Please consult Attachment B of the Department of Justice FOIA Reference Guide for the contact information and a detailed description of the types of records maintained by each Department component. The FOIA Reference Guide is available at or upon request to the Office of Information Policy (OIP).
The Department component offices, and any component-specific requirements, for making a FOIA or Privacy Act request are listed in this appendix. The Certification
of Identity form, available at, may be used by individuals who are making requests for records pertaining to themselves. For each of the six components marked with an asterisk, FOIA and Privacy Act requests for access must be sent to OIP, which handles initial requests for those six components.
Antitrust Division, FOIA/PA Unit
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Disclosure Division
Civil Division, FOIA/PA Officer
Requests for records from case files must include a case caption or name, civil court case number, and judicial district.
Civil Rights Division, FOIA/PA Branch
Community Relations Service, FOIA/PA Coordinator
Criminal Division, FOIA/PA Unit
Drug Enforcement Administration, Freedom of Information Operations Unit, FOI/Records Management Section
Environment and Natural Resources Division, FOIA Coordinator, Law and Policy Section
Requests for records from case files must include a case caption or name, civil or criminal court case number, and judicial district.
Executive Office for Immigration Review, Office of the General Counsel
When seeking access to records concerning a named alien individual, requesters must include an alien registration number (“A” number). If the “A” number is not known or the case occurred before 1988, the date of an Order to Show Cause, country of origin, and location of the immigration hearing must be provided.
Executive Office for United States Attorneys, FOIA/Privacy Unit
Executive Office for Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces
Requests for records from case files must include the judicial district in which the investigation/prosecution or other litigation occurred.
Executive Office for United States Trustees, FOIA/PA Counsel, Office of the General Counsel
Requests for records from bankruptcy case files must include a case caption or name, case number, and judicial district.
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Record/Information Dissemination Section, Records Management Division
Federal Bureau of Prisons, FOIA/PA Section
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
INTERPOL-U.S. National Central Bureau, FOIA/PA Specialist, Office of General Counsel
Justice Management Division, FOIA Contact
National Security Division, FOIA Initiatives Coordinator
Office of the Associate Attorney General*
Office of the Attorney General*
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, FOIA Officer, Legal Division
Office of the Deputy Attorney General*
Office of Information Policy
Office of the Inspector General, Office of the General Counsel
Office of Justice Programs, Office of the General Counsel
Office of Legal Counsel
Office of Legal Policy*
Office of Legislative Affairs*
Office of the Pardon Attorney, FOIA Officer
Office of Professional Responsibility, Special Counsel for Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts
Office of Public Affairs*
Office of the Solicitor General
Requests for records from case files must include a case name, docket number, or citation to case.
Office on Violence Against Women
Professional Responsibility Advisory Office, Information Management Specialist
Tax Division, Division Counsel for FOIA and PA Matters
Requests for records from case files must include a case caption or name, civil or criminal court case number, and judicial district.
United States Marshals Service, Office of the General Counsel
Requests for records concerning seized property must specify the judicial district of the seizure, civil court case number, asset identification number, and an accurate description of the property.
United States Parole Commission, FOIA/PA Specialist
[AG Order No. 3517-2015, 80 FR 18113, Apr. 3, 2015, as amended by AG Order No. 5851-2024, 89 FR 1450, Jan. 10, 2024]