Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
Appendix - Table 2 to Subpart RRR of Part 63—Summary of Operating Requirements for New and Existing Affected Sources and Emission Units
Affected source/emission unit Monitor type/operation/process Operating requirements
All affected sources and emission units with an add-on air pollution control deviceEmission capture and collection systemDesign and install in accordance with ACGIH Guidelines; e operate in accordance with OM&M plan (sweat furnaces may be operated according to 63.1506(c)(4)). b
All affected sources and emission units subject to production-based (lb/ton of feed) emission limits aCharge/feed weight or Production weightOperate a device that records the weight of each charge; Operate in accordance with OM&M plan. b
Group 1 furnace, group 2 furnace, in-line fluxer and scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kilnLabelingIdentification, operating parameter ranges and operating requirements posted at affected sources and emission units; control device temperature and residence time requirements posted at scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kiln.
Aluminum scrap shredder with fabric filterBag leak detector orInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of alarm and complete in accordance with OM&M plan b; operate such that alarm does not sound more than 5% of operating time in 6-month period.
COM orInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of a 6-minute average opacity reading of 5% or more and complete in accordance with OM&M plan. b
VEInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of any observed VE and complete in accordance with the OM&M plan. b
Thermal chip dryer with afterburnerAfterburner operating temperatureMaintain average temperature for each 3-hr period at or above average operating temperature during the performance test.
Afterburner operationOperate in accordance with OM&M plan. b
Feed materialOperate using only unpainted aluminum chips.
Scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kiln with afterburner and lime-injected fabric filterAfterburner operating temperatureMaintain average temperature for each 3-hr period at or above average operating temperature during the performance test.
Afterburner operationOperate in accordance with OM&M plan. b
Bag leak detector orInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of alarm and complete in accordance with the OM&M plan; b operate such that alarm does not sound more than 5% of operating time in 6-month period.
COMInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of a 6-minute average opacity reading of 5% or more and complete in accordance with the OM&M plan. b
Fabric filter inlet temperatureMaintain average fabric filter inlet temperature for each 3-hr period at or below average temperature during the performance test +14 °C (+25 °F).
Lime injection rateMaintain free-flowing lime in the feed hopper or silo at all times for continuous injection systems; maintain feeder setting at or above the level established during the performance test for continuous injection systems.
Sweat furnace with afterburnerAfterburner operating temperatureIf a performance test was conducted, maintain average temperature for each 3-hr period at or above average operating temperature during the performance test; if a performance test was not conducted, and afterburner meets specifications of § 63.1505(f)(1), maintain average temperature for each 3-hr period at or above 1600 °F.
Afterburner operationOperate in accordance with OM&M plan. b
Dross-only furnace with fabric filterBag leak detector orInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of alarm and complete in accordance with the OM&M plan; b operate such that alarm does not sound more than 5% of operating time in 6-month period.
COMInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of a 6-minute average opacity reading of 5% or more and complete in accordance with the OM&M plan. b
Feed/charge materialOperate using only dross as the feed material.
Rotary dross cooler with fabric filterBag leak detector orInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of alarm and complete in accordance with the OM&M plan; b operate such that alarm does not sound more than 5% of operating time in 6-month period.
COMInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of a 6-minute average opacity reading of 5% or more and complete in accordance with the OM&M plan. b
In-line fluxer with lime-injected fabric filter (including those that are part of a secondary aluminum processing unit)Bag leak detector orInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of alarm and complete in accordance with the OM&M plan; b operate such that alarm does not sound more than 5% of operating time in 6-month period.
COMInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of a 6-minute average opacity reading of 5% or more and complete in accordance with the OM&M plan. b
Lime injection rateMaintain free-flowing lime in the feed hopper or silo at all times for continuous injection systems; maintain feeder setting at or above the level established during performance test for continuous injection systems.
Reactive flux injection rateMaintain reactive flux injection rate at or below rate used during the performance test for each operating cycle or time period used in the performance test.
In-line fluxer (using no reactive flux material)Flux materialsUse no reactive flux.
Group 1 furnace with lime-injected fabric filter (including those that are part of a secondary of aluminum processing unit)Bag leak detector orInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of alarm; operate such that alarm does not sound more than 5% of operating time in 6-month period; complete corrective action in accordance with the OM&M plan. b
COMInitiate corrective action within 1-hr of a 6-minute average opacity reading of 5% or more; complete corrective action in accordance with the OM&M plan. b
Fabric filter inlet temperatureMaintain average fabric filter inlet temperature for each 3-hour period at or below average temperature during the performance test +14 °C (+25 °F).
Natural gas-fired, propane-fired or electrically heated group 1 furnaces that will be idled for at least 24 hoursOperation of associated capture/collection systems and APCD b may be temporarily stopped. Operation of these capture/collection systems and control devices must be restarted before feed/charge, flux or alloying materials are added to the furnace.
Reactive flux injection rateMaintain reactive flux injection rate (kg/Mg) (lb/ton) at or below rate used during the performance test for each furnace cycle.
Lime injection rateMaintain free-flowing lime in the feed hopper or silo at all times for continuous injection systems; maintain feeder setting at or above the level established at performance test for continuous injection systems.
Maintain molten aluminum levelOperate sidewell furnaces such that the level of molten metal is above the top of the passage between sidewell and hearth during reactive flux injection, unless the hearth is also controlled.
Fluxing in sidewell furnace hearthAdd reactive flux only to the sidewell of the furnace unless the hearth is also controlled.
Group 1 furnace without add-on air pollution controls (including those that are part of a secondary aluminum processing unit)Reactive flux injection rateMaintain the total reactive chlorine flux injection rate and total reactive fluorine flux injection rate for each operating cycle or time period used in the performance test at or below the average rate established during the performance test.
Clean (group 2) furnaceCharge and flux materialsUse only clean charge. Use no reactive flux.

a Thermal chip dryers, scrap dryers/delacquering kilns/decoating kilns, dross-only furnaces, in-line fluxers and group 1 furnaces including melting/holding furnaces.

b OM&M plan—Operation, maintenance, and monitoring plan.

c Site-specific monitoring plan. Owner/operators of group 1 furnaces without add-on APCD must include a section in their OM&M plan that documents work practice and pollution prevention measures, including procedures for scrap inspection, by which compliance is achieved with emission limits and process or feed parameter-based operating requirements. This plan and the testing to demonstrate adequacy of the monitoring plan must be developed in coordination with and approved by the permitting authority for major sources, or the Administrator for area sources.

d APCD—Air pollution control device.

e Incorporated by reference, see § 63.14.

[65 FR 15710, Mar. 23, 2000, as amended at 67 FR 79818, Dec. 30, 2002; 69 FR 53984, Sept. 3, 2004; 80 FR 56757, Sept. 18, 2015; 81 FR 38092, June 13, 2016]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.