4 - Transfers in part a gift and in part a sale.
§ 1.1015-5 - Increased basis for gift tax paid.
§ 1.1016-1 - Adjustments to basis; scope of section.
§ 1.1016-2 - Items properly chargeable to capital account.
§ 1.1016-3 - Exhaustion, wear and tear, obsolescence, amortization, and depletion for periods since February 28, 1913.
§ 1.1016-4 - Exhaustion, wear and tear, obsolescence, amortization, and depletion; periods during which income was not subject to tax.
§ 1.1016-5 - Miscellaneous adjustments to basis.
§ 1.1016-6 - Other applicable rules.
§ 1.1016-10 - Substituted basis.
§ 1.1017-1 - Basis reductions following a discharge of indebtedness.
§ 1.1019-1 - Property on which lessee has made improvements.
§ 1.1020-1 - Election as to amounts allowed in respect of depreciation, etc., before 1952.
§ 1.1021-1 - Sale of annuities.
§ 1.1031-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1031(a)-1 - Property held for productive use in trade or business or for investment.
§ 1.1031(a)-2 - Additional rules for exchanges of personal property.
§ 1.1031(a)-3 - Definition of real property.
§ 1.1031(b)-1 - Receipt of other property or money in tax-free exchange.
§ 1.1031(b)-2 - Safe harbor for qualified intermediaries.
§ 1.1031(c)-1 - Nonrecognition of loss.
§ 1.1031(d)-1 - Property acquired upon a tax-free exchange.
§ 1.1031(d)-1T - Coordination of section 1060 with section 1031 (temporary).
§ 1.1031(d)-2 - Treatment of assumption of liabilities.
§ 1.1031(e)-1 - Exchange of livestock of different sexes.
§ 1.1031(j)-1 - Exchanges of multiple properties.
§ 1.1031(k)-1 - Treatment of deferred exchanges.
§ 1.1032-1 - Disposition by a corporation of its own capital stock.
§ 1.1032-2 - Disposition by a corporation of stock of a controlling corporation in certain triangular reorganizations.
§ 1.1032-3 - Disposition of stock or stock options in certain transactions not qualifying under any other nonrecognition provision.
§ 1.1033(a)-1 - Involuntary conversions; nonrecognition of gain.
§ 1.1033(a)-2 - Involuntary conversion into similar property, into money or into dissimilar property.
§ 1.1033(a)-3 - Involuntary conversion of principal residence.
§ 1.1033(b)-1 - Basis of property acquired as a result of an involuntary conversion.
§ 1.1033(c)-1 - Disposition of excess property within irrigation project deemed to be involuntary conversion.
§ 1.1033(d)-1 - Destruction or disposition of livestock because of disease.
§ 1.1033(e)-1 - Sale or exchange of livestock solely on account of drought.
§ 1.1033(g)-1 - Condemnation of real property held for productive use in trade or business or for investment.
§ 1.1033(h)-1 - Effective date.
§ 1.1035-1 - Certain exchanges of insurance policies.
§ 1.1036-1 - Stock for stock of the same corporation.
§ 1.1037-1 - Certain exchanges of United States obligations.
§ 1.1038-1 - Reacquisitions of real property in satisfaction of indebtedness.
§ 1.1038-2 - Reacquisition and resale of property used as a principal residence.
§ 1.1038-3 - Election to have section 1038 apply for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1957.
§ 1.1039-1 - Certain sales of low-income housing projects.
§ 1.1041-1T - Treatment of transfer of property between spouses or incident to divorce (temporary).
§ 1.1041-2 - Redemptions of stock.
§ 1.1042-1T - Questions and answers relating to the sales of stock to employee stock ownership plans or certain cooperatives (temporary).
§ 1.1044(a)-1 - Time and manner for making election under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993.
§ 1.1045-1 - Application to partnerships.
§ 1.1051-1 - Basis of property acquired during affiliation.
§ 1.1052-1 - Basis of property established by Revenue Act of 1932.
§ 1.1052-2 - Basis of property established by Revenue Act of 1934.
§ 1.1052-3 - Basis of property established by the Internal Revenue Code of 1939.
§ 1.1053-1 - Property acquired before March 1, 1913.
§ 1.1054-1 - Certain stock of Federal National Mortgage Association.
