Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 12, 2025

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Feb 20, 2025
Appendix Appendix 1 - Appendix 1 to Part 801—Identification of Properties: General
A. Introduction

Because of the high probability of locating properties which are listed in the National Register or which meet the Criteria for listing in many older city downtowns, this appendix is designed to serve as guidance for UDAG applicants in identifying such properties. This appendix sets forth guidance for applicants and does not set a fixed or inflexible standard for identification efforts.

B. Role of the State Historic Preservation Officer

In any effort to locate National Register properties or properties which meet the Criteria, the State Historic Preservation Officer is a key source of information and advice. The State Historic Preservation Officer will be of vital assistance to the applicant. The State Historic Preservation Officer can provide information on known properties and on studies which have taken place in and around the project area. Early contact should be made with the State Historic Preservation Officer for recommendations about how to identify historic properties. For UDAG projects, identification of National Register properties and properties which meet the Criteria is the responsibility of the applicant. The extent of the identification effort should be made with the advice of the State Historic Preservation Officer. The State Historic Preservation Officer can be a knowledgeable source of information regarding cases wherein the need for a survey of historic properties is appropriate, recommended type and method of a survey and the boundaries of any such survey. Due consideration should be given to the nature of the project and its impacts, the likelihood of historic properties being affected and the state of existing knowledge regarding historic properties in the area of the project's potential environmental impact.

C. Levels of Identification

1. The area of the project's potential environmental impact consists of two distinct subareas: that which will be disturbed directly (generally the construction site and its immediate environs) and that which will experience indirect effects. Within the area of indirect impact, impacts will be induced as a result of carrying the project out. Historic and cultural properties subject to effect must be identified in both subareas, and the level of effort necessary in each may vary. The level of effort needed is also affected by the stage of planning and the quality of pre-existing information. Obviously, if the area of potential environmental impact has already been fully and intensively studied before project planning begins, there is no need to duplicate this effort. The State Historic Preservation Officer should be contacted for information on previous studies. If the area has not been previously intensively studied, identification efforts generally fall into three levels:

a. Overview Study: This level of study is normally conducted as a part of general planning and is useful at an early stage in project formulation. It is designed to obtain a general understanding of an area's historic and cultural properties in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer, by:

(1) Assessing the extent to which the area has been previously subjected to study;

(2) Locating properties previously recorded;

(3) Assessing the probability that properties eligible for the National Register will be found if the area is closely inspected, and

(4) Determining the need, if any, for further investigation.

An overview study includes study of pertinent records (local histories, building inventories, architectural reports, archeological survey reports, etc.), and usually some minor on-the-ground inspection.

b. Identification Study: An identification study attempts to specifically identify and record all properties in an area that may meet the criteria for listing in the National Register. In conducting the study, the applicant should seek the advice of the State Historic Preservation Officer regarding pertinent background data. A thorough on-the-ground inspection of the subject area by qualified personnel should be undertaken. For very large areas, or areas with uncertain boundaries, such a study may focus on representative sample areas, from which generalizations may be made about the whole.

c. Definition and Evaluation Study: If an overview and/or an identification study have indicated the presence or probable presence of properties that may meet the National Register Criteria but has not documented them sufficiently to allow a determination to be made about their eligibility, a definition and evaluation study is necessary. Such a study is directed at specific potentially eligible properties or at areas known or suspected to contain such properties. It includes an intensive on-the-ground inspection and related studies as necessary, conducted by qualified personnel, and provides sufficient information to apply the National Register's “Criteria for Evaluation” (36 CFR 60.6).

2. An overview study will normally be needed to provide basic information for planning in the area of potential environmental impact. Unless this study indicates clearly that no further identification efforts are needed (e.g., by demonstrating that the entire area has already been intensively inspected with negative results, or by demonstrating that no potentially significant buildings have ever been built there and there is virtually no potential for archeological resources), and identification study will probably be needed within the area of potential environmental impact. This study may show that there are no potentially eligible properties within the area, or may show that only a few such properties exist and document them sufficiently to permit a determination of eligibility to be made in accordance with 36 CFR part 60. Alternatively, the study may indicate that potentially eligible properties exist in the area, but may not document them to the standards of 36 CFR part 60. Should this occur, a definition and evaluation study is necessary for those properties falling within the project's area of direct effect and for those properties subject to indirect effects. If a property falls within the general area of indirect effect, but no indirect effects are actually anticipated on the property in question, a definition and evaluation study will normally be superfluous.

authority: Pub. L. 89-665, 80 Stat. 915 (16 U.S.C. 470); Pub. L. 94-422, 90 Stat. 1320 (16 U.S.C. 470(i)); Pub. L. 96-399, 94 Stat. 1619 (42 U.S.C. 5320)
source: 46 FR 42428, Aug. 20, 1981, unless otherwise noted.