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Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 34 - Education last revised: Feb 18, 2025
All Titles
Title 34
Chapter II
Part 222
Subpart E - Subpart E—Payments for Heavily Impacted Local Educational Agencies Under Section 8003(b)(2) of the Act
§ 222.60 - What are the scope and purpose of this subpart?
§ 222.61 - What data are used to determine a local educational agency's eligibility under section 8003(b)(2) of the Act?
§ 222.62 - How are local educational agencies determined eligible under section 8003(b)(2)?
§ 222.63 - When is a local educational agency eligible as a continuing applicant for payment under section 8003(b)(2)(B)?
§ 222.64 - When is a local educational agency eligible as a new applicant for payment under section 8003(b)(2)(C)?
§ 222.65 - What other requirements must a local educational agency meet to be eligible for financial assistance under section 8003(b)(2)?
§ 222.66 - How does a local educational agency lose and resume eligibility under section 8003(b)(2)?
§ 222.67 - How may a State aid program affect a local educational agency's eligibility for assistance under section 8003(b)(2)?
§ 222.68 - How does the Secretary determine whether a fiscally independent local educational agency meets the applicable tax rate requirement?
§ 222.69 - What tax rates does the Secretary use if real property is assessed at different percentages of true value?
§ 222.70 - What tax rates does the Secretary use if two or more different classifications of real property are taxed at different rates?
§ 222.71 - What tax rates may the Secretary use if substantial local revenues are derived from local tax sources other than real property taxes?
§ 222.72 - How does the Secretary determine whether a fiscally dependent local educational agency meets the applicable tax rate requirement?
§ 222.73 - What information must the State educational agency provide?
§ 222.74 - How does the Secretary identify generally comparable local educational agencies for purposes of section 8003(b)(2)?
§ 222.75 - How does the Secretary compute the average per pupil expenditure of generally comparable local educational agencies under this subpart?
§§ 222.76-222.79 - §[Reserved]
20 U.S.C. 7701-7714
; Pub. L. 111-256, 124 Stat. 2643; unless otherwise noted
60 FR 50778, Sept. 29, 1995, unless otherwise noted.
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