Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 12, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
Appendix - Attachment 1 to Part 855—Glossary of References, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms
Section A—References AFPD 10-10, Civil Aircraft Use of United States Air Force Airfields AFI 10-1001, Civil Aircraft Landing Permits AFI 13-201, Air Force Airspace Management AFI 32-7061(32 CFR part 989), Environmental Impact Analysis Process AFI 32-9003, Granting Temporary Use of Air Force Real Property AFI 34-117, Air Force Aero Club Program AFI 35-201, Community Relations AFI 51-701, Negotiating, Concluding, Reporting, and Maintaining International Agreements AFI 84-103, Museum System AFI 90-401, Air Force Relations with Congress AFI 99-101, Development Test and Evaluation AFJI 24-211, Defense Traffic Management Regulation AFM 67-1, vol 1, part 1, Basic Air Force Supply Procedures AFM 67-1, vol 1, part 3, Air Force Stock Fund and DPSC Assigned Item Procedures AFMAN 3-132, Air Force Aero Club Operations AFR 170-3, Financial Management and Accounting for Security Assistance and International Programs AFR 177-102, Commercial Transactions at Base Level FAR, part 121, Certification and Operation: Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental Air Carriers and Commercial Operations of Large Aircraft FAR, part 135, Air Taxi Operators and Commercial Operators of Small Aircraft FAR, part 139, Certification and Operations: Land Airports Serving Certain Air Carriers Section B—Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviations and acronyms Definitions
AFIAir Force Instruction.
AFJIAir Force Joint Instruction.
AFMAir Force Manual.
AFMANAir Force Manual.
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive.
AFRAir Force Regulation.
AFREPAir Force Representative.
AMCAir Mobility Command.
AOGAir Operations Group.
CAMCommercial Air Movement.
CAPCivil Air Patrol.
CRAFCivil Reserve Air Fleet.
DPSCDefense Personnel Support Center.
DRUDirect Reporting Unit.
FAAFederal Aviation Administration.
FARFederal Aviation Regulation.
FMSForeign Military Sales.
FOAField Operating Agency.
FSDOFlight Standards District Office.
HQ AMC/DOKAHeadquarters Air Mobility Command, Contract Airlift, Directorate of Operations and Transportation.
HQ USAF/CEVPHeadquarters United States Air Force, Environmental Planning Division, Directorate of Environment.
HQ USAF/XOOBCHeadquarters United States Air Force, Civil Aviation, Bases and Units Division, Directorate of Operations.
HQ USAF/XOOOHeadquarters United States Air Force, Operations Group, Directorate of Operations.
MAJCOMMajor Command.
MATAMilitary Air Transportation Agreement.
MGTOWMaximum Gross Takeoff Weight.
MTMCMilitary Traffic Management Command.
SAF/LLSecretary of the Air Force, Office of Legislative Liaison.
SAF/MIISecretary of the Air Force, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations).
SAF/PACSecretary of the Air Force, Office of Public Affairs, Directorate for Community Relations.
USUnited States.
USDAOUnited States Defense Attache Office.
Section C—Terms

Aircraft. Any contrivance now known or hereafter invented, used, or designated for navigation of or flight in navigable airspace as defined in the Federal Aviation Act.

Airfield. An area prepared for the accommodation (including any buildings, installations, and equipment), landing, and take-off of aircraft.

Authorized Credit Letter. A letter of agreement that qualified operators must file with the Air Force to purchase Air Force aviation fuel and oil on a credit basis under the provisions of AFM 67-1, vol 1, part three, chapter 1, Air Force Stock Fund and DPSC Assigned Item Procedures.

Civil Aircraft. Any United States or foreign-registered aircraft owned by non-Governmental entities, and foreign Government-owned aircraft that are operated for commercial purposes.

Civil Aviation. All civil aircraft of any national registry, including:

Commercial Aviation. Civil aircraft that transport passengers or cargo for hire.

General Aviation. Civil aircraft that do not transport passengers or cargo for hire.

Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF). US registered aircraft, certificated under FAR part 121, obligated by contract to provide aircraft and crews to the Department of Defense during contingencies or war.

DD Form 2400, Civil Aircraft Certificate of Insurance. A certificate that shows the amount of third-party liability insurance carried by the user and assures the United States Government of advance notice if changes in coverage occur.

DD Form 2401, Civil Aircraft Landing Permit. A license which, when validated by an Air Force approving authority, authorizes the civil aircraft owner or operator to use Air Force airfields.

DD Form 2402, Civil Aircraft Hold Harmless Agreement. An agreement, completed by the user, which releases the United States Government from all liabilities incurred in connection with civil aircraft use of Air Force airfields.

Government Aircraft. Aircraft owned, operated, or controlled for exclusive, long-term use by any department or agency of either the United States or a foreign Government; and aircraft owned by any United States State, County, Municipality or other political subdivision; or any aircraft for which a Government has the liability responsibility. In the context of this instruction, it includes foreign registered aircraft, which are normally commercially operated, that have been wholly chartered for use by foreign Government heads of State for official State visits.

Government Furnished or Bailed Aircraft. US Government-owned aircraft provided to a Government contractor for use in conjunction with a specific contractual requirement.

Installation Commander. The individual with ultimate responsibility for operating the airfield and for base operations (normally a wing or group commander), as determined by the MAJCOM.

Joint-Use Agreement. An agreement between the Air Force and a local Government agency that establishes a public airport on an Air Force airfield.

Loaned Aircraft. US Government-owned aircraft made available for use by another US Government agency. This does not include aircraft leased or loaned to non-Governmental entities. Such aircraft will be considered as civil aircraft for purposes of this instruction.

Military Aircraft. Aircraft used exclusively in the military services of the US or a foreign Government and bearing appropriate military and national markings or carrying appropriate identification.

Official Government Business. Activities that support or serve the needs of US Federal agencies located at or in the immediate vicinity of an Air Force installation, including nonappropriated fund entities. For elected or appointed Federal, State, and local officeholders, official business is activity performed in fulfilling duties as a public official.

Other Agreement. An agreement between the Air Force and a local Government agency for temporary use of an Air Force runway when a local civil airport is unavailable, or to accommodate a special event or project.

Scheduled Air Carrier. An air carrier that holds a scheduled air carrier certificate and provides scheduled service year round between two or more points.

Unauthorized Landing. A landing at an Air Force airfield by a civil aircraft without prior authority (approved DD Form 2401 and 24 hours prior notice).

User. The person, corporation, or other responsible entity operating civil aircraft at Air Force airfields.

authority: 49 U.S.C. 44502 and 47103
source: 60 FR 37349, July 20, 1995, unless otherwise noted.