Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
Appendix Appendix to - Appendix to Subpart CC of Part 63—Tables

Table 1—Hazardous Air Pollutants

Chemical name CAS No. a
Butadiene (1,3)106990
Carbon disulfide75150
Carbonyl sulfide463581
Cresol (mixed isomers b)1319773
Cresol (m-)108394
Cresol (o-)95487
Cresol (p-)106445
Dibromoethane (1,2) (ethylene dibromide)106934
Dichloroethane (1,2)107062
Ethylene glycol107211
Methyl isobutyl ketone (hexone)108101
Methyl tert butyl ether1634044
Trimethylpentane (2,2,4)540841
Xylene (mixed isomers b)1330207
xylene (m-)108383
xylene (o-)95476
xylene (p-)106423

a CAS number = Chemical Abstract Service registry number assigned to specific compounds, isomers, or mixtures of compounds.

b Isomer means all structural arrangements for the same number of atoms of each element and does not mean salts, esters, or derivatives.

Table 2—Leak Definitions for Pumps and Valves

Standard a Phase Leak definition (parts per million)
§ 63.163 (pumps)I10,000
§ 63.168 (valves)I10,000

a Subpart H of this part.

Table 3—Equipment Leak Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Sources Complying With § 63.648 of Subpart CC by Compliance With Subpart H of this Part a

Reference (section of subpart H of this part) Description Comment
63.181(a)Recordkeeping system requirementsExcept for §§ 63.181(b)(2)(iii) and 63.181(b)(9).
63.181(b)Records required for process unit equipmentExcept for §§ 63.181(b)(2)(iii) and 63.181(b)(9).
63.181(c)Visual inspection documentationExcept for §§ 63.181(b)(2)(iii) and 63.181(b)(9).
63.181(d)Leak detection record requirementsExcept for § 63.181(d)(8).
63.181(e)Compliance requirements for pressure tests for batch product process equipment trainsThis subsection does not apply to subpart CC.
63.181(f)Compressor compliance test records.
63.181(g)Closed-vent systems and control device record requirements.
63.181(h)Process unit quality improvement program records.
63.181(i)Heavy liquid service determination record.
63.181(j)Equipment identification record.
63.181(k)Enclosed-vented process unit emission limitation record requirements.
63.182(b)Initial notification report requirements.Not required.
63.182(c)Notification of compliance status reportExcept in § 63.182(c); change “within 90 days of the compliance dates” to “within 150 days of the compliance dates”; except in §§ 63.182 (c)(2) and (c)(4).
63.182(d)Periodic reportExcept for §§ 63.182 (d)(2)(vii), (d)(2)(viii), and (d)(3).

a This table does not include all the requirements delineated under the referenced sections. See referenced sections for specific requirements.

Table 4—Gasoline Distribution Emission Point Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements a

Reference (section of
subpart R)
Description Comment
63.428(b) or (k)Records of test results for each gasoline cargo tank loaded at the facility
63.428(c)Continuous monitoring data recordkeeping requirements
63.428(g)(1)Semiannual report loading rack informationRequired to be submitted with the Periodic Report required under 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC.
63.428(h)(1) through (h)(3)Excess emissions report loading rack informationRequired to be submitted with the Periodic Report required under 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC.

a This table does not include all the requirements delineated under the referenced sections. See referenced sections for specific requirements.

Table 5—Marine Vessel Loading Operations Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements a

Reference (section of subpart Y) Description Comment
63.562(e)(2)Operation and maintenance plan for control equipment and monitoring equipment
63.565(a)Performance test/site test planThe information required under this paragraph is to be submitted with the Notification of Compliance Status report required under 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC.
63.565(b)Performance test data requirements
63.567(a)General Provisions (subpart A) applicability
63.567(c)Request for extension of compliance
63.567(d)Flare recordkeeping requirements
63.567(e)Summary report and excess emissions and monitoring system performance report requirementsThe information required under this paragraph is to be submitted with the Periodic Report required under 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC.
63.567(f)Vapor collection system engineering report
63.567(g)Vent system valve bypass recordkeeping requirements
63.567(h)Marine vessel vapor-tightness documentation
63.567(i)Documentation file maintenance
63.567(j)Emission estimation reporting and recordkeeping procedures

a This table does not include all the requirements delineated under the referenced sections. See referenced sections for specific requirements.

