Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
Appendix - Table 8 to Subpart WWWW of Part 63—Initial Compliance With Organic HAP Emissions Limits

As specified in § 63.5860(a), you must demonstrate initial compliance with organic HAP emissions limits as specified in the following table:

For . . . That must meet the following organic HAP emissions limit . . . You have demonstrated initial compliance
if . . .
1. open molding and centrifugal casting operationsa. an organic HAP emissions limit shown in Tables 3 or 5 to this subpart, or an organic HAP content limit shown in Table 7 to this subparti. you have met the appropriate organic HAP emissions limits for these operations as calculated using the procedures in § 63.5810 on a 12-month rolling average 1 year after the appropriate compliance date, and/or
ii. you demonstrate that any individual resins or gel coats not included in (i) above, as applied, meet their applicable emission limits, or
iii. you demonstrate using the appropriate values in Table 7 to this subpart that the weighted average of all resins and gel coats for each resin type and application method meet the appropriate organic HAP contents.
2. open molding centrifugal casting, continuous lamination/casting, SMC and BMC manufacturing, and mixing operationsa. reduce total organic HAP emissions by at least 95 percent by weighttotal organic HAP emissions, based on the results of the capture efficiency and destruction efficiency testing specified in Table 6 to this subpart, are reduced by at least 95 percent by weight.
3. continuous lamination/casting operationsa. reduce total organic HAP emissions, by at least 58.5 weight percent, ortotal organic HAP emissions, based on the results of the capture efficiency and destruction efficiency in Table 6 to this subpart and the calculation procedures specified in §§ 63.5865 through 63.5890, are reduced by at least 58.5 percent by weight.
b. not exceed an organic HAP emissions limit of 15.7 lbs of organic HAP per ton of neat resin plus and neat gel coat plustotal organic HAP emissions, based on the results of the capture efficiency and destruction efficiency testing specified in Table 6 to this subpart and the calculation procedures specified in §§ 63.5865 through 63.5890, do not exceed 15.7 lbs of organic HAP per ton of neat resin plus and neat gel coat plus.
4. continuous lamination/casting operationsa. reduce total organic HAP emissions by at least 95 weight percent ortotal organic HAP emissions, based on the results of the capture efficiency and destruction efficiency testing specified in Table 6 to this subpart and the calculation procedures specified in §§ 63.5865 through 63.5890, are reduced by at least 95 percent by weight
b. not exceed an organic HAP emissions limit of 1.47 lbs of organic HAP per ton of neat resin plus and neat gel coat plustotal organic HAP emissions, based on the results of the capture efficiency and destruction efficiency testing specified in Table 6 and the calculation procedures specified in §§ 63.5865 through 63.5890, do not exceed 1.47 lbs of organic HAP of per ton of neat resin plus and neat gel coat plus.
5. pultrusion operationsa. reduce total organic HAP emissions by at least 60 percent by weighti. total organic HAP emissions, based on the results of the capture efficiency and add-on control device destruction efficiency testing specified in Table 6 to this subpart, are reduced by at least 60 percent by weight, and/or
ii. as part of the notification of initial compliance status, the owner/operator submits a certified statement that all pultrusion lines not controlled with an add-on control device, but for which an emission reduction is being claimed, are using direct die injection, and/or wet-area enclosures that meet the criteria of § 63.5830.
6. pultrusion operationsa. reduce total organic HAP emissions by at least 95 percent by weighti. total organic HAP emissions, based on the results of the capture efficiency and add-on control device destruction efficiency testing specified in Table 6 to this subpart, are reduced by at least 95 percent by weight.
[70 FR 50134, Aug. 25, 2005]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.