§ 1.1055-1 - General rule with respect to redeemable ground rents.
§ 1.1055-2 - Determination of amount realized on the transfer of the right to hold real property subject to liabilities under a redeemable ground rent.
§ 1.1055-3 - Basis of real property held subject to liabilities under a redeemable ground rent.
§ 1.1055-4 - Basis of redeemable ground rent reserved or created in connection with transfers of real property before April 11, 1963.
§ 1.1059(e)-1 - Non-pro rata redemptions.
§ 1.1059A-1 - Limitation on taxpayer's basis or inventory cost in property imported from related persons.
§ 1.1060-1 - Special allocation rules for certain asset acquisitions.
§ 1.1061-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1061-1 - Section 1061 definitions.
§ 1.1061-2 - Applicable partnership interests and applicable trades or businesses.
§ 1.1061-3 - Exceptions to the definition of an API.
§ 1.1061-4 - Section 1061 computations.
§ 1.1061-5 - Section 1061(d) transfers to related persons.
§ 1.1061-6 - Reporting rules.
§ 1.1071-3 - Reduction of basis of property pursuant to election under section 1071.
§ 1.1071-4 - Manner of election.
§ 1.1071-1 - Gain from sale or exchange to effectuate policies of Federal Communications Commission.
§ 1.1071-2 - Nature and effect of election.
§ 1.1081-1 - Terms used.
§ 1.1081-2 - Purpose and scope of exception.
§ 1.1081-3 - Exchanges of stock or securities solely for stock or securities.
§ 1.1081-4 - Exchanges of property for property by corporations.
§ 1.1081-5 - Distribution solely of stock or securities.
§ 1.1081-6 - Transfers within system group.
§ 1.1081-7 - Sale of stock or securities received upon exchange by members of system group.
§ 1.1081-8 - Exchanges in which money or other nonexempt property is received.
§ 1.1081-9 - Requirements with respect to order of Securities and Exchange Commission.
§ 1.1081-10 - Nonapplication of other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
§ 1.1081-11 - Records to be kept and information to be filed with returns.
§ 1.1082-1 - Basis for determining gain or loss.
§ 1.1082-2 - Basis of property acquired upon exchanges under section 1081 (a) or (e).
§ 1.1082-3 - Reduction of basis of property by reason of gain not recognized under section 1081(b).
§ 1.1082-4 - Basis of property acquired by corporation under section 1081(a), 1081(b), or 1081(e) as contribution of capital or surplus, or in consideration for its own stock or securities.
§ 1.1082-5 - Basis of property acquired by shareholder upon tax-free distribution under section 1081(c) (1) or (2).
§ 1.1082-6 - Basis of property acquired under section 1081(d) in transactions between corporations of the same system group.
§ 1.1083-1 - Definitions.
§ 1.1091-1 - Losses from wash sales of stock or securities.
§ 1.1091-2 - Basis of stock or securities acquired in “wash sales”.
§ 1.1092(b)-1T - Coordination of loss deferral rules and wash sale rules (temporary).
§ 1.1092(b)-2T - Treatment of holding periods and losses with respect to straddle positions (temporary).
§ 1.1092(b)-3T - Mixed straddles; straddle-by-straddle identification under section 1092(b)(2)(A)(i)(I) (Temporary).
§ 1.1092(b)-4T - Mixed straddles; mixed straddle account (temporary).
§ 1.1092(b)-5T - Definitions (temporary).
§ 1.1092(b)-6 - Mixed straddles; accrued gain and loss associated with a position that becomes part of a section 1092(b)(2) identified mixed straddle that is established after August 18, 2014.
§ 1.1092(c)-1 - Qualified covered calls.
§ 1.1092(c)-2 - Equity options with flexible terms.
§ 1.1092(c)-3 - Qualifying over-the-counter options.
§ 1.1092(c)-4 - Definitions.
§ 1.1092(d)-1 - Definitions and special rules.
§ 1.1092(d)-2 - Personal property.
§ 1.1201-1 - Alternative tax.
§ 1.1202-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1202-1 - Deduction for capital gains.
§ 1.1202-2 - Qualified small business stock; effect of redemptions.
§ 1.1211-1 - Limitation on capital losses.
§ 1.1212-1 - Capital loss carryovers and carrybacks.