Table 6—General Provisions Applicability to Subpart CC a

Reference Applies to subpart CC Comment
63.1(a)(6)YesExcept the correct mail drop (MD) number is C404-04.
63.1(c)(2)NoArea sources are not subject to subpart CC.
63.1(c)(5)YesExcept that sources are not required to submit notifications overridden by this table.
63.1(e)NoNo CAA section 112(j) standard applies to the affected sources under subpart CC.
63.2Yes§ 63.641 of subpart CC specifies that if the same term is defined in subparts A and CC, it shall have the meaning given in subpart CC.
63.5(b)(4)YesExcept the cross-reference to § 63.9(b) is changed to § 63.9(b)(4) and (5). Subpart CC overrides § 63.9 (b)(2).
63.5(d)(1)(i)YesExcept that the application shall be submitted as soon as practicable before startup, but no later than 90 days after the promulgation date of subpart CC if the construction or reconstruction had commenced and initial startup had not occurred before the promulgation of subpart CC.
63.5(d)(1)(ii)YesExcept that for affected sources subject to this subpart, emission estimates specified in § 63.5(d)(1)(ii)(H) are not required, and § 63.5(d)(1)(ii)(G) and (I) are Reserved and do not apply.
63.5(d)(1)(iii)NoSubpart CC § 63.655(f) specifies Notification of Compliance Status report requirements.
63.5(f)YesExcept that the cross-reference in § 63.5(f)(2) to § 63.9(b)(2) does not apply.
63.6(b)(1)-63.6(b)(5)NoSubpart CC specifies compliance dates and notifications for sources subject to subpart CC.
63.6(c)(1)-63.6(c)(2)No§ 63.640 of subpart CC specifies the compliance date.
63.6(e)(1)(i) and (ii)NoSee § 63.642(n) for general duty requirement.
63.6(f)(2)YesExcept the phrase “as specified in § 63.7(c)” in § 63.6(f)(2)(iii)(D) does not apply because this subpart does not require a site-specific test plan.
63.6(f)(3)YesExcept the cross-references to § 63.6(f)(1) and (e)(1)(i) are changed to § 63.642(n) and performance test results may be written or electronic.
63.6(h)(2)YesExcept § 63.6(h)(2)(ii), which is reserved.
63.6(h)(4)NoNotification of visible emission test not required in subpart CC.
63.6(h)(5)NoVisible emission requirements and timing is specified in § 63.645(i) of subpart CC.
63.6(h)(7)NoSubpart CC does not require opacity standards.
63.6(h)(8)YesExcept performance test results may be written or electronic.
63.6(h)(9)NoSubpart CC does not require opacity standards.
63.6(i)YesExcept for § 63.6(i)(15), which is reserved.
63.7(a)(2)YesExcept test results must be submitted in the Notification of Compliance Status report due 150 days after compliance date, as specified in § 63.655(f), unless they are required to be submitted electronically in accordance with § 63.655(h)(9). Test results required to be submitted electronically must be submitted by the date the Notification of Compliance Status report is submitted.
63.7(b)YesExcept this subpart requires notification of performance test at least 30 days (rather than 60 days) prior to the performance test.
63.7(c)NoSubpart CC does not require a site-specific test plan.
63.7(e)(1)NoSee § 63.642(d)(3).
63.7(f)YesExcept that additional notification or approval is not required for alternatives directly specified in Subpart CC.
63.7(g)NoPerformance test reporting specified in § 63.655(f).
