| Description
CONFLICT | different papers report differing sequences.
VARIANT | authors report that sequence variants exist.
VARSPLIC | description of sequence variants produced by alternative splicing.
MUTAGEN | site which has been experimentally altered.
MOD__RES | post-translational modification of a residue.
ACETYLATION | N-terminal or other.
AMIDATION | generally at the C-terminal of a mature active peptide.
BLOCKED | undetermined N- or C-terminal blocking group.
FORMYLATION | of the N-terminal methionine.
GAMMA-CARBOXYGLUTAMIC ACID HYDROXYLATION | of asparagine, aspartic acid, proline, or lysine.
METHYLATION | generally of lysine or arginine.
PHOSPHORYLATION | of serine, threonine, tyrosine, aspartic acid or histidine.
PYRROLIDONE CARBOXYLIC ACID | N-terminal glutamate which has formed an internal cyclic lactam.
SULFATATION | generally of tyrosine.
LIPID | covalent binding of a lipidic moiety.
MYRISTATE | myristate group attached through an amide bond to the N-terminal glycine residue of the mature form of a protein or to an internal lysine residue.
PALMITATE | palmitate group attached through a thioether bond to a cysteine residue or through an ester bond to a serine or threonine residue.
FARNESYL | farnesyl group attached through a thioether bond to a cysteine residue.
GERANYL-GERANYL | geranyl-geranyl group attached through a thioether bond to a cysteine residue.
GPI-ANCHOR | glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) group linked to the alpha- carboxyl group of the C-terminal residue of the mature form of a protein.
N-ACYL DIGLYCERIDE | N-terminal cysteine of the mature form of a prokaryotic lipoprotein with an amide-linked fatty acid and a glyceryl group to which two fatty acids are linked by ester linkages.
DISULFID | disulfide bond; the `FROM' and `TO' endpoints represent the two residues which are linked by an intra-chain disulfide bond; if the `FROM' and `TO' endpoints are identical, the disulfide bond is an interchain one and the description field indicates the nature of the cross-link.
THIOLEST | thiolester bond; the `FROM' and `TO' endpoints represent the two residues which are linked by the thiolester bond.
THIOETH | thioether bond; the `FROM' and `TO' endpoints represent the two residues which are linked by the thioether bond.
CARBOHYD | glycosylation site; the nature of the carbohydrate (if known) is given in the description field.
METAL | binding site for a metal ion; the description field indicates the nature of the metal.
BINDING | binding site for any chemical group (co-enzyme, prosthetic group, etc.); the chemical nature of the group is given in the description field.
SIGNAL | extent of a signal sequence (prepeptide).
TRANSIT | extent of a transit peptide (mitochondrial, chloroplastic, or for a microbody).
PROPEP | extent of a propeptide.
CHAIN | extent of a polypeptide chain in the mature protein.
PEPTIDE | extent of a released active peptide.
DOMAIN | extent of a domain of interest on the sequence; the nature of that domain is given in the description field.
CA__BIND | extent of a calcium-binding region.
DNA__BIND | extent of a DNA-binding region.
NP__BIND | extent of a nucleotide phosphate binding region; the nature of the nucleotide phosphate is indicated in the description field.
TRANSMEM | extent of a transmembrane region.
ZN__FING | extent of a zinc finger region.
SIMILAR | extent of a similarity with another protein sequence; precise information, relative to that sequence, is given in the description field.
REPEAT | extent of an internal sequence repetition.
HELIX | secondary structure: Helices, for example, Alpha-helix, 3(10) helix, or Pi-helix.
STRAND | secondary structure: Beta-strand, for example, Hydrogen bonded beta-strand, or Residue in an isolated beta-bridge.
TURN | secondary structure Turns, for example, H-bonded turn (3-turn, 4-turn, or 5-turn).
ACT__SITE | amino acid(s) involved in the activity of an enzyme.
SITE | any other interesting site on the sequence.
INIT__MET | the sequence is known to start with an initiator methionine.
NON__TER | the residue at an extremity of the sequence is not the terminal residue; if applied to position 1, this signifies that the first position is not the N-terminus of the complete molecule; if applied to the last position, it signifies that this position is not the C-terminus of the complete molecule; there is no description field for this key.
NON__CONS | non consecutive residues; indicates that two residues in a sequence are not consecutive and that there are a number of unsequenced residues between them.
UNSURE | uncertainties in the sequence; used to describe region(s) of a sequence for which the authors are unsure about the sequence assignment. |