Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 13, 2025
Appendix - Table 4 to Subpart FFFFF of Part 63— Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart FFFFF

As required in § 63.7850, you must comply with the requirements of the NESHAP General Provisions (subpart A of this part) shown in the following table:

Citation Subject Applies to subpart FFFFF Explanation
§ 63.1ApplicabilityYes
§ 63.2DefinitionsYes
§ 63.3Units and AbbreviationsYes
§ 63.4Prohibited ActivitiesYes
§ 63.5Construction/ReconstructionYes
§ 63.6(a), (b), (c), (d), (e)(1)(iii), (f)(2)-(3), (g), (h)(2)(ii)-(h)(9)Compliance with Standards and Maintenance RequirementsYes
§ 63.6(e)(1)(i)General Duty to Minimize EmissionsNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafterSee § 63.7810(d) for general duty requirement.
§ 63.6(e)(1)(ii)Requirement to Correct Malfunctions ASAPNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes, on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafter
§ 63.6(e)(3)SSM Plan RequirementsNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafterSee § 63.7810(c).
§ 63.6(f)(1)Compliance except during SSMNoSee § 63.7810(a).
§ 63.6(h)(1)Compliance except during SSMNoSee § 63.7810(a).
§ 63.6(h)(2)(i)Determining Compliance with Opacity and VE StandardsNoSubpart FFFFF specifies methods and procedures for determining compliance with opacity emission and operating limits.
§ 63.6(i)Extension of Compliance with Emission StandardsYes
§ 63.6(j)Exemption from Compliance with Emission StandardsYes
§ 63.7(a)(1)-(2)Applicability and Performance Test DatesNoSubpart FFFFF and specifies performance test applicability and dates.
§ 63.7(a)(3), (b)-(d), (e)(2)-(4), (f)-(h)Performance Testing RequirementsYes
§ 63.7(e)(1)Performance TestingNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafterSee §§ 63.7822(a), 63.7823(a), and 63.7825(a).
§ 63.8(a)(1)-(3), (b), (c)(1)(ii), (c)(2)-(3), (c)(4)(i)-(ii), (c)(5)-(6), (c)(7)-(8), (d)(1)-(2), (e), (f)(1)-(5), (g)(1)-(4)Monitoring RequirementsYesCMS requirements in § 63.8(c)(4)(i)-(ii), (c)(5)-(6), (d)(1)-(2), and (e) apply only to COMS.
§ 63.8(a)(4)Additional Monitoring Requirements for Control Devices in § 63.11NoSubpart FFFFF does not require flares.
§ 63.8(c)(1)(i)General Duty to Minimize Emissions and CMS OperationNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafter
§ 63.8(c)(1)(iii)Requirement to Develop SSM Plan for CMSNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafter
§ 63.8(c)(4)Continuous Monitoring System RequirementsNoSubpart FFFFF specifies requirements for operation of CMS.
§ 63.8(d)(3)Written procedures for CMSNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafterSee § 63.7842(b)(3).
§ 63.8(f)(6)RATA AlternativeNo
§ 63.8(g)(5)Data ReductionNoSubpart FFFFF specifies data reduction requirements.
§ 63.9Notification RequirementsYesAdditional notifications for CMS in § 63.9(g) apply only to COMS.
§ 63.10(a), (b)(1), (b)(2)(x), (b)(2)(xiv), (b)(3), (c)(1)-(6), (c)(9)-(14), (d)(1)-(4), (e)(1)-(2), (e)(4), (f)Recordkeeping and Reporting RequirementsYesAdditional records for CMS in § 63.10(c)(1)-(6), (9)-(14), and reports in § 63.10(d)(1)-(2) apply only to COMS.
§ 63.10(b)(2)(i)Recordkeeping of Occurrence and Duration of Startups and ShutdownsNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafter
§ 63.10(b)(2)(ii)Recordkeeping of Failures to Meet a StandardNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafterSee § 63.7842(a)(2)-(4) for recordkeeping of (1) date, time, and duration of failure to meet the standard; (2) listing of affected source or equipment, and an estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over the standard; and (3) actions to minimize emissions and correct the failure.
§ 63.10(b)(2)(iii)Maintenance RecordsYes
§ 63.10(b)(2)(iv)Actions Taken to Minimize Emissions During SSMNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafterSee § 63.7842(a)(4) for records of actions taken to minimize emissions.
§ 63.10(b)(2)(v)Actions Taken to Minimize Emissions During SSMNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafterSee § 63.7842(a)(4) for records of actions taken to minimize emissions.
§ 63.10(b)(2)(vi)Recordkeeping for CMS MalfunctionsYes
§ 63.10(b)(2)(vii)-(ix)Other CMS RequirementsYes
§ 63.10(b)(2)(xiii)CMS Records for RATA AlternativeNo
§ 63.10(c)(7)-(8)Records of Excess Emissions and Parameter Monitoring Exceedances for CMSNoSubpart FFFFF specifies record requirements; see § 63.7842.
§ 63.10(c)(15)Use of SSM PlanNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafter
§ 63.10(d)(5)(i)Periodic SSM ReportsNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafterSee § 63.7841(b)(4) for malfunction reporting requirements.
§ 63.10(d)(5)(ii)Immediate SSM ReportsNo, for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction after August 16, 2019. For all other affected sources, Yes on or before January 11, 2021, and No thereafter
§ 63.10(e)(3)Excess Emission ReportsNoSubpart FFFFF specifies reporting requirements; see § 63.7841.
§ 63.11Control Device RequirementsNoSubpart FFFFF does not require flares.
§ 63.12State Authority and DelegationsYes
§ 63.13-§ 63.16Addresses, Incorporations by Reference, Availability of Information and Confidentiality, Performance Track ProvisionsYes
[89 FR 23329, Apr. 3, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.