63.7(h)(3)YesYes, except site-specific test plans shall not be required, and where § 63.7(h)(3)(i) specifies waiver submittal date, the date shall be 90 days prior to the Notification of Compliance Status report in § 63.655(f).
63.7(h)(4)(ii)NoSite-specific test plans are not required in subpart CC.
63.7(h)(4)(iii) and (iv)Yes
63.8(a)(1) and (2)Yes.
63.8(a)(4)YesExcept that for a flare complying with § 63.670, the cross-reference to § 63.11 in this paragraph does not include § 63.11(b).
63.8(c)(1)YesExcept § 63.8(c)(1)(i) and (iii).
63.8(c)(1)(i)NoSee § 63.642(n).
63.8(c)(3)YesExcept that verification of operational status shall, at a minimum, include completion of the manufacturer's written specifications or recommendations for installation, operation, and calibration of the system or other written procedures that provide adequate assurance that the equipment would monitor accurately.
63.8(c)(4)YesExcept that for sources other than flares, this subpart specifies the monitoring cycle frequency specified in § 63.8(c)(4)(ii) is “once every hour” rather than “for each successive 15-minute period.”
63.8(c)(5)-63.8(c)(8)NoThis subpart specifies continuous monitoring system requirements.
63.8(d)NoThis subpart specifies quality control procedures for continuous monitoring systems.
63.8(e)YesExcept that results are to be submitted electronically if required by § 63.655(h)(9).
63.8(f)(4)(i)NoTimeframe for submitting request is specified in § 63.655(h)(5)(i) of subpart CC.
63.8(f)(4)(iii)NoTimeframe for submitting request is specified in § 63.655(h)(5)(i) of subpart CC.
63.8(f)(6)NoSubpart CC does not require continuous emission monitors.
63.8(g)NoThis subpart specifies data reduction procedures in §§ 63.655(i)(3) and 63.671(d).
63.9(a)YesExcept that the owner or operator does not need to send a copy of each notification submitted to the Regional Office of the EPA as stated in § 63.9(a)(4)(ii).
63.9(b)(1)YesExcept the notification of compliance status report specified in § 63.655(f) of subpart CC may also serve as the initial compliance notification required in § 63.9(b)(1)(iii).
63.9(b)(2)NoA separate Initial Notification report is not required under subpart CC.
63.9(b)(4)YesExcept for subparagraphs § 63.9(b)(4)(ii) through (iv), which are reserved.
63.9(e)NoSubpart CC requires notification of performance test at least 30 days (rather than 60 days) prior to the performance test and does not require a site-specific test plan.
63.9(f)NoSubpart CC does not require advanced notification of visible emissions test.
63.9(h)NoSubpart CC § 63.655(f) specifies Notification of Compliance Status report requirements.
63.9(k)YesOnly as specified in § 63.9(j).
63.10(b)(1)No§ 63.655(i) of subpart CC specifies record retention requirements.
63.10(b)(2)(ii)No§ 63.655(i) specifies the records that must be kept.
63.10(b)(2)(vii)No§ 63.655(i) specifies records to be kept for parameters measured with continuous monitors.
63.10(c)(7) and 63.10(c)(8)Yes
63.10(c)(10)-63.10(c)(11)No§ 63.655(i) specifies the records that must be kept.
63.10(d)(2)NoAlthough § 63.655(f) specifies performance test reporting, EPA may approve other timeframes for submittal of performance test data.
63.10(d)(3)NoResults of visible emissions test are included in Compliance Status Report as specified in § 63.655(f).
63.10(d)(5)No§ 63.655(g) specifies the reporting requirements.
63.11YesExcept that flares complying with § 63.670 are not subject to the requirements of § 63.11(b).

