Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
Appendix - Table 3 to Subpart WWWW of Part 63—Organic HAP Emissions Limits for Existing Open Molding Sources, New Open Molding Sources Emitting Less Than 100 TPY of HAP, and New and Existing Centrifugal Casting and Continuous Lamination/Casting Sources that Emit Less Than 100 TPY of HAP

As specified in § 63.5805, you must meet the following organic HAP emissions limits that apply to you:

If your operation type is . . . And you use . . . 1 Your organic HAP emissions limit is . . .
1. open molding—corrosion-resistant and/or high strength (CR/HS)a. mechanical resin application
b. filament application
c. manual resin application
113 lb/ton.
171 lb/ton.
123 lb/ton.
2. open molding—non-CR/HSa. mechanical resin application
b. filament application
c. manual resin application
88 lb/ton.
188 lb/ton.
87 lb/ton.
3. open molding—toolinga. mechanical resin application
b. manual resin application
254 lb/ton.
157 lb/ton.
4. open molding—low-flame spread/low-smoke productsa. mechanical resin application
b. filament application
c. manual resin application
497 lb/ton.
270 lb/ton.
238 lb/ton.
5. open molding—shrinkage controlled resins 2a. mechanical resin application
b. filament application
c. manual resin application
354 lb/ton.
215 lb/ton.
180 lb/ton.
6. open molding—gel coat 3a. tooling gel coating
b. white/off white pigmented gel coating
c. all other pigmented gel coating
d. CR/HS or high performance gel coat
e. fire retardant gel coat
f. clear production gel coat
440 lb/ton.
267 lb/ton.
377 lb/ton.
605 lb/ton.
854 lb/ton.
522 lb/ton.
7. centrifugal casting—CR/HSa. resin application with the mold closed, and the mold is vented during spinning and cure
b. resin application with the mold closed, and the mold is not vented during spinning and cure
c. resin application with the mold open, and the mold is vented during spinning and cure
d. resin application with the mold open, and the mold is not vented during spinning and cure
25 lb/ton. 4
NA—this is considered to be a closed molding operation.
25 lb/ton. 4
Use the appropriate open molding emission limit. 5
8. centrifugal casting—non-CR/HSa. resin application with the mold closed, and the mold is vented during spinning and cure
b. resin application with the mold closed, and mold is not vented during the spinning and cure
c. resin application with the mold open, and the mold is vented during spinning and cure
d. resin application with the mold open, and the mold is not vented during spinning and cure
20 lb/ton. 4
NA—this is considered to be a closed molding operation.
20 lb/ton. 4
Use the appropriate open molding emission limit. 5
9. pultrusion 6N/Areduce total organic HAP emissions by at least 60 weight percent.
10. continuous lamination/castingN/Areduce total organic HAP emissions by at least 58.5 weight percent or not exceed an organic HAP emissions limit of 15.7 lbs of organic HAP per ton of neat resin plus and neat gel coat plus.

1 Organic HAP emissions limits for open molding and centrifugal casting are expressed as lb/ton. You must be at or below these values based on a 12-month rolling average.

2 This emission limit applies regardless of whether the shrinkage controlled resin is used as a production resin or a tooling resin.

3 If you only apply gel coat with manual application, for compliance purposes treat the gel coat as if it were applied using atomized spray guns to determine both emission limits and emission factors. If you use multiple application methods and any portion of a specific gel coat is applied using nonatomized spray, you may use the nonatomized spray gel coat equation to calculate an emission factor for the manually applied portion of that gel coat. Otherwise, use the atomized spray gel coat application equation to calculate emission factors.

4 For compliance purposes, calculate your emission factor using only the appropriate centrifugal casting equation in item 2 of Table 1 to this subpart, or a site specific emission factor for after the mold is closed as discussed in § 63.5796.

5 Calculate your emission factor using the appropriate open molding covered cure emission factor in item 1 of Table 1 to this subpart, or a site specific emission factor as discussed in § 63.5796.

6 Pultrusion machines that produce parts that meet the following criteria: 1,000 or more reinforcements or the glass equivalent of 1,000 ends of 113 yield roving or more; and have a cross sectional area of 60 square inches or more are not subject to this requirement. Their requirement is the work practice of air flow management which is described in Table 4 to this subpart.

[70 FR 50131, Aug. 25, 2005]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.