§ 1.1221-1 - Meaning of terms.
§ 1.1221-2 - Hedging transactions.
§ 1.1221-3 - Time and manner for electing capital asset treatment for certain self-created musical works.
§ 1.1222-1 - Other terms relating to capital gains and losses.
§ 1.1223-1 - Determination of period for which capital assets are held.
§ 1.1223-3 - Rules relating to the holding periods of partnership interests.
§ 1.1231-1 - Gains and losses from the sale or exchange of certain property used in the trade or business.
§ 1.1231-2 - Livestock held for draft, breeding, dairy, or sporting purposes.
§ 1.1232-1 - Bonds and other evidences of indebtedness; scope of section.
§ 1.1232-2 - [Reserved]
§ 1.1232-3 - Gain upon sale or exchange of obligations issued at a discount after December 31, 1954.
§ 1.1232-3A - Inclusion as interest of original issue discount on certain obligations issued after May 27, 1969.
§ 1.1233-1 - Gains and losses from short sales.
§ 1.1233-2 - Hedging transactions.
§ 1.1234-1 - Options to buy or sell.
§ 1.1234-2 - Special rule for grantors of straddles applicable to certain options granted on or before September 1, 1976.
§ 1.1234-3 - Special rules for the treatment of grantors of certain options granted after September 1, 1976.
§ 1.1234-4 - Hedging transactions.
§ 1.1235-1 - Sale or exchange of patents.
§ 1.1235-2 - Definition of terms.
§ 1.1236-1 - Dealers in securities.
§ 1.1237-1 - Real property subdivided for sale.
§ 1.1238-1 - Amortization in excess of depreciation.
§ 1.1239-1 - Gain from sale or exchange of depreciable property between certain related taxpayers after October 4, 1976.
§ 1.1239-2 - Gain from sale or exchange of depreciable property between certain related taxpayers on or before October 4, 1976.
§ 1.1240-1 - Capital gains treatment of certain termination payments.
§ 1.1241-1 - Cancellation of lease or distributor's agreement.
§ 1.1242-1 - Losses on small business investment company stock.
§ 1.1243-1 - Loss of small business investment company.
§ 1.1244(a)-1 - Loss on small business stock treated as ordinary loss.
§ 1.1244(b)-1 - Annual limitation.
§ 1.1244(c)-1 - Section 1244 stock defined.
§ 1.1244(c)-2 - Small business corporation defined.
§ 1.1244(d)-1 - Contributions of property having basis in excess of value.
§ 1.1244(d)-2 - Increases in basis of section 1244 stock.
§ 1.1244(d)-3 - Stock dividend, recapitalizations, changes in name, etc.
§ 1.1244(d)-4 - Net operating loss deduction.
§ 1.1244(e)-1 - Records to be kept.
§ 1.1245-1 - General rule for treatment of gain from dispositions of certain depreciable property.
§ 1.1245-2 - Definition of recomputed basis.
§ 1.1245-3 - Definition of section 1245 property.
§ 1.1245-4 - Exceptions and limitations.
§ 1.1245-5 - Adjustments to basis.
§ 1.1245-6 - Relation of section 1245 to other sections.
§ 1.1248-1 - Treatment of gain from certain sales or exchanges of stock in certain foreign corporations.
§ 1.1248-2 - Earnings and profits attributable to a block of stock in simple cases.
§ 1.1248-3 - Earnings and profits attributable to stock in complex cases.
§ 1.1248-4 - Limitation on tax applicable to individuals.
§ 1.1248-5 - Stock ownership requirements for less developed country corporations.
§ 1.1248-6 - Sale or exchange of stock in certain domestic corporations.
§ 1.1248-7 - Taxpayer to establish earnings and profits and foreign taxes.
§ 1.1248-8 - Earnings and profits attributable to stock following certain non-recognition transactions.
§ 1.1248(f)-1 - Certain nonrecognition distributions.
§ 1.1248(f)-2 - Exceptions for certain distributions and attribution rules.
§ 1.1248(f)-3 - Reasonable cause and effective/applicability dates.
§ 1.1249-1 - Gain from certain sales or exchanges of patents, etc., to foreign corporations.
§ 1.1250-1 - Gain from dispositions of certain depreciable realty.
§ 1.1250-2 - Additional depreciation defined.
