Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury last revised: Jan 17, 2025
Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 802—List of Military Installations and Other U.S. Government Sites
Site name Location
Part 1
Adelphi Laboratory CenterAdelphi, MD.
Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing SiteMaui, HI.
Air Force Office of Scientific ResearchArlington, VA.
Andersen Air Force BaseYigo, Guam.
Anniston Army DepotAnniston, AL.
Army Futures CommandAustin, TX.
Army Research Lab—Orlando Simulations and Training Technology CenterOrlando, FL.
Army Research OfficeDurham, NC.
Barter Island Regional Radar SiteBarter Island, AK.
Beale Air Force BaseYuba City, CA.
Biometric Technology Center (Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency)Clarksburg, WV.
Blue Grass Army DepotRichmond, KY.
Buckley Space Force BaseAurora, CO.
Camp BlazDededo, Guam.
Camp MackallSouthern Pines, NC.
Camp NavajoBellemont, AZ.
Camp RobertsSan Miguel, CA.
Cape Newenham Long Range Radar SiteCape Newenham, AK.
Cavalier Space Force StationCavalier, ND.
Cheyenne Mountain Space Force StationColorado Springs, CO.
Clear Space Force StationAnderson, AK.
Cold Bay Regional Radar SiteCold Bay, AK.
Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier CenterNatick, MA.
Creech Air Force BaseIndian Springs, NV.
Davis-Monthan Air Force BaseTucson, AZ.
Defense Advanced Research Projects AgencyArlington, VA.
Detroit ArsenalWarren, MI.
Eareckson Air StationShemya, AK.
Eielson Air Force BaseFairbanks, AK.
Ellington Field Joint Reserve BaseHouston, TX.
Fairchild Air Force BaseSpokane, WA.
Fort BelvoirFairfax County, VA.
Fort BlissEl Paso, TX.
Fort CampbellHopkinsville, KY and Clarksville, TN.
Fort CarsonColorado Springs, CO.
Fort CavazosKilleen, TX.
Fort DetrickFrederick, MD.
Fort DrumWatertown, NY.
Fort EisenhowerAugusta, GA.
Fort Gregg-AdamsPetersburg, VA.
Fort KnoxElizabethtown, KY.
Fort LeavenworthLeavenworth County, KS.
Fort Leonard WoodPulaski County, MO.
Fort MeadeAnne Arundel County, MD.
Fort MooreColumbus, GA.
Fort RileyJunction City, KS.
Fort ShafterHonolulu, HI.
Fort SillLawton, OK.
Fort StewartHinesville, GA.
Fort Yukon Long Range Radar SiteFort Yukon, AK.
Francis E. Warren Air Force BaseCheyenne, WY.
Guam Tracking StationInarajan, Guam.
Hanscom Air Force BaseLexington, MA.
Hawthorne Army DepotHawthorne, NV.
Holloman Air Force BaseAlamogordo, NM.
Holston Army Ammunition PlantKingsport, TN.
Indian Mountain Regional Radar SiteIndian Mountain, AK.
Iowa Army Ammunition PlantMiddletown, IA.
Joint Base Anacostia-BollingWashington, DC.
Joint Base AndrewsCamp Springs, MD.
Joint Base Elmendorf-RichardsonAnchorage, AK.
Joint Base Langley-EustisHampton, VA and Newport News, VA.
Joint Base Lewis-McChordTacoma, WA.
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-LakehurstLakehurst, NJ.
Joint Base Myer-Henderson HallArlington, VA.
Joint Base Pearl Harbor-HickamHonolulu, HI.
Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort StoryVirginia Beach, VA.
Joint Systems Manufacturing Center—LimaLima, OH.
Kaena Point Satellite Tracking StationWaianae, HI.
Kenai Regional Radar SiteKenai, AK.
King Salmon Air Force StationKing Salmon, AK.
Kirtland Air Force BaseAlbuquerque, NM.
Kodiak Tracking StationKodiak Island, AK.
Kotzebue Regional Radar SiteKotzebue, AK.
Lake City Army Ammunition PlantIndependence, MO.
Letterkenny Army DepotChambersburg, PA.
Lisburne Regional Radar SiteCape Lisburne, AK.
Los Angeles Air Force BaseEl Segundo, CA.
MacDill Air Force BaseTampa, FL.
Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine PalmsTwentynine Palms, CA.
Marine Corps Air Station BeaufortBeaufort, SC.
