Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
Appendix - Table 3 to Subpart RRR of Part 63—Summary of Monitoring Requirements for New and Existing Affected Sources and Emission Units
Affected source/Emission unit Monitor type/Operation/Process Monitoring requirements
All affected sources and emission units with an add-on air pollution control deviceEmission capture and collection systemAnnual inspection of all emission capture, collection, and transport systems to ensure that systems continue to operate in accordance with ACGIH Guidelines. e Inspection includes volumetric flow rate measurements or verification of a permanent total enclosure using EPA Method 204. d
All affected sources and emission units subject to production-based (lb/ton or gr/ton of feed/charge) emission limits. aFeed/charge weightRecord weight of each feed/charge, weight measurement device or other procedure accuracy of ±1%; b calibrate according to manufacturer's specifications, or at least once every 6 months.
Group 1 furnace, group 2 furnace, in-line fluxer, and scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kilnLabelingCheck monthly to confirm that labels are intact and legible.
Aluminum scrap shredder with fabric filterBag leak detector orInstall and operate in accordance with manufacturer's operating instructions.
COM orDesign and install in accordance with PS-1; collect data in accordance with subpart A of 40 CFR part 63; determine and record 6-minute block averages.
VEConduct and record results of 30-minute daily test in accordance with Method 9 or ASTM D7520-13. e
Thermal chip dryer with afterburnerAfterburner operating temperatureContinuous measurement device to meet specifications in § 63.1510(g)(1); record average temperature for each 15-minute block; determine and record 3-hr block averages.
Afterburner operationAnnual inspection of afterburner internal parts; complete repairs in accordance with the OM&M plan.
Feed/charge materialRecord identity of each feed/charge; certify feed/charge materials every 6 months.
Scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kiln with afterburner and lime-injected fabric filterAfterburner operating temperatureContinuous measurement device to meet specifications in § 63.1510(g)(1); record temperature for each 15-minute block; determine and record 3-hr block averages.
Afterburner operationAnnual inspection of afterburner internal parts; complete repairs in accordance with the OM&M plan.
Bag leak detector orInstall and operate in accordance with manufacturer's operating instructions.
COMDesign and Install in accordance with PS-1; collect data in accordance with subpart A of 40 CFR part 63; determine and record 6-minute block averages.
Lime injection rateFor continuous injection systems, inspect each feed hopper or silo every 8 hours to verify that lime is free flowing; record results of each inspection. If blockage occurs, inspect every 4 hours for 3 days; return to 8-hour inspections if corrective action results in no further blockage during 3-day period, record feeder setting daily. Verify monthly that lime injection rate is no less than 90 percent of the rate used during the compliance demonstration test.
Fabric filter inlet temperatureContinuous measurement device to meet specifications in § 63.1510(h)(2); record temperatures in 15-minute block averages; determine and record 3-hr block averages.
Sweat furnace with afterburnerAfterburner operating temperatureContinuous measurement device to meet specifications in § 63.1510(g)(1); record temperatures in 15-minute block averages; determine and record 3-hr block averages.
Afterburner operationAnnual inspection of afterburner internal parts; complete repairs in accordance with the OM&M plan.
Dross-only furnace with fabric filterBag leak detector orInstall and operate in accordance with manufacturer's operating instructions.
COMDesign and install in accordance with PS-1; collect data in accordance with subpart A of 40 CFR part 63; determine and record 6-minute block averages.
Feed/charge materialRecord identity of each feed/charge; certify charge materials every 6 months.
Rotary dross cooler with fabric filterBag leak detector orInstall and operate in accordance with manufacturer's operating instructions.
COMDesign and install in accordance with PS-1; collect data in accordance with subpart A of 40 CFR part 63; determine and record 6-minute block averages.
In-line fluxer with lime-injected fabric filterBag leak detector orInstall and operate in accordance with manufacturer's operating instructions.
COMDesign and install in accordance with PS-1; collect data in accordance with subpart A of 40 CFR part 63; determine and record 6-minute block averages.
Reactive flux injection rateWeight measurement device accuracy of ±1%; b calibrate according to manufacturer's specifications or at least once every 6 months; record time, weight and type of reactive flux added or injected for each 15-minute block period while reactive fluxing occurs; calculate and record total reactive chlorine flux injection rate and the total reactive fluorine flux injection rate for each operating cycle or time period used in performance test; or Alternative flux injection rate determination procedure per § 63.1510(j)(5). For solid flux added intermittently, record the amount added for each operating cycle or time period used in the performance test.
In-line fluxer using no reactive fluxFlux materialsRecord flux materials; certify every 6 months for no reactive flux.
Group 1 furnace with lime-injected fabric filterBag leak detector orInstall and operate in accordance with manufacturer's operating instructions.
COMDesign and install in accordance with PS-1; collect data in accordance with subpart A of 40 part CFR 63; determine and record 6-minute block averages.
Lime injection rateFor continuous injection systems, record feeder setting daily and inspect each feed hopper or silo every 8 hours to verify that lime is free-flowing; record results of each inspection. If blockage occurs, inspect every 4 hours for 3 days; return to 8-hour inspections if corrective action results in no further blockage during 3-day period. c Verify monthly that the lime injection rate is no less than 90 percent of the rate used during the compliance demonstration test.
Reactive flux injection rateWeight measurement device accuracy of ±1%; b calibrate every 3 months; record weight and type of reactive flux added or injected for each 15-minute block period while reactive fluxing occurs; calculate and record total reactive chlorine flux injection rate and the total reactive fluorine flux injection rate for each operating cycle or time period used in performance test; or Alternative flux injection rate determination procedure per § 63.1510(j)(5). For solid flux added intermittently, record the amount added for each operating cycle or time period used in the performance test.
Group 1 furnace without add-on controlsFluxing in sidewell furnace hearthMaintain flux addition operating log; certify every 6 months.
Reactive flux injection rateWeight measurement device accuracy of +1%; b calibrate according to manufacturer's specifications or at least once every six months; record weight and type of reactive flux added or injected for each 15-minute block period while reactive fluxing occurs; calculate and record total reactive flux injection rate for each operating cycle or time period used in performance test. For solid flux added intermittently, record the amount added for each operating cycle or time period used in the performance test.
OM&M plan (approved by permitting agency)Demonstration of site-specific monitoring procedures to provide data and show correlation of emissions across the range of charge and flux materials and furnace operating parameters.
Feed material (melting/holding furnace)Record type of permissible feed/charge material; certify charge materials every 6 months.
Clean (group 2) furnaceCharge and flux materialsRecord charge and flux materials; certify every 6 months for clean charge and no reactive flux.