§ 1.1250-3 - Exceptions and limitations.
§ 1.1250-4 - Holding period.
§ 1.1250-5 - Property with two or more elements.
§ 1.1251-1 - General rule for treatment of gain from disposition of property used in farming where farm losses offset nonfarm income.
§ 1.1251-2 - Excess deductions account.
§ 1.1251-3 - Definitions relating to section 1251.
§ 1.1251-4 - Exceptions and limitations.
§ 1.1252-1 - General rule for treatment of gain from disposition of farm land.
§ 1.1252-2 - Special rules.
§ 1.1254-0 - Table of contents for section 1254 recapture rules.
§ 1.1254-1 - Treatment of gain from disposition of natural resource recapture property.
§ 1.1254-2 - Exceptions and limitations.
§ 1.1254-3 - Section 1254 costs immediately after certain acquisitions.
§ 1.1254-4 - Special rules for S corporations and their shareholders.
§ 1.1254-5 - Special rules for partnerships and their partners.
§ 1.1254-6 - Effective/applicability date.
§ 1.1256(e)-1 - Identification of hedging transactions.
§ 1.1256(e)-2 - Special rules for syndicates.
§ 1.1258-1 - Netting rule for certain conversion transactions.
§ 1.1271-0 - Original issue discount; effective date; table of contents.
§ 1.1271-1 - Special rules applicable to amounts received on retirement, sale, or exchange of debt instruments.
§ 1.1272-1 - Current inclusion of OID in income.
§ 1.1272-2 - Treatment of debt instruments purchased at a premium.
§ 1.1272-3 - Election by a holder to treat all interest on a debt instrument as OID.
§ 1.1273-1 - Definition of OID.
§ 1.1273-2 - Determination of issue price and issue date.
§ 1.1274-1 - Debt instruments to which section 1274 applies.
§ 1.1274-2 - Issue price of debt instruments to which section 1274 applies.
§ 1.1274-3 - Potentially abusive situations defined.
§ 1.1274-4 - Test rate.
§ 1.1274-5 - Assumptions.
§ 1.1274A-1 - Special rules for certain transactions where stated principal amount does not exceed $2,800,000.
§ 1.1275-1 - Definitions.
§ 1.1275-2 - Special rules relating to debt instruments.
§ 1.1275-3 - OID information reporting requirements.
§ 1.1275-4 - Contingent payment debt instruments.
§ 1.1275-5 - Variable rate debt instruments.
§ 1.1275-6 - Integration of qualifying debt instruments.
§ 1.1275-7 - Inflation-indexed debt instruments.
§ 1.1286-1 - Tax treatment of certain stripped bonds and stripped coupons.
§ 1.1286-2 - Stripped inflation-protected debt instruments.
§ 1.1287-1 - Denial of capital gains treatment for gains on registration-required obligations not in registered form.
§ 1.1288-1 - Adjustment of applicable Federal rate for tax-exempt obligations.
§ 1.1291-0 - Treatment of shareholders of certain passive foreign investment companies; table of contents.
§ 1.1291-1 - Taxation of U.S. persons that are shareholders of section 1291 funds.
§ 1.1291-9 - Deemed dividend election.
§ 1.1291-10 - Deemed sale election.
§ 1.1293-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1293-1 - Current taxation of income from qualified electing funds.
§ 1.1294-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1294-1T - Election to extend the time for payment of tax on undistributed earnings of a qualified electing fund (temporary).
§ 1.1295-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1295-1 - Qualified electing funds.
§ 1.1295-3 - Retroactive elections.
§ 1.1296-1 - Mark to market election for marketable stock.
§ 1.1296-2 - Definition of marketable stock.
§ 1.1297-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1297-1 - Definition of passive foreign investment company.
§ 1.1297-2 - Special rules regarding look-through subsidiaries and look-through partnerships.
§ 1.1297-3 - Deemed sale or deemed dividend election by a U.S. person that is a shareholder of a section 1297(e) PFIC.
§ 1.1297-4 - Qualifying insurance corporation.
§ 1.1297-5 - [Reserved]
§ 1.1297-6 - Exception from the definition of passive income for active insurance income.
§ 1.1298-0 - Passive foreign investment company—table of contents.
