Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury last revised: Mar 12, 2025
Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Part 560—Bulk Agricultural Commodities

1. Appendix B sets forth those bulk agricultural commodities eligible for sale pursuant to the licensing procedures and the general license in § 560.530.

2. Commodities are identified by their classification numbers in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (see 19 U.S.C. 1202) (“HTS”).

HTS No. Commodity
1001.10Durum Wheat.
1001.90Other Wheat and Meslin, including seed, Red Spring Wheat, White Winter Wheat, “Canadian” Western Red Winter Wheat, Soft White Spring Wheat, and Wheat not elsewhere specified.
1101.00Wheat or Meslin Flour.
1006.10Rice in the husk (paddy or rough).
1006.20Husked (brown) Rice.
1006.30Semi-milled or wholly milled Rice, whether or not polished or glazed.
1006.40Broken Rice.
1102.30Rice Flour.
1103.14Rice Groats, Meal and Pellets.
1007.00Grain Sorghum.
1005.00Corn (Maize).
0713.31Dried Beans including Vigna mungo (L.), Hepper, and Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek.
0713.32Small red (adzuki) beans.
0713.33Kidney beans, including white pea beans.
0713.39Beans, other.
0713.50Broad beans and horse beans.
0713.10Dried Peas (Pisum sativum).
0713.20Chickpeas (garbanzos).
0713.90Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, not elsewhere specified.
1201.00Soybeans, whether or not broken.
2304.00Soybean cake, meal and pellets.
1507.10Soybean oil, crude.
1507.90Soybean oil, other.
1514.10Rapeseed, colza and mustard oil, crude.
1514.90Rapeseed, colza and mustard oil, other.
1515.21Corn (Maize) oil, crude.
1515.29Corn (Maize) oil, other.
1512.21Cottonseed oil, crude.
1512.29Cottonseed oil, other.
1517.90Cottonseed oil, hydrogenated.
1508.10Peanut (ground-nut) oil, crude.
1508.90Peanut (ground-nut) oil, other.
1515.50Sesame oil.
1512.11Sunflower-seed oil, crude.
1512.19Sunflower-seed oil, other.
1212.91Sugar Beets, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried.
1212.92Sugar Cane, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried.
1701.11Cane Sugar, raw, solid form.
1701.12Beet Sugar, raw, solid form.
1701.91Cane or Beet Sugar, solid form, containing added coloring or flavoring.
1701.99Cane or Beet Sugar, other, not elsewhere specified.
authority: 3 U.S.C. 301; 18 U.S.C. 2339B,2332d; 22 U.S.C. 2349aa-9,7201,8501,8701; 31 U.S.C. 321(b); 50 U.S.C. 1601-1651,1701; Pub. L. 101-410, 104 Stat. 890, as amended (28 U.S.C. 2461 note); E.O. 12613, 52 FR 41940, 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 256; E.O. 12957, 60 FR 14615, 3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p. 332; E.O. 12959, 60 FR 24757, 3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p. 356; E.O. 13059, 62 FR 44531, 3 CFR, 1997 Comp., p. 217; E.O. 13599, 77 FR 6659, 3 CFR, 2012 Comp., p. 215; E.O. 13846, 83 FR 38939, 3 CFR, 2018 Comp., p. 854
source: 77 FR 64666, Oct. 22, 2012, unless otherwise noted.