a Wherever subpart A of this part specifies “postmark” dates, submittals may be sent by methods other than the U.S. Mail (e.g., by fax or courier). Submittals shall be sent by the specified dates, but a postmark is not required.

Table 7—Fraction Measured (FM), Fraction Emitted (FE), and Fraction Removed (FR) for HAP Compounds in Wastewater Streams

Chemical name CAS No. a Fm Fe Fr
Butadiene (1,3)1069901.000.980.99
Carbon disulfide751501.000.920.99
Dichloroethane (1,2-) (Ethylene dichloride)1070621.000.640.99
Methyl isobutyl ketone (hexone)1081010.980.530.99
Methyl tert butyl ether16340441.000.570.99
Trimethylpentane (2,2,4)5408411.001.000.99
xylene (m-)1083831.000.820.99
xylene (o-)954761.000.790.99
xylene (p-)1064231.000.820.99

a CAS numbers refer to the Chemical Abstracts Service registry number assigned to specific compounds, isomers, or mixtures of compounds.

Table 8—Valve Monitoring Frequency for Phase III

Performance level Valve monitoring frequency
Leaking valves a (%)
≥4Monthly or QIP. b

a Percent leaking valves is calculated as a rolling average of two consecutive monitoring periods.

b QIP = Quality improvement program. Specified in § 63.175 of subpart H of this part.

Table 9—Valve Monitoring Frequency for Alternative

Performance level Valve monitoring frequency under § 63.649 alternative
Leaking valves a (%)
≥5Monthly or QIP. b

a Percent leaking valves is calculated as a rolling average of two consecutive monitoring periods.

b QIP = Quality improvement program. Specified in § 63.175 of subpart H of this part.

Table 10—Miscellaneous Process Vents—Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Complying With 98 Weight-Percent Reduction of Total Organic HAP Emissions or a Limit of 20 Parts Per Million by Volume

Control device Parameters to be monitored a Recordkeeping and reporting requirements for monitored parameters
Thermal incineratorFirebox temperature b (63.644(a)(1)(i))1. Continuous records c.
2. Record and report the firebox temperature averaged over the full period of the performance test—NCS d.
3. Record the daily average firebox temperature for each operating day e.
4. Report all daily average temperatures that are outside the range established in the NCS or operating permit and all operating days when insufficient monitoring data are collected f—PR g.
Catalytic incineratorTemperature upstream and downstream of the catalyst bed (63.644(a)(1)(ii))1. Continuous records c.
2. Record and report the upstream and downstream temperatures and the temperature difference across the catalyst bed averaged over the full period of the performance test—NCS d.
3. Record the daily average upstream temperature and temperature difference across the catalyst bed for each operating day e.
4. Report all daily average upstream temperatures that are outside the range established in the NCS or operating permit—PR g.
5. Report all daily average temperature differences across the catalyst bed that are outside the range established in the NCS or operating permit—PR g.
6. Report all operating days when insufficient monitoring data are collected f.
Boiler or process heater with a design heat capacity less than 44 megawatts where the vent stream is not introduced into the flame zone h iFirebox temperature b (63.644(a)(4))1. Continuous records c.
2. Record and report the firebox temperature averaged over the full period of the performance test—NCS d.
3. Record the daily average firebox temperature for each operating day e.
4. Report all daily average firebox temperatures that are outside the range established in the NCS or operating permit and all operating days when insufficient monitoring data are collected f—PR g.
Flare (if meeting the requirements of §§ 63.643 and 63.644)Presence of a flame at the pilot light (63.644(a)(2))1. Hourly records of whether the monitor was continuously operating and whether a pilot flame was continuously present during each hour.
2. Record and report the presence of a flame at the pilot light over the full period of the compliance determination—NCS d.
3. Record the times and durations of all periods when all pilot flames for a flare are absent or the monitor is not operating.
4. Report the times and durations of all periods when all pilot flames for a flare are absent or the monitor is not operating.
Flare (if meeting the requirements of §§ 63.670 and 63.671)The parameters specified in § 63.6701. Records as specified in § 63.655(i)(9).
2. Report information as specified in § 63.655(g)(11)—PR. g
All control devicesPresence of flow diverted to the atmosphere from the control device (§ 63.644(c)(1)) or1. Hourly records of whether the flow indicator was operating and whether flow was detected at any time during each hour.
Record and report the times and durations of all periods when the vent stream is diverted through a bypass line or the monitor is not operating—PR. g
Monthly inspections of sealed valves (§ 63.644(c)(2))1. Records that monthly inspections were performed.
2. Record and report all monthly inspections that show the valves are not closed or the seal has been changed—PR. g

a Regulatory citations are listed in parentheses.