§ 1.1298-1 - Section 1298(f) annual reporting requirements for United States persons that are shareholders of a passive foreign investment company.
§ 1.1298-2 - Rules for certain corporations changing businesses.
§ 1.1298-3 - Deemed sale or deemed dividend election by a U.S. person that is a shareholder of a former PFIC.
§ 1.1298-4 - Rules for certain foreign corporations owning stock in 25-percent-owned domestic corporations.
§ 1.1301-1 - Averaging of farm and fishing income.
§ 1.1311(a)-1 - Introduction.
§ 1.1311(a)-2 - Purpose and scope of section 1311.
§ 1.1311(b)-1 - Maintenance of an inconsistent position.
§ 1.1311(b)-2 - Correction not barred at time of erroneous action.
§ 1.1311(b)-3 - Existence of relationship in case of adjustment by way of deficiency assessment.
§ 1.1312-1 - Double inclusion of an item of gross income.
§ 1.1312-2 - Double allowance of a deduction or credit.
§ 1.1312-3 - Double exclusion of an item of gross income.
§ 1.1312-4 - Double disallowance of a deduction or credit.
§ 1.1312-5 - Correlative deductions and inclusions for trusts or estates and legatees, beneficiaries, or heirs.
§ 1.1312-6 - Correlative deductions and credits for certain related corporations.
§ 1.1312-7 - Basis of property after erroneous treatment of a prior transaction.
§ 1.1312-8 - Law applicable in determination of error.
§ 1.1313(a)-1 - Decision by Tax Court or other court as a determination.
§ 1.1313(a)-2 - Closing agreement as a determination.
§ 1.1313(a)-3 - Final disposition of claim for refund as a determination.
§ 1.1313(a)-4 - Agreement pursuant to section 1313(a)(4) as a determination.
§ 1.1313(c)-1 - Related taxpayer.
§ 1.1314(a)-1 - Ascertainment of amount of adjustment in year of error.
§ 1.1314(a)-2 - Adjustment to other barred taxable years.
§ 1.1314(b)-1 - Method of adjustment.
§ 1.1314(c)-1 - Adjustment unaffected by other items.
§ 1.1321-1 - Involuntary liquidation of lifo inventories.
§ 1.1321-2 - Liquidation and replacement of lifo inventories by acquiring corporations.
§ 1.1331-1 - Recoveries in respect of war losses.
§ 1.1332-1 - Inclusion in gross income of war loss recoveries.
§ 1.1333-1 - Tax adjustment measured by prior benefits.
§ 1.1334-1 - Restoration of value of investments.
§ 1.1335-1 - Elective method; time and manner of making election and effect thereof.
§ 1.1336-1 - Basis of recovered property.
§ 1.1337-1 - Determination of tax benefits from allowable deductions.
§ 1.1341-1 - Restoration of amounts received or accrued under claim of right.
§ 1.1342-1 - Computation of tax where taxpayer recovers substantial amount held by another under claim of right; effective date.
§ 1.1346-1 - Recovery of unconstitutional taxes.
§ 1.1347-1 - Tax on certain amounts received from the United States.
§ 1.1348-1 - Fifty-percent maximum tax on earned income.
§ 1.1348-2 - Computation of the fifty-percent maximum tax on earned income.
§ 1.1348-3 - Definitions.
§ 1.1361-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1361-1 - S corporation defined.
§ 1.1361-2 - Definitions relating to S corporation subsidiaries.
§ 1.1361-3 - QSub election.
§ 1.1361-4 - Effect of QSub election.
§ 1.1361-5 - Termination of QSub election.
§ 1.1361-6 - Effective date.
§ 1.1362-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1362-1 - Election to be an S corporation.
§ 1.1362-2 - Termination of election.
§ 1.1362-3 - Treatment of S termination year.
§ 1.1362-4 - Inadvertent terminations and inadvertently invalid elections.
§ 1.1362-5 - Election after termination.
§ 1.1362-6 - Elections and consents.
§ 1.1362-7 - Effective dates.
§ 1.1362-8 - Dividends received from affiliated subsidiaries.
§ 1.1363-1 - Effect of election on corporation.
§ 1.1363-2 - Recapture of LIFO benefits.
§ 1.1366-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1366-1 - Shareholder's share of items of an S corporation.
