Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 195—Programs to Which This Part Applies

1. The Army and Air National Guard (Title 32, United States Code).

2. Various programs involving loan or other disposition of surplus property (various general and specialized statutory provisions including: 40 United States Code 483, 484, 512; 49 United States Code 1101-1119; 10 United States Code 2541, 2542, 2543, 2572, 2662, 7308, 7541, 7542, 7545, 7546, 7547).

3. National Program for Promotion of Rifle Practice (10 United States Code 4307 and annual Department of Defense Appropriation Act).

4. National Defense Cadet Corps Program (10 United States Code 3540(b), 4651).

5. Office of Civil Defense assistance to programs of adult education in civil defense subjects (50 United States Code App. 2281 (e), (f)).

6. Office of Civil Defense radiological instruments grants (50 United States Code App. 2281(h)).

7. Office of Civil Defense program (with Public Health Service) for development of instructional materials on medical self-help (50 United States Code App. 2281 (e), (f)).

8. Office of Civil Defense university extension programs for civil defense instructor training (50 United States Code App. 2281 (e)).

9. Office of Civil Defense programs for survival supplies and equipment, survival training, emergency operating center construction, and personnel and administrative expenses (50 United States Code App. 2281(i), 2285).

10. Office of Civil Defense Shelter Provisioning Program (50 United States Code App. 2281(h)).

11. Office of Civil Defense assistance to students attending Office of Civil Defense schools (50 United States Code App. 2281(e)).

12. Office of Civil Defense loans of equipment or materials from OCD stockpiles for civil defense, including local disaster purposes (50 United States Code App. 2281).

13. Navy Science Cruiser Program (SecNav Instruction 5720.19A).

14. Civil Air Patrol (10 United States Code 9441).

15. Research grants made under the authority of Pub. L. 85-934 (42 United States Code 1892).

16. Contracts with nonprofit institutions of higher education or with nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is the conduct of scientific research, wherein title to equipment purchased with funds under such contracts may be vested in such institutions or organizations under the authority of Pub. L. 85-934 (42 United States Code 1891).

17. Army Corps of Engineers participation in cooperative investigations and studies concerning erosion of shores of coastal and lake waters (33 United States Code 426).

18. Army Corps of Engineers assistance in the construction of works for the restoration and protection of shores and beaches (33 United States Code 426e-h).

19. Public park and recreational facilities at water resource development projects under the administrative jurisdiction of the Department of the Army (16 United States Code 460d and Federal Water Project Recreation Act, Pub. L. 89-72, 79 Stat. 218, July 9, 1965).

20. Payment to States of proceeds of lands acquired by the United States for flood control, navigation, and allied purposes (33 United States Code 701-c-3).

21. Grants of easements without consideration, or at a nominal or reduced consideration, on lands under the control of the Department of the Army at water resource development projects (33 United States Code 558c and 702d-1; 10 United States Code 2668 and 2669); 43 United States Code 961; 40 United States Code 319).

22. Army Corps of Engineers assistance in the construction of small boat harbor projects (33 United States Code 540 and 577, and 47 Stat. 42, Feb. 10, 1932).

23. Emergency bank protection works constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers for protection of highways, bridge approaches, and public works (33 United States Code 701r).

24. Assistance to States and local interests in the development of water supplies for municipal and industrial purposes in connection with Army Corps of Engineers reservoir projects (Water Supply Act of 1958, 43 United States Code 390b).

25. Army Corps of Engineers contracts for remedial works under authority of section 111 of Act of July 3, 1958 (33 United States Code 633).

[29 FR 19291, Dec. 31, 1964, as amended at 31 FR 6831, May 7, 1966]
authority: Sec. 602, 78 Stat. 252; 42 U.S.C. 2000d-1; and the laws referred to in appendix A
source: 29 FR 19291, Dec. 31, 1964, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 56 FR 32965, July 18, 1991.