b Monitor may be installed in the firebox or in the ductwork immediately downstream of the firebox before any substantial heat exchange is encountered.

c “Continuous records” is defined in § 63.641.

d NCS = Notification of Compliance Status Report described in § 63.655.

e The daily average is the average of all recorded parameter values for the operating day. If all recorded values during an operating day are within the range established in the NCS or operating permit, a statement to this effect can be recorded instead of the daily average.

f When a period of excess emission is caused by insufficient monitoring data, as described in § 63.655(g)(6)(i)(C) or (D), the duration of the period when monitoring data were not collected shall be included in the Periodic Report.

g PR = Periodic Reports described in § 63.655(g).

h No monitoring is required for boilers and process heaters with a design heat capacity ≥44 megawatts or for boilers and process heaters where all vent streams are introduced into the flame zone. No recordkeeping or reporting associated with monitoring is required for such boilers and process heaters.

i Process vents that are routed to refinery fuel gas systems are not regulated under this subpart provided that on and after January 30, 2019, any flares receiving gas from that fuel gas system are in compliance with § 63.670. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for boilers and process heaters that combust refinery fuel gas.

Table 11—Compliance Dates and Requirements

If the construction/
reconstruction date
is . . .
Then the owner or operator must comply with . . . And the owner or operator must achieve compliance . . . Except as provided in . . .
(1) After June 30, 2014(i) Requirements for new sources in §§ 63.643(a) and (b); 63.644, 63.645, and 63.647; 63.648(a) through (i) and (j)(1) and (2); 63.649 through 63.651; and 63.654 through 63.656Upon initial startup§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(ii) Requirements for new sources in §§ 63.642(n), 63.643(c), 63.648(j)(3), (6) and (7); and 63.657 through 63.660Upon initial startup or February 1, 2016, whichever is later§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(2) After September 4, 2007 but on or before June 30, 2014(i) Requirements for new sources in §§ 63.643(a) and (b); 63.644, 63.645, and 63.647; 63.648(a) through (i) and (j)(1) and (2); and 63.649 through 63.651, 63.655 and 63.656Upon initial startup§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(ii) Requirements for new sources in § 63.654Upon initial startup or October 28, 2009, whichever is later§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(iii) Requirements for new sources in either § 63.646 or § 63.660 or, if applicable, § 63.640(n)Upon initial startup, but you must transition to comply with only the requirements in § 63.660 or, if applicable, § 63.640(n) on or before April 29, 2016§§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m) and 63.660(d).
(iv) Requirements for existing sources in § 63.643(c)On or before December 26, 2018§§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m) and 63.643(d).
(v) Requirements for existing sources in § 63.658On or before January 30, 2018§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(vi) Requirements for existing sources in § 63.648 (j)(3), (6) and (7) and § 63.657On or before January 30, 2019§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(vii) Requirements in § 63.642 (n)Upon initial startup or February 1, 2016, whichever is later
(3) After July 14, 1994 but on or before September 4, 2007(i) Requirements for new sources in §§ 63.643(a) and (b); 63.644, 63.645, and 63.647; 63.648(a) through (i) and (j)(1) and (2); and 63.649 through 63.651, 63.655 and 63.656Upon initial startup or August 18, 1995, whichever is later§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(ii) Requirements for existing sources in § 63.654On or before October 29, 2012§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(iii) Requirements for new sources in either § 63.646 or § 63.660 or, if applicable, § 63.640(n)Upon initial startup, but you must transition to comply with only the requirements in § 63.660 or, if applicable, § 63.640(n) on or before April 29, 2016§§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m) and 63.660(d).
(iv) Requirements for existing sources in § 63.643(c)On or before December 26, 2018§§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m) and 63.643(d).
(v) Requirements for existing sources in § 63.658On or before January 30, 2018§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(vi) Requirements for existing sources in §§ 63.648(j)(3), (6) and (7) and 63.657On or before January 30, 2019§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(vii) Requirements in § 63.642(n)Upon initial startup or February 1, 2016, whichever is later
(4) On or before July 14, 1994(i) Requirements for existing sources in §§ 63.648(a) through (i) and (j)(1) and (2); and 63.649, 63.655 and 63.656(A) On or before August 18, 1998(1) § 63.640(k), (l) and (m). (2) § 63.6(c)(5) or unless an extension has been granted by the Administrator as provided in § 63.6(i).
(ii) Either the requirements for existing sources in §§ 63.643(a) and (b); 63.644, 63.645, 63.647, 63.650 and 63.651; and item (4)(v) of this table
The requirements in §§ 63.652 and 63.653
(A) On or before August 18, 1998(1) § 63.640(k), (l) and (m). (2) § 63.6(c)(5) or unless an extension has been granted by the Administrator as provided in § 63.6(i).
(iii) Requirements for existing sources in either § 63.646 or § 63.660 or, if applicable, § 63.640(n)On or before August 18, 1998, but you must transition to comply with only the requirements in § 63.660 or, if applicable, § 63.640(n) on or before April 29, 2016§§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m) and 63.660(d).
(iv) Requirements for existing sources in § 63.654On or before October 29, 2012§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(v) Requirements for existing sources in § 63.643(c)On or before December 26, 2018§§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m) and 63.643(d).
(vi) Requirements for existing sources in § 63.658On or before January 30, 2018§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(vii) Requirements for existing sources in §§ 63.648(j)(3), (6) and (7) and 63.657On or before January 30, 2019§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m).
(viii) Requirements in § 63.642 (n)Upon initial startup or February 1, 2016, whichever is later

