As stated in § 63.6009(b) you must comply with the operating limits for rubber processing affected sources in the following table:
For each . . .
| You must . . .
1. For each rubber processing mixer | a. Inspect each emission capture system or enclosure and closed vent system at least once each calendar year to ensure that each system or enclosure vents captured emissions through a closed system, except that dilution air may be added to emission streams for the purpose of controlling temperature at the inlet to a fabric filter. You must record the results of each inspection.
2. Each mixer equipped with a fabric filter | a. Maintain and operate the fabric filter such that the BLDS detector alarm condition does not exist for more than 5 percent of the total operating time in a 6-month period; and comply with the requirements in § 63.6012(c). Standard operating procedures must be incorporated into the monitoring plan required by § 63.5990(e). |
[89 FR 94918, Nov. 29, 2024]