Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 21, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
Appendix Appendix E - Appendix E to Part 247—DoD Command Newspaper and Magazine Review System

A. Purpose. The purpose of the DoD command newspaper and magazine review system is to assist commanders in establishing and maintaining cost-effective internal communications essential to mission accomplishment. The system also enables internal information managers to assess the cost and effective use of resources devoted to command newspapers and to provide requested reports.

B. Policy. DoD newspapers and magazines shall be reviewed and reported biennially. The review process is not intended to replace day-to-day quality assurance procedures or established critique programs.

C. Review criteria. Each newspaper and magazine shall be evaluated on the basis of mission essentiality, communication effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and compliance with applicable regulations.

D. Reporting requirements.

1. The DoD Components (less the Military Departments) shall forward, by January 31 of each even numbered year, the information indicated at attachment 1 to this appendix for each newspaper published to: Director, American Forces Information Service, ATTN: Print Media Plans and Policy, 601 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-2007.

2. No later than April 15 of each even-numbered year, the Secretary (or designee) of each Military Department shall forward to the address above a report of the Military Department's review of newspapers and magazines. This report shall include summary data on total number of newspapers and magazines, along with a listing of the information indicated at attachment 1 to this appendix.

3. One information copy of each issue of all DoD newspapers and magazines shall be forwarded on publication date to the address in paragraph H.1. of this appendix.

4. Information copies of CE contracts shall be forwarded to the address in paragraph H.1. of this appendix, upon request.

5. Administrative Instructions shall be issued by the Director, AFIS, for the annual review and reporting of newspapers and magazines.

Attachment 1 to Appendix E to Part 247—Newspaper and Magazine Reporting Data

As required by section H. of this appendix, the following information shall be provided biennially regarding newspapers and magazines:

A. Name of newspaper or magazine.

B. Publishing command and mailing address.

C. Printing arrangement:

1. Government equipment.

2. Government contract with commercial printer.

3. CE contract with commercial publisher (provide name, mailing address, and phone number of commercial publisher).

D. Frequency and number of issues per year.

E. Number of copies printed and estimated readership.

F. Paper size (metro, tabloid, or magazine format).

authority: 10 U.S.C. 121 and 133
source: 62 FR 42905, Aug. 11, 1997, unless otherwise noted.