Table 12—Individual Component Properties

Component Molecular
(pounds per pound-mole)
(mole per mole)
thermal units
per standard
cubic foot)
(volume %)
Carbon DioxideCO244.0110
Carbon MonoxideCO28.01131612.5
HydrogenH22.0201,212 a4.0
Hydrogen SulfideH2S34.0805874.0
Pentane+ (C5+)C5H1272.1553,6551.4

a The theoretical net heating value for hydrogen is 274 Btu/scf, but for the purposes of the flare requirement in this subpart, a net heating value of 1,212 Btu/scf shall be used.

Table 13—Calibration and Quality Control Requirements for CPMS

Parameter Minimum accuracy requirements Calibration requirements
Temperature±1 percent over the normal range of temperature measured, expressed in degrees Celsius (C), or 2.8 degrees C, whichever is greaterConduct calibration checks at least annually; conduct calibration checks following any period of more than 24 hours throughout which the temperature exceeded the manufacturer's specified maximum rated temperature or install a new temperature sensor.
At least quarterly, inspect all components for integrity and all electrical connections for continuity, oxidation, and galvanic corrosion, unless the CPMS has a redundant temperature sensor.
Record the results of each calibration check and inspection.
Locate the temperature sensor in a position that provides a representative temperature; shield the temperature sensor system from electromagnetic interference and chemical contaminants.
Flow Rate for All Flows Other Than Flare Vent Gas±5 percent over the normal range of flow measured or 1.9 liters per minute (0.5 gallons per minute), whichever is greater, for liquid flowConduct a flow sensor calibration check at least biennially (every two years); conduct a calibration check following any period of more than 24 hours throughout which the flow rate exceeded the manufacturer's specified maximum rated flow rate or install a new flow sensor.
±5 percent over the normal range of flow measured or 280 liters per minute (10 cubic feet per minute), whichever is greater, for gas flowAt least quarterly, inspect all components for leakage, unless the CPMS has a redundant flow sensor.
±5 percent over the normal range measured for mass flowRecord the results of each calibration check and inspection.
Locate the flow sensor(s) and other necessary equipment (such as straightening vanes) in a position that provides representative flow; reduce swirling flow or abnormal velocity distributions due to upstream and downstream disturbances.
Flare Vent Gas Flow Rate±20 percent of flow rate at velocities ranging from 0.03 to 0.3 meters per second (0.1 to 1 feet per second)Conduct a flow sensor calibration check at least biennially (every two years); conduct a calibration check following any period of more than 24 hours throughout which the flow rate exceeded the manufacturer's specified maximum rated flow rate or install a new flow sensor.
±5 percent of flow rate at velocities greater than 0.3 meters per second (1 feet per second)At least quarterly, inspect all components for leakage, unless the CPMS has a redundant flow sensor.
Record the results of each calibration check and inspection.
Locate the flow sensor(s) and other necessary equipment (such as straightening vanes) in a position that provides representative flow; reduce swirling flow or abnormal velocity distributions due to upstream and downstream disturbances.
Pressure±5 percent over the normal operating range or 0.12 kilopascals (0.5 inches of water column), whichever is greaterReview pressure sensor readings at least once a week for straightline (unchanging) pressure and perform corrective action to ensure proper pressure sensor operation if blockage is indicated.
