Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
Appendix - Table 6 to Subpart UUUU of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With Operating Limits

As required in § 63.5555(a), you must demonstrate continuous compliance with the appropriate operating limits according to the requirements in the following table:

For the following control technique . . . for the following operating limit . . . you must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
1. condensermaintain the daily average condenser outlet gas or condensed liquid temperature no higher than the value established during the compliance demonstrationcollecting the condenser outlet gas or condensed liquid temperature data according to § 63.5545; reducing the condenser outlet gas temperature data to daily averages; and maintaining the daily average condenser outlet gas or condensed liquid temperature no higher than the value established during the compliance demonstration.
2. thermal oxidizera. for normal operations, maintain the daily average thermal oxidizer firebox temperature no lower than the value established during the compliance demonstrationcollecting the thermal oxidizer firebox temperature data according to § 63.5545; reducing the thermal oxidizer firebox temperature data to daily averages; and maintaining the daily average thermal oxidizer firebox temperature no lower than the value established during the compliance demonstration.
b. for periods of startup, maintain documentation demonstrating that the oxidizer was properly operating (e.g., firebox temperature had reached the setpoint temperature) prior to emission unit startup.collecting the appropriate, site-specific data needed to demonstrate that the oxidizer was properly operating prior to emission unit start up; and excluding firebox temperature from the daily averages during emission unit startup.
3. water scrubbera. for periods of normal operation, maintain the daily average scrubber pressure drop and scrubber liquid flow rate within the range of values established during the compliance demonstrationcollecting the scrubber pressure drop and scrubber liquid flow rate data according to § 63.5545; reducing the scrubber parameter data to daily averages; and maintaining the daily scrubber parameter values within the range of values established during the compliance demonstration.
b. for periods of startup and shutdown, maintain documentation to confirm that the scrubber is operating properly prior to emission unit startup and continues to operate properly until emission unit shutdown is complete. Appropriate startup and shutdown operating parameters may be based on equipment design, manufacturer's recommendations, or other site-specific operating values established for normal operating periods.collecting the appropriate, site-specific data needed to demonstrate that the scrubber was operating properly during emission unit startup and emission unit shutdown; and excluding parameters from the daily average calculations.
4. caustic scrubbera. for periods of normal operation, maintain the daily average scrubber pressure drop, scrubber liquid flow rate, and scrubber liquid pH, conductivity, or alkalinity within the range of values established during the compliance demonstrationcollecting the scrubber pressure drop, scrubber liquid flow rate, and scrubber liquid pH, conductivity, or alkalinity data according to § 63.5545; reducing the scrubber parameter data to daily averages; and maintaining the daily scrubber parameter values within the range of values established during the compliance demonstration.
b. for periods of startup and shutdown, maintain documentation to confirm that the scrubber is operating properly prior to emission unit startup and continues to operate properly until emission unit shutdown is complete. Appropriate startup and shutdown operating parameters may be based on equipment design, manufacturer's recommendations, or other site-specific operating values established for normal operating periods.collecting the appropriate, site-specific data needed to demonstrate that the scrubber was operating properly during emission unit startup and emission unit shutdown; and excluding parameters from the daily average calculations.
5. flaremaintain the presence of a pilot flamecollecting the pilot flame data according to § 63.5545; and maintaining the presence of the pilot flame.
6. biofiltermaintain the daily average biofilter inlet gas temperature, biofilter effluent pH or conductivity, and pressure drop within the values established during the compliance demonstrationcollecting the biofilter inlet gas temperature, biofilter effluent pH or conductivity, and biofilter pressure drop data according to § 63.5545; reducing the biofilter parameter data to daily averages; and maintaining the daily biofilter parameter values within the values established during the compliance demonstration.
7. carbon absorbermaintain the regeneration frequency, total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow during carbon bed regeneration and temperature of the carbon bed after regeneration (and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle(s)) for each regeneration cycle within the values established during the compliance demonstrationcollecting the data on regeneration frequency, total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow during carbon bed regeneration and temperature of the carbon bed after regeneration (and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle(s)) for each regeneration cycle according to § 63.5545; and maintaining carbon absorber parameter values for each regeneration cycle within the values established during the compliance demonstration.
8. oil absorbermaintain the daily average absorption liquid flow, absorption liquid temperature, and steam flow within the values established during the compliance demonstrationcollecting the absorption liquid flow, absorption liquid temperature, and steam flow data according to § 63.5545; reducing the oil absorber parameter data to daily averages; and maintaining the daily oil absorber parameter values within the values established during the compliance demonstration.
9. any of the control techniques specified in this tableif using a CEMS, maintain the daily average control efficiency for each control device no lower than the value established during the compliance demonstrationcollecting CEMS emissions data at the inlet and outlet of each control device according to § 63.5545; determining the control efficiency values for each control device using the inlet and outlet CEMS emissions data; reducing the control efficiency values for each control device to daily averages; and maintaining the daily average control efficiency for each control device no lower than the value established during the compliance demonstration.
[85 FR 40014, July 2, 2020]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.