Marine Corps Air Station Cherry PointCherry Point, NC.
Marine Corps Air Station MiramarSan Diego, CA.
Marine Corps Air Station New RiverJacksonville, NC.
Marine Corps Air Station YumaYuma, AZ.
Marine Corps Base Camp LejeuneJacksonville, NC.
Marine Corps Base Camp PendletonOceanside, CA.
Marine Corps Base HawaiiKaneohe Bay, HI.
Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Camp H.M. SmithHalawa, HI.
Marine Corps Base QuanticoQuantico, VA.
Marine Corps Logistics Base AlbanyAlbany, GA.
Marine Corps Logistics Base BarstowBarstow, CA.
Marine Corps Support Facility Blount IslandJacksonville, FL.
Mark CenterAlexandria, VA.
McAlester Army Ammunition PlantMcAlester, OK.
Military Ocean Terminal ConcordConcord, CA.
Military Ocean Terminal Sunny PointBrunswick County, NC.
Minot Air Force BaseMinot, ND.
Naval Air Station Corpus ChristiCorpus Christi, TX.
Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New OrleansBelle Chasse, LA.
Naval Air Station OceanaVirginia Beach, VA.
Naval Air Station Oceana Dam Neck AnnexVirginia Beach, VA.
Naval Air Station Whidbey IslandOak Harbor, WA.
Naval Base GuamApra Harbor, Guam.
Naval Base Kitsap BangorSilverdale, WA.
Naval Base Point LomaSan Diego, CA.
Naval Base San DiegoSan Diego, CA.
Naval Base Ventura County—Port Hueneme Operating FacilityPort Hueneme, CA.
Naval Logistics Support Activity KetchikanKetchikan, AK.
Naval Logistics Support Activity LaMoureLaMoure, ND.
Naval Logistics Support Annex OrlandoOkahumpka, FL.
Naval Logistics Support Facility AguadaAguada, Puerto Rico.
Naval Logistics Support Facility CutlerCutler, ME.
Naval Research LaboratoryWashington, DC.
Naval Research Laboratory—Blossom PointWelcome, MD.
Naval Research Laboratory—Stennis Space CenterHancock County, MS.
Naval Research Laboratory—TilghmanTilghman, MD.
Naval Station NewportNewport, RI.
Naval Station NorfolkNorfolk, VA.
Naval Submarine Base Kings BayKings Bay, GA.
Naval Submarine Base New LondonGroton, CT.
Naval Suffolk FacilitySuffolk, VA.
Naval Support Activity CraneCrane, IN.
Naval Support Activity OrlandoOrlando, FL.
Naval Support Activity Panama CityPanama City, FL.
Naval Support Activity PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PA.
Naval Support Facility CarderockBethesda, MD.
Naval Support Facility DahlgrenDahlgren, VA.
Naval Support Facility Indian HeadIndian Head, MD.
Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division—Acoustic Research DetachmentBayview, ID.
Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Detachment NorcoNorco, CA.
New Boston Air StationNew Boston, NH.
Offutt Air Force BaseBellevue, NE.
Oliktok Long Range Radar SiteOliktok, AK.
Orchard Combat Training CenterBoise, ID.
Peason Ridge Training AreaLeesville, LA.
PentagonArlington, VA.
Peterson Space Force BaseColorado Springs, CO.
Picatinny ArsenalMorris County, NJ.
Pine Bluff ArsenalWhite Hall, AR.
Piñon Canyon Maneuver SiteTyrone, CO.
Pohakuloa Training AreaHilo, HI.
Point Barrow Long Range Radar SitePoint Barrow, AK.
Portsmouth Naval ShipyardKittery, ME.
Pueblo Chemical DepotPueblo, CO.
Radford Army Ammunition PlantRadford, VA.
Red River Army DepotTexarkana, TX.
Rock Island ArsenalRock Island, IL.
Romanzof Regional Radar SiteRomanzof, AK.
Rome Research LaboratoryRome, NY.
Scott Air Force BaseSt. Clair County, IL.
Scranton Army Ammunition PlantScranton, PA.
Seymour Johnson Air Force BaseGoldsboro, NC.
Shaw Air Force BaseSumter, SC.
Southeast Alaska Acoustic Measurement FacilityKetchikan, AK.
Sparrevohn Regional Radar SiteSparrevohn, AK.
Tatalina Regional Radar SiteTatalina, AK.