Using an instrument recommended by the sensor's manufacturer, check gauge calibration and transducer calibration annually; conduct calibration checks following any period of more than 24 hours throughout which the pressure exceeded the manufacturer's specified maximum rated pressure or install a new pressure sensor.
At least quarterly, inspect all components for integrity, all electrical connections for continuity, and all mechanical connections for leakage, unless the CPMS has a redundant pressure sensor.
Record the results of each calibration check and inspection.
Locate the pressure sensor(s) in a position that provides a representative measurement of the pressure and minimizes or eliminates pulsating pressure, vibration, and internal and external corrosion.
Net Heating Value by Calorimeter±2 percent of spanSpecify calibration requirements in your site specific CPMS monitoring plan. Calibration requirements should follow manufacturer's recommendations at a minimum.
Temperature control (heated and/or cooled as necessary) the sampling system to ensure proper year-round operation.
Where feasible, select a sampling location at least two equivalent diameters downstream from and 0.5 equivalent diameters upstream from the nearest disturbance. Select the sampling location at least two equivalent duct diameters from the nearest control device, point of pollutant generation, air in-leakages, or other point at which a change in the pollutant concentration or emission rate occurs.
Net Heating Value by Gas ChromatographAs specified in Performance Specification 9 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix BFollow the procedure in Performance Specification 9 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix B, except that a single daily mid-level calibration check can be used (rather than triplicate analysis), the multi-point calibration can be conducted quarterly (rather than monthly), and the sampling line temperature must be maintained at a minimum temperature of 60 °C (rather than 120 °C).
Net Heating Value by Mass SpectrometerAs specified in Performance Specifications 9 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix BFollow the procedure in Performance Specification 9 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix B, including performing an initial multi-point calibration check at three concentrations following the procedure in section 10.1 of Performance Specification 9, except that the multi-point calibration can be conducted quarterly (rather than monthly), and the sampling line temperature must be maintained at a minimum temperature of 60 °C (rather than 120 °C).
Hydrogen analyzer±2 percent over the concentration measured or 0.1 volume percent, whichever is greaterSpecify calibration requirements in your site specific CPMS monitoring plan. Calibration requirements should follow manufacturer's recommendations at a minimum.
Where feasible, select the sampling location at least two equivalent duct diameters from the nearest control device, point of pollutant generation, air in-leakages, or other point at which a change in the pollutant concentration occurs.
[60 FR 43260, Aug. 18, 1995, as amended at 61 FR 29881, 29882, June 12, 1996; 63 FR 44142, 44143, Aug. 18, 1998; 74 FR 55688, Oct. 28, 2009; 75 FR 37731, June 30, 2010; 80 FR 75269, Dec. 1, 2015; 81 FR 45241, July 13, 2016; 83 FR 60722, Nov. 26, 2018; 85 FR 73893, Nov. 19, 2020; 89 FR 23862, Apr. 4, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.