Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
Appendix - Table 5 to Subpart MMMMM of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With Emission Limits and Operating Limits

As stated in § 63.8812(a), you must comply with the requirements to demonstrate continuous compliance with the applicable emission limits or operating limits in the following table:

For . . . For the following emission limits or operating limits . . . You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
1. Each new, reconstructed, or existing loop slitter affected sourceEliminate use of HAP-based adhesivesNot using HAP-based adhesives.
2. Each existing, new, or reconstructed flame lamination affected source using a scrubber a. Maintain the daily average scrubber inlet liquid flow rate above the minimum value established during the performance
b. Maintain the daily average scrubber effluent pH within the operating range established during the performance test
c. Maintain the daily average pressure drop across the venturi within the operating range established during the performance test. If you use another type of scrubber (e.g., packed bed or spray tower scrubber), monitoring pressure drop is not required
i. Collecting the scrubber inlet liquid flow rate and effluent pH monitoring data according to § 63.8804(a) through (c).
ii. Reducing the data to 1-hour and daily block averages according to the requirements in § 63.8804(a).
iii. Maintaining each daily average scrubber inlet liquid flow rate above the minimum value established during the performance test.
iv. Maintaining the daily average scrubber effluent pH within the operating range established during the performance test.
v. If you use a venturi scrubber, maintaining the daily average pressure drop across the venturi within the operating range established during the performance test.
3. Each existing, new, or reconstructed flame lamination affected source using any other control device a. Maintain the daily average operating parameters above the minimum value established during the performance test, or within the range established during the performance test, as applicablei. Collected the operating parameter data according to the site-specific test plan.
ii. Reducing the data to one-hour averages according to the requirements in § 63.8804(a).
iii. Maintaining the daily average during the rate above the minimum value established during the performance test, or within the range established during the performance test, as applicable.
[68 FR 18070, Apr. 14, 2003, as amended at 86 FR 64403, Nov. 18, 2021]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.