Tin City Long Range Radar SiteTin City, AK.
Tooele Army DepotTooele, UT.
Travis Air Force BaseFairfield, CA.
Tyndall Air Force BaseBay County, FL.
Watervliet ArsenalWatervliet, NY.
Part 2
Aberdeen Proving GroundAberdeen, MD.
Air Force Plant 42Palmdale, CA.
Altus Air Force BaseAltus, OK.
Arnold Air Force BaseCoffee County and Franklin County, TN.
Barksdale Air Force BaseBossier City, LA.
Camp DodgeJohnston, IA.
Camp GraylingGrayling, MI.
Camp ShelbyHattiesburg, MS.
Camp WilliamsBluffdale, UT.
Cannon Air Force BaseClovis, NM.
Cape Canaveral Space Force StationCape Canaveral, FL.
Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery RangeNiland, CA.
Columbus Air Force BaseColumbus, MS.
Dare County RangeManns Harbor, NC.
Dover Air Force BaseDelmarva, DE.
Dyess Air Force BaseAbilene, TX.
Edwards Air Force BaseEdwards, CA.
Eglin Air Force BaseValparaiso, FL.
Ellsworth Air Force BaseBox Elder, SD.
Fallon Range ComplexFallon, NV.
Fort GreelyDelta Junction, AK.
Fort HuachucaSierra Vista, AZ.
Fort IrwinSan Bernardino County, CA.
Fort JohnsonVernon Parish, LA.
Fort LibertyFayetteville, NC.
Fort NovoselDale County, AL.
Fort WainwrightFairbanks, AK.
Goodfellow Air Force BaseSan Angelo, TX.
Grand Forks Air Force BaseGrand Forks, ND.
Hardwood RangeNecedah, WI.
Hill Air Force BaseOgden, UT.
Joint Base Cape CodSandwich, MA.
Joint Base CharlestonNorth Charleston, SC.
Joint Base San AntonioSan Antonio, TX.
Laughlin Air Force BaseDel Rio, TX.
Little Rock Air Force BaseLittle Rock, AR.
Luke Air Force BaseGlendale, AZ.
Malmstrom Air Force BaseGreat Falls, MT.
Maxwell-Gunter Air Force BaseMontgomery, AL.
Moody Air Force BaseValdosta, GA.
Mountain Home Air Force BaseMountain Home, ID.
Muscatatuck Urban Training CenterButlerville, IN.
Naval Air Station MeridianMeridian, MS.
Naval Air Station Patuxent RiverLexington Park, MD.
Naval Air Weapons Station China LakeRidgecrest, CA.
Naval Base Kitsap—KeyportKeyport, WA.
Naval Base Ventura County—Point Mugu Operating FacilityPoint Mugu, CA.
Naval Weapons Systems Training Facility BoardmanBoardman, OR.
Nellis Air Force BaseLas Vegas, NV.
Nevada Test and Training RangeTonopah, NV.
Pacific Missile Range FacilityKekaha, HI.
Patrick Space Force BaseCocoa Beach, FL.
Redstone ArsenalHuntsville, AL.
Schriever Space Force BaseColorado Springs, CO.
Tinker Air Force BaseMidwest City, OK.
Townsend Bombing RangeMcIntosh County, GA.
Tropic Regions Test CenterWahiawa, HI.
Utah Test and Training RangeBarro, UT.
Vance Air Force BaseEnid, OK.
Vandenberg Space Force BaseLompoc, CA.
West Desert Test CenterDugway, UT.
White Sands Missile RangeWhite Sands Missile Range, NM.
Whiteman Air Force BaseKnob Noster, MO.
Wright-Patterson Air Force BaseDayton, OH.
Yuma Proving GroundYuma, AZ.
Site name County Township/range
Part 3
90th Missile Wing, Francis E. Warren Air Force Base Missile Field (Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming)Logan, COAll lands except those located south of Township 8 North and east of Range 51 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Morgan, COAll lands located north of Township 3 North using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Sedgwick, COAll lands except those located east of Range 46 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Washington, COAll lands located north of Township 4 North, and west of Range 52 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Weld, COAll lands located north of Township 4 North, and east of Range 64 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Banner, NEAll.
Cheyenne, NEAll.
Deuel, NEAll lands located south of Township 15 North, and west of Range 43 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Garden, NEAll lands located south of Township 19 North, and west Range 43 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Kimball, NEAll.
