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Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 15, 2025
Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 15, 2025
All Titles
Title 40
Chapter I
Part 63
Subpart CCCC
Appendix - Table 1 to Subpart CCCC of Part 63—Emission Limitations
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Appendix - Table 1 to Subpart CCCC of Part 63—Emission Limitations
For each fed-batch fermenter producing yeast in the following fermentation stage . . .
98-percent option: You must not exceed the following VOC emission limitation
according to the timeline in Table 7 to this subpart . . .
Average option: You must not exceed the following VOC emission limitation
according to the timeline in Table 7 to this subpart . . .
Batch option: You must not exceed the following VOC emission limitation
according to the timeline in Table 7 to this subpart . . .
Last stage
100 ppmv (measured as propane) for BAVOC for at least 98 percent of all batches in each 12-month calculation period described in
§ 63.2171
(b) and (e)
95 ppmv (measured as propane) for the average BAVOC of all batches in this stage in each 12-month calculation period described in
§ 63.2171
(c) and (e)
100 ppmv (measured as propane) for BAVOC for each batch.
Second-to-last stage
200 ppmv (measured as propane) for BAVOC for at least 98 percent of all batches in each 12-month calculation period described in
§ 63.2171
(b) and (e)
190 ppmv (measured as propane) for the average BAVOC of all batches in this stage in each 12-month calculation period described in
§ 63.2171
(c) and (e)
200 ppmv (measured as propane) for BAVOC for each batch.
Third-to-last stage
300 ppmv (measured as propane) for BAVOC for at least 98 percent of all batches in each 12-month calculation period described in
§ 63.2171
(b) and (e)
285 ppmv (measured as propane) for the average BAVOC of all batches in this stage in each 12-month calculation period described in
§ 63.2171
(c) and (e)
300 ppmv (measured as propane) for BAVOC for each batch.
The emission limitation does not apply during the production of specialty yeast.
42 U.S.C. 7401
57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
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