Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
Appendix - Table 23 to Subpart UUU of Part 63—Operating Limits for Inorganic HAP Emission Limitations for Catalytic Reforming Units

As stated in § 63.1567(a)(2), you shall meet each operating limit in the following table that applies to you.

For each applicable process vent for a new or existing catalytic reforming unit with this type of control device . . . You shall meet this operating limit during coke burn-off and catalyst rejuvenation . . .
1. Wet scrubberThe daily average pH or alkalinity of the water (or scrubbing liquid) exiting the scrubber must not fall below the limit established during the performance test; and the daily average liquid-to-gas ratio must not fall below the limit established during the performance test.
2. Internal scrubbing system or no control device (e.g., hot regen system) meeting outlet HCl concentration limit.The daily average HCl concentration in the catalyst regenerator exhaust gas must not exceed the limit established during the performance test.
3. Internal scrubbing system meeting HCl percent reduction standard.The daily average pH or alkalinity of the water (or scrubbing liquid) exiting the internal scrubbing system must not fall below the limit established during the performance test; and the daily average liquid-to-gas ratio must not fall below the limit established during the performance test.
4. Fixed-bed gas-solid adsorption systemThe daily average temperature of the gas entering or exiting the adsorption system must not exceed the limit established during the performance test; and the HCl concentration in the adsorption system exhaust gas must not exceed the limit established during the performance test.
5. Moving-bed gas-solid adsorption system (e.g., Chlorsorb TM System).The daily average temperature of the gas entering or exiting the adsorption system must not exceed the limit established during the performance test; and the weekly average chloride level on the sorbent entering the adsorption system must not exceed the design or manufacturer's recommended limit (1.35 weight percent for the Chlorsorb TM System); and the weekly average chloride level on the sorbent leaving the adsorption system must not exceed the design or manufacturer's recommended limit (1.8 weight percent for the Chlorsorb TM System).
[70 FR 6955, Feb. 9, 2005]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.