Morrill, NEAll lands except those located north of Township 21 North using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Scotts Bluff, NEAll.
Sioux, NEAll lands except those located north of Township 26 North, and east of Range 57 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Goshen, WYAll lands except those located north of Township 27 North using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Laramie, WYAll lands except those located south of Township 14 North, and west of Range 64 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Platte, WYAll lands except those located north of Township 27 North using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
341st Missile Wing, Malmstrom Air Force Base Missile Field (Montana)Blaine, MTAll lands except those located north of Township 24 North using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Cascade, MTAll.
Chouteau, MTAll lands except those located north of Township 24 North, and east of Range 8 East using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Fergus, MTAll lands except those located east of Range 26 East using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Glacier, MTAll lands located south of Township 35 North, and east of Range 7 West, using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Golden Valley, MTAll lands except those located south of Township 11 North, and east of Range 20 East using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Judith Basin, MTAll.
Lewis and Clark, MTAll lands except those located south of Township 14 North using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Liberty, MTAll lands except those located north of Township 31 North, and east of Range 5 East using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Meagher, MTAll lands except those located south of Township 12 North, and west of Range 9 East using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Musselshell, MTAll lands located north of Township 10 North, and west of Range 23 East using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Petroleum, MTAll lands located west of Range 27 East using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Phillips, MTAll lands located south of Township 23 North, and west of Range 25 East using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Pondera, MTAll lands except those located west of Range 9 West, using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Stillwater, MTAll lands located north of Township 3 North, and west of Range 20 East using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Sweet Grass, MTAll lands located north of Township 3 North, and east of Range 12 East using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Teton, MTAll lands except those located west of Range 10 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Toole, MTAll lands except those located north of Township 34 North using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Wheatland, MTAll.
91st Missile Wing, Minot Air Force Base Missile Field (North Dakota)Bottineau, NDAll lands except those located east of Range 77 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Burke, NDAll lands except those located west of Range 93 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Dunn, NDAll lands located north of Township 148 North, using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
McHenry, NDAll lands except those located north of Township 156 North, and east of Range 80 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
McKenzie, NDAll lands located east of Range 95 West, using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
McLean, NDAll lands except those located south of Township 145 North using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Mercer, NDAll lands located north of Township 145 North, east of Range 90 West, using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Mountrail, NDAll.
Pierce, NDAll lands located south of Township 155 North, west of Range 72 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Renville, NDAll.
Sheridan, NDAll lands except those located south of Township 148 North, and east of Range 78 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Ward, NDAll lands except those located north of Township 155 North, and east of Range 83 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Williams, NDAll lands located south of Township 158 North, and east of Range 96 West using the Bureau of Land Management's Public Lands Survey System.
Site name Location
Part 4
Boston Range ComplexOffshore Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine.
Boston Operating AreaOffshore Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine.
Charleston Operating AreaOffshore North Carolina, South Carolina.
Cherry Point Operating AreaOffshore North Carolina, South Carolina.
Corpus Christi Operating AreaOffshore Texas.
Eglin Gulf Test and Training RangeOffshore Florida.
Gulf of Mexico Range ComplexOffshore Mississippi, Alabama, Florida.
Hawaii Range ComplexOffshore Hawaii.
Jacksonville Operating AreaOffshore Florida, Georgia.
Jacksonville Range ComplexOffshore Florida.
Key West Operating AreaOffshore Florida.
Key West Range ComplexOffshore Florida.
Narragansett Bay Range ComplexOffshore Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island.
Narragansett Bay Operating AreaOffshore Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island.
New Orleans Operating AreaOffshore Louisiana.
Northern California Range ComplexOffshore California.
Northwest Training Range ComplexOffshore Oregon, Washington.
Panama City Operating AreaOffshore Florida.
Pensacola Operating AreaOffshore Alabama, Florida.
Point Mugu Sea RangeOffshore California.
Southern California Range ComplexOffshore California.
Virginia Capes Operating AreaOffshore Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia.
Virginia Capes Range ComplexOffshore Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia.
[85 FR 3166, Jan. 17, 2020, as amended at 88 FR 57350, Aug. 23, 2023; 89 FR 88133, Nov. 7, 2024]
authority: 50 U.S.C. 4565; E.O. 11858, as amended, 73 FR 4677
source: 85 FR 3166, Jan. 17, 2020, unless otherwise noted.