a Thermal chip dryers, scrap dryers/delacquering kilns/decoating kilns, dross-only furnaces, in-line fluxers and group 1 furnaces or melting/holding furnaces.

b Permitting agency may approve measurement devices of alternative accuracy, for example in cases where flux rates are very low and costs of meters of specified accuracy are prohibitive; or where feed/charge weighing devices of specified accuracy are not practicable due to equipment layout or charging practices.

c Permitting authority for major sources, or the Administrator for area sources may approve other alternatives including load cells for lime hopper weight, sensors for carrier gas pressure, or HCl monitoring devices at fabric filter outlet.

d The frequency of volumetric flow rate measurements may be decreased to once every 5 years if daily differential pressure measures, daily fan RPM, or daily fan motor amp measurements are made in accordance with § 63.1510(d)(2)(ii)-(iii). The frequency of annual verification of a permanent total enclosure may be decreased to once every 5 years if negative pressure measurements in the enclosure are made daily in accordance with § 63.1510(d)(2)(iv). In lieu of volumetric flow rate measurements or verification of permanent total enclosure, sweat furnaces may demonstrate annually negative air flow into the sweat furnace opening in accordance with § 63.1510(d)(3).

e Incorporated by reference, see § 63.14.

[65 FR 15710, Mar. 23, 2000, as amended at 69 FR 53985, Sept. 3, 2004; 80 FR 56758, Sept. 18, 2015; 81 FR 38092, June 13, 2016]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.