As stated in § 63.6018(e), you must maintain minimum data to show continuous compliance with the emission limitations for rubber processing affected sources according to the following table:
For . . .
| You must maintain . . .
1. Rubber processing affected sources using an emission capture system or enclosure to capture emissions and performing the inspections specified in table 16 to this subpart | a. Records of the annual inspections of the enclosure and closed vent system specified in table 16 to this subpart.
2. Rubber processing affected sources using a continuous emissions monitoring system to comply with the THC limits in table 15 to this subpart | a. Records of each THC concentration measurement and each inspection, calibration, and validation check.
b. Records of each flow rate measurement.
3. Rubber processing affected sources subject to the THC emission limit in table 15 to this subpart | a. Records of daily mass of mixed rubber compound processed for each mixer, in megagrams per day.
b. Records of each calculated 15-day rolling average THC emission rate, in grams THC per Mg rubber processed for each mixer separately or for all mixers combined and complying with the facility-wide emission limit.
4. Rubber processing affected sources subject to the fPM or metal HAP emission limits in table 15 to this subpart | a. Records of applicable periodic fPM or metal HAP performance tests.
b. Records of mass of mixed rubber compound processed during the periodic fPM or metal HAP performance test.
c. Records of the calculated fPM or metal HAP emission rate, in grams fPM or metal HAP per Mg rubber processed for each mixer separately or for all mixers combined and complying with the facility-wide emission limit.
| d. Records of each inspection, calibration, and validation check of the bag leak detection system.
e. Records of each bag leak detection system alarm, the amount of time taken to initiate corrective action after the alarm, and the response and corrective action taken. |
[89 FR 94918, Nov. 29, 2024]