§ 1.1366-2 - Limitations on deduction of passthrough items of an S corporation to its shareholders.
§ 1.1366-3 - Treatment of family groups.
§ 1.1366-4 - Special rules limiting the passthrough of certain items of an S corporation to its shareholders.
§ 1.1366-5 - Effective/applicability date.
§ 1.1367-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1367-1 - Adjustments to basis of shareholder's stock in an S corporation.
§ 1.1367-2 - Adjustments to basis of indebtedness to shareholder.
§ 1.1367-3 - Effective/Applicability date.
§ 1.1368-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1368-1 - Distributions by S corporations.
§ 1.1368-2 - Accumulated adjustments account (AAA).
§ 1.1368-3 - Examples.
§ 1.1368-4 - Effective date and transition rule.
§ 1.1371-1 - Distributions of money by an eligible terminated S corporation.
§ 1.1371-2 - Impact of Audit PTTP on ETSC Period.
§ 1.1374-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1374-1 - General rules and definitions.
§ 1.1374-2 - Net recognized built-in gain.
§ 1.1374-3 - Net unrealized built-in gain.
§ 1.1374-4 - Recognized built-in gain or loss.
§ 1.1374-5 - Loss carryforwards.
§ 1.1374-6 - Credits and credit carryforwards.
§ 1.1374-7 - Inventory.
§ 1.1374-8 - Section 1374(d)(8) transactions.
§ 1.1374-9 - Anti-stuffing rule.
§ 1.1374-10 - Effective date and additional rules.
§ 1.1375-1 - Tax imposed when passive investment income of corporation having subchapter C earnings and profits exceed 25 percent of gross receipts.
§ 1.1377-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1377-1 - Pro rata share.
§ 1.1377-2 - Post-termination transition period.
§ 1.1377-3 - Applicability dates.
§ 1.1378-1 - Taxable year of S corporation.
§ 1.1374-1A - Tax imposed on certain capital gains.
§ 1.1381-1 - Organizations to which part applies.
§ 1.1381-2 - Tax on certain farmers' cooperatives.
§ 1.1382-1 - Taxable income of cooperatives; gross income.
§ 1.1382-2 - Taxable income of cooperatives; treatment of patronage dividends.
§ 1.1382-3 - Taxable income of cooperatives; special deductions for exempt farmers' cooperatives.
§ 1.1382-4 - Taxable income of cooperatives; payment period for each taxable year.
§ 1.1382-5 - Taxable income of cooperatives; products marketed under pooling arrangements.
§ 1.1382-6 - Taxable income of cooperatives; treatment of earnings received after patronage occurred.
§ 1.1382-7 - Special rules applicable to cooperative associations exempt from tax before January 1, 1952.
§ 1.1383-1 - Computation of tax where cooperative redeems nonqualified written notices of allocation.
§ 1.1385-1 - Amounts includible in patron's gross income.
§ 1.1388-1 - Definitions and special rules.
§ 1.1394-0 - Table of contents.
§ 1.1394-1 - Enterprise zone facility bonds.
§ 1.1396-1 - Qualified zone employees.
§ 1.1397E-1 - Qualified zone academy bonds.
§ 1.1398-1 - Treatment of passive activity losses and passive activity credits in individuals' title 11 cases.
§ 1.1398-2 - Treatment of section 465 losses in individuals' title 11 cases.
§ 1.1398-3 - Treatment of section 121 exclusion in individuals' title 11 cases.
§ 1.1400L(b)-1 - Additional first year depreciation deduction for qualified New York Liberty Zone property.
§ 1.1400Z2-0 - Table of Contents.
§ 1.1400Z2(a)-1 - Deferring tax on capital gains by investing in opportunity zones.
§ 1.1400Z2(b)-1 -
§ 1.1400Z2(c)-1 - Investments held for at least 10 years.
§ 1.1400Z2(d)-1 - Qualified opportunity funds and qualified opportunity zone businesses.
§ 1.1400Z2(d)-2 - Qualified opportunity zone business property.
§ 1.1400Z2(e)-1 - [Reserved]
§ 1.1400Z2(f)-1 - Administrative rules- penalties, anti-abuse, etc.
26 U.S.C. 7805
T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11910, Nov. 26, 1960; 25 FR 14021, Dec. 31, 1960, unless otherwise noted.
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